Attachment 02.04.03-08C TVA letter dated February 2, 2010 RAI Response ASSOCIATED ATTACHMENTS/ENCLOSURES: Attachment 02.04.03-8C: Dam Rating Curves, Blue Ridge (199 Pages including Cover Sheet) NPGCALCULATION COVERSHEETICCRIS UPDATE Page 1 REVO EDMS/RIMS NO. EDMS"TYPE: EDMS ACCESSIONWNO (N/A for REV. 0. L58090128 001 calculations(nuclear) k58 091230 015 Calc Title: Dam Rating Curves, Blue Ridge-. CALC ID TYPE ORG PLANT BRANCH NUMBER CUR RE NEW REV 0 1 REEISI CURRENT CN NUC GEN CEB CDQ000020080002 - APPLICABIL 'ITY NEW ";Selected NWEntire:calcpages 0] IE CCIS PDAE OLYNo.CCRIS Changes 0. ACTION NEW 11 DELETE , SUPERSEDE [-1. CCRIS.UPDATEONLY D (For calc revision. CCRIS. REVISINEW RENAME 0 I. DUPLICATE E0 I(VerieriAppioval Signatures Not been-reviewed and noz REVSN ENME I I .Ruired I CCRIScchanges required) UNITS SYSTEMS UNIDS, N/A N/A :N/A DCN.EDC.N/A APPLICABLE DESIGN DOCUMENT(S) N/A CLASSIFICATION - *See below t QUALITY SAFETY UNVERIFIED SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS :DESIGN OUTPUT SARiTS and/or ISFSI •RELATED? RELATED?(If yesi ASSUMPTION' AND/OR LIMITINGZCONDITIONS? ATTACHMENT? SAR/C6CAFFECTED Yes 0 No.r1 QR=yes) Yes[I No0 Yes10 Nol Yes[I No0 Yes,1 .No.[]: Yes [ No 0 PREPARER ID PREPARER PHONE PREPARING ORG (BRANCH) VERIFICATION NEW METHOD OF ANALYSIS cigrace No CEB: ý-METHOD 0] Yes 0 No ,• (205) 298•I1Deig Review, PREPAR CHECKER S TUR• ,DATE Ch~,..~~ Bry'ant Sot,. a~ VERiFIERSIGN W DATE APPROVAL SI NATURE / DAOE 1.. &uL STATEMENT OF PROBLEM/ABSTRACT Headwater rating curves for 20 dams-are required asinputs'toTVA's SOCH and TRBRQUTE models, which perform flood-routing calculations.for the Tennessee River and tributaries. The.headwater, rating curves for each dam provide, total dam discharge as a functionsof headwater elevation. This calculation-presents headwaterlrating curvesf~r Blue Ridge Dam. This calculation contains electronic attachmentsand must be stored in EDMS as an'Adobe,.pdflfile to maintain the ability. to retrieve the electronic attachments. *EDCN ý22404A (SQN), EDCN 54018A (WBN), .EDN Later (BFN)Y Special Condition Note: The~headwater rating curve. provided inthis calculation is limited in application to-maximum PMF headwater elevation of 1707:0 feetl(See Section 5.0in the calculation for the basisof this.limiting condition.) MICROFICHE/EFICHE Yes•[" No 0 FICHE NUMBER(S) [I LOAD INTO EDMS AND DESTROY 0 LOAD !NTO EDMS AND RE-TUR~iN CALCULATION TO:CALCULATION ADDRESS:LP4D-C: LIBRARY. o LOAD iNTO EDMS AND RETURNCALCULATION TO: T[VA•40532 [10-2008] SPage l'of.2 NEDP-2-1 [10-20-2008]' NPG CALCULATION COVERSHEETICCRIS UPDATE Page, Aa EVDMSX,';E-I 'EMSACCESSION NO IN/A forSRMQO RMV 0 E T,•s M 0.o 2 ý'S , 0.10 1 .. I Cao Title: Dam.Rating Curves, OWilRidge PLAi M" H NyUR.U'E ýREVION APPUICASI~LY NIA 0 C, N CEB C000000200B0002 NEW CN "NU .NoC"CRIs Changes (Fordal, revision, CCRI ESUPERSEDE 0. CCRISUPDATE ONLY f, ACTION NEW, Signatre Not bme reviewed anti no REVISION- [I RENAME 0 DUPLICATE 0 I (Ve1rierApp*rova UNT_ SYSTEMS LUr:IDS A NIA NIA NCA S ECICMA 'M APPIACABLE DESIGNOCUMENIS N/A R.REMENTS, DESIGN OUTPUT 'SARTSand/or1SF . SAFETY UNVERIFIED SPECIAL ý, M I•I U. Q!•yes,, 'ASSUMP-TION: AN R•DO'IMI)NWDTOS Yes;Q :NoM affl;6= RELATIED?QR yes)' .... M,,No[j: YesE] N6[0 'YesJJ N6o _Ndl [VERIFICATION NW E8D QFAA'S PREPARER ID PREPARER PHONE, PREPARINGORG fBRAt(CHI .EB. IME OD C..Sa.tler NO . r622443 Design RevIew. DATE CHECKER SIPNAT. WAE PREPARER SIGNATURE 01/23/09 -lr- [ I ChrisTriplet. A7E APPROVAL SIGNATURE eS. DATE VERIFIER SIGNATURE- /56:K ).C . 0:1123/09D models,*hich perform rating curves for 2o dams are requirdasipu tV S and TRBROUTE Headwater ratingcurves for h rov calculations for theiTennessee River anditrlbutarie. the headwater flood.rvutlng presents heacwerter rating curves forlue: total darn discharge as ia function-of headwater elevbatin. Thisicalculation Ridge Dam. mainitain the ability This calculation contalns electronic attachments and must be:storedin EDMS~as an Adobe pdf4file6to 'to retrieve thedelectronic attachments. NEOP-2-1 (1020-2008] TVe,'405.2p; o-2o0] NPG CALCULATION COVERSHEET/CCRIS UPDATE Page 2 ('Al i' I TVDr"or_ I - DI AMT I PAKI(CI MI II AQ P IR1=\/ •,,J/•, L t*,.,DILJ I ~'"-"''-''' I '''~'~'~'-'' I *'~' I CEB CDQ000020080002 1 - CN NUC GEN ALTERNATE CALCULATION IDENTIFICATION BLDG ROOM ELEV COORD/AZIM FIRM Print Report Yes El BWSC CATEGORIES SR/LC KEY NOUNS (A-add, D-delete) ACTION KEY NOUN A/D KEY NOUN (A/D) CROSS-REFERENCES (A-add, C-change, D-delete) ACTION XREF XREF XREF XREF XREF XREF (A/C/DQ CODE TYPE PLANT BRANCH NUMBER REV A P EN WBN CEB 54018 A P EN SQN CEB 22404 A S CN GEN CEB CDQ000020080053 D S CN GEN CEB CDQ000020080054 CCRIS ONLY UPDATES: Following are required only when making keyword/cross reference CCRIS updates and page 1 of form NEDP-2-1 is not included: PREPARER SIGNATURE DATE CHECKER SIGNATURE DATE PREPARER PHONE NO. EDMS ACCESSION NO. TVA 4053 2 [ 10-'2008] Page 2of 2 NEDP-2-1 [10-20-2008] Page 3 NPG CALCULATION RECORD OF REVISION CALCULATION IDENTIFIER CDQ000020080002 Title Dam Rating Curve, Blue Ridge Revision DESCRIPTION OF REVISION No. 0 Initial Issue Total Pages- 96 Attachments 1-3, 5-13, 27, Al, A2, A5-A13, A15, A16, A 18-A25 - 1 Page Each Attachments 4, 14, A3, A4 - 2 Pages Each Attachment A14 - 5 Pages Attachment Al 7 - 6 Pages This calculation was revised to address the following: * PER 203951. The verification of the previous calculation was completed by personnel who had not completed the required NEDP-7 Job Performance Record (JPR). A verification JPR is now in place for all personnel engaged in verification tasks. Checking includes only changes made in this revision as the checking of the calculation was not impacted by PER 203951. The verification is inclusive of work completed prior to this revision. * PER 203872. Replace NEDP-2 forms on Pages 1 through 7 with the forms for the NEDP-2 revision in effect at the time of Rev 0 issue of this calculation. * PER 210898. An error was identified in the Rev 0 issue of this calculation concerning the Spillway Bridge Overflow coefficient. This error was corrected in this edition resulting in minor decreases to the flow values calculated for headwater elevations above 1710 feet. * UVA 3.2.1. Removed and replaced with: o Assumption 3.1.3 based on Reference 15 and, o Assumption 3.1.5 based on Appendix C. * UVA 3.2.2. Removed and replaced with Assumption 3.1.4 based on Technical Justification. * Add Reference 15. " Added a Limiting Condition to calculation based on gate failure evaluation. Applicability of this calculation is limited to headwater elevations no greater than 1707.0 feet. Significant changes to text in Revision 1 are marked with a right hand margin revision bar. Administrative changes and typos are excluded. Pages Deleted: None Pages Revised: 1 -6, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 21a, 22, 23 New Pages added: la, 6a, C1-C3 Total hardcopy pages Revision 1: 101 Additional Comments: * Rev. 0 coversheet is page la " Rev. 0 Verification Form is page 6a * Updated Coversheet and CCRIS pages * Inserted number of pages per Attachments in Table of Contents * Updated page numbers * Corrected Cf value for Spillway Bridge Overflow and updated Section 4.5.1 and Figures 2, 2a, 3 and 4 to reflect changes * Added Appendix C TVA 40533 [ 10-20081 Page I of I NEDP-2-4 [10-20-20081 Page 4 NPG CALCULATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Calculation Identifier: CDQ00020080002 I Revision: 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE Coversheet 1 Revision 0 Coversheet la CCRIS Update Sheet 2 Revision Log 3 Table of Contents 4 Revision I Verification Form 6 Revision 0 Verification Form 6a Computer Input Sheet 7 1.0 Purpose 8 2.0 References II 3.0 Assumptions & Methodology 12 4.0 Design Input 16 5.0 Special Requirements/Limiting Conditions 18 6.0 Calculations 19 7.0 Results/Conclusions 20 Appendix A Spillway Discharge Coefficients and Submergence Factors for Blue Ridge Dam from Scale 16 pages Appendix B Overflow Parameters I page Appendix C Hydrostatic Loads on the Spillway Tainter Gates 3 pages Attachments I General Plan of Blue Ridge Dam (From Ref. 1) 1 page 2 Photo of Blue Ridge Dam (From Ref. 2) 1 page 3 Elevation View of Switchyard (Ref. 3) 1 page 4 Tailwater Curve (From Ref. 4) 2 pages 5 Maximum Discharge from Low Level Outlet (From Ref. 9) 1 page 6 Auxiliary Spillway Elevation View (Ref. 8) 1 page 7 Turbine Rating Curve (From Ref. 2) 1 page 8 Curve Fit to Turbine Rating Data (From Data in Ref. 2) 1 page 9 Curve Fit to Tailwater Data (From Data in Ref. 4) 1 page 10 Retaining Walls on Roadway, Typical (Ref. 11) 1 page 11 Retaining Walls on Roadway Bend (Ref. 12) 1 page 12 Main Spillway, Elevations and Sections (Ref. 13) 1 page 13 Curve Fit to Low Level Outlet (From Data in Ref. 9) 1 page 14 HDC Charts for Free Discharge and Abutment Effects (From Ref. 5) 2 pages 15 Excel Spreadsheet - Blue Ridge Rating Curve.xls N/A 16 TVA Water Control Project Manual (Blue Book) for Blue Ridge Dam (Ref. 2) 33 pages 17 TVA Report WR28-2-900-123 (Ref. 6) 17 pages 18-25 High Resolution Copies of Refs. 1, 3, 7-8 and 10-13 1 page each TVA 40533 [10-20081 Page 1 of 1 NEDP-2-4 [10-20-2008] Page 5 NPG CALCULATION TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Calculation Identifier: CDQ000020080002 I Revision: F1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE 26 Blue Ridge Dam Spillway Discharge Tables 31 pages 27 Converged Tailwater Iterations 1 page Al Location of Spiliway Gates (From Ref.
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