” F RI. 5 I N D E X TO P O LY NES IA N A B RA HA M EO RN A N D E R — Thre e vo um e s Triib ne r Co . o nd o n 1 8 8 1 88 ( l , , L , 7 5 ) MP I D B Y O H N F G . TO K CO L E J . S E S , h Mus m ur at or o f P o nesian E thn o o i n the B ernice P . B is o eu C ly l g y p , Ho n o l ul u . WITH A Brief Memoir O f Judge Fornander. W D L E X DE R L D P RE P A RE D B Y . A A N , L . H I HO N O L U L U , . B I S H O P MUS E U M P R E S S . 1 TI N INTRO DUC O . H E original intention o f the writer was to prepare an “ ” index to the second volume o f The Poly nesian Race for o n o f his w reference , and following the completion this o f portion , several Honolulu students Hawaiian antiqui ’ ties to whom J udge F o rn and e r s work had proved o f great value expressed the hO pe that the index so prepare d might be made generally available by publication . On thinking over the sub ect u j , the writer decided that before s bmitting the matter to the Trustees o f the Museum for consideration as to its publication by the Museum press , it would be better to complete the work o f by adding the index to the first and third volumes , a table o f F o rn an d er contents and a bibliography , all which work Judge would perhaps have supervised had he lived more conveniently near to his publishers . These additions have now been made and the combined results are herewith submitted . It would see m to be somewhat late in the day to present this P o l ne index to the public , but the widespread interest which y sufii cie nt sian matters are now commanding is perhaps excuse . To facilitate reference to the large amount o f material in “ ” - The Polynesian Race , sub titles have been arrange d under the names o f the more frequently mentioned characters in Hawaiian history , in fair chronological order ; also , wherever a subject - warranted it , numerous sub heads were added . The genealogical tables in Volume I contained several hun dred names not again referred to throughout the whole work , and many pages have been save d in the inde x by the omission o f from it such names . Vo a u In the third volume , the indexing of the Comparative c b lary seems to suggest the man who undertook to index Webster ’ s r F o rnand r Dictionary , but it was considered necessa y , as Judge e had followed the order set forth in the Hawaiian alphabet . This portion is briefly listed , only the words heading the section being include d . F o rnand e r o f i Judge deplored the poverty his library , and t must be understood that the books mentioned in the bibliography ad do not necessarily represent the best works or editions . In o n F o rnand e r o f dition to his w , Judge made use the formerly (iii ) ’ ‘ ' iv [72i roaua z on existing Hawaiian Government Library , which , with the former , has since bee n divided between the present Honolulu Library i Association , the Hawaiian Historical Society and the Bern ce P . I Bishop Museum . have consequently been able to find and o f check most O f his books reference . o f At the invitation of the Trustees the Museum , Dr . W . D . Alexander has kind ly conse nted to prepare a brief biographical o f F o r nan d e r sketch Judge , with whom he was well acquainted . F . G . JOHN . STOKES A Bri f ir n r e Memo O f Abraham Forna de . w B Y . D . A L E X A N D E R , L L . D . THE historian Abraham F o rn an d e r was descended from a o f line distinguished clergymen and scholars , both his gran d D D F o rn an d e r . father , Rev . Abraham , , and his father Rev . D F o rn and r . D e . Anders , , having held high positions in the o f Lutheran Church Sweden . He was born in the parsonage o f Ge rl sa in the so uth of 1 8 1 2 o f Sweden , November 4 , . Ve ry little is known his early life . It is evident , however , that he received a thorough clas sical o f education , first , no doubt , in the Gymnasium Kalmar , in 1 8 28 which his father , who died in , had been a professor . From a cursory remark in the preface to the first volume of his work on the Polynesian race , we learn that he had afte rwards been a o f student in the famous University Upsala , where he attended the lectures of Professor Geijer , the national historian and poet f o . A o f Sweden footnote to a brief biography his father , pub “ lished 1 8 6 in 3 , states that His son , Theodor Karl , is a doctor of ” medicine , and Abraham is a captain in North America . An Obituary o f the latter published in the Pacific Comme r cial 2 1 88 i Advertiser of November , 7 , g ves the following informa tion concerning him : “ 1 8 8 a He first came to the Islands in 3 , and after a short st y o n 1 8 2 . went away a whaling cruise in a whaler , returning in 4 He then commenced to plant coffee in Nuuanu valley for Dr . T . ’ . 1 8 . C B Rooke . In 47 he was engage d in surveying D r Rooke s l n ka u . A a a lands The same year he was married to Pinao p , a o f 1 8 . chiefess from the island Molokai , who die d in 5 7 They o ne . had four children , three girls and boy . The late Mrs T o Catherine Brown was the only o n e that survived him . w o f years later , at the height the gold fever , he went to Cali fo rn ia r n o t , but returne d in three o four months , well satisfied with his trip . “ 1 8 2 . In 5 he was e diting the Weekly Argus , with Matthew K Smith as publisher . He succeeded C . G . Hopkins as e ditor of 1 86 when h : the Polynesian , which position he held until 4 , was ( V§ ’ Vi A B i e Memoi A bra/2a m F or n a n aer r f r of . 1 86 appointed Circuit Judge Of Maui . In 5 Kame hameha V ap - 1 8 1 pointed him I nspector General of Schools , and in May , 7 , he o f was reappointed Circuit Judge Maui , which position he held 86 28 o until the latter part o f 1 8 . On December f that year he ” o o f was app inted Fou rth Associate Justice the Supreme Court . 1 1 88 He died November , 7 , after a long and painful illness . o f o f He was a man unquestione d integrity , blameless private o f . life , an d untiring industry Deeply interested , as he was , in to the Hawaiian race , which he was closely attached by family ties , he devoted most Of his time during the last thirty years of f his life to the collection and study o its traditions . It may truly be said that he did more to preserve its ancient history and - folk lore than any other man . It was his life work , and though his theo ries about the origin o f the race may not gain general acceptance by future ethnologists , yet his three volumes will continue to be a storehouse o f trustworthy information on the o f history and legends Hawaii . The publication at this late day o f this Index to his works h is a suffi cient proof of the estimation in whic they are held . TABLE O F CO NTENTS . O M I V L U E , Dedication Preface Hypothesis Comparisons of place names Anthropological comparisons Expla nation o f non -settlement o f Papuasia by Poly nesian s Polynesian afi nities Spread of ancient Arabian influence A fii nities through worship National appellations C reation Polynesian Eden and fall o f man Legends from the Creation to the Flood Concerning the Flood Tower of Babel , Events following the Flood &c . : Customs , usages , worship , Circumcision Manner o f burial Castes Tabu Tatto o ni g Holy waters Cities o f refuge f o &c . Divisions the year , Superstition Human sacrifices Canibalism Arguments o f a Cushite origin affected by a Dravidian admixture Polynesians distinct from Malays in langu age and othe r respects Numeral system Theo ry of Polynesian origin iii Ta ble o Co te ts v f n n . 1 Time o f Polynesian arrival in the Pacific 1 60 363 Routes of migrations 1 69 — 1 8 1 - Genealogical tables . 1 8 1 20 4 Ku m u ho n u a— Wakea legends o f Cushite origin 20 4— 20 9 Appendix I : Hawaiian legend o f the World Egg 2 1 1 — 2 1 3 “ : Appendix II Marquesan legend of the Creation , Te ” Vanana na Tanao a 2 1 4-2 1 9 Appe ndix III : Society Islands legend o f Creation 2 20 — 224 Appendix IV : Marquesas Islands legend o f the Flood 225 — 235 : 2 6 2 Appendix V New Zealand prayers at baptism 3 , 37 : .
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