Russian Entomol. J. 29(3): 289–294 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2020 Brief review of the Azygophleps legraini Yakovlev et Saldaitis, 2011 species group (Lepidoptera: Cossidae: Zeuzerinae) with descriptions of three new species from western Africa Êðàòêàÿ ðåâèçèÿ ãðóïïû âèäîâ Azygophleps legraini Yakovlev et Saldaitis, 2011 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae: Zeuzerinae) ñ îïèñàíèåì òðåõ íîâûõ âèäîâ èç Çàïàäíîé Àôðèêè R.V. Yakovlev1,2, Gy. M. László3, G.C. Müller4,5, V.D. Kravchenko6 Ð.Â. ßêîâëåâ1,2, Ä.Ì. Ëàñëî3, Ã.Ê.Ìþëëåð4,5, Â.Ä. Êðàâ÷åíêî6 1 Altai State University, pr. Lenina 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Tomsk State University, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecology, Lenina pr. 36, 634050 Tomsk, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] 3 African Natural History Research Trust, Leominster, Street Court, Kingsland, Herefordshire, HR6 9QA, G.B. E-mail: [email protected] 4 Department of Parasitology, Kuvin Center for the Study of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, The Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel. E-mail: [email protected] 5 Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontostomatology, Malaria Research and Training Center, University of Sciences, Technique and Technology of Bamako, Mali. 6 Department of Zoology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel. E-mail: [email protected] 1 Алтайский государственный университет, пр. Ленина 61, Барнаул 656049, Россия. 2 Томский государственный университет, Лаборатория биоразнообразия и экологии, пр. Ленина 33, Томск, 634050 Россия. KEY WORDS: entomology, Lepidoptera, Carpenter moths, Zeuzerinae, fauna, Africa, taxonomy. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: энтомология, Lepidoptera, древоточцы, Zeuzerinae, фауна, Африка, таксономия. ABSTRACT. The article contains the descriptions Introduction of three new species: Azygophleps adamsonae Yakov- lev et László, sp.n. (type locality: Cameroon, North Carpenter-Moths (Cossidae) are a relatively large Region, Wack (La Falaise), Azygophleps attenboroughi family of ditrise Lepidoptera, including over thousand Yakovlev, Müller et Kravchenko, sp.n. (type locality: taxa [Nieukerken et al., 2011]. Cossidae of Africa are Southern Mali, 80 km SW Bamako, near Kineiroba, still insufficiently studied. The most well studied sub- river Niger), and Azygophleps pinheyi Yakovlev et family is Zeuzerinae, where several genera have recent- László, sp.n. (type locality: Muquitixe, Angola). The ly been revised: Acosma Yakovlev, 2011 (type species, descriptions are provided with detailed diagnoses and by monotypy — Acosma gurkoi Yakovlev, 2011), Tar- illustrations. sozeuzera Schoorl, 1990 (type species, by original desig- nation — Zeuzera kochi Semper, 1896–1902), Paral- РЕЗЮМЕ. В статье описано три новых вида ophonotus Schoorl, 1990 (type species, by monotypy — Azygophleps adamsonae Yakovlev et László, sp.n. (ти- Zeuzera auroguttata Herrich-Schäffer, 1854), повая местность: Cameroon, North Region, Wack (La Pseudozeuzera Schoorl, 1990 (type species, by mono- Falaise)), Azygophleps attenboroughi Yakovlev, Müller typy — Duomitus biatra Hampson, 1910), Alophonotus et Kravchenko, sp.n. (типовая местность: Southern Schoorl, 1990 (type species, by monotypy — Chalcid- Mali, 80 km SW Bamako, near Kineiroba, river Niger), ica (Duomitus) rauana Strand, 1909), and Eburgemel- и Azygophleps pinheyi Yakovlev et László, sp.n. (ти- lus Schoorl, 1990 (type species, by monotypy — Xyleu- повая местность: Muquitixe, Angola). Описания со- tes geminatus Gaede, 1930) [Schoorl, 1990; Yakovlev, провождаются подробным диагнозом и проиллюст- Witt, 2017a, 2018a–c; Yakovlev et al., 2018; Yakovlev, рированы. 2019]. Detailed distributional data of the taxa of the How to cite this article: Yakovlev R.V., László Gy.M., Müller G.C., Kravchenko V.D. 2020. Brief review of the Azygophleps legraini Yakovlev et Saldaitis, 2011 species group (Lepidoptera: Cossidae: Zeuzerinae) with descriptions of three new species from western Africa // Russian Entomol. J. Vol.29. No.3. P.289–294. doi: 10.15298/rusentj.29.3.08 290 R.V. Yakovlev, Gy. M. László, G.C. Müller, V.D. Kravchenko subfamily are provided for only a few countries: South from Cameroon (type locality: Adamaoua, nr. Africa, Namibia, Botswana [Mey, 2015, 2016, 2017, Ngaoundéré, Ngaoundaba). The species is character- 2019]; Swaziland [Yakovlev, Witt, 2016a], Zambia ized by its very small size and lemon-yellow color of the [Yakovlev, 2014], Zimbabwe [Yakovlev, Lenz, 2013], wings. Later, several specimens of this rare species have Malawi [Yakovlev, Murphy, 2013] and Angola [Yak- been found in the collections of the Royal Museum of ovlev et al., 2019]. Central Africa and the African Natural History Re- One of the largest and poorly known African Zeu- search Trust from Cameroon and Congo. Further three, zerinae genera is Azygophleps Hampson, 1892 (type similar species have also been found from Mali, Angola species, by monotypy — Hepialis scalaris Fabricius, and Cameroon, all clearly differing from A. legraini 1775). According to the Catalog of Cossidae in the Old externally as well as in the male genitalia structures. The World [Yakovlev, 2011] the genus includes 29 valid descriptions of these three new species are given below. species. Later, several new species were described from eastern and southern Africa, and several new synonyms Material and methods and new combinations were established [Yakovlev, Witt, 2016b, 2017b; Mey, 2016, 2017, 2019; Yakovlev, 2019]. The species of the genus are widely distributed in the Adults of Cossidae were collected using light traps. Paleotropics and in the southern Palaearctic (Turkey, Male genitalia were dissected and mounted in euparal on Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, South China) [Daniel, 1963, microscope slides following the standard methods [Lafon- 1964; Arora, 1976; Hua et al., 1990; Yakovlev, 2011; taine, Mikkola, 1987; Lafontaine, 2004]. The adults were Yakovlev, Dubatolov, 2013; Yakovlev et al., 2015]. photographed using a Nikon D90 SLR camera equipped In 2011, A. legraini Yakovlev et Saldaitis, 2011 with Nikkor AF Micro 60 mm lens and iPhone7. The (Figs 1–4, 9, 13) was described from a single specimen, genitalia preparations were photographed using a Canon 3 1 2 4 5 678 10 mm Figs 1–8. Azygophleps legraini species group: 1 — A. legraini, holotype, male (RMCA); 2 — A. legraini, male, Cameroon, North Region, Wack (La Falaise), 900m, 07°40´16.5´´N, 13°33´18.4´´E, 2–21.x.2018, General coll. Safian, Sz., Simonics, G. leg. ANHRT 2018.36 (ANHRT); 3 — A. legraini, male, [Congo], Lulua, Kapanga, 8.1933, F.G. Overlaet (RMCA); 4 — A. legraini, female, [Congo], Lubumbashi, 12.06.1934 (RMCA); 5 — A. adamsonae Yakovlev et László, sp.n., holotype, male (ANHRT); 6 — A. attenboroughi Yakovlev, Müller et Kravchenko, sp.n., holotype, male (MWM); 7 — A. attenboroughi Yakovlev, Müller et Kravchenko, sp.n., paratype, male (MWM); 8 — Azygophleps pinheyi Yakovlev et László, sp.n., holotype, male (NHMZ). Рис. 1–8. Группа видов Azygophleps legraini: 1 — A. legraini, голотип, самец (RMCA); 2 — A. legraini, самец, Cameroon, North Region, Wack (La Falaise), 900m, 07°40´16.5´´N, 13°33´18.4´´E, 2–21.x.2018, General coll. Safian, Sz., Simonics, G. leg. ANHRT 2018.36 (ANHRT); 3 — A. legraini, самец, [Congo], Lulua, Kapanga, 8.1933, F.G. Overlaet (RMCA); 4 — A. legraini, самка, [Congo], Lubumbashi, 12.06.1934 (RMCA); 5 — A. adamsonae Yakovlev et Lászlу, sp.n., голотип, самец (ANHRT); 6 — A. attenboroughi Yakovlev, Müller et Kravchenko, sp.n., голотип, самец (MWM); 7 — A. attenboroughi Yakovlev, Müller et Kravchenko, sp.n., паратип, самец (MWM); 8 — Azygophleps pinheyi Yakovlev et László, sp.n., голотип, самец (NHMZ). Brief review of the Azygophleps legraini species group 291 EOS 700D SLR camera mounted on a Wild M7A stereo- narrow, pale yellow with dense blackish transverse streaks microscope and an Olympus DP74 camera attached to an throughout the wing surface. Black streaks absent in radial Olympus SZX16 stereomicroscope. zone (from root to submarginal area); fringe orange. Hind- Abbreviations wing pale yellow without pattern, fringe orange. Male genitalia. Uncus conspicuously short, robust, gradu- ANHRT — African Natural History Research Trust ally narrowing from base to apex, apically triangular; gnathos (Leominster, Great Britain), arms very thin, short, unfused, without medial plate of gnathos; NHMZ — Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe valvae relatively wide, leaf-shaped, costal margin almost (Bulawayo, Zimbabwe), straight, ventral margin evenly arcuate with a short depression MWM — Museum Witt (Munich, Germany), in the medial third; juxta robust, basally semicircular, with RMCA — Royal Museum of Central Africa (Ter- long lanceolate posterio-lateral processes, directed caudad; vuren, Belgium). saccus semicircular, wide; phallus robust, three-quarters as LG — Genitalia slide prepared by Gyula M. László long as the valva, with long spindle-like carina process. Female unknown. DIAGNOSIS. The new species is distinguished from the Taxonomic part other taxa of the A. legraini species group by the absence of hindwing pattern; from its closest congener A. adamsonae by the somewhat darker, more contrasting fringe of wings, the Azygophleps adamsonae Yakovlev et László, sp.n. triangular apex of the uncus (that is broadly rounded in A. Figs 5, 10, 13. adamsonae), and the short depression in the medium third of MATERIAL. Holotype: #, “Cameroon, 900m, North Region, the valval ventral margin (that is straight in its congener). Wack (La Falaise), 07°40´16.5´´N, 13°33´18.4´´E,
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