City of Dallas Five‐Year Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) FY 2021 ‐ FY 2025 November 2020 Infrastructure Management Program November 2020 City of Dallas Five‐Year Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) FY 2021 ‐ FY 2025 Table of Contents Execuve Summary ......................................................................................................................... Pg. 05 Equity Priority Zones ........................................................................................................................ Pg. 08 Street Maintenance ......................................................................................................................... Pg. 09 Sidewalk Maintenance .................................................................................................................... Pg. 16 Alley Maintenance ........................................................................................................................... Pg. 17 Bridge Maintenance ........................................................................................................................ Pg. 20 Appendix A ‐ Resource Page ............................................................................................................ Pg. 25 Appendix B Street Lisng ................................................................................................................ Pg. 27 Appendix C ‐ Sidewalk Lisng .......................................................................................................... Pg. 113 Appendix D ‐ Improved Alley Lisng ................................................................................................ Pg. 117 Appendix E ‐ Unimproved Alley Lisng ............................................................................................. Pg. 133 Cover Photo Credit: Photo by Gabriel Tovar on Unsplash—hps://unsplash.com/@gabrielrana Infrastructure Management Program Page 3 of 148 November 2020 Page 4 of 148 City of Dallas Five‐Year Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) FY 2021 ‐ FY 2025 Execuve Summary The FY 2021 Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) is the third annual report by the Department of Public Works. In this installment we will summarize changes to the Pavement Management process as well as accomplishments, future planning and budgets for streets, sidewalks, alleys, bridges, and pavement markings. Program Budgets The IMP program budgets for major Public Works assets, streets, sidewalks, alleys and bridges. Table 1 below shows the five‐year IMP’s proposed budgets by strategic infrastructure area for maintenance work. The Alley and Sidewalk secons of this report discuss funding opons that will be recommended by Public Works for the FY 2022 budget process. Table 1 ‐ Proposed Five‐Year IMP Maintenance Program Budgets Program FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 FY 25 Total Streets $61.2M $61.7M $61.7M $61.7M $61.7M $308.1M Bridge $1.0M $1.0M $1.0M $1.0M $1.0M $5.0M Sidewalks* $10.7M $4.5M $2.2M $2.2M $2.2M $21.8M Alleys ‐ Unimproved $1.6M $1.6M $1.6M $1.6M $1.6M $8.0M Alleys ‐ Improved $0.0M $2.0M $2.0M $2.0M $2.0M $8.0M Total $74.5M $70.8M $68.5M $68.5M $68.5M $350.9M Note: Greyed out boxes are subject to annual appropriaons through the annual budget process. Street Maintenance FY 2021 Investment: $124.4 M (Bond and IMP Funds) Fiscal Year 21 will see Public Works make an investment of $124.4M throughout the city. The investment will come from both bond and general fund dollars. Bond reconstruction projects will account for $12.7M and 12.3 lane miles while resurfacing bond projects will account for $21.1M and 67.0 lane miles of the total programed lane miles. From this year forward, the IMP will be tracking bond projects including Complete Streets, Public/Private Partnership, Street Petitions, and Thoroughfares in addition to Reconstruction and Resurfacing projects. These projects are included in the makeup of the lane miles that are tracked in the City’s Performance Measures and, to ensure continuity between the two reporting mechanisms, they will be tracked in the IMP. IMPs from previous years tracked only resurfacing and Reconstruction projects in the Bond Program. Table 2 ‐ Planned IMP Street Projects Acvity ‐ FY 21‐25 Funding FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 Total Source Bonds ‐ Reconstrucon $12.7M $23.9M $41.8M $25.0M $25.0M $128.4M Bonds Resurfacing $21.1M $21.1M $25.0M $25.0M $25.0M $117.2M Bonds ‐ Misc. $29.4M $42.3M $46.7M $0.0M $0.0M $118.4M Maintenance $61.2M $61.7M $61.7M $61.7M $61.7M $308.1M Total $124.4M $149.0M $175.3M $111.7M $111.7M $672.2M Infrastructure Management Program Page 5 of 148 November 2020 City of Dallas Five‐Year Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) FY 2021 ‐ FY 2025 Execuve Summary Street Maintenance (conƟnued) Pavement Condion Index (PCI) Rang Each street segment in the City’s inventory has a Pavement Condion Index (PCI) Rang of 0‐100 (“0” being a completely failed street and “100” being a brand new street). The Average PCI increased from FY 20 to 21 by 0.3 points. The increase in the Average PCI is discussed in more detail on page 11 of this report. PCI Data Collecon The City of Dallas has a con‐ tract with a pavement as‐ sessment consultant who has recorded pavement dis‐ tresses to determine the PCI for our streets. In No‐ vember 2019 the consultant gathered data in the north‐ west quarter the city. In the spring of 2020 the con‐ sultant completed the re‐ maining three‐quarters of the City streets to have the data available for the next ancipated bond program. Pavement Management Strategy and Project Selecon City staff began working with a Pavement Management Consultant to develop an opmized paving model sophiscated enough to handle the complexies of the City of Dallas paving system. This work is separate from pavement assessment work. Needs Inventory / Future Bond Programming In FY 2020, staff worked on updang and maintaining the Needs Inventory in ancipaon of a future bond program. The Needs Inventory also updated the current scoring criteria to idenfy areas of improvement for streets, alleys and sidewalk candidates. Areas of Equity Priorizaon were developed and are discussed fur‐ ther on page 6. Sidewalk Maintenance FY 2021 Investment: $10.7M The FY 2021‐2025 IMP connues to complete projects from the IMP 5‐year program. In FY 21 , we anci‐ pate beginning the projects listed as well as developing a Sidewalk Masterplan to compliment the ongoing ADA Transion Plan. Alley Maintenance FY 2021 Investment: $1.6M In FY 2020, Public Works connued with the second year of Unimproved Alley projects throughout the city. A total of 100 alleys accounng for 11.86 alley miles have been completed as part of this program. In FY 21 the IMP would account for 102 projects and 11 miles of unimproved alleys. Infrastructure Management Program Page 6 of 148 November 2020 City of Dallas Five‐Year Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) FY 2021 ‐ FY 2025 Execuve Summary Bridge Maintenance FY 2021 Investment: $1.0M FY 2020 marks the first year that a standalone Bridge Maintenance Fund was idenfied. The bridge funds were primarily used on bridge repairs. Remaining funds have been used to hire a consultant who will provide a planned approach to future bridge repairs as well as design plans and specificaons for bridges needing minor repairs. FY 2021‐2025 IMP Community Resources Aside from this document, other data such as maps of projects managed by other departments and pave‐ ment condion index rangs can be found on the City of Dallas’ Public Works webpage at hps:// dallascityhall.com/departments/public‐works/Pages/default.aspx. Acknowledgement Lastly, a special word of thanks goes to the Public Works teams of Pavement Management, Financial Ser‐ vices and Fleet, Street Operaons, Service Maintenance Area Administraon, and the Sidewalk and Assess‐ ment Program for the coordinaon, infrastructure condion modeling, field verificaon, project selecon, and forecasng of funds that went into the development of this IMP. Thanks are also extended to the Sani‐ taon and Transportaon Departments for their efforts in coordinang these projects. Infrastructure Management Program Page 7 of 148 November 2020 City of Dallas Five‐Year Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) FY 2021 ‐ FY 2025 Equity Priority Zones The Department of Public Works developed criteria specific to the streets and alley selecon process for future bond programs with an emphasis on areas of historic underulizaon. These indicators were used as part of the FY 21 maintenance program for the funding that was required to be spent in areas of historic underulizaon. The following is a summary of the factors that went into developing the Equity Priority Zone areas: 1. Market Value Analysis (MVA) categories G, H & I, median sales prices of homes ranging from $91,300‐$41,500 as developed by the Department of Planning and Urban Design. 2. Dallas Policy Map ‐ Predominant Minority Race or Ethnic Groups greater than or equal to 50%. 3. HUD’s Qualified Census Tract for Low Income Areas 4. Social Vulnerability Index (All Themes) greater than or equal to 0.5. The SVI is an index developed by the Center for Disease Control and used to determine how vulnerable a community is aer a natural or man‐made disaster. 5. Streets in neighborhoods with no sidewalks to promote walkability The Department of Pubic Works was asked to commit 20% of the Infrastructure Fund, the DWU Transfer Fund, the Sanitaon Franchise Fee, and 100% of the Stormwater Franchise Fee funding towards projects inside the equity lens with the focus on local or neighborhood
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