VOLUME 48 NUMBER 13 JULY 1.��§ 'She (Purser Uli The Ordeal of TWA's Derickson) Deserves Flight847 by Bill Brown For the past two weeks, TWA has domi­ the Congressional nated the news throughout the world, for the unhappiest of reasons. For causes ha$g nothing whatever to do with TWA's flight crew or the 143 passengers entrusted to their care, a pair Medal of Honor' of politico-religious fanatics took over TWA's Flight 847, a 727 en route from -One of the PassengersOff HijackedFlight 847, to CBS News. Athens to Rome, early on June 14, setting· in motion a still-continuing drama of ten­ sion and misery for those involved and their loved ones. The ftrst report of the hijacking from Operational Planning roused key TWA ex­ ecutives and personnel frorritheir beds in the midst of a night's sleep. In minutes, they were converging on their crisis sta­ tions at 605. Hostages of a sort themsel­ ves, many of them would still be there a full day or more later, serving in round­ the-dock duty as they sought to gather, analyze and disseminate reports from the site. On their radios that same morning, TWA's people would hear the intercepted and relayed tape recordings of Captain John Testrake's alarmed but forceful voice, insisting �o the reluctant Beirut (to page 7) Pearson President ·Richard D. Pearson will succeed C. E. Meyer, Jr.. as TWA's presi­ dent and chief executive officer when Mr. Meyer leaves to join Four of the cabin crew m.embers of hijacked Flight 84 7 are pictured at London en route back to the U.S. following their Hilton International later this release at Algiers. From left are flight attendants Judy Cox, Hazel Heap and Elizabeth Howes and purser Uli year, it was arinounced at press Derickson. One passenger, AnnS ummers, writing in "USA Today" on June 19, said Uli Derickson "saved our lives." time. See page 3. �iss Summers, who had been vacationing in Europe, is an employee of the newspaper. AP!Wideworld Photo Texas Air, 'Some say - �--- T �Merger / I ·we don't A Trans World Airlines, Inc. and Texas Air· Corporation jointly announced on June 13 that their respective Boards of Directors have heroes· . have unanimously approved a definite merger agreement providing for TWA to 1nour become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Texas Air. In the merger, each share of TWA common stock would be converted country into the right to receive $19 in cash and $4 of a new issue of 141/z% CumulativeNon­ anymore. Convertible Preferred Stock of TWA. The merger transaction is subject to He's one •••' approval of TWA's stockholders, arrang­ ing and completion of satisfactory financ­ - The President of the ing for the transaction, and receipt of governmental approvals. The . govern­ United States • mental approvals include approval by the On Sunday, June 16, President Department of Transportation of control Reagan telephoned TWA President of TWA by Texas Airand the absence of a Ed Meyer to express his co�cem Presidential veto. over the hijacking of Flight 847 The merger transaction is expected to and to say, "My prayers are with be completed· in December 1985. TWA's you." Not wanting to single out any Board of Directors has received the opin­ one person in the crew, Mr. Reagan Captain John Testrake, answering questions of journalistsat Beirut. ion of its financial advisor, Salomon Broth- did remark (above) on the bravery Next to him in the cockpit is 'one of the terrorists. of Captain Testrake. - Photo courtesy ofAgence France Presse (topage4) terrorists."Striking a blow in the general Burt and His Faithful Phone Retire directionwould be a terroristact itself and Editor's Notes [result] in the killing and victimizing of innocentpeople," including the hostages. " ... As long as those people [the hos­ tages] are there and threatened and alive Carl Icahn may have been stopped but, we have a possibility- a probability- of then,as some have suspected,maybe he bringing them home," he said. never intended to fly TWA anywhere any- "America will never make concessions . way.At any rate,he got off at the point in to terrorists. .Once we head down that his raid where he stands to gros� over $78 path,there willbe no end to the suffering million.About $21 million of that willgo for of innocent people,no end to the bloody interest,legal and sundry expenses in the ransom all civilizednati9ns must pay," Mr. course of the takeover battle.He has an · Reagan said. 80% interest in the investor grqup,which should give hima personal profit of about Travel agents, who demonstrated they $45 million, _ according to the Wall Street were with TWA in the anti-Icahn takeover journal. battle,have expressed their support con­ "I'm a man of conimerce," he told the cerningthe hijacking of Flight 847. journal. "I like making money. I'm not Jane DuComb,of TravelMart in Phoe­ telling you I'm Robin Hood. The poor nix,said to Arizonageneral sales manager widows of this world aren't my responsi­ Allan Brighton: bility." "All of us who work in the travel indus­ Imagine Uli Derickson saying that. try in Phoenix are aware of,and grateful for,the outstanding professionalism of ev­ Flight engineer Benjamin Zimmer­ eryone at TWA, but the events of this mann,during the cockpit-to-ground inter­ week have made both the professionalism view staged by the hijackers at Beirut on and the courage of employees of your the sixth day of captivity,was . asked by company dear to the whole world . ." .ABCNews whether he had any messages for his family. Captain John Testrake has knownper­ "Well,just tell them,my wife,Melvia, sonal tragedy.Thiity years ago he was Elizabeth, Stevenand Eric,and my father, badly hurt and his new-born son, Billy, that everything is okay," he said. "We're was killedwhen they were hit head-on by a surviving." drunken driver.Eight years ago his first He was unaware ihat his 88-year-old wife,Patricia, died of a braintumor. Last father had died five days earlier,on June fall, his son, Alan, who was in his 20s, 15. died.And now the ordeal of Flight 847. His father,the Rev.Elmer C.Zimmer­ · mann,a Lutheran,died in St.Louis while New York Air joining in a prayer vigil for his son. Rev.Zimmermann had been a mission­ ary to China from 1928 to 1942.He was When Burt Kenyon,manager of menu planningand development,retired May 31 after19 taken prisoner by the Japanese early in DETROIT -dial •---��VI./0 years with TWA,his faithful plain black rotary telephone was officially retired as well. World War IIand released in an exchange "It seemed fittingbecause Burt was constantly on the phone keeping in touch with food of prisoners in 1942. suppliers and station personnel around the country," explained Mike Duarte,director­ Flight engineer Zimmermann is himself food & J:>everage service. an ordained Lutheran minister. Thephone was presented to Burt at a retirement party in his honor,attended by over 10 0 friends and associates including Burt's wife,Bibi; Dick Pear_son,TWA's executive President R.eaian, speakiiig at· a· na­ vice president and chief operating officer,and dining personnel. tionally televised news conference on · Mike Duarte also presented Burt with TWA's DistinguishedDining Service Award and June 18- sixth day of the ordeal of Flight noted that "In recognition of Burt's many contributions to TWA's food and beverage 847- said he had "pounded a few walls " in service the award will henceforth be known as the Burt Kenyon Distinguished Dining frustration over the inability to free the Service Award." remafuing hostages being heicf ii:i Leba­ • non. He called on their Moslem Shiite 'NEWORLEANS captors to "end this crime in the name of John F. Raible, 66, retiredmechanic, MCI, died on June 6. Mr. Ratble retired last year ·after 28 years the God they worship." Space on pages 4-5 did not permit with TWA He is survived by his wife, Phyllis, of Mr. Reagan said the United States including the route system of New In Memoriam Independence, Mo. could not use military force against the York Air. George Shelley, Jr., veteran of nearly 40 years with TWA and long-f¥ne station manager at LGA, Frederick Schrader, plant maintenance mechanic died on June 13. At his retirement in 1983, Mr. Receives 10·Year pin from Cardinal Law at San Francisco, died onJune 4. Mr. Schrader joined Shelley was manager of central baggage tracing at TWA in 1962 atJFK and transferredto SFO in 1976. LGA Mr. Shelley is survived by his wife, Gail (nee He had been on medical leave since 1983. His wife, Rosenast), a former TWA flight attendant; sons- Jane, two sons and a daughter survive. Warren and Kent and daughter Suzanne. Gerard Ridd. retired supervisor-customer serv­ ices at Shannon, died on May 11. Mr. Ridd had 8th Air Force Reunion retired in 1979 after'33 years with TWA He is A number of 8th AirForce units willmeet survived by his wife, Mai. in WichitaOctober 17-20 to mark the 50th VergilE. Cruce, 76, retired sheet metal niechanic, anniversary of the B-17 Flying Fortress. Los Angeles, died on March 9. Mr. Cruce was with TWA from 1961 to 1973. He is survived by his wife, Theprogram willfeature a B-17 fly-in,the Helen. USAF Thunderbirds,and an open house Eugene T. Sanders, mechanic, MCI, died on june at McConnell AFB.For further informa­ 7. Mr. Sanders, who was 62, retired on April 4.
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