4132 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 3 NOMINATIONS Brig. Gen. William Morris Hoge (colonel, NEW YORK Executive ·nominations received May 3 Corps of Engineers), Army of the United Mary Virginia Schrempp, Maryknoll, N. Y. States. In place of K. A. Slattery, retired. (legislative day of April 16) , 1945: Brig. Gen. Charles Everett Hurdis (lieuten~ DIPLOMATIC AND . .FOREIGN SERVICE ant colone1, Field Artillery), Army of the OHIO Hiram A. Boucher of Minnesota, now a United States. Viola Smathers, Buchtel, Ohio. Offize Foreign Service officer of class 3 and a secre~ Brig. Gen. Herbert Ludwell Earnest (lieu4 became Presidential July 1, 1944. tary in the Diplomatic Service. to be also a tenant colonel, Cavalry), Army of the United Anna M. Krug, Spring Valley, Ohio. In consul general of the United States of Amer~ States. place o! W. E. Alexander, resigned. ica. Brig. Gen. John Matthew Devine (lieuten­ OKLAHOMA Theodore J. Hohenthal, of California, now ant colonel, Field Artillery), Army of the Henry R. Hare, Keota, Okla. In place of a Foreign Service officer of class 7 and a secre~ United States. E. R. Davis, transferred. tary in the Diplomatic Service, to be aLso To be brigadier generals a consul of the United States of America. PENNSYLVANIA The following-named persons for appoint­ Col. George Wintered Smythe (major, In~ Eva E. Taft, East Springfield, Pa. omce be· ment as Foreign Service officers, unclassified, fantry), Army of the United States. came Presidential July 1, 1944. vice consuls of career, and secretaries in the Col. Hugh Cart (lieutenant colonel, Field Melvin J. Hurd, La Jose, Pa. Offi~e became Dip!omatic Service of the United States of Artillery), Army of the United States. Presidential July 1, 1944. America: Col. William Lynn Raberts, Infantry. Frank W. Kebe, Moon Run, Pa. Office be~ William C. George, of the District of Co~ Col. William Orlando Darby (captain, Field came Presidential July 1, 1944. lumbia. Artillery), Army of the United States. Elizabeth V. Heaps, North Bend, Pa. Of­ Robert K. Peyton, of New Jersey. Col. Charles Trueman Lanham (major, In.. fice became Presidential October 1, 1944. fantry), Army of the United States. TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY Mildred A. Swanson, Pittsfield, Pa. Otfice Col. Charles Harlan Swartz (lieutenant became Presidential July 1, 1944. David E. Lilienthal, of Wisconsin, to be colonel, Field Artillery), Army of the United a member of the Board of Directors of the Earl E. Koch, WescQsville, Pa. Office be­ States. c.ame Presidential July 1, 1944. Tennessee Valley Authority for the term ex~ Col. Thomas Leonard Harrold (major, Cav­ piring 9 years after May 18, 1945. (Reap~ alry), Army of the United States. TENNESSEE pointment.) Col. William Nelson Gillmore (major, Field W. Coy St. John, Manchester, Tenn. In POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Artillery), Army of the United States. place of Hugh Doak, .resigned. Robert E. Hannegan, of Missouri, to be POSTMASTERS WISCONSIN Postmaster General, effective July 1, 1945, vice Frank C. Walker, resigned. The following-named persons to be post­ Roland B. Cary, Boulder Junction, Wis. Joseph J . Lawler, of Pennsylvania, to be masters: In place of D.~· Waller, resigned. Third Assistant Postmaster General, Post Of­ ALAifAMA fice Department, vice Ramsey S. Black, re~ Burton C. Sterling, Addison, Ala. Office be­ signed effective May 6, 1945. came Presidential July 1, 1944. - DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Vera S. Collier, Praco, Ala. Otfice became HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Harold H. Young, of Texas, to be Solicitor Presidential July 1, 1943. oi the Department of Commerce. ARIZONA THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1945 THE JUDICIARY Eleanor McCoy, Yuma, Ariz. In place of J. M. Balsz, dropped. The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE was called to order by the Speaker. Donnell Gilliam, of North Carolina, to be ARKANSAS Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D. D., pastor United States district judge for the eastern Dorothy A. Trammell, Everton, Ark. Office district of North Carolina, vice Isaac M. Mee~- became Presidential July 1, 1944. of the Gunton Temple Memorial Pres­ ins, retired. · byterian Church, Washington, D. C., of­ CALIFORNIA UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS fered the following prayer: Faith R. Dotters, Daggett, Calif. In place Tobias E. Diamond, of Iowa, to be United of R. M. Salisbury, removed. 0 Thou God of might and of majesty, States attorney for the northern district of Edith A. Knudsen, Klamath, Calif. In who has revealed Thyself as the su­ Iowa. (Mr. Diamond is now serving in this place of E. A. Knudsen. Incumbent's com~ office under an appointment which expired preme guiding intelligence, we pray that mission expired May 4, 1942. we may be filled with a sense of Thy November 19, 1944.) John Thomas Ward, Olivehurst, Calif. Sam M. Wear, of Missouri, to be United divine sovereignty, ruling, not with arbi­ States attorney for the western district of Office became Presidential July 1, 1944. trary power, but with the gracious wis­ Missouri, vice Maurice M. Milligan, term ex­ Erdman Petz, Olive View, Calif. In place dom of a Heavenly Father whose mind pired. of Clarence McCord. Incumbent's coml;Xlis~ sion expired ·June 23, 1942. is too wise to err and whose heart opens UNITED STATES MARSHAL with love to all our needs. Jones Floyd, ·of Arkansas, to be United GEORGIA May we respond to that wisdom and States marshal for the western district of Ruby R. Beckwith, Springfield, Ga. In that love by seeking first Thy kingdom Arkansas, vice Henry C. Armstrong, term ex­ place of H. N. Ramsey, retired. Ellie A. Long, Saint Marys, Ga. In place of and Thy righteousness, assured that then pired. all things needful shall be added unto SMALLER WAR PLANTS CORPORATION I. F. Arnow, retired. ILLINOIS us. Help us by Thy grace to repel every The following-named persons to be mem- willful purpose and every selfish pro- bers of the Smaller War Plants Corporation: Margaret Mulvaney, Edwards, Ill. Otfice Maury Maverick, of Texas. became Presidential July 1, 1944. pensity. · We fervently pray that the day may Patrick W. McDonough, of California. INDIANA James T. Howington, of Kentucky. speedily dawn when the finer moral and Lawrence F. Arnold, of Illinois. Mildred. Maxedon, Hardinsburg, Ind. In spiritual principles of reverence and love ·c. Edward Rowe; of Massachusetts. place of L. M. Patton, resigned. William L. Alvis, Patoka, Ind. In place of for God and man shall become regnant HONOR GRADUATES FOR APPOINTMENT IN THE J. H. Witherspoon, Sr., deceased. in the heart of humanity. Grant us to REGULAR ARMY see and understand that faith, hope, and To be second. lieutenants with rank from KANSAS love are the mightiest weapons in the December 1, 1944 Frank H. Steiger, El Dorado, Kans. In building of a better world. May these place of J. H. Sandifer, deceased. FIELD ARTILLERY virtues be the guiding light of our own Lester c. Irwin, Onaga, Kans. In place of Luther Edward Brown C. L. Krouse, resigned. lives. CORPS OF ENGINEERS We o:ffer our petitions in the name o:f MASSACHUSETl'S the Christ. Amen. Winston Huntington Elliott Thomas F. Dehey, Hinsdale, Mass. In place TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY OF of C. A. Lamoureaux, retired. The Journal of the proceedings of THE UNITED STATES NEVADA yesterday was read and apJ?roved. To be major generals Harold Sylvester Baldwin, Henderson, Nev. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Brig. Gen. Holmes Ely Dager (lieutenant· Otfice became Presidential April 1, 1944. colonel, Infantry'), Army of the United States. A message in writing from the Presi­ Brig. Gen. Bryant Edward Moore (lieuten• NEW JERSEY dent of the United States was communi­ ant colonel, Infantry), Army of the United Anna M. Bryant, Lumberton, N. J.. ptnce cated to the House by Mr. Miller, one o:f Stat<.::s, became Presidential July 1, 1944. his secretaries, who also informed the 1945. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4133 House · that on the following dates the EXTENSION OF REM:ARKS The SPEAKER. Is there objection to President approved and signed bills and Mr. COURTNEY asked and was given the request of the gentleman froni Wis~ a joint resolution of the House of the permission to extend his remarks and to consin? following titles: include an editorial from the Nashville There was no objection. On April 19, 1945: Banner. Mr. ELLIS asked and was given per­ H. R. 685. An act to amend the act en­ Mr. HART. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan~ mission to extend his own remarks in titled "An act for the acquisition of build­ imous consent to extend my remarks and the Appendix. ings and grounds in foreign countries for include an editorial from the Jersey Ob~ Mr. BUFFETT asked and was given usa of the Government of the United States of America," approved May 7, 1926, as server, and I ask unanimous consent also permission to extend his own remarks in amended, to permit of the sale of buildings to extend my remarks and include a res~ the Appendix. and grounds and the utilization of proceeds olution adopted at a mass meeting held CRITICAL HOUSING SHORTAGE IN of such sale in the Government interest; at Union City, N. J. METROPOLITAN LOS ANGELES AREA H. R. 914. An act granting the consent of The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Congress to the States of Colorado and the request of the gentleman from New Mr. McDONOUGH. Mr. Speaker, I ask Kansas to negotiate and enter into a com­ Jersey? unanimous consent to address the House pact for the division of the waters of the There was no objection. for 1 minute and to revise and extend my Arkansas River; Mr. LANE asked and was given per~ remarlcs. H. R. 934. An act for the relief of Charles The SPEAKER.
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