c (fl ti) < ..J < ,D t..> 0 o: 0- 0 C\1 I- 0 en New York Commissioner Soys Russ'ion Jews Still Honossed NEW YORK Nicholas tour, and Stanley H . Lowell, Scoppetta , the city 's chairman of the Greater New Commissioner of Investigation. York Conference on Soviet Jewry. who recently returned from a trip Lowell observed th a t to the Soviet Union, declared that Scoppetta 's report on his meetings ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R I AND SOUTHEAST MASS. he found that despite Soviet with Soviet officials reflects the assertions to the contrary, certain " total inconsistency of 'official' _VII, Nl,JMBER 25, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1973 20¢ PER COPY 12 PAGES Jewish scientists and others who explanations for denying Soviet wish to emigrate have been Jews the right to live as Jews in subjected to loss of jobs, police the Soviet Union or to emigrate to surveillance and harassment, and Board Gets New Director fulfill themselves as Jews imprisonment for minor even elsewhere The first-hand infractions. witness of Scoppetta a nd W it~ Eye Towards Young,O/d At a City Hall news conference, Goldstein underscores reports we Scoppetta cited the <;ases of Dr. By PAULA TURANO Schwartz, this is due in part to the have received from Jews in the David Asbell of Moscow, a The new Bureau of Jewish Edu­ many colleges and universities in Soviet Union that the si tuation chemical engineering professor, cation's executive director is not the area. The third reason for the ha s not chang·ed , despite and Dr. Boris Rubinstein of only worried about the children of move to Rhode Island is to be Brezhnev ' s claims to the Leningrad, a physicist, who were the area he is now working in, he nearer their family, most of whom contrary." is also worried about _the elderly. arc located in the New York area. among the Jewish intellectuals he Elliott S. Schwartz wants to Mr. Schwartz has many other met with while in the Soviet Scoppella said a number of start a new program which would programs· he would like to initiate, Union . He said that both governmenl officials asserted that bring the old and the young to­ continue and expand, such as ex­ academicians lost their uni versity the issue wit h regard to the gether in a new learning program panding the current program of positions immediately alter filing emigration of Soviet Jews is one to benefit both groups. He would study tours to Israel from five stu­ applications to emigrate to Israel, created and perpetuated by a nti­ have the elderly meet with the dents per summer to 25. He also apparently in retaliation for doi ng Soviet pro-Zionist interests who youth to teach the trades and hob­ plans to continue and expand the so. wished to bring back the Cold bies they have learned over the program begun by Louis I. Kra­ Scoppella, who has submiued a War era. "They denied that any years. mer, former superintendent of report on hi s trip to Mayor John emigration problem existed at The new director, who assumed Jewish schools, in which the Bu­ V. Lindsay. was joined at the news a ll ." Scoppetta added that "All of his post on August I, feels the reau and the school boards of conference by Manhauan attorney the Jews we spoke to said they young and the old very seldom · various towns and cities in the EUJOTT S. SCHWARTZ David A. Goldstein. hi s former looked to America as their have a chance to understand the state jointly run. a Jewish ethnic coll eague in the M a nhatt a n principal hope in being able to problems of one another. The el­ studies progra m . Classes are supplying a placement service fo r District Allorney's office. wh o modify Soviet policies towards derly either live alone 'or in one of taught in the temples in the eve­ teachers and schools. and organ­ accompanied him on the two-week cm igration. ·• the special communities for the el­ nings and the students are given izing va ri ous interschool acti vities derly that are growing in popu­ credits toward graduation in the among which is the annual Bible Parental Indifference Blamed larity. The . lack of contact can public high schools. So far the Contest. lead to a lack of understanding. program is being run in con­ Included in the office of the Bu­ Mr. Schwartz hopes, with the new junction with the public schools in reau of Jewish Education on the In Golda's Assimilation Fears program, to fulfill the needs of Pawtucket and Cranston. Mr. filth floor at 76 Dorrance Street in TEL AVIV Premier Gold a have to struggle so hard to get an both groups. _ . Schwartz hopes to get more public downtown Providence. is a large Meir has expressed fear that there exit visa while J ews fr om the free There is also another special schools involved. 'library which is open to the public were prospects for the world ca n simply go and buy a group that concerns the new direc­ He says that one of the major as well as to the teachers in the disappearance through assimilation ti ck•~. for the plane a nd come tor. Recently, Mr. Schwartz said, problems which faces him and the temple schools arou~d the state. of la rge segments of Jewry ,n the over ·that he \\"tt'ld like to begin a pro­ Bureau is the lack of qualified The library contains both religiou western world . Speaking to Speaking in Yiddish. Mrs. Meir gram of instruction for the handi­ teachers to teach at the various and secu !ar. books. delega t~s auending the Third said that in her earlier years. ··we capped. He feels that children and temple schools and the Providence Mr. Schwartz comes to Rhode World Convention of Poli sh Jewry were apikorsim dissenters young adults with either mental Hebrew Day School, the onl y full Island from Kansas City, Mis­ Federations. she blamed paren ta l from Jewish Orthodoxy but we deficiencies or learning handicaps time Jewish school in the state. To souri. where he was educational indifference to the quality of knew what we we re di ssenting have not received the special kind a llevi a te the problem. Mr . director of Congregation Beth Jewish life in the home and the fr om. This was much better than of teaching in the area of Jewish Schwartz is working with the Bos­ Shalom. He has also been education­ lack of Jewish education given to today's ignorance when young culture and religion that they ton Hebrew College in trying to a l director a t the Jewish Center in their children. people do not know why and wha t need. The program he would like get a branch of the college located Jackson Heights. New York, Con­ Mrs. Meir quoted statisti cs that they are against." to set up to deal with this problem in the Providence area. Classes gregation Shaare Zedek in Det­ 40 percent of Ameri can Jewish Leon Dultzin, acting · chair man would utilize specialists in the area would be held at Temple Emanu­ roit, Michigan, and Temple B'nai coll ege students married out of of the Jewish Agency Executi ve , of both Jewi.sh culture and special EI and would lead to a bachelors Shalom in Rockvi lle Center. New their faith and declared: " Is it for told the opening session that the education. or masters degree in Semitics. Mr. York. He is a member of the Na­ this kind of a development th at so memory of the Jews annihil ated in Mr. Schwartz, lather of three Schwartz hopes to use the people tional Counci l for Jewish Educa­ many people laid down their li ves? the Holocau s t cou ld be grown sons, lives with his wife in enrolled in the college _branch as tion and the National Board or I ask you, what wi ll happen in a perpetuated by bri nging in to Warwick. They moved to Rhode teachers in the area schools. Educational Consultants. He is a generation or two? What will be Israel millions of Jews fo r Island for three major reasons. The Bureau of Jewish Education charter member ol the Educators the outcome of their children'' For settlement. The first is that the new position is run under the auspices of the Assembly and has received Solo­ whom have we built our state? Stefan Grayek, chairman or the of Bureau director offers Mr. Jewish Federation of Rhode Is­ mon Schechter Awards in the Surely not just for the 700,000 federation's I s rael branch Schwartz professional growth. The land, the area's major fund raising areas of outstanding religious Jews in Israel when it was founded expressed concern over th~ second reason is the cultural envi­ group, to aid the local schools held school, elementary and high school through the 1948 war. " heritage of Polish Jewry and the ronment of Rhode Island. Mrs. by various temples. Among the re­ education. Also to his credit· are a She said Jews had " no ri ght to need to preserve it for coming Schwartz is interested in art and sponsibilities of the director of the number of articles in the areas of remain indifferent and accept the generations. He said the su rvivors has found Rhode Island to be cul­ Bureau are the supervision of the special education and Hebrew high situation as it is.
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