THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT No. 8,739-FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1941. Published by Authority. PART I —GENERAL. ■ {Separate paging is given to each Part in order that it nwy-.ba^filed separately.) ,iT* ’’ " PAGE PAGE . 4§6 Proclamations by the Governor Municipal Council Notices . 495 Appointments by the Governor X ' 486 A- Notices calling for Tendeis . 496 Appointments, &c., of Registrars A . 487 IA “ Excise Ordinance ” Notices Government Notifications . 1 ■' . 487 Sales of Toll and Other Rents Revenue and Expenditure Returns r .. — Notices to Mariners Currency Commissioners’ Notices -A’ . — Patents Notifications Unofficial Announcements * . 492 Road Committee Notices .. r .. Miscellaneous Departmental Notices 492 Trade Mark Notifications .. - 494 Meteorological Returns Local Government Notices .. 495 Books registered under Ordinance No. 1 of 1885 SUPPLEMENT (1) List of Registrars of Births and Deaths in Ceylon (under the Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance) holding office on January 1, 1941. (2) List of Registrars of General Marriages m Ceylon (under the Marriage Registration Ordinance) holding office on January 1, 1941 (3) List of Registrars of Kandyan Marriages m Ceylon (under the Kandyan Marriage Ordinance) holding office on January 1, 1941. (4) List of Officiating Priests m Ceylon (under the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Registration Ordinance) holding office on January 1, 1941. (3) List of alfBuildings registered for the solemnization of Christian Marriages and not cancelled up to January 1, 1941. PRINTED AT THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT PRESS, COLOMBO. 4 8 5 -------- J. N A 2921-985 (4/41) A 1 486 Part I. (General) — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — April 25, 1941 PROCLAMATIONS BY TflE GOVERNOR. No. 229 o f 1941. HIS E x c e l l e n c y t h e G o vern o r has Been pleased to make the L. D.— B 127/32 M. H. A.— B 93/41 following appointments :— BY HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. CJ 8/41 A P roclamation . Mr. W. T halgodapitiya to act as an Additional Magistrate and A. Ca l d e c o t t . an Additional Commissioner of Requests, ColomBo ; an Additiona 1 District Judge, ColomBo; and an Additional Municipal Magistrate, KNOW Ye that By virtue of the powers vested in me By section 3 ColomBo, from April 21, 1941, during the absence of Mr. R. L. o f the Buddhist Temporalities Ordinance (Chapter 222), I, Andrew B artholomeusz , or until further orders. Caldecott, Governor of Ceylon, do hereBy amend the Proclamation under the afore-mentioned section, puBlished in Gazette No. 7,896 J 28/36 o f DecemBer 4, 1931, by including in the schedule thereto the temples Mr. M. Y. Sa l l a y to be Additional Magistrate and Additional descriBed in the schedule hereunder. Commissioner of Requests, Matale ; Additional Magistrate and Additional Commissioner of Requests. DumBara; and Additional By His Excellency’s command, District Judge, Kandy, on April 19 and 20, 1941, during the aBsence E. R. Su d b u r y , of Mr. W. T halgoadpitiya . Secretary to the Governor. CJ 8/41 Nuwara Eliya, April 20, 1941. Mr. V. Siv a Su p r a m a n ia m to act as Magistrate and Commissioner of Requests, Matale and Dumbara, and an Additional District GOD SAVE THE KING. Judge, Kandy, from April 21, 1941, durmg the emplbyment of Mr. W. T halgodapitiya on other duties, or until further orders. Sc h e d u l e . Kuradeniye Kande Devale, situated at Kuradeniya m AmBanwala J 12/38 wasama in Kandupalata korale of Udunuwara in the Kandy Mr. N. P o n n ia h to Be Additional Magistrate and Additional District. Commissioner of Requests, Point Pedro, and Additional District Monaragala Purana Raja Maha Vihare, together with Bukkiriya- Judge, Jaffna, during the absence of Mr. W. R. D. d e Silva, from golle Sri Sudharmananda Vihare ahas Siksakara Pirivena, Both of April 26 to 29, 1941. whioh are situated at Monaragala m Muppana wasama of Buttala Vedirata korale in Buttala division in the Badulla District. J 50/38 Mr. T. K u m a r a s w a m y to Be Additional Magistrate, Jaffna at Mallakam, on April 25, 1941, to Bear M. C., Mallakam, case APPOINTMENTS, &c., BY THE GOVERNOR. No. 22,230. J 36/36 No. 226 o f 1941. Mr. C. R. T h a m b iAh to be Additional Magistrate and Additional HIS E x c e l l e n c y t h e G o v e r n o r has been pleased to make the Commissioner of Requests, Point Pedro, on April 26, 1941. following appointments :— J 11/36 J 13/41 Mr. J. N. C. T ir u c h e lv a m to Be Additional Municipal Magistrate Mr. C. J. D. L a n k t r e e to act as Government Agent and Eiscal, and Additional Magistrate, ColomBo, during the aBsence of Mr. R . Central Province ; Local Authority under the Petroleum Ordinance R amachandran , on April 28,1941, or until the resumption o f duties for the Central Province exclusive o f the area within the limits of By that officer. the Municipality of Kandy ; and memBer o f the Board of Health, Central Province, with effect from April 21, 1941, during the absence By His Excellency’s command, o f Mr. E. T. D y s o n , or until further orders. Legal Secretary’s Office, R o b e r t H. D r a y t o n , J 13/41 ColomBo, April 22, 1941. Legal Secretary. Mr. R. H. D. M a n d e r s to act, in addition to his own duties, as Assistant at Trincomalee/ to the Government Agent, Eastern Province ; Deputy Fiscal fj/r the District of Trincomalee ; Addi­ No. 230 of 1941. tional District Judge, Additional Commissioner of Requests, and G 24/36/19 Additional Magistrate, Trincomalee ; Additional Superintendent of Police, Trincomalee ; Local Authority under the Petroleum Ordi­ IN pursuance o f the powers delegated B y His E x c e l l e n c y t h e nance for the District o f Trincomalee ; Assistant Collector of G o v e r n o r to me in that behalf, Mr. R o l a n d W ij e w a n t a has Been Customs, Trincomalee ; Landing Surveyor and Receiver of Wrecks, appointed under section 120 of the Criminal Procedure Code, to Be Trincomalee ; and Deputy Master Attendant, Trincomalee, with an Inquirer for Hinidum pattu, Galle District, with effect from effect from April 19, 1941, further ojcfers. April 20, 1941, until further orders. M r. H. C. G oonew a to Be, in/fidditjoii to his own duties, Legal Secretary’s Office, R o b e r t H. D r a y t o n , Additional Assistant Brmnent A^ent, ulamBantota, on April ColomBo, April 17, 1941. Legal Secretary. 29, 1941. r j g J 5/38 Mr. C. F. I n g le d o w to Be Lmemployment Officer and to Be No. 231 of 1941. attached to the Department oftn e Controller of LaBour with effect G 24/36/18 from April 5, 1941, until further orders. I 3/41 IN pursuance of the powers delegated By His E x c e l l e n c y t h e G o v e r n o r to mo m that behalf, Mr. D. H. W ij e r a t n e has been Mr. C. E. M a c k e n zie P e r e ir a ', Advocate, to act as Additional appointed, under section 120 of the Criminal Procedure Code, to Be Crown Counsel on March 31 and April 1, 1941. an Inquirer for Hinidum pattu, Galle District, during the aBsence V - I 3/41 of Mr. D. J. W ij e r a t n e , from April 20 to 30, 1941. Mr. H. W . W a n ig a t u n g a , Advocate, to act as Additional Crown Counsel on April 3 and 4, 1941. J Legal Secretary’s Office, R o b e r t H. D r a y t o n , V • 13/41 ColomBo, April 19, 1941. Legal Secretary. Mr. S. A l l e s , Advocate, to act as Grown Counsel w ith effect from April 16, 1941, until further orderly No. 232 of 1941. By His Excellency’s command, G 43/36/13 - Chief Secretary’s Office, G. S. W o d e m a n , IN pursuance of the powers delegated By H is E x c e l l e n c y t h e ColomBo, April 21, 1941. Chief Secretary. G o v e r n o r to me m that Behalf, Mr. W il l ia m H e n r y N a v a r a t n e has-— No. 227 o f 1941. (1) Been appointed, under section 120 of the Criminal Procedure N 10/41 Code, to Be an Inquirier for Buttala division, Badulla District, with effect from April 21, 1941, while acting HIS E x c e l l e n c y th e G o v e r n o r has been pleased to make the in the office of Divisional Revenue Officer for the said following promotions in the 2nd (Anti-Aircraft) Regiment, Ceylon division; and Garrison Artillery, with effect from the date hereof tp fill existing (2) been granted authority under section 365 (1) of that Code, vacancies :— // to order post-mortem examination when necessary.
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