Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-26-2004 The BG News May 26, 2004 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News May 26, 2004" (2004). BG News (Student Newspaper). 7288. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/7288 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Bowling Green State University WEDNESDAY May 26, 2004 BASEBALL: PARTLY CLOUDY Falcons finish regular HIGH: 71 I LOW: 48 season on a high note www.bgnews.com PAGE 7 ANEWS daily independent student press VOLUME 98 ISSUE 137 Seatbelt regulation gains strength Matt Clark deaths, experts predict it would in water, as stated by It. Bradley STAFF REPORTER have saved many." Biller, public information officer « ' » However, some motorists dis- Motorists violating Ohio's child agree with such a stance, citing passenger and seatbelt laws over personal fiecdom and instances SEATBai,PAGE2 m -■m ••', the next month should expect to where seatbelts have caused ^ *\ ' get a ticket. From May 24 to June injury or death, rather than pre- WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW '«fc m vented it. ▼ 6, Ohio law enforcement officers • You cannot be pulled over for a V . —| p»" — will adopt a zero tolerance policy "It should be a matter of indi- seatbelt violation. lor violators of the state's laws. vidual choice, just as cigarette a* The stepped up enforcement is smoking or alcohol consumption • Both drivers and passengers % pan of the National Highway and is-not regulated or mandated by can be cited for a seatbelt viola- [ Traffic Safety Administration's the government," said Emily tion. "Click it or Ticket" campaign, as Shreve, a licensed driver and well as the Ohio Department of junior majoring in English. • Drivers face a fine ot $66. Public Safety's "What's Holding "People have had bad experi- You Back?" campaign. ences with seatbelts, and it should • Passengers face a tine ot $56. In a statement released May be their choice to decide from A. 18, Bowling Green Police Chief their own experience, whether or • Keep your hands on the wheel Thomas E. Votava made the rea- not they wish to wear it" and your seatbelt buckled until sons for the policy clean "Last Instances where seatbelts the officer instructs you otherwise. ' i year, more than half of all Ohioans cause injury in an auto accident, Btn SmngM BG News who died on our roadways in while rare, usually occur when the • More than half of all motor BUCKLE UP: Officer Justin White distributes a ticket in Bowling Green while patroling the area near motor vehicle crashes were belts prevent a driver or passen- vehicle deaths in Ohio last year Conneaut Ave. Bolwing Green officers will join all Ohio Police forces in enforcing seatbelt violations unbuckled. While a seat belt may ger from leaving a vehicle were associated with motorists not have prevented all of these engulfed in flames or submerged throughout the months of May and June. not wearing their seatbelts. Newell says LOCAL B II S I N E S S 0 F T II K W E E K goodbye to Company fleshes out BG University By Zach Herman tion on the Canadian side of STAFF REPORTER Niagara Falls. Internationally, and board LifeFormations, a Bowling LifeFormations has products in Green-based animatronics firm, Denmark and Taipei, Taiwan. ByMandyLind Management. The Cincinnati- This success has allowed STAFF REPORTER operates in relative anonymity, based firm specializes in manag- their office tucked away on LifeFormations to expand quick- The University's board of ing portfolios for wealthy individ- Woodbridge Road two miles ly, growing from three employees trustees will lose a valuable mem- uals and families. north of campus. Iheir name is at its inception to a current level ber when Valerie Newell says According to Linda Dobb, not quickly recognized by of approximately 25. goodbye at the end of the month. I-jtecutive Vice President of the The increased roster allows the Newell went from being the University, Newell has been a Bowling Green residents, and University's Outstanding Woman strong leader for the University. they advertise primarily at trade firm to keep pace with a demand- Graduate of 1975 to one of two "She is extremely brilliant," shows. But their work speaks for ing schedule that sometimes sees people who have served on all Dobb said. "She knows the finan- itself. them booked 6-8 months in three University Boards. She will cial world and that was so impor- Founded in 1991 by BGSU advance, according to (,ilium. leave after 11 years of service. tant to the University. She is part- Professor Gene Poor and two col- "We've been very busy for the "It's sad that my time is up, but ly responsible for the tact that leagues, LifeFormations has past couple of years," Gillum said, 1 believe it is important to have University investments have established a niche for their adding that time-consuming these limits because it allows for done so well in the last 2 years." unique brand of artistry - the larger projects are now more fre- the University to get fresh blood NeweU will also stay active in conceptualization and construc- quent and a fresh perspective," Newell community and civic affairs. She tion of static and animated fig- Despite the rapid growth, said. will serve as a trustee for the ures. Employing artists of all spe- LifeFormations is still looking for Appointed by Gov. George Cincinnati Art Museum as well as cialties, including sculptors, cos- ways to extend their reach. In Voinovich in lanuary 1993 as the Cincinnati Museum Center tumers, and programmers, addition to animatronics work, chair of the board of trustees, and Cincinnati Parks LifeFormations creates realistic the firm provides lighting and Newell has also served as chair of Foundation. mannequins for the trade-show, sound services for the figures, the board's finance and invest- "She set a good example for museum, and amusement and has also ventured into set ment committees. the women that come to Bowling industries. Some models are stat- work, creating complete environ- "I really feel good about what I Green, proving they can be out- ic-non-moving-and others are ments for their models. The have accomplished at the standing students and give back fully animated, with movements diversification represents the University," Newell said. "I was to their University and commu- controlled by computer pro- company's attempt to become doing things in certain areas like nity," Dobb said. "She represents grams issuing orders to a system what Gillum calls a "one-stop the investment area and audit the best that a woman can of air valves within the device. shop" for clients. area that made me feel like I was become." "While interesting the techni- Gillum attributes the firm's bringing some ideas to the table Newell says she credits noi cal jargon carries a much simpler success to an emphasis on "cre- that really meant something." only her business sense and the message," said Travis (.ilium. ativity and realism," a commit- Newell now plans to focus her support from her co-workers for president of LifeFormations and ment that will carry the company attention on being managing the University's success during director and senior portfolio her tenure. instructor of visual communica- into the future. manager at Riverpoint Capital tions technology, "Our business is "We want to raise the bar... to bringing things to life. We leach, keep that niche and advantage we entertain, we tell stories." over our competition," he said. Demand for LifeFormations While their influence is felt products comes from around the nationwide and abroad, globe. The business has a signifi- LifeFormations is first and fore- cant presence in Northwest Ohio, most a local company. Union Game room to be providing services for the Toledo "A lot of us have come from the Zoo, COSI, and the Gish Theatre. University," Gillum said. "There That list is only part of the firm's is a good pool of talent to draw reborn in coming months dossier of notable clients. The from [in Bowling Green]." company's work is also featured A decade after it began, it is By Zach Herman room will soon feature a new set in Chicago, Detroit, and New clear that LifeFormations fits STAFF REPORTER of games, perfect for avoiding York, as well as at Marvel nicely in Bowling Green-even if Visitors to the Bowen- homework and passing hot sum- Superheroes City, a new attrac- no one knows the name. Thompson Student Union are in mer afternoons. for a surprise. Room 105, once The game room lost several home to several arcade games for titles in mid-May, when the "Our business is bringing things to life. student use, is now nearly barren. University's contract with their We teach, we entertain, we tell stories." Most of the machines are gone, gaming vendor expired In need with only Dance Dance of more localized service, Union TRAVIS GILLUM, Revolution still available. Stacks representatives negotiated a deal of office chairs occupy the PRESIDENT OF UFEF0RMATI0NS remainder of the small area 6AK ROOM, PAGE 2 But gamers need not fear. The PMo Malia MM tMpi BG News FOUR-DAY FORECAST THURSM¥ FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY The four-day forecast is taken Partly High: 73' j^m Partly High: 75' Scattered High: 70" Scattered High: 80' Cloudy Low: 56' -^P™J Cloudy Low 54" T-storms Low: 57' T-storms Low 64' from weather.com ■?>wJ! FOR ALL THE NEWS VISIT WWWBGNEWS.COM WWW.BGNEWS.COM Wednesday.
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