42A10SW0038 2 16702 CODY 010 GEOPHYSICAL REPORT ON THE NIGHTHAWK LAKE PROPERTY LOCATED IN CODY TOWNSHIP PORCUPINE MINING DIVISION FOR MONETA PORCUPINE MINES INC. RECEIVED JUL 3 O 1996 MINING LANDS BRANCH "2. 16 7 C 2 Submitted by: S.D. Anderson Rayan Exploration Ltd. June, 1996 42A10SW0038 2 16702 CODY 01OC TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION........................................... l LOCATION AND ACCESS...... 2 PERSONNEL........................ ...... 2 CLAIMS...... .................................. 2 GEOLOGY...................... .... 3 PREVIOUS WORK............... 3 GEOPHYSICAL WORK PROGRAM.... 4 MAGNETOMETER SURVEY....... 4 SURVEY RESULTS...................... ........ 5 RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS........................ 5 CERTIFICATE............................................ 6 LIST OF FIGURES LOCATION MAP FIG. l REGIONAL LOCATION MAP FIG. 2 CLAIM AND GRID SKETCH FIG. 3 APPENDIX MAGNETOMETER SPECIFICATIONS....................APPENDIX A LIST OF MAPS CONTOURED and POSTED MAGNETOMETER..................l:5000 INTRODUCTION Rayan Exploration Limited of Timmins, Ontario was hired by Moneta Porcupine Mines Inc. to establish a grid and conduct a Total Field Magnetometer Survey on their Night hawk Lake Property. The grid surveyed covers or partially covers eight claims located on the Nighthawk Peninsula in Cody Township, Porcupine Mining Division. This work was carried on a contract basis and was performed on June 3. 1996. A total of 16 km. of grid lines were established and a Magnetometer Survey was carried out on all the cross lines for a total of 1-4 km. The purpose of this project was to provide a detailed ground magnetic map to aid in the interpretation of various geological units anri structures occurring within the claims, as shown by Map 2205 Timmins-Kirk land Lake Geological Compilation Series. Specifically, this map show the grid occurring over a system of broken and offset faults which are interpreted to be splays from the main Destor Porcupine Fault situated to the north. To the east of the property Royal Oak Mines have outlined a number of zones containing economic amounts of gold which are said to be related to this same fault system. Historically, the Ces©cr Porcupine Fault and related fault systems have hosted numerous current and past producing gold mines, making this property of particular interest. This report deals with the logistics of the Magnetometer Surv^v and results of same. •3 •O •3 73 33- -39 30- 43- 49 U.S.A. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Fi a*l MONETA PORCUPINE MINES NIGHTHAWK LAKE PROPERTY LOCATION MAP y\ "^ x/^ ~- u l .V...... -y ^ . ^ FIO 2 MONETA PORCUPINE MINES .NIGHTHAWK LAKE PROPERTY TltU: REGIONAL LOCATION MAP RAYAN BPLORATKM LTD .J 1193378 12 UNITS IIQOOGI 2 UNITS N8H60 WATER LOT No. 17 LO. 10759 NIGHT — H AWK Fie 3 MONETA PORCUPINE MINES NIGHTHAWK LAKE PROPERTY Tltl.: CLAIM SKETCH RAYAN EMUMATION LTD LOCATION AND ACCESS The Property is located within the northern portion of Cody Township, Porcupine Mining Division, District of Cochrane, Ontario. The current work area is located on the Nighthawk Peninsula and covers or partially covers 8 claims. The property is situated approximately 25km. east-northeast of the city of Timmins, Ontario. The main body of Nighthawk Lake borders the grid to the west and Northeast Bay to the east. Access was gained via HWY 101 east from the city of Timmins to just east of the Frederick House River bridge. Here Hwy 803 heads south into the Night hawk Peninsula and Royal Oak's Peninsula Mine. Following this road south for about 2.5 kilometre will provide access to the northeastern part of the grid. PERSONNEL The people directly involved in this program were all employed by Rayan Exploration Limited, and are as follows: Danny Brazeau............................Timmins Lanny Anderson..... ...... .......Timmins Ail work was supervised by R.J. Meikle. CLAIMS The grid established on the Night hawk Lake property- covers or partially covers 8 contiguous mining claims. Five of these are patented mining claims, while the remaining three are unpatented mining claims. All are situated in Cody Township, Porcupine Mining Division. District of Cochrane. Ontario. The following is a list of the claims covered by this work program. Claim 4 T ype 4 o f Uni t s Township 13622 patent l Cody 18623 patent l Cody 18634 patent l Cody 18625 patent l Cody 1181424 unpatented 14 Cody 1181452 unpatented 4 Cody 1181455 unpatented l Cody GENERAL GEOLOGY The property is shown on the Timmins-Kirkland Lake Map No. 2205, to be situated within the Abitibi Greenstone Belt which covers much of northeastern Ontario and Northwestern Quebec. Generally this belt is underlain by a variety of mafic to felsic volcanics and related sediments as well as felsic to ultramafic intrusive. Map 2205. Timmins Kirkland Lake Geological Compilation Series show the grid to be situated over a series of faults and cross-faults that are likely splays from the main Destor Porcupine Fault. Similar fault systems to the east and south are the focus of a major exploration program being conducted by Royal Oak Mines. This includes their currently producing Peninsula Mine . PREVIOUS WORK A search of the assessment files showed a limited amount of work having been carried out over the project area. The extreme southern portion of the grid was covered by a magnetic survey carried out by Placer Dome. The only other work carried out on the ground covered by this work program was filed by New Elect ra Gold Mines in 1946. This took the form of 5 diamond drill holes totalling 5618 feet. They reported encountering a small amount of native gold in one of the dri l l holes. GEOPHYSICAL WORK PROGRAM A total of 16 km. of grid lines were established to cover the area of interest. The grid set up with an east-west base line and north south cross lines. A 100 meter line interval and 20 meter station interval was used. Only the cross lines were surveyed with the magnetometer, resulting in a total of 14 kilometres of grid lines being covered. The following is a brief description on the Geophysical Survev Method used: MAGNETOMETER SURVEY An EDA Omni Plus Proton Precession magnetometer was used to carry out the magnetometer survey. The instrument is synchronised with an EDA recording base station to help eliminate magnetic diurnal variation. This should ensure an accuracy of less than 10 Nt . The Proton Precession method involves energizing a wire coil immersed in a hydrocarbon fluid. This causes the protons in the proton rich fluid to spin or precess simulating spinning magnetic dipoles. When the current- is removed t ht? protons precess about, the direction of the earth's magnetic field, generating a signal in the same coil which is proportional to the total magnetic field intensity. In this way. the horizontal gradient of the earth's magnetic field can be measured and plotted in plan form with values of equal intensity joined to form a contour map. This presentation is useful in correlating with other data sets to aid in structural interpretation. Individual magnetic responses can be interpreted for dip. depth and width estimates after profiling the data. The following parameters were employed for the survey: Instrument - EDA Omni Plus Proton Precession Magnetometer Station Interval - 10m Line Interval - 100m Diurnal Correction Method - EDA Recording Base Station Data Presentation - Magnetic Data Posting and Contour Map - 1:5000 scale SURVEY RESULTS The Total Field Magnetometer survey conducted on the Northeast Bay Property seems to have been successful in outlining the geological structures and units occurring within the block, as shown by Map 2205, Timmins-Kirk l and Lake Geological Compilation Series. The main feature outlined is a magnetic high that extends across the grid from the south end of L1W to the north end of L8W. This feature is coincident with the most westerly of two parallel fault zones shown to extend through this area ( Map 2205). The magnetics associated with this structure appear to be broken just south of the base line. This is most likely the result of a cross fault shown to extend onto the block from the west. A number of isolated magnetic highs and lows located in t lie south central portion of the grid may be related to this cross fau l t . RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS As mentioned under results, it would appear as though this geophysical work program was successful in outlining the main geological structures shown to occur within the claim group. The main features outlined were two fault zones that are at rig-lit, angles to each other. Both of these should be further tested based on the success Royal Oak Mines has had testing similar features in the area. Also, the drill program carried out on this property by New Electra Gold Mines did report visible gold in one of their holes. If after compiling this data with any other information available, it is felt that additional information is required to resolve any areas of interest, one of the first considerations should be to establish an east-west grid. This might help better define any additional north-south structures such as the fault zone outline by this work program. Another useful tool for gold exploration is Induced Polarization. This survey should outline any areas containing sulphides or disseminated sulphides that may not respond to conventional geophysical surveys. Also, it will provide data as to the apparent resistivity, which should help in the geological interpretation of the area as well as outlining areas of high resistivities which are often denoting alteration and or s i l c i f i cat ion, which is a favourable environment for gold depos is t ion. If the results warrant it. a diamond drill program might also be set up to further test any areas of interest. Due to the success Royal Oak Mines has had in this area, and the presence of gold on the property reported by New Electra Mines, no anomalies should be overlooked without some type of further testing CERTIFICATION I.
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