... .f . .. .. ·Wal-Mart Man walks·to L opening Tuesday :raise funds i. .. 'Seep~ge6A Seepage 3A NO. 86 IN OUR 40TH YEAR 35e PER COpy . MONDA~MA~CH3,1986 . RUIDOSO, NM 88345 . Council, commission Patch",,"ork . , . adopt~mbulance progress policy· The Grindstone dam pro­ ject now (left) and one year ago (below) shows be to by FRANKIE JARRELL &mders presented four points of routed the scene. the significant amount of News Staff Writer a "basic" agreement he and Diane Sanders said point four states that in .cases where a call goes progress that has been Fisher, atto.rney for Southwest made in the canyon. An Lincoln County and Village of Community Health Services directly to any ambulance service uthat service shall respond to the . access road leading to Ruidoso offic~ Fri.day agreed to (parent organizationforRHVH)" the dam site was just be· adopt policy guidelines to coor­ had drafted. ., call if it has an' ambulance That agreement states in item available." .' ing started last year, and dinate all emergency medical care now is finished and providers in Lincoln County. one thatambuIance servicesinthis Discussions centered on how the A joint meeting called for 2 p.m. county are normally dispatched by dispatcher can determine the handling traffic. The ac­ at RuidoSo Village Han got off to a the Sheriffs Office or the Ruidoso­ closest ambulance service, and the tual dam location (left, late start after commissioners, Police. sugges.tion was made that upper left) now is a busy Ruidoso's. mayorandlegaladvisers Item two continues: u a dispat­ HresponSe time" should replace site of activity-last year for both governments and the cher ••• shall in all instances direct wording that suggests physical only thick forest stood Ruidoso-Hondo Valley Hospital the call to the. service with the prpximity. .' .' ' there~ (RHVH) conferreq. closest available ambulance." That point-which ambulance to More than 50 people listened-as The:fhkd pOint of theagreem~nt call-was apparently what county attorney Steve Sanders ex.. says in some cases the dispatcher precipitated the meeting, accor­ plained thatthe meetingwas called may determine the patient's condi­ ding to one source. .' \". .. to hammer out an agreement tion calls for ~~advanced life sup­ Although it wasn't discussed dur­ leading tothe Uquickest, mostexpe­ port services {ALS),'· and in that ing the meeting, one area am· dient, most well-trained responsetl casebotb the RHVH ALS unit and buIan€e service member said in to any emergency; the closest county ampulance may . some past instances. the Ruidoso EMS has been called instead of the closest ambulance.' . HI don't really give a damnifthe city and the COWlty are going to 'argue..•• about who in the heU·s go­ ing to get 40 bucks for going,outand picking somebody up," ~i~ village Vote March 4 in attorney John Underwood, describ-­ ing howhe'<J feel ifhe was inneedof . , an ambulance. 'Ul $tl't ~mind -competition, rd l( like you both racing to get there to b get me," said Underwood who call.. , . municipal'election ed for ucommon sense" and work.. ing together. .. 1 "But after you get wellt you still have to pay the bill," said County r Commissioner Ken Nosker who Municipalelections will take place in Ruidosot Ruidoso Downs and reminded Underwood that if two , Capitan tomorrow (Tuesday), March 4. ambulances respondt two bilIswill • Voters may visit the polls from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Ruidoso residents probably be sent. J may v.ote. at the Ruidoso :Public Library. Voting will take place:i1I Village councillors voiced con.. Ruidoso Downs atthe municipal building. capitan residents will cast ,. cern about placing the responsibili­ t their ~ots at the Lincoln County Fair Bullding. '. ty for "jUdgment calls"on dispat­ ,,,," In each town, open positions include the office of mayor and·coun':' chers, however Bill Elliott, chair­ cillors. Capitan and Ruidoso Downs residents also will vote for a man of the County CoinInission, "municipal judge. ~" said those dispatchers' make such . decisions all day everyday. Please see Council, ,I page 2A SKI REPORT • ,... , '.'." . - ... in ( .. Yeatman.. .... records best S.A.T'. score ever.'. Ruidoso Ski Apache Resort: Un­ disturbed snow depth midway by STEVE STEIN ship Program, and his excellent more about computerized film pro- Texas Club. onthe mountairtis 41 inches. " News Sta.ff Writer ·SAT score might earn him addi- ,duction and editing. ~eatman said he maintains a 3.8 The skiing conditions are .. tiona! support from the college he Yeatman said he performs best in grade point average at Ruidoso No one in the. history of Ruidoso chooses to attend. subjects in lI1athematics and High and hopes' to graduate cwn good.: Surface· conditions .are , Yeatman~s· hard-packed, and. machine· High School (RHS) has scored as character' and SAT science. His weakest scholastic laude (with honors.) well on the SCholastic Aptitude Test scores would make any college in- . subject is English, he said. I His mother, Kay Yeatman, is a groomed. Several trails were ., seni()~ ~ (SAT) as 17-year-old Jeff terested 11) him, Sanchez said. Yeatman tries to,maintain good nurse at Ruidoso--Hondo Valley ,machine, groomed this . ,. 'moniing. " '" .' . Yeatman, according . toRHS Yeatmah is interested, in the. study hablts, he said. Hospital. t . The resort.WilJ be open until counselor'James'Sanchez.· 'masscommunications program at, . He said sometimes he sees other ' . Yeatman' said after his father :Yeatinan to'Okthe Preliminary Tex3sTech University.. .' stUdents "give'upon s~hooln when dieJI about nine years ago he learn- Easter. All lifts and trails' are Scl1ola~ti~i\ptit1,lde o~n today. -.'... Test (PSAT) ('1 haVe family in LUbbock, and it thay do poorly on a test tl:tey have ed to be independent. -' The weathetat reporttime is last year along. with many, other is· not hard to drive from there to ~reparedfor. He said he hopes' a full scholar­ high school juniors allover the Ruidoso. I think Texas Tech would But Yeatman is not discouraged ship will keep his mother from be-­ . high. overcast. Chains are .. not s~tbacks, required on th~ road to the ski . world. .. ,.'- baa: good starling'place,:'; Yea.tman by or afraid of work, he ing placed under any. financial resort.' .However; a.few months after said4 , , _ hardship related to his education. , Yeatman took his PSAT, Sanchez: Yeatman recently a'ttended· said.,"College can.be pretty expensive was notified by the National Merit - 'orientation for high school seniors Yeatman is preSident of the ,Scholarship' Program tbat yea.t- at Texas Tech University.. Ruidoso High Math Club, National these days," Yeatman said. INSiDE 'TODAY man's PSATscoreplaced hini In .. Yeatman is interested in broad- HOllor Society and Gomput~r Club. Sanchez calls Yeatman "tops." the.'~top,half of tile top onepercent'~ cast·journalism as well as drama;. He is historian forthe'Science Club. llObViously he is- a good student, of all students who took the college he said: .' , . lIe said he isa ski instructor at but he i~ a great person just to ~ r The Board ·of Education for People ... " ....... ".. 01= ..... 4'• .., .. ·.28 entrance test that year. '. .. .H,e-said he would like. to discover..,. Ski.Apache and also works at The know," Sanchez s'aid~ RUidoso Municipal Schools will ~ Sports •.••. ~ •••...••• 4A..5A \ meet.atn09n today (Monday); Yeatman took the SAT again in r-"-...- - ----- ------ -:... ------------------........, Classified •.•••••••. .- • 6B·8B March 3, in the Administration the fal\,oftllis year;. as a sellior~.' The <-Dreamer" •. '•••••••••SA . Yeatman knew .another good score. Building" - '. ' - , Opinion •.•. , ... " •....." . 1 ~ ." might qtiallfyhim for an academic . Bu'siness,•..•••• ',' ~ ••.'••• 313 ,scholarship when· .heenrolled in' R~ll'lge ~ Ca.pitan· •.•. " ..•• " 7A " 'college. .. ... .. TV Guide ..•..'•• " " .Sectlon a Once again, $ few; months a.fter Yeatman .took .the SAT,Sanchez was notified by the.National 'Iv~erit WEAiHERRJ:PORT' " Scholarship Program. that. Yeat­ man;s Score was exceptional. , ' Sunday'S low ,•. ~ ..•..•...•..•.., '.•. ~ " ~ .•...••••.•24 YeatIp.anbad gone from. bemg '. .,.....'. '.' .. " ' . ..' 68 SUI1day-.s hi,gll•• '••• ~,., ""'.41 .- fi,. Ii ••••••••• i Ii. ~.~ 'iii '",'iii ••;.. -." ~ 6 ~." •• ., .' one of13,500 'finalists aCroSs the na­ Monday'slow ••.•·..••...•.•• u~ ~ •••••••••• • ~· ••.••••••••.•••••••••••.• : ••••••3.7 , tion to'·be eligible for. academic scholarship funds, to one of 5,800 , ~'. ~' ~.;; students acrOss the nation to be Monday's predictedhigh '...•. .•'.•.• J arollhd58 i , Tu~sdaY'spredicted)ow •.• hi ~ Ie ~ near25 eligible T for special academic ~around fundi.ng.' . .' Tuesdayts predictedhigh .• h H ttl, ., .~anchez said Yeatman joined a , The Nati(mal Weather Service.in Roswell ptediets.mostly cloudy , very elite groupo'fstudents because skiestOdayt with a sli.ght chance fOr s~owers. Northerly winds will be , of the resuItsofhisperfonnanceoIi . o4i at 10 to 20 miles per~our. '. '. .•...... ." '.. '... '. .' the SAT last falL . 'ronightwill bepa~ly.clC)udy and c~ld,With light· and varla~le '. ,In May, Yeatman .andSanche~ ·\Virtds. Tuesday's prediction"calls for faIr and wanner weather With 'willbenotified by the National southwest Winds from five to15 miles per hour•. Chances ofprecipita.. Merit Scholarship Program as to' tioDate 10 p~rcent· today,20percertt' tonight and near. zeto 'for the .,extent, .. offinaI,lcial support yeatm~nwlllreceivewhetlhe ..,>~o'" at:.... ,... '., .'.' \. Tu~~a~,dendedf()recast ,Yeatmanbarrles,a~.8 for 'Wednesday
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