International Numismatic Contents The President’s Note 1 Reports from institutions 2 Museums 3 Congresses and Meetings 5 Exhibitions 8 Websites 9 Announcements 9 New books 10 Obituaries 12 Survey of Numismatic Research International Numismatic Council (INC) 2008-2013: Contributors 14 Conseil International de Numismatique (CIN) INeN Contribute & Subscribe 19 International Numismatic e-Newsletter (INeN) - No. 13 - October 2012 Electronic Newsletter of the INC/CIN - ISSN 1662-120 The President’s Note — Le Mot du Président Dear friends and colleagues, I hope that you all had a relaxing Unfortunately we lost some of our colleagues and friends: and invigorating summer and that one of our Honorary Members, Prof. Edith Schönert-Geiss you have resumed your activities from Berlin and her obituary will be published in Compte – numismatic and others – with Rendu 59. In addition we lost Robert Myers, Roberto Rus- renewed energy. so, Anna Carbé, Yordanka Youroukova and Anastasios P. Tzamalis. You will read some of their obituaries in this issue. Since February, the INC Com- We extend our profound sympathy to their families and col- mittee had been hard at work. leagues: they will be sorely missed and dearly remembered. Our members will have received the Compte Rendu 58, our an- I wish you all a productive fall and I thank you for your sup- nual report for 2011 that gives the port and interest. details of what we accomplished and of what the institutions under Cher amis et chers collègues, our patronage and the affiliated organizations have been doing. J’espère que vous avez passé un bon été et que vous avez Dr. Carmen arnolD-Biucchi Our focus is the organization of repris vos activités – numismatiques ou autres – avec une the 2015 Congress in Messina/ énergie revivifiée. Taormina and our major scholarly publication, the Survey of Numismatic Research 2008–2013. In this issue of the INeN Depuis février, le Bureau a continué son travail. Les institu- you will find the complete list of the section editors and tions membres auront reçu le Compte-Rendu 58 et auront contributors with their contact information to facilitate com- pu y lire les détails de ce que nous avons accompli durant munication and exchange of new publications. l’année, ainsi que les progrès des institutions sous notre patronage et ceux des organisations affiliées. Nous avons The Committee met in Warsaw in May and Maria Caccamo concentré nos efforts sur notre tâche principale : la prépa- Caltabiano presented a report on the progress. We are for- ration du prochain Congrès à Messine/Taormine en 2015 et tunate to have the advice and support of our colleagues notre publication scientifique la plus importante : le Survey from Glasgow: Vice-President Donal Bateson knows how of Numismatic Research 2008–2013. Vous trouverez dans to proceed. cette INeN la liste révisée et complète des éditeurs de sec- tion et des contributeurs avec leurs coordonnées pour faci- We were the guests of the University of Warsaw, as you will liter les échanges d’information et de publications. read in this issue, invited by Professor Aleksander Bursche from the Institute of Archaeology. We received a royal treat- Nous nous sommes réunis à Varsovie cette année et Ma- ment: we met with the Vice-Rector, Prof. Lengauer, with the ria Caccamo Caltabiano a présenté un rapport sur les pré- Director of the Institute, Prof. Lewartowski, with the Presi- paratifs en cours. Nous bénéficions de l’expérience et des dent and members of the Polish Numismatic Society and conseils précieux de notre Vice-Président Donal Bateson et were guided with great enthusiasm through the highlights of de son équipe de Glasgow. the city by some of the students and now younger collea- gues, in particular Roksana Chowaniec and Tomas Wiecek. Nous étions les hôtes de l’Université de Varsovie, invités We were very impressed with the facilities that the Institute par le Professeur Aleksander Bursche et l’Institut d’Archéo- of Archaeology offers and the vibrancy of the academic logie, comme vous lirez dans ce numéro. Nous avons été activities. reçus royalement par le Vice-Recteur Prof. Lengauer, et le Directeur de l’Institut, Prof. Lewartowski. Nous avons éga- I nternational N u m i s m a t i c e - N e w s l e t t e r — N o . 1 3 — October 2012 - p . 1 lement rencontré le Président de la Société Polonaise de Nu- After the welcome of the President the first topic was, as usual, mismatique et quelques-uns de ses collègues. the finances, which have continued to be satisfactory. There Les étudiants et jeunes collègues d’Aleksander Bursche, have, however, been certain practical problems in collecting Roksana Chowaniec et Tomas Wiecek en particulier nous the annual dues, owing to the fact that since the Council se- ont servi de guides pour les merveilles touristiques de la parated from the Committee of Historical Sciences (HISC), ville. Nous avons été impressionnés par l’ampleur des pro- it no longer has a permanent domicile (according to our grammes en archéologie, les dimensions de l’Université en Constitution, the ‘seat of the INC is the is the office of the général et son organisation. Nous garderons un souvenir President’). For this reason it has been proposed that the enthousiaste de notre séjour. INC could perhaps be formally registered in Switzerland, like the HISC. The question cannot, of course, be finally resolved J’ai le triste devoir de vous faire part du décès d’un nombre before the next general meeting in 2015. de nos collègues et amis : le Prof. Edith Schönert-Geiss de After the reports concerning the projects under the patro- Berlin, membre honoraire dont vous lirez la nécrologie dans nage of the INC, its affiliated bodies, and the materials -re le Compte Rendu 59. En outre nous avons perdu Robert cently added to the website, the Committee discussed the Myers, Roberto Russo, Anna Carbé, Yordanka Youroukova applications for the INC grants. The travelling scholarship et Anastasio P. Tzamalis. Ce numéro inclut certaines de leurs for 2012/2013 was awarded for Dr Alexander Pachkalov nécrologies. Nous exprimons nos sincères condoléances à from Russia, and the recipients of two grants-in-aid are leurs familles et à leurs collègues. Dr Bendeguz Tobias from Germany and Mr Olivier Lempereur from France. En vous remerciant de votre soutien, je vous souhaite bonne Apart from questions concerning the Survey of Numis lecture et bon automne. matic Research 2008–2013, the main topic of the discus- sions was the planning of the 15th numismatic congress in Messina/Taormina in September 2015. The preparations for the congress are processing under the direction of Maria Caccamo Caltabiano. Next year’s Committee meeting will be Reports from Institutions held in Messina. The INC Committee meets in Warsaw in May 2012 One new member was accepted at the meeting, the Cabinet of the Coins and Medals of the Polish National Museum. The members of the Committee were also invited to visit the mu- seum, where we were welcomed by its director, Dr Agnieszka Morawińska and the curator of the numismatic collection, Dr Andrzej Romanowski. We were also invited to lunch with Vice Rector W. Lengauer and Professor K. Lewartowski, Director of the Institute of Archaeology. The Committee wishes to thank Professor Bursche and his colleagues Roksana Chowaniec, Tomas Wiecek, Marcin Rudnicki and Anna Zapolska for their warm hospitality. Tuukka Talvio The Director of The Polish naTional museum, Dr. agnieszka morawińska, Talking wiTh Prof. alekanDr BursChe, our hosT, anD The PresiDenT of The INC, Dr. Carmen arnolD-Biucchi, During a visiT of The BoarD in The museum Proceedings of the XIVth International Numismatic Congress Glasgow 2009 The Proceedings of the Glasgow International Numismatic This year’s annual meeting of the Committee took place at Congress are distributed by Spink of London and informa- the Warsaw University Institute of Archaeology at the invi- tion and orders can be obtained from Spink Publications. tation of Alexander Bursche, Professor of Archaeology and The two volumes contain some 2120 pages and 256 papers. well-known authority on the import of Roman coins to nor- thern Europe. The Institute is situated in the pleasant sur- roundings of the university campus just off the Royal Way Reminder. Survey of Numismatic Research 2002-2007 of Warsaw. As usual, the meeting was accompanied by The Survey of Numismatic Research 2002-2007, published lectures, which were held at the joint meeting of the Polish at the occasion of the XIV International Numismatic Congress Numismatic Commission and a PhD seminar on ancient nu- in Glasgow 2009 is available online on the INC/CIN website. mismatics. Michael Alram presented the numismatic mate- rial from Tepe Narenj, an endangered Buddhist monastery Survey 2002-2007 in the mountains south of Kabul, while Benedikt Zäch spoke Survey 2002-2007 Errata of the earliest Groschen coinage in the southwestern parts of medieval Germany in relation with the one in the Polish Donal Bateson, The Hunterian Museum, lands. The Polish Commission also invited us to a dinner University of Glasgow which, among others, was attended by the President of the Commission, Professor Borys Paskiewicz, and our honorary member, Professor Stanislaw Suchodolski. The meeting was held on 10–11 May. Eight of the nine mem- bers of the Committee were present; Pere Pau Ripollès un- fortunately had to cancel his attendance at the last moment. I nternational N u m i s m a t i c e - N e w s l e t t e r — N o . 1 3 — October 2012 - p . 2 Report of ICOMON The ICOMON General Assembly led to a new effort: several meeting 10–13 October 2011 in Nicosia new Special Projects were formulated: - How to write readable texts on specialized subjects: During the XVIth Annual Meeting of ICOMON in Shanghai Effrosyni Nomikou is leading.
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