vLAArfu NG 10 March 9, 1979 BEIJI o Chinese Frontier Troops Begin Withdrowol o Chinese Women Discuss Life ond Work - - ,4R*d}'] ,! __ ..:. BEIJING REYIEW CHTRONNCTE ,h 4,{A.fu Feb. 24 o The national conference of secretaries of provincial committees of the Chinese Communist Vol. *) No. l0 Morch 9, 1Yt9 Youth League closes in Beijing: The conference sets forth that.study and work for the realization of the "four modernizations" is the major subiect CONTENIS for China's youth in the new era. .t CHRONIC|E 2 Feb. 28 A'ENTS & TRENDS 3 : r Vice-Premier Deng Xiaoping rneets with Ta- Exhibition in Memoiy of Zhou Enloi ' keji Watanabe, Fresident of the Kyodo News Ser- Another Coll to Toiwon Authorities' vice of Japan. The Vice-Premier gives his views T,ibeton Compotriots Abrood Welcome on a number of que$lions including the situation Home on the Sino-Vietnamese border, Sino-Japanese rela- Regulotions for Arrest ond Detention tions and China's Two New Roilwoys "four':modernizations." Guidelines for Economic Construction A Reopproisol of "Hoi Rui Dismissed From Feb. 28 Office" o Premier Hua Guofeng meets W. Michael Blu- ARTICTES AND DOCUMENTS menthal, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Premier Hua says: "Sino-U.S. friendly relations will grow To Honour the Memory oJ Premier Zhou, step by step." Seeretary Blumenthal says that talks Act os Premier Zhou Would Hove Us Act past Renmin Ribao editoriol I have proceeded very well in the few days and Authorized- Stotement by Xinhuo News that a foundation has been laid for closer bilateral Agency Ch,inese frontier troops stort economic relations. withdrowol- 12 Chinese Frontier Troops Begin Pullout on March 1 Morch 5 12 '' Chinese Foreign Ministry's Note to Viet- o The Chinese Foreign Ministry in its notp to nomese Embossy.* Proposing once ogoin the Yietnamese Embassy in Beijing proposes once to the Vietnomese Government'to hold again to the Vietnainese Government that negotia' . speedy negotiotions 13 tions be held as soon as Possible. Reports From the Frontier !.. Coi * Bridgeheod Vietnomese o Premier Hua Guoflng meets with Hassan Loo for '. Provocotions 14 Mohamed el Tohamy, Special Envoy of President The Bottle.for Khou Mo Son Mountoin t5 'Sadat and Deputy Prime Minister at the Presidency' Distributing Groin to Vietnomese ln- Premier Hua says that China resolutely supports hobitonts t5 the Egyptian, Palestinian "and other Arab people Life Returns to Hekou 16 in their just struggle to recover their lost territories World Economy: A Rugged Rood and restore their national rights. Economic difficulties in mojor Western- copitolist countries 17 March SPECIAI. FEATURE o Comrade Hua Guofeng meets with Branislav Chinese Women Discuss Life ond Work Ikonic, Vice-President of the Federal Executive Employment Opportunity 19 Council of Yugoslavia. Both are of the opinion that Eguol Poy for Equol Work 20 relations between .the two countries and the two Love ond 22 Morrioge Parties will develop further with concerted efforts . Fomily Budget 23 Fomily. Plonning 23 from both sides. Toking Core of Children 24 The Autumn Yeors 25 March 4 Women ol Minority Notionolities 26 o In.his meeting with Eric Varley, British Sec- ROUND THE IIYORID 28 retary of State for Industry, Premier Hua Guofeng ON THE HOME FRONT 30 says that Sino-British relations have been get- COVER: ' Chinese women on vorious fronts, 'and (Upper ting better better. leftl o ieosont, llouter lett) o can learn from and professor .in medicine, ltipper rightl o "We worker, (lot4gr rightl two P.L.A. soldiers help each other," he \r of o signol rhri& adds. fle expresses his appreeiation for Britain's stand that it brooks no Publisthd every Fridoy by BEIJING REVIEW, intervention by a third Beijins (37), Chino country in developing its . rt-fost loflice Reghtrotion No, 2-922 China. \Printid. in ire People's Republic of Chino ielations with EYENTS GP TRENDS Exhibilion in ilemory ol . have seen the exhibition. Prac- the 32nd anniversary of the tically every day in the last . Zhou Enlai "February 28" uprising by the two years the exhibition halls people in Taiwan. The meeting were packed with visitors March 5 this year was the took place at a time when Sino- something unprecedented - 81st anniversary of the birth of in the U.S. relations have been history- of Chinese exhibitions. the .late Premier Zhou. Enlai. normalized and the return of Now the exhibition is open The exhibition in memory of -that Taiwan to the motherland has to the public, the wish of the Premier Zhou, housed in' the been put on the agenda. At- people of the whole country has Museum of the Chinese Revolu- tending the meeting were more been fulfilled tion on the eastern side of Tian than 200 people from various An Men Square, will henceforth In its March 5 editorial, circles and compatpiots of Tai- be open to the publiq, according Renirnin Riboo gave d high ap- wan Province origin in Beijing. to a decision by the Party Cen- praisal of the contributions and Speaking on behalf of the tral Committee. lofty character of Premier Zhou. C.P.P.C.C. National Committee, It called on the entir€ Chinese its Vice-Chairman Xu Deheng Ttre exhibition consists of four people parts: to learn from him. invited people of all walks of (See p. 8 for full text.) life in Taiwan to visit the main- o Comrade Zhou Enlai: A land, and great added that arrange- Marxist and a model in ments will be made for people integrating Another Gall to Taiwan theory with practice. on the mainland visit Tai- Exhibits to in this part include [uthorities wan, so that they can exchange some of his works, retrrorts and views.qn the question of reuni- instruetions In settling the question of written on docu- fying the motherland. This is ments. Taiwan returning to the motherland, the status quo and yet another proposal to the o An outstandi,ng leader of the present system in Taiwan authorities and people in Tai- the Party and the state. On will be respected, the opinions wan following the earlier ones display are documenis of Party of the people of all walks of made by the departments con- and state policiea which Pre. ]ife there will be taken into cerned for trade, postal and mier Zhou formulated in con- consideration, and reasonable telecommunication serl.rices and junction with Mao Zedong and policies and measures will be eeonomic, scientific, cultural other crmrades. adopted so as not to cause any and sports exchanges between the mainland and Taiwan. o A model in safeguarding loss to the people on that island. unity and placing the interests Their way of life will not be The Message to Compatriots of the whole above everything changed, and their living stand- in Taiwan issued by the N.P.C. else. Ttris part shows how he ard will remain as before and Standing Committee on New combated the sabotage activities will be further improved along YeaCs Day embodies the basic of Lin Biao and the ,.gang of with the development of pro- stand with regard to the reuni- four," defended the party's duction and construction in the fication of the motherland (see motherland. cause and protected the veteran Beiiing Retsieta, No. 1, 1979) cadres during the Cultural These principles and .policies which is the common aspiration . Revolution. were reiterated by Liao Cheng- of the people of China, the o Exhibits in this part show zbi, Member of the Central Taiwan eompatriots included. kemier Zhou's communist Committee of the Chinese Com- If the Taiwan authorities place spirit of being modest and munist Party and Vice-Chair- the national interests above ' prudent, of working hard and man of the Standing Committee everything else, the return of pensevei!ilrce in struggle, and of the National People's Con- Taiwan will be realized smooth- complete devotion to the party's gress, when he spoke at a meet- ly. The earlier the people of cause. ing called by the National Com- the whole country join their mittee of the Chinese People's efforts, the faster they will turh Previews began in January Political Consultative Con- their motherland into a power- 7977. To date, 4 million people ference in commemoration , of ful modern country. For this March 9, 7979 repres€nts the will of the peo- proud of this!" IIe urged crime or crimes mmmitted are ple and the general trend. Dalai Lama and other Tibetan established and the crime or cornpatriots abroad to have a crimes are such that the crim- clear assessment of the situation inal is liable, if oonvicted, to Iibetan Compatriots and .return to the embrace of be sentenced to a term of irry Abroad telcome Home' the motherland at an early prisonment or when the amest date. is deemed necbssary. "We hope that Tibetan com- Before a warrant is obtained, patriots abroad, including Dalai according regulations, Lama, will return to the mother- [egulations for lrrest to the public security organs may de- land as soon as''possible to And lletention tain persons accused of a crime reunite with their kinsfolk and With a view to speeding the or major suspects emergency take part in building up the in work of iaw-making, the Stand- cases. arrest such country." If the of de- ing Committee of the National tainees is deemed necessary, the This message was conveyed People's Congress adopted on public security organ toncerned by Ulanhu, Member of the February 23 the Ri:gulations of should submit the evidence Poiitical Bureau of the Central the People's, Republic of China against them to the coruespond- Committee of the Chinese Com- Governing the Arrdst and De- i"g people's procuratorate r4unist Party and Head of the tention of Persons Accused of within three days after the de- Department of United tr'ront Crimes.
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