Appendix 309 out much of Tamil Nadu. (Thurston and Rangachari 1909, Appendix 1:5-16) Agasa (Asaga, Viraghata Madivala, Madiwal, Mallige Additional Castes, Madevi Vakkalu) Acaste ofwashermen, found in southern Maharashtra and Karnataka. They are Hindus, though many Caste Clusters, are Lingayats, and those speaking Konkani are Christians. See also Dhobi. (Thurston and Rangachari 1909, 1:16-18; and Tribes Enthoven 1920-1922, 1:1-5; Nanjundayya and Anantha- krishna Iyer 1928-1936, 2:1-31; Srinivas 1952) Aghori (Aughar, Aghoripanthi, Aghorapanthi) A class of The following caste and tribe names have been taken from Shaivite mendicants who used to feed on human corpses and the various sets of handbooks dealing with the castes and excrement; in previous centuries they were even reputed to tribes of particular regions of South Asia. These volumes are have engaged in cannibalism. Being a wandering people who nearly all more than a half-century old, but more recent infor- have commonly been chased out ofone district after another, mation of this sort is not available. (Virtually all of the they are now found widely scattered through India, although "Castes and Tribes" handbooks have, however, been repub- Varanasi (Benares) is thought to be their professional resort. lished in recent years.) Long as this list is, it is by no means (Risley 1891, 1:10; Crooke 1896, 1:26-69; Campbell 1901, exhaustive, and it merely represents those groups for which 543; Russell and Hira Lal 1916, 2:13-17) we have a certain amount of once reliable, if now outdated, information. Only monographs have been surveyed for this Agnihotri A Brahman caste devoted to the maintenance appendix, as space does not allow coverage of the massive ofthe sacred fire and found in northern India. (Crooke 1896, amount of ethnographic material to be found in scholarly 1:30-33) journals. For these, the interested reader should consult the Agrahari (Agrehri). A trading and cultivating caste, excellent bibliographies by Ittaman et al. (1982) and Pat- found in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. (Risley 1891, 1:11-12; terson (1981). Crooke 1896, 1:33-35) Most of these groups are internally divided into sub. castes or tribal sections that have not been named in this ap- Agri (Ager, Agari, Agaria, Agle, Kharpatil) A large caste pendix, which is essentially an index to the handbooks men- found from northern Karnataka to Punjab. They are princi- tioned. It must be recognized that in many cases one named pally known as salt makers and farmers, but in recent years .caste" is actually a grouping of several endogamous units they have also gone into numerous other occupations. (Rose and, further, that changing economic conditions have made 1911, 1:3; Enthoven 1920-1922, 1:5-16; Kale 1952) the traditional occupations listed here unimportant or even Aguri A trading and cultivating caste, found in West Ben- impossible to follow. In some cases, too, the locality where a gal. (Risley 1891, 1:12-13) caste is to be found has changed somewhat, particularly as a result ofthe partition of India and Pakistan in 1947. Modem Ahar (Aheri, Heri, Ahari) A herding and cultivating district names are given in all entries. caste, found in Punjab and hilly northern parts of Uttar Pra- Cross-references set in upper- and lower-case characters desh. (Crooke 1896, 1:35-36; Rose 1911, 1:4) are to other headings in this appendix; those set in capitals Ahban A Rajput caste, found in eastern Uttar Pradesh. and small capitals are to headings in the main body ofthe en- Some are cyclopedia. An index ofall ethnonyms given in this appendix Muslim, others Hindu. (Crooke 1896, 1:37-39) is provided at the back. Aheriya (Aheri, Aheria) A hunting, gathering and thiev- ing tribe found in Uttar Pradesh. (Crooke 1896, 1:39-49) Ahiwasi A cultivating caste found in Uttar Pradesh. (Crooke 1896, 1:72-75) Aka (Hrusso) A Paleo-Mongoloid tribe of cultivators, found in the hills ofwestern Arunachal Pradesh. Total: 2,345 in 1971. (Dalton 1872, 42-44; Sinha 1962) Adi A Paleo-Mongoloid tribal cluster found in central Arunachal Pradesh. The term embraces the Aka-Bale (Aka-Bala-wa) A fishing, foraging, and garden- Gallong, Korka, ing tribe of the Great Andaman group. (Radcliffe-Brown Shimong, Boker, Bori, Padam, Pasi, Minyong, and other agri- 1922, 12-19; Chakraborty 1990) cultural tribes. They are related to the Abors. Partial total: 79,392 in 1971. See also ABOR. (Dalton 1872, 26-33; Roy Aka-Bea A fishing, foraging, and gardening tribe of the 1960; Srivastava 1962; Chowdhury 1971) Great Andaman group. (Radcliffe-Brown 1922, 12-19; Adiyan (Adiyar, Adigal) A tribe found in northern Kerala. Chakraborty 1990) They are Hindus, speak Kannada, and work as farm laborers. Aka-Bo A fishing, foraging, and gardening tribe of the Total: 7,192 in 1971. (Thurston and Rangachari 1909, 1:4; Great Andaman group. (Radcliffe-Brown 1922, 12-19; Gopalan Nair 1911, 97-100; Luiz 1962, 27-31) Chakraborty 1990) Agamudaiyan A Hindu cultivating caste found through- Aka-Cari A fishing, foraging, and gardening tribe of the 3 10 Abpendix Great Andaman group. (Radcliffe-Brown 1922, 12-19; internal structure based on sectarian differences. (Siraj ul Chakraborty 1990) Hassan 1920, 1:121-130) Aka-Jeru A fishing, foraging, and gardening tribe of the Apa Tani A Paleo-Mongoloid tribe found in central Great Andaman group. (Radcliffe-Brown 1922, 12-19; Arunachal Pradesh. They are about 13,000 people living in Chakraborty 1990) one valley of Upper Subansiri District. Total: 12,888 in 1971. Aka-Kede A fishing, foraging, and gardening tribe of the (Fiirer-Haimendorf 1956, 1962, 1980) Great Andaman group. (Radcliffe-Brown 1922, 12-19; A-Pucikwar (Aka-Bojig-yab) A fishing, foraging, and gar- Chakraborty 1990) dening tribe of the Great Andaman group. (Radcliffe-Brown Aka-Kol A fishing, foraging, and gardening tribe of the 1922, 12-19; Chakraborty 1990) Great Andaman group. (Radcliffe-Brown 1922, 12-19; Aradhya (Aradhya Brahman) A caste ofBrahman priests, Chakraborty 1990) found mainly in Andhra Pradesh. Some are now engaged in A fishing, foraging, and gardening tribe of the agriculture or medicine. (Thurston and Rangachari 1909, Aka-Kora and 1928-1936, Great Andaman group. (Radcliffe-Brown 1922, 12-19; 1:50-54; Nanjundayya Ananthakrishna Iyer Chakraborty 1990) 2:32-46) Arain (Rain) A caste of market gardeners, found from Akali (Nihang) A class of Sikh devotees, found in north- western India. They are a celibate sect. (Crooke 1896, 1:76- Punjab Province, Pakistan, to Uttar Pradesh. It includes both 77; Rose 1911, 1:9-10) Hindus and Muslims. (Crooke 1896, 4:206-208; Rose 1911, 1:13-16) Alkari (Shravagi, Golalare) A small caste of western Maharashtra, who claim to be Rajputs. They used to prepare Arakh A small caste of cultivators found from eastern - red dye, but they are now mostly cultivators or day laborers. Maharashtra to eastern Uttar Pradesh. (Crooke 1896, 1:81 They are Shaivites. (Enthoven 1920-1922, 1:37-41) 85; Russell and Hira Lal 1916, 2:40-42) Allar (Ollares) A tribe of Palghat District, in central Aranadan (Arandan, Eranadan) A tribe found in Kerala. They are hunters and gatherers, some of whom still Kozhikode District, northern Kerala. They collect forest pro- use caves for shelter. (Luiz 1962, 32-38) duce, and until recently they were also hunters. Total: 5 in 1971! (Luiz 1962, 39-43) Amat (Amath) A pair of Hindu cultivating castes found in Bihar; some are household servants. (Risley 1891, Arasu (Rajpinde) A caste that includes the former royal 1:17-19) family of Mysore and ranks as Kshatriya. They are found in Karnataka, and many have been employed in the civil service Ambalaskkaran A caste ofvillage watchmen, found in cen- or the army. (Thurston and Rangachari 1909, 1:55; tral Tamil Nadu. (Thurston and Rangachari 1909, 1:25-28) Nanjundayya and Ananthakrishna Iyer 1928-1936, Ambalavasi (Nambidi, Nampati, Adikal, Muttatu, Ilayatu, 2:47-73) Elayad, Chakkiyar, Nambiar, Nambiyar, Nambiyassan, Arora (Rora) A caste of cultivators, traders, tailors, bank- Variyar, Pisharoti, Pisharati, Pisharodi, Pothuval, Marar, ers, and contractors, found in Punjab and Sindh provinces, Maran, Marayan, Gurukkal, Kurukkal, Samanthan, Unni) Pakistan. Most are Hindus, but some are Sikhs. (Rose 1911, A group of castes in central Kerala who are traditionally tem- 1:16-21) ple servants. Many also cultivate. (Thurston and Rangachari 1909, 1:28-31; 2:7-11, 204-208, 309-313; 5:5-13, 149- Arya Samaj A modem Hindu sect found especially in 151; 6:199-203; 7:221-228, 322-329; Ananthakrishna Iyer Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. It was founded about 1847 and is 1909-1912, 2:122-150) strongly reformist. (Rose 1911, 1:21-24) Ambattan A Hindu caste of Tamil-speaking barbers and Asur An iron-smelting tribe found in much of central musicians; they were probably once surgeons. Their women India, from West Bengal to Maharashtra. Total: 7,637 in are midwives. They are found in southern Kerala and 1971. (Leuva 1963) throughout Tamil Nadu. See also Nai. (Thurston and Ranga- chari 1909, 1:32-44; Ananthakrishna Iyer 1909-1912, Atari (Gandhi, Bukekari) A small Muslim caste selling 3:364-366) scent, incense, and sundry personal necessities, living in cen- tral India. (Russell and Hira Lal 1916, 2:42-45) Amma Coorg (Amma Kodagi) A Hindu priestly caste found in Kodagu District, southern Karnataka. (Krishna Iyer Audhelia (Audhalia) A small caste of Bilaspur District, in 1948, 64-66; Srinivas 1952) Madhya Pradesh. They work as farm laborers and pig keepers, and, unlike most Hindus, they sacrifice pigs to their chiefdei- Andh A cultivating tribe of eastern Maharashtra and ties. (Russell and Hira Lal 1916, 2:45-48) northernmost Andhra Pradesh.
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