The Anchor Seventeenth-Century Series CONTENTS is published by Doubleday Ancbor Books under the General Editorship of LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xi Professor J. Max Patrick, New York University CIIDONOLOGY OF DONNE'S LIFE xiii INTRODUCTION xvii This edition bas been especially prepared for ELEGIES TO DONNE 1 Ancbor Books and bas never before appeared in book form. An Elegie upon tbe death of the Deane of Pauls, Dr. Iohn Donne, by Thomas Carew 3 Ancbor Books edition: 1967 To the Memorie of My Ever Desired Friend Dr. Donne, by Henry King 5 To the deceased Author, Upon the ... printing of his Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67-1 5386 Poems, ... by Sir Thomas Browne 7 Copyright 1967 by Doubleday & Company, Inc. © An Elegie upon Dr. Donne, All Rigbts Reserved by Izaak Walton 7 Printed in the United States of America To John Donne by Ben Jonson 10 To John Donne by Ben Jonson 10 THE COMPLETE POETRY OF JOHN DONNE 11 Satires 13 1 Satyre I 15 2 Satyre II 18 3 Satyre III 22 4 Satyre IV 26 5 Satyre V 34 6 Upon Mr. Thomas Coryats Crudities 37 7 In eundem Macaronicon 40 Elegies 41 8 Elegie: The Bracelet 43 9 Elegie: The Comparison 47 iv The Complete Poetry of John Donne Contents v "" 10 Elegie: The Perfume 49 The L,g,,'" 102 I)"'" 51 4 A Feaver f 11 Elegie: Jealosie I 1°3 12 Elegie: "Oh, let mee not serve so" 52 ~5 Aire and Angels 1°5 " 13 Elegie: "Natures lay Ideot" 54 Breake of day 106 14 Elegie: Loves Warre 55 William Corleine, Musical Setting: "Breake of day" 1°7 15 Elegie: Going to Bed 57 ~ The Prohibition 107 16 Elegie: Change 59 ~8 The Anniversarie 108 17 Elegie: The Anagram 60 49 A Valediction of my name, in the window 110 18 Elegie: On his Mistris 62 5° The Autumnall 113 Elegie: His Picture 64 Twicknam garden 115 ~20 Elegie: Loves Progress 65 52 Valediction of the booke 116 21 Elegie: His parting from her 68 53 Communitie 119 22 Elegie: The Expostulation 71 @ Loves growth 120 23 Elegie: Variety 73 55 Loves exchange 121 24 Sapho to Philamis 75 56 Confined Love 123 ~ The Dreame 124 Songs and Sonets 79 5 A Valediction of weeping 125 -- - 80 ~ The Message 59 Loves Alchymie 126 John Coprario, Musical Setting: "The Message" 81 ® The Flea 127 26} Witchcraft by a picture 82 61 The Curse 128 82 27 The Baite ~ The Extasie 13° The Apparition 83 3 The undertaking 133 William Lawes, Musical Setting: "The Apparition" 84 6 Loves Deitie 134 ~ The broken heart 85 65 Loves diet 135 30 Lecture upon the Shadow 86 @ The Will 136 ~ A Valediction forbidding mourning 87 67 The Funerall 138 32 The good-morrow 89 @ The Blossome 139 (33) Song: "Coe, and catcbe a falling starre" 9° 69 The Primrose 14° 1 Anonymous, Musical Setting: "Song" 9 7° The Relique 142 ~ Womans constancy 91 71 The Dampe 143 35 "Image of her whom I love" 92 72 The Dissolution 144 ® The Sunne Rising 93 73 A Jeat Ring sent 145 37 The Indifferent 94 74 Negative love 146 38 Loves Usury 95 75 The Expiration 147 39 The Canonization 96 Alfonso Ferrabosco, Musical Setting: "The Expiration" 147 8 4° The triple Foole 9 76 The Computation 148 t4y Loves infinitenesse 99 77 The Paradox 149 Anonymous, Musical Setting: "Song" 100 78 Sonnet. The Token 15° 101 42 Song: "Sweetest love, I do not goe" 7 Farewell to love 15° The Complete Poetry of John Donne Contents vii vi 152 113 To Mr. Rowland Woodward: "Like one who'in her Selfe Love 80 third widdowhood" 197 81 "When my harte was mine owne" 153 To Mr. T. W.: "All haile sweet Poet" @ A nocturnall upon S. Lucies day, Being the shortest day 155 114 199 115 To Mr. T. W.: "Hast thee harsh verse" 200 159 Epigrams 116 To Mr. T. W.: "Pregnant again" 200 161 To Mr. T. W.: "At once, from hence" 201 83 Hero and Leander 117 pyramus and Thisbe 161 118 To Mr. R. W.: "Zealously my Muse" 202 84 161 Niobe 119 To Mr. R. W.: "Muse not that by thy mind" 202 85 161 86 A burnt ship 120 To Mr. C. B. 203 162 87 Fall of a wall 121 To Mr. E. G. 204 162 88 A lame begger 122 To Mr. R. W.: "If, as mine is, thy life" 205 162 89 A selfe accuser 2 To Mr. R. W.: "Kindly'I envy thy songs" 206 162 1 3 0 A licentious person To Mr. S. B. 206 9 162 124 91 Cales and Guyana 125 To Mr. I. L.: "Of that short Roll" 207 163 92 Sir John Wingefield 126 To Mr. B. B. 208 163 93 Antiquary 127 To Mr. I. L.: "Blest are your North parts" 209 163 94 Disinherited H. W. in Biber. beUigeranti 210 163 128 95 The Lier To Sir H. W. at his going Ambassador to Venice 211 164 129 96 Mercurius Gallo-BelgicltS To Sr. Henry Goodyere 212 164 130 97 Phryne 164 131 To the Countesse of Huntingdon: "That unripe 98 An obscure writer 214 165 side of earth" 99 Klockius 132 Amicissimo, et meritissimo BEN. JONSON. In Vulponem. 217 100 Ralphius 165 To Mrs. M. H. 219 101 The Jughler 165 133 To the Countesse of Bedford: "Reason is our Soules left 102 Faustus 165 134 166 hand" 220 103 Raderus 166 A Letter written by Sr. H. G. and]. D. alternis vicibus 222 104 Ad Autorem (Scaliger) 135 To the Countesse of Bedford: "Honour is so sublime" 223 105 Ad Autorem (Covell) 166 136 137 To the Countesse of Bedford: "You have refin'd mee" 225 Epith{llamioTlS 169 138 To the Countesse of Bedford: "T'have written then" 228 171 1 106 Epithalamion made at Lincolnes Inne 139 To the Countesse of Bedford. On New-yeares day 23 107 An Epithalamion, 01' mariage Song on the Lady 140 To Sr. Edward Herbert. At Julyers 233 174 Elizabeth ... 14 1 To the Countesse of Huntingdon: "Man to Gods image" 234 Ecclogue . .. at the mariage Of the Earle of Sommerset 178 108 142 A Letter to the Lady Carey, and Mrs. Essex Riche, 237 Ve1'se Letters 187 Fmm Amyens To the Countesse of Bedford. Begun in France but 189 143 109 The Storme 239 1 never perfected 110 The Calme 19 0 144 De Libra cum mutuaretur, Impresso . 24 III To Sr. Henry Wootton: "Here's no more newes" 194 To the Countesse of Salisbury 242 To Sr. Henry Wotton: "Sir, more then kisses" 195 145 .. viii The Complete Poetry of John Donne Contents ix 177 Holy Sonnet: "If faithfull soules" Epicedes and Obsequies 245 348 8 17 Holy Sonnet: "Since she whome 1 lovd" 349 Elegie on the L. C. 247 179 Holy Sonnet: "Show me deare Christ" Epitaph on Himselfe 248 349 180 Holy Sonnet: "Oh, to vex me, contraryes meet" 350 Elegie to the Lady Bedford 249 181 The Crosse Elegie on the Lady Marckham 250 35 1 182 Resurrection, imperfect 353 Elegie on Mris. Boulstred 252 183 The Annuntiation and Passion Elegie: Death 254 354 184 A Litanie 356 Elegie On the untimely Death of the incomparable 8 1 5 Goodfriday, 1613. Riding Westward 366 Prince, HENRY 257 186 To Mr. George Herbert, with one of my Seals, 368 153 Obsequies to the Lord Harrington, with a Letter to 187 The Lamentations of Jeremy, ... Countesse of Bedford 260 371 Thomas Ford, Musical Setting: "Lamentations of Jeremy" 372 154 An hymne to the Saints, and to Marquesse Hamylton, 188 Translated out of Gaza9us, Vota Amico facta 383 with a Letter to Sir Robert Carr 268 8 1 9 To Mr. Tilman after he had taken orders 385 155 The First Anniversarie: An Anatomie of the World 270 190 A Hymne to Christ, at the Authors last going into Germany 387 156 A Funerall Elegie z86 191 Upon the translation of the Psalmes 157 Of the Progres of the Soule: The Second Anniversary 289 by Sir Philip Sydney, and. .. his Sister 388 Metempsychosis 30 7 192 Hymne to God my God, in my sicknesse 390 193 A Hymne to God the Father 158 Metempsychosis r :of r 3°9 392 Johann Sebastian .Bach, Musical Setting: "A Hymne Divine Poems 331 to God the Father" 393 159 To the Lady Magdalen Herbert, of St. Mary Magdalen 333 194 Epigraph..., Deaths Duell 394 160 La Corona 334 EXPLANATORY NOTES 397 161 To E. of D. with six holy Sonnets 338 162 Holy Sonnet: "As due by many titles" 338 CHRONOLOGICAL SCHEDULE OF THE POEMS 411 163 Holy Sonnet: "0 my blacke Soule!" 339 TEXTUAL NOTES 164 Holy Sonnet: "This is my playes last scene" 340 165 Holy Sonnet: "At the round earths" 340 INDEX OF DIFFERENCES FROM GARDNER'S TEXT 493 166 Holy Sonnet: "If poysonous mineralls" 34 1 TABLE FOR USE WITH COMBS AND SULLENS' Concordance 5°1 167 Holy Sonnet: "Death be not proud" 342 168 Holy Sonnet: "Spit in my face" 342 APPENDlX: AN ADDITIONAL ATTRIBUTION 5°5 169 Holy Sonnet: "Why are wee by all creatures" 343 BIBLIOGRAPHY 5°7 170 Holy Sonnet: "What if this present" 343 171 Holy Sonnet: "Batter my heart" 344 INDEX OF TITLES 172 Holy Sonnet: "Wilt thou love God" 345 INDEX OF FIRST LINES 173 Holy Sonnet: "Father, part of his double interest" 345 174 Holy Sonnet: "Thou hast made me" 346 175 Holy Sonnet: "I am a little world" 347 176 Holy Sonnet: "0 Might those sighes" 347.
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