WWW.MILWAUKEELABOR.ORG MILWAUKEE AREA LABOR COUNCIL, AFL-CIO Vol. 68, No. 12 Thursday, December 18, 2008 Holiday Edition Growing into green here was green in the bro- nesses money. chures - and we're not Future’s true If green talk seems every- Ttalking about the ink. color emerges where, so do the skeptics of There were green discussions green. If COSH revealed any- even around the self-defense from COSH here thing, several speakers noted, it workshops being taken by and Obama D.C. was how short-sighted business- women who feel threatened on Milwaukee, there was a new es and governments could be the job. awareness and fresh information about dismissing steps toward There were, in fact, green on green chemistry, green jobs green as "spending" when they discussions before and during and the need for green-conscious were really about "investing" in almost every session, conference communities. the future. talk and lunch break when But it was not just the warn- • But the D.C. conference COSH - the network of volun- ing alerts about the 287 chemi- Feb. 4-6 intends to demand con- teers and grant experts on occu- cals that bad processes are text - and recognizes that the pational safety and health - held dumping in your baby's body United States has to do the its yearly national conference (outlined by a California COSH). investment now. Nov. 12-15 at Milwaukee's It was not just the environmental his is the central national Wyndham Hotel. hazards ignored by too many forum that cuts through There may be snow in D.C., health providers (from the New Tpie-in-the-sky and out- but two weeks after the inaugu- Jersey environmental council). lines just where green can be sal- Back in 1990, Greg Gracz, now Milwaukee County’s labor negotia- ration the entire city will turn It was not just, as WisCOSH vation for jobs, the economy and tor, was the last fire fighter to serve on the Milwaukee labor coun- green. That's for a major confer- leader Jim Schultz reported to perhaps the planet - and just cil board. Dec. 4 at AFSCME 48’s holiday party, he coincidentally ence of public officials, business- the Milwaukee Area Labor where it is a door-opener to other ran into an old colleague now the new president of Local 215, es and union leaders setting out Council, how impressed the visi- needs and initiatives. Bobbie Webber (right), who had just announced a re-affiliation. practical steps and inspiring tors were with all the work on This gathering, which delib- See story on Page 15. More guests at the party on Pages 22-23 . visions about how to protect the safety and health that unions in erately occurs just after the new globe with green and lift our Milwaukee are doing. president takes office, has drawn economy out of its horrible grays It was also about the jobs a celebrity lineup of public and red ink. available right now, and the speakers. Also intentionally, the Circle the country with us funding sources that need to be Good Jobs, Green Jobs National on this green explosion. tapped, to make for a safer world Conference - centered at the • At the COSH meeting in and actually make or save busi- Green continued Page 9 Bashing UAW before saving it -- Why? By Dominique Paul Noth white collar blue collar double that brought us this mess. Labor Press Editor standard," Frank said, recalling On the one hand, Dionne ula Connell, a noted edi- how quickly Congress gave four says, the bridge loan "would tor with the AFL-CIO, times the money sought to one have no chance of passing with- Tposed the question in a insurance company, AIG. "They out the muscle of the Big Three's column: "Why is handing out want bankruptcy only to bust the unionized work force. Yet you billions of dollars in taxpayer union." can't turn around without hearing funds OK if the recipients are Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio someone trash autoworkers for senses the same amid the worst the terrible crime of trying to With Milwaukee Rep. Barbara Toles smoothing the way, Janesville’s Wall Street corporations but not economic meltdown since the earn a decent living." Mike Sheridan (right), a former UAW leader now speaker-elect of OK if they are Midwest auto- Great Depression. He sees fed- ohn Nichols, the Capital the Assembly, has been touring Milwaukee and speaking to lead- makers?" eral money available quickly for Times associate editor and ers here to understand the city’s legislative needs. See Page 12 And then she provided the answer - because these "auto- "workers who shower before JNation columnist, has a long makers are unionized." they go to work, but not for accurate memory: "It was the She's hardly alone in that workers who have to shower UAW that, three decades ago, view. after work." upbraided Detroit for failing to Rep. Barney Frank, chair- Washington Post columnist design and produce small fuel- man of the House Financial E. J. Dionne sees this "paradox" efficient vehicles as a response Services Committee, which is at the heart of Congress' to rising oil prices and mounting shepherding the rescue plans, is response to a bridge loan for the foreign competition." known for an acid wit as well as Big Three, while wondering why Added Nichols, "To a far economic insight ("Obama says we expected anything else from UAW continued Page 18 we can only have one president the administration and old Senate at a time; I fear he overstates the number of presidents we have"). But he is flat scornful of his GOP colleagues and accuses them of engaging in class war- Secretary-Treasurer Sheila Cochran was among the workforce fare and union animus when it leaders addressing a roomful of business and labor people at comes to Detroit. the HIRE Center open house. See story on Page 14. "It's very troubling, this Page 2 — AFL-CIO Milwaukee Labor Press, Thursday, December 18, 2008 Milwaukee makes United Way look good he politicians sure lined did galvanize their own work- paign, had actually predicted Just before the United Way up the platitudes this year places and treasury giving and this, that Milwaukeeans had community campaign came to Tand how we wanted to they listened to range of speak- always showed "this ability to a successful close, the AFL- believe it about America: ers and pleas to fight step up when the needs are CIO Community Services staff When times are tough, peo- skepticism,which was thick in greatest." Sullivan's steelworkers served cake (left), food, DJ ple pull together. the air -- and certainly thicker also brought the message home. dance music (below) and In America, you can count than the safety nets that govern- The now 1,500 workers in all thank- you to the LEs. These on the community to rise up and ment was snipping large holes in departments of Bucyrus doubled are the Loaned Executives help fellow citizens. because it didn't have the money their contributions in two years. companies give to United Way The harder the moment, the to do anything else. Northwestern Mutual, the to talk to workforces and raise more we get going. s this really the time to raise newspapers reported - a compa- the much needed money. It People reach down and find the goal to meet the larger ny whose clerical work contracts was a success made more a way to help even when they Ineeds? Really the time to are negotiated by OPEIU on the notable by the hard times are deeply troubled. count on good neighbors? behalf of both union and pre- Milwaukee has been enduring. This belief in American has It was particularly a concern dominantly non-union workers - been sorely tested over the last for United Way because, while generated more than $3 million few months - and tested hour by the big donors are gratefully this year, the only company in hour since. welcome and get the headlines, that category thanks to both The worst financial crisis it has always been the little workers and executive gifts. since the Great Depression. folks, the people who don't bring City of Milwaukee employ- Half a million jobs gone in a enough home for their own fam- ees upped their giving by 9% month. ilies yet find a way to squeeze even as the workforce took a Multiple credit cards but no out dollars for their even more cut. credit and higher fees for the desperate neighbors, who have Harley-Davidson had its families. driven the quality and fund-rais- largest dollar increase in any Bigger injuries on the hori- ing of Milwaukee's successful campaign, a half million in new zon. Help slow in coming, United Way. They are the bulk money thanks to both museum maybe a bit better than Katrina and the heart of the givers. specials and a motorcycle give- but still too darn slow. Could they really do it away promotion. Children hungry. The elder- again? he worksite giving ly left without care - and who They did. December 4, Unit- efforts, many aided by the cares? ed Way announced it had even AFL-CIO Community T union treasury gifts surpassed a little - and this year gave a lit- ast September, when topped its $44 million goal by Services staff -- which held ral- last year, with final results still tle more - out of each paycheck, United Way said it was $213,310, a remarkable two- lies and parties throughout the coming in.
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