Adventist Review General Organ of t'e Seve^t"-cay Aovet,t st Csrcht June 24, 1982 "All things through Christ" Page 3 Thy will be done Page 4 CRBF ministering to the handicapped Page 16 Index Page 27 "Fear churned within me as 1 learned that our oldest son was in the emergency room, having just been involved in a motorcycle accident." See "Thy Will Be Done," page 4. THIS WEEK Adventist Review MUM Published continuously since 1849 EDITOR Kenneth H. Wood ASSOCIATE EDITOR William G. Johnsson ASSISTANT EDITORS Jocelyn R. Fay, Aileen Andres Sox ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR Eugene F. Durand William Johnsson first pre- prophecy, direction; congrega- 1975-1980; Larry Lewis, cur- sented his series of editorials tion, body; and love, antifreeze. rent president. ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY "The Essence of Adventism" Atlantic Union College Bible credits: Texts credited Corinne Russ (concluding editorial, p. 12) as recently celebrated its centen- to R.S.V. are from the Revised EDITORIAL SECRETARIES a sermon at Sligo Seventh-day nial (p. 19). In this historic Standard Version of the Bible, Chitra Bamabas, Ginger Church Adventist church, Takoma photograph, taken during the copyrighted 1946, 1952 © ART Park, Maryland. Intrigued by festivities, six former college 1971, 1973. Texts credited to Director, Byron Steele his use of an automobile as a presidents pose with the current N.I. V. are from The Holy Bible: Designer, G. W. Busch symbol for the church, one president and the chairman of New International Version. CONSULTING EDITORS person took the analogy further the Centennial Commission, Copyright © 1978 by the New Neal C. Wilson, Charles E. Bradford, L. L. Bock, L. L. Butler, Charles B. Hirsch, W. and handed his list to Dr. Susan Willoughby. From left to York International Bible Soci- R. Lesher, Alf Lohne, Enoch Oliveira, G. Johnsson after the sermon. This right are Lewis N. Holm, 1948- ety. Used by permission of Ralph Thompson, Francis W. Wemick person likened God to the 1953; Lawrence M. Stump, Zondervan Bible Publishers. SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS motor; Jesus, generator; Holy 1953-1960; Robert L. Reyn- Art and photo credits: R. R. Figuhr, Robert H. Pierson, George W. Brown, G. J. Christo, W. T. Clark, Bekele Spirit, spark plugs; church, dis- olds, 1960-1968; Dr. Wil- Cover, p. 4, Marquita Halstead; Heye, R. J. Kloosterhuis, Edwin Ludescher, Kenneth J. Mittleider, K. S. tributor; doctrine, steering; con- loughby; Herbert E. Douglass, p. 6, Harry Baerg; p. 7, Lilly Parmenter, W. R. L. Scragg, Joao Wolff science, brakes; Ellen White, 1968-1970; William G. Nelson, Busch; all other photos, cour- lights; understanding, fuel; 1970-1975; R. Dale McCune, tesy of the respective authors. EDITORS, NORTH AMERICAN UNION EDITIONS Columbia, Ernest N. Wendth Southwestern, Richard W. Bendall LETTERS EASTERN AFRICA EDITION Editor, Bill Edsell Letters submitted for publication should energy crisis. Imagine the sav- through Tonga. The 120-mile- INTER-AMERICAN EDITIONS contribute ideas and comments on articles Editor, Wanda Sample or material printed in the ADVENTIST ing of energy as some 100,000 per-hour cyclone destroyed 90 Associate Editors, Simone Doleyres, REVIEW. They should be brief, not exceed- electric irons are left unplugged percent of all buildings in the French; Humberto Rasi, Raul Villanueva, ing 250 words, and must carry the writer's Spanish name, address, and telephone number since there is no longer need to Haapai group. Our church (although this number will not be printed). Letters must be legible, preferably typewrit- drag out the iron and burn the rushed aid—tents, blankets, SOUTH AMERICAN EDITIONS ten, and doublespaced. All will be edited to Editor, R. S. Lessa, Portuguese meet space and literary requirements, but magazine in an attempt to find and clothing—from Australia. Acting Editor, Rubem M. Scheffel, Porta- the author's meaning will not be changed. out what the editor considers Our church building at Pangai Views expressed in the letters do not rditesoer, Jose Tabuenca, Spanish necessarily represent those of the editors or important enough to put on the was the only church left stand- of the denomination. cover. You are making prog- ing. Many found shelter there. CIRCULATION ress. More power to you! Thousands lost their houses. Manager, Robert S. Smith H. M. S. Richards, Sr. Associate Manager, E. W. Moore M. E. LOEWEN Our people are all safe, but they Field Representative, Ron D. Spear Advertising and Marketing, Edmund M. Thank you, thank you for the Silver Spring, Maryland experienced the same loss of Peterson marvelous interview with H. M. houses and goods. I personally TO CONTRIBUTORS S. Richards, Sr. ("The Cross Tongan pastor writes lost my library, including 120 Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome, but and the Cloud," June 3). What Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy notification as to acceptance or rejection I wish to tell you something may be expected only if accompanied by a a strong testimony this man about our work in the Friendly books. But we are happy to see stamped, self-addressed envelope. bears! ALAN FORQUER Islands. Recently we completed many precious souls accept the Martinsburg, West Virginia Lord in baptism. An index is published in the last Review of an evangelistic campaign at June and December. The Adventist Review PALU FUATAPU is indexed in the Seventh-day Adventist Pangai, Haapai. We presented Periodical Index. Solving the energy crisis 305 Bibles and Spirit of Proph- Evangelist You certainly deserve a ecy books to the faithful and Pangai, Haapai The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119) is published every Thursday. Copyright © heartfelt thank-you and sincere regular attendees. Now we are • Pastor Fuatapu's name 1982 Review and Herald Publishing Associ- ation, 6856 Eastern Avenue NW., Takoma congratulations for your posi- doing follow-up work and appears in the Literature Park, Washington, D.C. 20012, U.S.A. tive response to suggestions holding baptismal classes. It is Requests column. Those who Second-class postage paid at Washington, D.C. Subscriptions: one year, US$28.95. regarding placement of the good to see precious souls drink wish to do so can help replace Single copy, 90 cents U.S. currency. Prices address label. from the Water of Life here in the library books that are so subject to change without notice. The ADVENTIST REVIEW has the South Pacific. valuable to him in his work in Vol. 159, No. 25. contributed to solving the But Cyclone Isaac swept Tonga. 2 (586) ADVENTIST REVIEW, JUNE 24. 1982 EDITOR'S VIEWPOINT daily growth, courage for multi- by faith Christ's death on the cross, "All things plied battles, energy for devoted nothing more is required. service. That teaching is neither Biblical through Christ" Through Christ we can do what nor true Adventism. We all agree otherwise would be impossible. A that works do not save and never [Adapted from a baccalaureate sermon presented at companion statement to Paul's, Canadian Union College, May 1, 1982.] will, but when Christ becomes the expressing the same truth from the center of one's life, the fruits of the My text is Philippians 4:13: "I opposite perspective, is found in Spirit appear just as naturally as can do all things through Christ John 15:5, where Christ said: fruit appears on a fruit tree. An which strengtheneth me." "Without me ye can do nothing." apple tree does not bear apples to What does the apostle Paul mean The word nothing is all-inclusive. prove that it is an apple tree; it bears by using the word all? Does all At times we are tempted to think we apples because it is an apple tree. It include physical as well as spiritual can accomplish some things with- cannot do otherwise. Likewise, accomplishments? Should I, for out Christ, but that it might be an when a person accepts Jesus and is example, at my age, on the strength advantage to have Him to help us a justified, when he is born of the of this text of Scripture, attempt to bit. But this is not what Jesus said. Spirit, he walks in newness of life. become the quarterback for a Jesus said, "Without me ye can do I am appalled by the attempts of major-league football team? nothing." Without Christ no some to draw a rigidly sharp line Obviously this would be ludi- amount of native ability, education, between justification and sanctifica- crous—and, I might add, impossi- or hard work can make our lives tion, almost making it appear that ble. successful. one can enjoy the benefits of justifi- So it follows that the promise in In the temporal realm it is impor- cation without cooperating with this Bible text involves attitudes tant to recognize that we owe every- Christ and His Spirit in the process and spiritual accomplishments. thing to Jesus. Every loaf of bread of sanctification. Carried to extreme Through Christ Paul had learned to comes stamped with the cross of limits, some current arguments relate properly to any circumstance Calvary. The air that we breathe, almost suggest that one may con- in which he found himself. He had the flowers that beautify the earth, tinue to be a drug addict, live a learned to relate to hunger, to the songs of the birds that cheer our sexually promiscuous life, be dis- poverty, to hardships, to persecu- hearts, the sunshine, the rain, phys- honest in business affairs, ignore tion. Instead of feeling sorry for ical and intellectual strength, all the Sabbath, or be a terror to his himself and making everyone come through Christ. own family and still claim that he is around him miserable, for the sake Likewise, in the spiritual world a new creation in Christ, that he is of Christ he accepted his lot cheer- we receive "all things through enjoying the benefits of justifica- fully.
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