Soft-Leaved Orchids Presentation Sales List Cochleanthes Amazing Andrea ‘Pretty In Pink’ Cochleanthes Andrea Niessen x Amazing Soft-Leaved Orchids Presentation Sales List NOVEMBER EVENT ReallyMonthlycorrectly Meeting:now called 8 ap.m.Warsceryncha Monday,Cochleanthes November, this complex 9, 2020hybridAmazing boasts beautiful Andreacolor – look at ‘Prettythat lip! In In Pink’ addition, like most plants in this group, it is incredibly easy to grow, vigorous, and difficult to overwater, especiallyFromin the thesummer comfort. Combineof yourC livingoallchthatle aroomnwiththe viasfragrantA Zoom!ndreaflowers, Niesseandn x that’sAmazainfantasticg plant! This grex combines CochleanthesTim(Warscewicziella Culbertson) amazonica on , Chondrorhynca andreae, and Cochleanthes discolor. Amazing Soft-Leaved Orchids Soft-LeavedBulletin Orchids Presentation Sales List November 2020 Details of the Zoom meeting will be emailed a few days before the meeting Cochleanthes AmazingAmazing Andrea Soft-Leaved ‘PrettyCochleanthes OrchidsIn Pink’ discolor Cochleanthes Andrea Niessen x Amazing Although I teach middle school kids cultural demands beyond the needs for for a living, one of my passions has always heat and water. Genera in this group, been plants. I began growing orchids as including Pescatorea, Cochleanthes, Bol- an offshoot from working at Longwood lea, and Huntleya, are under-represent- Gardens in Philadephia just after college. ed in collections of mixed genera; their From the very beginning it was all beautiful (and often blue) flower colors about Paphs, particularly awarded and argue favorably for their inclusion, as Really correctly now called a Warsceryncha, this complex hybrid boasts beautiful color – look at that lip! In select clones of historic importance, of does their tendency to produce specimen addition, like most plants in this group, it is incredibly easy to grow, vigorous, and difficult to overwater, which my collection numbers nearly plants quickly when grown well. By the especially in the summer. Combine all that with fragrant flowers, and that’s a fantastic plant! This grex 3000. While I love finding old, rare step- end of this presentation, you will have combines Cochleanthes (Warscewicziella) amazonica, Chondrorhynca andreae, and Cochleanthes discolor. ping stones in paph breeding, I also do a a new appreciation of what goes into little hybridizing of my own, and grow- breeding trends for these types of plants, ing up my own babies is a blast. I am the as well as an appreciation of their beau- Really correctly now calledsecond-youngesta Warsceryncha accredited, this complex judgehybrid withboasts tifulbeautiful flowers colorand ease-of-growth.– look at that lip! I hopeIn addition, like most plantsthein Americanthis group, Orchidit is incrediblySociety, andeasy haveto grow,thisvigorous, talk will encourageand difficult youto tooverwater, try one in especially in the summer. Combine all that with fragrant flowers, and that’s a fantastic plant! This grex combines Cochleanthes (Warscewicziellaserved in various) amazonica capacities, Chondrorhynca with various andreaeyour collection.PowerPoint, and Cochleanthes discolor presentation. Cochleanthes discolor orchid societies in California and on the Againwill includewith the manyname pictureschanges! along withReally this is now Warcewicziella discolor, but it will always be a Cochleanthes to East Coast. I love meeting other people cultural tips who like orchids too, and doing so often me, and one of the very best: floriferous, fast-growing, diminutive, and spectacularly colored. This species is a finds me traveling to shows, vendors, favoriteTim hasof mine,put togetherand I havea sale alistnumber of of what I think are nice, select specimens – I hope that this presentation and peoples’ greenhouses to see the lat- hasplantsinspired to accompnyyou to histry talk.something It will benew, and this is a wonderful choice. Cochleanthesest anddiscolor greatest in new hybrids and to emailed along with the newsletter. get the best orchid gossip. I like to be involved in plants as much as possible: in addition to Longwood, I’ve worked at the Smithsonian Institution tending to their orchids, and for years for the Unit- ed States National Arboretum, collecting rare plants and documenting cultivated species and hybrids for their herbarium. Tim Culbertson | [email protected] | 301-641-25 In short, I really like plants. For your meeting, I’ll be sharing a pre- sentation entitled “Amazing Soft-Leaved Orchids”. These plants are easy to grow AgainThree specimenswith the of nameCochleantheschanges! discolor, oneReally of this is now Warcewicziella discolor, but it will always be a Cochleanthes to and flower, are vigorous, and have low me,the soft-leavedand one orchidof the speciesvery offeredbest by: floriferous,Tim fast-growing, diminutive, and spectacularly colored. This species is a favorite of mine, and I have a number of what I think are nice, select specimens – I hope that this presentation Again with the name changes! Really this is now Warcewicziella discolor, but it will always be a Cochleanthes to has inspired you to try something new, and this is a wonderful choice. me, and one of the very best: floriferous, fast-growing, diminutive, andNoticespectacularly to Allcolored New. This Growersspecies is a favorite of mine, and I have a number of what I think are nice, select specimens – I hope that this presentation has inspired you to try somethingWhat questionsnew, and this dois ayouwonderful have aboutchoice .growing orchids? We will get you the answers to your concerns. What can we do to help you? Just ask. If I don’t Know, I Know someone who does! Contact Barbara Barnett with your questions By the way, it is time to bring your plants indoors at [email protected] when the temperatures get below 40 degrees. Tim Culbertson | [email protected] | 301-641-25 Tim Culbertson | [email protected] | 301-641-25 2 www.atlantaorchidsociety.org November 2020 ATLANTA ORCHID SOCIETY The Atlanta Orchid Society Bulletin Volume 61: Number 11 – November 2020 Newsletter Editors: Véronique Perrot & Mark Reinke Officers The Atlanta Orchid Society is affiliated with the American Orchid Society, the President Orchid Digest Corporation, the Mid-America Orchid Congress, Helen (HB) Blythe-Hart 770-656-4054 and the Garden Club of Geogia. Vice-President/Programs Danny Lentz Secretary Jody Gomez Minutes of September and Is something munching Treasurer October Meetings of the buds and young leaves Jon Crate 770-846-9541 Atlanta Orchid Society of your plants? 270 17th Street NW, Unit 4501 Atlanta, GA 30363 The September 14th, 2004 meeting Could roaches be the culprits? of the Atlanta Orchid Society was called Member Marion Finley uses these Immediate Past President to order by Helen Blythe-Hart at 8 p.m. roach tablets. Here is what she says: David Mellard 404-310-9899 Due to the current Covid19 situation, “These are little tablets that look a bit the meeting was held via Zoom. Helen like large aspirin. I just place them on a welcomed the guests who were pres- plastic lid and leave them where I think Trustees ent. David Mellard made mention of the roaches are passing through. I can tell need for a nominating committee. Danny they have eaten them because the edg- Trac Nguyen Lentz introduced Dave Sorokowsky who es of the tablets have been nibbled, and Maegan Brass gave a presentation on Maudiae Paphio- I occasionally find only the dead ones.” Atsushi Matsumoto pedilums. After the presentation, Dave Carl Quattlebaum fielded questions from the members. Larry Kikkert Danny showed photos sent in by mem- Véronique Perrot bers. The meeting was then adjourned. The October 12th, 2020 meeting of Volunteers the Atlanta Orchid Society was called to order by Helen Blythe-Hart, President, AOS Rep – Barbara Barnett at 8 p.m. Due to the Covid19 situation, Greengrowers – Danny Lentz the meeting was held via Zoom. Helen Librarian – Blythe-Hart welcomed the new mem- MAOC Rep – Doug Hartong bers. Helen announced the Society or- Meeting Hospitality – chid swap which is to be held Saturday, Membership – Barbara Barnett & October 25th. Danny Lentz introduced Maegan Brass Peter T Lin, who gave a presentation on Education and Outreach – Lynne Gollob Compact Vandaceous Species and their Silent Auction – Carson Barnes Hybrids. After the presentation, Peter Monthly Ribbon Judging – David Mellard fielded questions from members. Danny Newsletter – Véronique Perrot & showed photos that members had sent Mark Reinke in of their in-bloom plants. The meeting Orchid Digest Rep – David Mellard was then adjourned. Show Chairs (2020) – Danny Lentz & Jody Gomez Website/Social Media – Danny Lentz & Jeremie Carroll EVENTS CALENDAR November December 9 – Atlanta Orchid Society Monthly 12 – American Orchid Society monthly Meeting: Tim Culbertson on Amazing judging Soft-Leaved Orchids. 14 – Atlanta Orchid Society Monthly 14 – American Orchid Society monthly Meeting: Plants and Potions—Cocktail judging, maybe. Contact Doug Hartong Party and Orchid Auction 3 www.atlantaorchidsociety.org November 2020 Notes on plants submitted to the virtual meeting of the Atlanta Orchid Society for October, 2020 Notes by Mark Reinke; Photos by various members of the AtlOS Gur. bowringiana (Dan’, Fred’s, and Vinh’s) Cattleya Alliance welcome over time. I have a very nice looks very similar to Larry’s plant. There This month we had only one species plant of the bright violet “coerulea” form is also a rare yellow variant sometimes represented in this section, but three like Fred’s, that hangs in the back of my available. This orchid can become a large members, Dan Williamson, Fred Miss- greenhouse and is at least 8 feet in all specimen with time. I showed off a pri- bach and Vinh Nguyen, all had different directions. There are a number of color mary hybrid at the opposite end of the examples of Guarianthe bowringiana in forms, but the pure white form with no scale in terms of size, Cattleya Roya Eve- flower. This is not surprising as Octo- brush of purple in the throat is the rarest lyn ‘MBF’ AM/AOS, a cross between two ber is the peak bloom month for this or- and most valuable. The only real down- miniature species from Brazil, C.
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