Acknowledgment 鳴謝 This project was supported by a September 11 recovery grant from the American Red Cross Liberty Disaster Relief Fund. 7;/)18+,+8+4)+ႍݎྑ༽ +SKXMKTI_ ႍݎྑ༽ 5ZNKXOYY[KYGTJOTLUXSGZOUT ཀ۾ɿে ༽ྑੁخੈڋյ̨ +SKXMKTI_)NORJXKTĪY9KX\OIK ձഭᒄైႍݎˁ˼ 4?)=KRLGXK*KVGXZSKTZ ট߾ͥၱѧಖѫˁ˼ 9NKRZKXLUX(GZZKXKJ=USKT ࣂࣙᆞʎ ֍ࠬੵʪЃࣆҼᚼ ႍݎЃࣆ )NOTGZU]T)USS[TOZ_+SKXMKTI_ ൢ੩ႍݎ́ಖᇋሉ .KTX_9ZXKKZü+SKXMKTI_9NKRZKX ѧൽЃࣆҼᚼ 4?),UUJ .[TMKX.UZROTK ট߾࡛ͥᇋሉ 4K]?UXQ9ZGZK'ZZUXTK_-KTKXGR )UTY[SKX,XG[J5LLOIK උᘥஈڗট߾ͥ݇ݭçष 4?)*KVGXZSKTZUL/T\KYZOMGZOUTGTJ)UXX[VZOUT ট߾ͥˬКஈ 4/)59)NOTKYK.KGRZN)UGROZOUT-GSHROTM6XUPKIZ ੁخቖథخ ൢʇਰજᑸຽçѠ ቖథᇋሉˁçࠢ̂خѠ /TJUINOTG9OTU'SKXOIGT9KTOUX)OZO`KT)KTZKX ඟೃᅛШʇˁ˼ ࠬ݅Шʇࡵखੈڋൢʇᘖᖪ˫౮જஈՏ̋˫˳ϛൢʇ :KKT.KRVROTK Ϸᇋሉ˳ۍ ?U[ZN)XOYOY.UZROTK ᇋሉݎϷႍ˳ۍ 4?)*KVGXZSKTZLUXZNK'MOTM .KRVLUX'H[YKJ+RJKXY ট߾ͥШʇஈ֍ࠬШʇ́ಖᇋሉ 社區資源目錄 1 Welcome to the Chinatown Partnership Community Resource Guide Welcome to the Chinatown Partnership Community Resource Guide. This unique reference guide is a compilation of organizations that are useful on a day-to-day basis to Chinatown’s residents and businesses. The Community Resource Guide is a first and contains comprehensive information with a focus on cultural institutions, social services, civic organizations, government services, health care, and education. If you would like information about retail and restaurants located in Chinatown, go online to our Explore Chinatown Campaign (www.ExploreChinatown.com). This range of services will hopefully make living and doing business in Chinatown easier. This effort to collect and make available these resources to the community will be ongoing, and future, updated editions of this Guide will be completed periodically. For the latest additions and corrections, please visit www.ChinatownPartnership.org for the latest, online version of the Guide. If you are a service provider who would like to be included in this Guide, or would like to offer any suggestions or corrections, please fill in the Request Service Listing Page (p. 278), or email us at [email protected]. Wellington Chen, Executive Director Chinatown Partnership Local Development Corporation 2 Community Resource Guide 華埠共同發展機構編印 社區資源目錄 歡迎閱覽 華埠社區資源目録是專爲華埠居民與商戶日常所需的資料而編制,內容綜 合了文化機構、社會服務、民事組織、政府部門、健康醫療和教育方面等 詳盡資料。如欲獲悉有關華埠的零售商戶及各類餐館資料,可到“探索 華埠”www.ExploreChinatown.com 網站瀏覽查閱。希望本目錄能使華埠 社區的生活和工商行業更爲得心應手。 本目錄之內容將會不斷更新及修正,如需要查閱最新資料,可到本機構之 網 站 查 閱,網 址 為:www.ChinatownPartnership.org。我們將繼續進行資 源搜集工作,及不斷地將資料更新和修正,如想查閱最新資料,請到網站: www.ChinatownPartnership.org 瀏覽。 如閣下想將商號的資料加進本目錄,需要更改資料,或是提供建議,請在 本目錄第278頁的“加入、補充或修正”一頁內填寫,並寄到本機構。或電郵 到:[email protected]。 陳作舟謹敬 華埠共同發展機構行政總監 社區資源目錄 3 About Us Chinatown Partnership works with residents, businesses and government agencies to enhance the Chinatown experience for all. While preserving the neighborhood’s unique culture, the Chinatown Partnership also cultivates a vision for a thriv- ing, 21st Century Chinatown representing the largest Asian American community in the greatest city in the world. Clean Streets Lunar Stages Working with city agencies A festival of performance and and neighborhood businesses film in Columbus Park. to make Chinatown a cleaner, Taste of Chinatown more attractive place to live New York City’s most exciting and conduct business. food festival. Lighting Explore Chinatown Transforming Chinatown into An award-winning campaign a warmer and more welcoming featuring a comprehensive neighborhood after dark. website ExploreChinatown.com, Wayfinding information kiosk, map guides Developing signage, maps, and more. markers and other tools to help Information Resources visitors navigate to and through Providing online and offline the neighborhood. information directories and Illuminations materials for residents, visitors, Celebrates Lunar New Year the business community and throughout Chinatown including the media. the Red Lantern Market Month with select shops and eateries offering discounts or gift-with- purchase. 4 Community Resource Guide 本機構簡介 華埠共同發展機構與居民、商戶和各政府組織緊密合作, 努力共討各項方案,務求使華埠環境日臻完善。在保存地區 獨特文化的同時,我們亦致力開拓能配合二十一世紀的新計 劃,展現華埠的新風貌。在這全世界最大的城市裡,成為最 具代表性的亞裔社區。 美化街道 月光舞台 我們與有關政府單位及社區商戶 在春秋二季的黃昏裡,於哥倫布公 共同合作,將華埠打造成一個 園舉行的文藝及電影晚會,是華埠 更 清 潔、更 美 好、更 吸 引 人 的 居 住 居民一項老少咸宜的娛樂節目。 與商業地區。 華埠美食節 燈火照明 此項非常成功之美食節,乃紐約市 將夜間的華埠顯得明亮溫馨 ﹐令人 最 令人 興 奮 雀 躍 之 活 動。每 年 超 過 溜 漣 的 好 地 方。 十萬人參加此美食節,為華埠之 商戶 帶 來更多商 機。 道路指標 設 立 更 多 指 路 牌、地 圖 板、地 標 及 探遊華埠 其 他 工 具,讓 遊 客 們 能 輕 鬆 愉 快 地 www.ExploreChinatown.com為 暢 遊 華 埠。 一獲獎之網站。提供各項資訊。 此網站在所有關於華埠的網站中, 火花璀燦耀華埠 長 期 穩 佔 榜 首 位 置。為 最 受 歡 迎 之 在 整 个 華 埠 唐 人 街,舉 辦 農 曆 新 春 網 站。華 埠 另 設 有 咨 詢 亭,可 提 供 慶祝活動,活動包括大紅燈籠照 各 種 資 訊,地 圖 及 指 南 等。 華埠 – 在指定商店和餐馆提供折 扣 或 禮 物 回 贈。 信息資源 本機構之另一功能是提供訊息及 資 料 予 各 界人 仕,如 居 民,遊 客, 傳 播 媒 界,以 至 各 行 各 業 等。 社區資源目錄 5 About Us Partner with us. Chinatown Partnership is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Your tax-deductible donation sustains these programs, improving Chinatown for all! Please send your check or money order to: Chinatown Partnership LDC 60 St. James Place New York, NY 10038 212.346.9288 Be a Partner: www.ChinatownPartnership.org 6 Community Resource Guide 捐獻 歡迎閣下捐款支持華埠共同發展機構。本機構為 501(c)3 註冊 之非牟利機構。閣下之捐款可支持各項有意義的活動,為華 埠之繁榮作出貢獻 ; 閣下之捐款也可扣稅。 捐款請用支票或現金本票 ﹐郵寄至﹕ Chinatown Partnership LDC 60 St. James Place New York, NY 10038 212.346.9288 Be a Partner: www.ChinatownPartnership.org 社區資源目錄 7 Table of Contents 2 Introduction Health 146 Health 4 About Us 162 Home Health Care 10 Arts & Cultural 168 Health Insurance 32 Business Resources 178 Domestic Violence 184 Mental Health 42 Chinese Associations 194 Substance Abuse 56 Consulates 198 General Legal Assistance Education Organizations 58 Daycare & After-School 202 Recreation Services 78 Public Schools: 212 Religion Preschool - High School 226 Social Services 90 District 75 (Special Education) 246 Senior Citizens 92 Independently Operated Schools: 260 Vocational Training Preschool - High School 266 Youth Services 102 Chinese Language Classes 106 ESL Classes/ 278 Request of Service GED Instruction Listings/Additions/ Corrections Government 112 Government Agencies 140 Community Boards 142 Public Libraries 144 United States Postal Service Emergency Services Police, Fire or Medical Emergency 911 Other Issues and Information 311 8 Community Resource Guide 目錄 3 序 健康 147 健康中心 5 本機構簡介 163 家庭護理 11 藝術文化 169 醫療保險 33 工商資源 179 家庭暴力 185 心理精神健康 43 華人團體機構 195 濫用藥物 57 領事館 199 法律援助 教育 203 康樂 59 兒童托管和課後活动服務 79 公立學校﹕托兒班至中學 213 宗教團體 91 學區(特殊教育學區) 75 227 社會服務 93 私立學校﹕托兒班至中學 247 老人服務 103 中文班 107 英文班/中學證書班 261 職業訓練 政府機構 267 青少年服務 113 政府辦公室 279 要求資料加入/補充/修正 141 社區委員會 143 公共圖書館 145 郵局 緊急服務 警察 , 消防 , 或醫療緊急事件 911 查詢非緊急服務及各政府機構 311 社區資源目錄 9 Arts & Cultural Find art exhibits, galleries, music and dance performances, classes, cultural organizations and more. Access Theater Artists Alliance Inc./Alianza 380 Broadway, 4/F de Artistas 10013 107 Suffolk Street, Suite 411 T 212.966.1047 10002 www.accesstheater.com T 212.420.9202 www.artistsai.org Off-Broadway theater. Promotes visual arts and runs — 40 artist studios and a host of AiCenter (formerly Wossing community based projects. Center for Chinese) Offers programs, studios, 243 Grand Street, 3/F displays and forum discussion 10002 of visual arts from the Lower T 212.431.7373 East Side community. www.wossing.com — Chinese language, music and Arts Gate Center arts learning center, including 70 Mulberry Street, 2/F brush painting, Tai Chi, Chinese 10013 and Western music instruments. T 212.349.0126 — www.htchendance.org Art in General School offering ballet, modern 79 Walker Street dance, Chinese dance, Chinese 10013 martial arts and private piano T 212.219.0473 instruction. www.artingeneral.org Assists artists with the production and presentation of new visual arts work. Gallery with rotating exhibitions. 10 Community Resource Guide 藝術文化 各 式 藝 術 展 覽,文 娛 表 演,康 樂 體 育,興 趣 小 組,文 藝 機 構 Access 劇院 藝術家聯盟 百老匯大道 380 號 4樓 秀福街 107 號 411 室 10013 10002 T 212.966.1047 T 212.420.9202 www.accesstheater.com www.artistsai.org 小 型 百老 匯 式 劇 院。 提 倡 視 覺 藝 術,管 理 40家藝廊並 主辦社區之固定項目。爲下東城 — 社 區 提 供 活 動、畫 廊 陳 列 和 視 覺 和星文化教育中心 藝 術 論 壇 等。 格蘭街 243 號 3樓 — 10002 T 212.431.7373 藝門 www.wossing.com 茂比利街 70 號 2樓 10013 中 文、音 樂、藝 術 學 習 中 心,如 水 墨 T 212.349.0126 畫、太 極、中 西 樂 器 等 等。 www.htchendance.org — 教 授 芭 蕾 舞、現 代 舞、中 國 舞 和 Art in General 中國功夫。並設私人鋼琴班。 獲架街 79 號 10013 T 212.219.0473 www.artingeneral.org 對藝術家在制作和發表其新派 視覺藝術作品時提供協助,畫廊 定 時更 新 展 覽 作 品。 社區資源目錄 11 Arts & Cultural ARTS, Inc. Battery Dance Company 134 Henry Street 380 Broadway, 5th Floor 10002 10013 T 212.962.8231 T 212.219.3910 www.arts-inc.org www.batterydanceco.com ARTS, Inc. reaches Chinese and The Company has performed Hispanic youth through the world-wide for over 30 years. cultures and traditions of their It holds the annual Downtown own communities. Dance Festival. Its Dance in Schools Program encourages — ‘at risk’ teenagers to have the Asian American Arts Alliance inspirational training, coaching 155 Avenue of the Americas, 6/F and mentoring through live 10013 dance performance in public T 212.941.9208 schools. www.aaartsalliance.org — Alliance of Asian artists and Children’s Museum arts groups of visual arts, for the Arts performances, theatre, film 182 Lafayette Street and media, music and dance. 10013 — T 212.274.0986 Asian American Arts Centre www.cmany.org 26 Bowery, 3/F Celebrates the visual and 10013 performing artist in every child T 212.233.2154 through teaching, creating, www.artspiral.org collecting, and exhibiting children’s art.
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