DOGMAS ESSENTIAL TO SOUND THINKING LISTENING IN National Two Cents ABSURD TO SAY [ I **Mahatma G andhi/’ says an Edition a Copy I' pditorial in a New York daily THE I’Lhat lies before us, “ doesn’t be- MAN DOES NOT ieve in divorce. He believes i’ -.bat every divorce granted is >utting a> weak link in the NEED THEOLOGY •itrong chain of the institution OF F R J E M )f marriage. He also enter* REGISTER ^ains the hope that his wife Troop Startles Belgians (Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office) Father Fulton Sheen Shows Christ Himself \will never divorce him, and ieep down in his heart he be* by Visit to Honor THE RAPID-FIRE CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER Enunciated Definite Truths ieves she never will. Most VOL. VIII. No. DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1932. T W O CENTS !' oeople will agree with Mr. Apostle of Rockies New York.— ^’fhe Church holds that it is impossible to ^ndhi. No right-thinking per- have a religion without dogmas, because a dogma is an idea wn believes in divorce as an Louvain, Belgium.— Residents of Legion Out to Get a Million Jobs >/nstitution.’’ Militant Infidelity Is and there must therefore be dogmas “ as long as there is sound Dendermonde, a town half way be­ Greatest Sin of World i And then, believe it or not, tween Antwerp and Ghent, received thinking,” the Rev. Dr. Fulton J. Sheen declared last Sunday I tthe editorial attempts to prove a surprise recently when their vil­ Milwaukee, Wise.— “ What it in his address in the “ Catholic Hour” on “ Religion Without * that divorce is a domestic and lage was invaded by 30 Sioux In­ the great world tin of the day?’’ Dogmas.” The “ Catholic Hour” is baoadcast over a network Impurely personal problem, and dians from’ America. The Indians, all atkt Arcbbithop Stritch in bit K .. ^ |that it is an impertinent thing Lenten letter. And he antwert: of the National Broadcasting company, sponsored by the Na­ of them Catholics, came to pay tri­ * . (for any person or institution to “ Look into the bookt and the af­ - tional Council of Catholic Men. bute to the memory of Father Peter faire and the moTementi of the ;linterfere with divorce! De Smet, Apostle of the Rockies, Father Sheen described the trial I • world and you will have little of our Lord before Caiphas to prove difficulty in finding infidelity, cold truth, an authoritative principle. famous missioner who worked among that Jesus Christ Himself intended He enunciated a dogma!” |l . This sort of logic is becom- their ancestors more than a century militant, organized, intolerant in­ fidelity, to be the great tin of the i ." 'ii “ that His religion should have dog­ “ If He had not been so dogmatic ..mg common in editorial col- m mas.” He pointed out that in reply about His divinity,” Father Sheen ago, who was born in Dendermonde. modern timet.’’ ^•■iter begins to say to Caiphas’ question as to whether continued, “ He never would have Attired in their native ^arb, the one thing and ends up with He was “ the (Ilhrist, the Son of God,” seen the cross.” Indians a.ssembled before the statue jwmething entirely different. Jesus gave “ a categorical, straight­ “ History, mathematics, geography of Father De Smet and their chief. forward answer about His divinity.” p|Or he contradicts tomorrow First Church in and science,” he said, “ all have their Black Horn, delivered an address in “ He defined Himself,” Father Sheen d o ^ a s , their abstract principles, and '.what he says today. If he is English. It was translated into Flem- added., “ He enunciated a truth, a their ideas. That the World war ’ '^writing merely on news events, is’h by a missionary. The Indians then Germany Found ended on Armistice day, 1918, is a -land better information is avail- did several dances, which were film­ dogma of history; that Albany is the Sacrificing of capital of the state of New York is ■i&ble tomorrow, we admire him ed by a motion picture cameraman. Siegen, Westphalia.— A stone bear­ a dogma of geography; that the sum for changing his opinion. But The dances were repeated later at ing the date 732 has been found in of the angles of a triangle is equal [‘when he deals with such fun- the Catholic college for the benefit the wall of the old church in Raum- Humans Ends; to two right angles is a dogma of [idamental facts as religious and of the students. land, a small village on the Eder geometry; that water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one of ifmoral principles, we have a The Indians are a part of the cir­ river, and research has established Many Converts l,iright to expect consistency. that the building was erected by St. oxygen is a dogma of science. These cus troupe of the Sarrazani .show, Boniface, the Apostle of Germany. are luminous truths, sound ideas in l;iEven the passage - of a day the properties of which recently It is thus the oldest definitely dated 98,000 Catechumens in Field various fields of knowledge. Now l/ought to make no difference. wer^ damaged in a fire believed to church in Germany, looking back this Where 10,000 Were Slain truths like these in the religious field Any one who know* the in- be of incendiary origin. year on twelve centuries of existence. are called dogmas in the strict'sense Forty-Two Years Ago of the term. That there are three :>ide of the newspaper business Persons in one God, that (Ihrist is l^realizes why writer* act in this Paris. — If ' a comparison were the Son of God, that faith is a gift, I ‘way. Their motive is simply DEATH WINNER IN RACE made between the customs of the Ne­ that grace is a participation in the I'the cash register. The expres- gro populations of the territory with­ Nature of God, that the Church is the continuation of the Incarnation I iion of definite opinions alien- in the immense loop of the Niger in TO PLAQUE-HIT PRIEST 1860 and what they are today, an — these are dogmas of religion. ttes people who disagree. extraordinary change would be ob­ “ Now, to ask that religion be free iTherefore the writer* hold The united powert of the American Legion have been pledged to work served, says Father Giroud, procura­ from dogmas is like asking a body aothing very definite. They Techny, 111.— An account of an lapse— I stammered words of prayer. on a definite plan of their own formulation to relieve unemployment condi- tor of the African Missions of Ly­ to be freed from its backbone, or art heroic 200-mile horseback ride made “ Night came and I had to ride tiont throughout the country. The plan contemplatei adoption by induttry :>ake a stand every now and ons. to be freed from shapes and propor­ in the mountains of China by a mis­ more slowly. At last morning came of a tix-hour day with tiz-hour pay and a five-day week to create new jobs Human sacrifice has disappeared, tions, or literature to be freed from K:hen in order to satisfy one for men now unemployed. They estimate that the plan, if tuccettful, thould sionary of the Society of the Divine and the city became visible. I had although only 42 years ago, a massa­ grammar. •! in ow there are thou­ ^,':ype of minds, and then with- Word in a vain effort to rea?h the made a two days’ journey in 24 provide work fox kU eait 1,000,000 men. Above it Harold F. Plummer of cre of more than 10,000 people oc­ sands of minds weak enough to suc­ jJraw it in order to please the bedside of a cholera-stricken priest hours. • Wisconsin, national vice commander of the legion, holding the service star curred there. The eating (k humans cumb to the succulent abstraction of that will ho given-4o employers supporting the plan to create jobs for )th«r type. Careless readers of is contained in a letter received at “ I rode through the deserted has been abolished, altnough, in the sweet catchword: ‘I believe in the headquarters of the order, here, streets. The silence of death was 1,000,000 unemployed. both camps think they side 1910, a friend of Father Giroud was religion, but not in theology,’ but it from Father Bromkamp, S.V.D. Ar­ brooding all about me. I dismounted devoured by cannibals. There has is only a catchword. Such a mind I'with them. But what about riving at the mission station after and covered the animal with warm been an important recoil from the might just as well say, ‘I believe in [i'lheir effect on young readers? 24 hours of constant riding. Father blankets. The uncertainty had driven influence of fetiches which were chemicals, but not in chemistry,’ or 'Children who read papers of Bromkamp remained in the cholera me to highest speed and now that I Mormons Find Lives of Nuns nothing more or less than doses of ‘ I believe in health, but not in all infested village administering to the stood at the open door, 1 was afraid 'he spineless type are likely to poison and of^,which many mission­ the medical dogmas about digestion, stricken natives. The letter, written to enter and end uncertainty. A aries have been the victims. The sit­ vitamins and assimilation.’ It is all 1 think that, after all, it is safer shortly after the arrival of an Eng­ choking presentiment almost took uation of the Black woman has been as vain and as senseless as saying: T I to spineless.
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