Spring 2015 ISOLDE newsletter http://isolde.web.cern.ch/ optical model and DWBA using FRESCO for Introduction several basic cases and using TWOFNR code for transfer (d,p) reactions. To learn The year 2014 was characterized by the more about the courses given in 2013 and consolidation and realisation of many 2014 one can visit, pending tasks. The year started with the http://isolde.web.cern.ch/isolde-schools- technical team working hard and counting and-courses . down the weeks until the startup. Physicists The shut down period was taken advantage followed the progress in tuning up the of by upgrading some setups, such as machine and heard with dismay about the ISOLTRAP, and building new ones. Firstly stumbling blocks encountered, mainly the ISOLDE beta Decay Studies, IDS, problems with the controls, and at the same permanently equipped with three clover time, they greeted the advances with HPGe detectors and a Miniball detector was excitement as they were eager to start. installed. Depending on the physics case In parallel the construction of building 508 IDS can incorporate Si detectors for beta- continued. The new building has more delayed charged particle studies, or space for the physicists, their laboratories LaBr3(Ce) scintillators for half-life and DAQ rooms and hosts the ISOLDE measurements of excited states. Secondly control room in a spacious and well the previous UHV ASPIC beam line was fully ventilated room outside the controlled area, redesigned to host up to three possible a long standing request from the Beams experiments including ASPIC. The first part Department. The large control room is of the new VITO (Versatile Ion-polarized ready to accomodate the future TSR Technique on-line) line was mounted and controls. The delay in finishing the building, the first experiment with Cu-beams took expected for May 2014, soon became clear. place in December. The permanent setups most hurt by the In spite of the bumpy start and the amount delays were COLLAPS and the solid state of technical issues discovered on line, laboratories. The solid state groups leading to multiple updates of the schedule, arranged their setups in building 275 while the capability of the physicists to adapt to COLLAPS installed part of their lasers in the the circumstances and the professionalism ISOLDE hall to be able to complete at least of the technical team made the year 2014 a one experiment. successful one for physics as witnessed by The course entitled “ISOLDE Nuclear the contributions included below in this Reactions and Nuclear Structure” took place ISOLDE Newsletter. the 22-25 of April 2014 with maximum The very first experimental run, carried out st attendance. The course addressed the on the 1 of August, was greeted with a fantastic atmosphere and a real buzz in the different nuclear structure and reaction 149 155 information that can be obtained by air. Samples of lanthanides Tb and Tb were collected and shipped to PSI, reaction studies done at the energies 140 relevant for HIE-ISOLDE. W. Catford, A. Di Switzerland and Nd to DTU Risø, Pietro and A. Moro gave the lectures and, to Denmark. The aim was to identify chemical complete the picture, B. Jonson gave a elements with suitable isotopes for seminar on the physics that can be done diagnosis and therapy. Among the travelling with reactions at intermediate energies. experiments we also welcomed new devices Practical exercises were led by A. Moro in such as the TATRA tape transport system the afternoon including calculations of an designed by our Slovak colleagues and Spring 2015 2 ISOLDE newsletter dedicated to the study of neutron deficient the co-habitation of the HIE-ISOLDE works odd Hg isotopes. A large array of neutron and the low energy physics experiments the detectors came from CIEMAT (Spain) and hall was divided into two parts with LPC-Caen (France) and it was dedicated to different access and safety conditions. The the measurement of the delayed neutron - interest in the facility continued growing neutron correlation emitted in the 11Li beta worldwide. More countries showed interest decay. in becoming members of the collaboration The complementarity between different and many new physics groups are attracted devices and their state of the art capabilities by its potential. The project HIE-ISOLDE allowed for the determination of the ground was presented at several nuclear state properties of a long series of At conferences and in front of the NuPECC isotopes with production rates and half-lives Expert Committee in the meeting of October expanding over a range of 8 orders of 2014. We are all looking forward to the start magnitude. This successful experiment with post-accelerated beams in 2015. showed ISOLDE strengths and combined CERN recognised in 2013 the unique the synergies of three devices: the RILIS scientific opportunity offered by installing lasers, the Windmill setup equipped with the TSR at the HIE-ISOLDE facility. Since silicon and germanium detectors, and the then several groups have manifested their ISOLTRAP Multi-Reflection Time-of-Flight commitment to develop instrumentation for mass spectrometer. the TSR and different working groups were The ENSAR EU Project was prolonged until created after the one-day workshop held the end of December 2014. The remaining the 14th of February 2014 with 60 ENSAR funds for transnational access were participants distributed between young researchers, (http://indico.cern.ch/event/271980/). In students and newcomers. In numbers, the particular, the UK teams joined forces to total transnational access funds obtained make an application to the STFC to provide from ENSAR sponsored 2481 days of 418 instrumentation for the TSR which was users belonging to 90 projects. ENSAR2 was successful. To support the UK grant, CERN submitted in September and is presently on has committed to the construction of the the reserve list waiting for approval. These third beamline for HIE-ISOLDE including the funds are very important as they reach the U-turn to place an external spectrometer in full community and allow many young the ISOLDE hall. The TSR working groups researchers to participate in the are preparing the two-day workshop that experiments and have a first contact with will take place at CERN 27-28 of April. the facility. We hope for the projects The annual ISOLDE workshop and users approval. meeting was held the 15-17th of December HIE-ISOLDE progressed well during 2014, 2014 with a Golden Jubilee session on the cavities showed good performance and December 17th precisely 50 years after the the clean room for the assembling of the approval of ISOLDE by the CERN Council in cryomodule in SM18 was built. The hall 1964. The session was opened by Torleif extension was receiving more and more Ericsson, the chair of Nuclear Physics experimental elements and busy with Experiments committee at that moment different infrastructure installations. The (equivalent to the Scientific Policy tunnel was given its final length to host the Committee of today) who recommended the future linac. All procurements for HIE- ISOLDE project to the council. He recreated ISOLDE phase I were launched. To facilitate the circumstances in which the “Study of Spring 2015 3 ISOLDE newsletter short-lived radioactivities by means of an glasses, are available in the cabinet by the isotope separator on-line with the CERN ISOLDE stairs. Quiet, equipped rooms Synchro-Cyclotron” was approved. He behind ISOLDE are available for electrical emphasized the role-played by V. Weisskopf and similar work (see – Laboratories). in establishing the laboratory’s vision that You can only perform the work for which “CERN should be open to other fields than you are trained and authorized, i.e. for LN2 Particle Physics”. In particular he proposed manipulations or work with lasers you to re-establish the links with Nuclear Physics should follow the relevant CERN class (Initiative taken in the 1963 Conference on courses or at least get a proper briefing High Energy Physics and Nuclear structure). from your local contact who followed the Afterwards we had presentations by all the course. For performing electrical work former group leaders: B. Jonson, J-H-J (making cables, putting up HV cages) – you Kluge, H. Haas, P. Van Duppen, G. Bollen, J need a 3-day CERN course (all local Äystö, P. Butler, K. Riisager and Y. physicists have followed it). All users who Blumenfeld, who presented the do not perform strictly electrical work have breakthroughs and highlights of the facility to follow a new 2-h electrical awareness during their leadership. The presentations course, see Courses and access to ISOLDE. were recorded and they can be seen via If you want to use the new mechanical http://indico.cern.ch/event/334117. The workshop, you will have to provide a session was closed by the DG, R. Heuer, document to be signed by your teamleader, who gave the four prizes sponsored by yourself, and our workshop supervisor, CAEN to the best posters and best young authorising you to use the selected speakers, a new tradition to be added to machines in the workshop. For more our annual ISOLDE meeting. The next information please contact your experiment edition will take place the 2-4th December spokesperson or me. 2015. We have also updated the list of safety The year 2015 is a very challenging one, contacts for fixed and travelling with the startup of HIE-ISOLDE. While experiments: writing these words the first experimental http://isolde.web.cern.ch/safety beamline is being assembled ready to host In case of an accident (electric shock, LN2 experiments. We are ready for the start of burn, fall, etc.) please do not ignore it, but the new adventure. call the CERN fire fighters who will advise you how to proceed.
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