EXHIBITL Local News (5:00 to 8:00a.m.) The following program segments aired this quarter on KHON-TV, primarv channel 2, during the station's regularlv­ scheduled MOR.J'JTNG NEWS program whlch airs Mondav-Fridav, 5a.m.to 8 a.m. Each segment is three to four miJJ!!Jes in dur~tion, has not previously aired on KHON-TV_qr another station, and was not bt_gJ!dcast for payment or any sort of consideration to the licensee or any related organization or entitv. '"~·-~· --·-~.- Locally Datfl Aired Title Produced !lll/12 PROMOTING HONOLULU FIREFIGHTERS WORKSHOP FOR y POTENTJAL FEMALE FIREFIGHTERS 1/17/12 SHRINER$ HOSPITAL FUNDRAISER y l/20/12 OPEN HOUSE FOR REHAB'S STROKE RECOVERY CENTER OF y HAWAII 1!20!!2 EAT OUT FUNDRAISER-PROCEEDS TO HELP HA \VA IIAN y SOLJAH'S BASEBALL TEAM GO TO COOPERSTOWN - .l/25112 ALOHA HARVEST-FEEDfNG HA WAll'S HUNGRY y 1125/12 FREE PHOTOS FOR KIDS \\'1TH AUTISM y 1/30/12 START UP HA WAJI IV -HELPING PEOPLE START THEIR 0\VN y BUSINESS !-- 2113/12 NEW BABIES IV·BABY CARE TOPICS y - 2/15/12 CAR SEAT IV -HOW TO STRAP lN CAR SEATS SAFELY y 2/22112 CANCER COOKING PROJECT -FREE SE!v1JNAR y 2/23/12 BRAIN INJURY IV-PROMOTING FREE CONFERENCE y 3!7112 WORLD KIDNEY DAY IV -PUSH FOR DONORS y 3!7112 CRIMESTOPPERS A:t\'1\nJAL FUNDRAISER y '" 3/9/12 HUMAi'\fE SOCIETY IV-HELP WITH RESCUE A}.'D ADOPTIONS y 3}12/12 FUl'\lDRAJSER FOR ISLAND OF LANAl y 3113il 2 FIRE SAFETY JV-FIRE SAFETY FOR KTDS y 3/19112 LIFE VEST SAFETY-HOW TO CHOOSE, \\'EAR AND USE ONE y 3/21/12 DOE DRIVING CHALLENGE WITH STUDENTS y ·-~----·· ·- 3/27!12 QUEEN'S MEDICAL CENTER BRAIN STUDY ON CHILDREN y AFFECTED BY METH USE Local News (Evening Newscasts) The following program segments aired this quarter on KHON-TV, primary channel2, during the station's regularly-scheduled NEWS programs airing !vtondav-Friday, 5:00 p,m., 6:00p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Each segment is three to four minutes in duration, ill!:~ not previously aired on KHON-TV or another station, and was not broadcast .for n.m;ment or any sort of consideration to the licensee or any related organization or entity. Date 1 Time Aired Title Locally . Produced J/16112 5PM ACTION LINE CONSUMER ALERT-Warning that thieves are luring victims who use social media y Saturdays 6ll OP!vf HA WAH'S MOST WANTED·Crimcstoppers most wa11ted criminals for the week. y 1/!7/12 6PM Residents of Hawaii island have another 24 months to prepare for plastic shopping bag ban y ., 1/18/12 6PI'v1 More than a hundred employers on hand for job fhir y 1!20/12 5PM Lokahi drive where you can drop otr your old phone books for recycling y ,, 1/12112 6PM Open house for specialized stroke recovery center at rehab hospital of the pacific y 1/2!112 IOPM Eat out fundraiser for Enchanted Lake elementary school y I ACTION LINE CONSUiv!ERALERT-Scammers lure consumers to buy fake 1/23/12 5PM y NFL team jerseys online i I - 1 1125/12 SPiv! BE GREEN REPORT-Kauai residents asked to go a day without using y I electricity 1/251l2 5PM Reminder of some things parents should do before buckling up infants an y toddlers in car seats i l/26!12 5PM Classes for those who operate care homes for seniors y ['--- - l/27/12 5PM The difference between a breach and hacking for businesses y 1/271!2 6PM Recycling sites opening for old phone books y l/28!12 6PM Volunteers take part in NOAA's annual humpback whale count y - l/29/l2 6PM Visitors blircau launching multi-million dollar campaign to re-b rand the y Hawaiian Islands ACTION LINE CONSUMER ALERT ·warning about two types of texting I/30112 5Pl'vl y scams hitting Hawaii consumers ··-~---··--·~-· l/31/J2 5PM New organi:t1ltion will help you set up foodscaping project in your backyard I y 1/31/12 5/6/!0pm City's new APP that allows residents to file complaints y 2/l/12 5PM ~talk about the possible causes of depression y 2!11!2 JOPM Free lessons in CPR offered at local cafe. y ~> • Organi111tion of folks 55 or older, called RSVP dedicated to helping others for 2/2!12 5PM y free Local students raise money to pay for measles vaccinations for third world 2/2/12 511 OPI\·l y countries Work starts on a new affordable housing project in West Oahu. People are 2/3/12 IOP1vl y helping to build their own homes 2 Local News (Evening Newscasts continued) ----w Date I Time Aired Tltlo Locally ) Produced l 2/4!12 6Pivf Free CPR training and blood screening from lleart disease survivors y r------- =-~ .......... .,.,-,...,._.,.__.,.,,.,_,...~~----,_.,-·-~ 2151!2 ---- 6PM Fundraiser for Honolulu police ofllccr killed on the freeway y 2/6/12 5PM New cell phone AP unveiled to prevent drivers from texting while driving N I 216/12 5PM ACTION LINE CONSUMI3RALERT-Phlshing scam that's now targeting y Hawaii seniors by calling their home to try and get personal information "" -~- <---,217/12 ____ , 5Pivf Smart grid project Oil lvfaui could help lower electricity costs -~-'- ~---------------------- 2/S!J2 SPiv! An expert talks about- the science of CPR y 21S!l2 6PM Elementary school's annualjump for the heart field day to promote a healthy lit'estyle y - 2/l l!l2 l0Pt'v1 Benefit concert to l1elp kids with heart disease go to camp y -- 2113!12 SPM Thieves are using Valentines day e·cards to target consumers through email y ~-,··--·--·-- '" 2/13/12 6PiVf Local hospital gets $647,000 as a rebate for energy conservation y 2/19/12 6Pt-A Eighteen schools go head to head in a robotics competition y ~ ACTION LINE CONSUMER ALERT-Newlywed couple talks about 2/20/12 5PM y l' experience becoming victims of a craigslist scam while looking for a new home I 2/20/12 6Ptvf Musician asks for the public's help to get his stolen guitars back y r-· -· l 2!2l!l2 6PM Disabled residents will work the land as. part of a new employment training program y l ·---~· .. .........,. .. -,... ~.~---·--... --·--~---- 2/22112 5PM .How buying local can be good for our economy but can also affect our health --y-i 1---- 2/22/12 6PM Girl scout cookies are being distributed for sale on Oahu Yi 2/22/12 lOPM $800,000 being donated to groups that work to protect e!ivironment y 2/22/12 lOP!vt Two civilians are recognized by the police department for their heroic actions y \-·~-~ 2/23/12 6PM New website launched to make it easier to plan a trip !o Pearl Harbor y ··-· ~- ---- 2/24/12 6/lOPM. Ground is broken on Oahu's newest wind farm y ....,,_.,.,._,~.,,.,,_._._~w-..,.~-··-···-•-- ._,,~,··-"- 2126/12 6PM Former Pan American employees organize sale of memorabilia y ACTION LINE CONSUMER ALERT-Tips to consumers to avoid web-based 2/27/12 SPM y schemes that offer bargains on brand-name items ----- 'March for wheels' to bring awareness to programs that bring food to the 3/1!12 5/6PM y lrl)' __ .. .__,_,. __ " ___ ,~ ACTION LINE CONSUMER ALERT-Warning about a sweepstakes scam 3!5/12 SPivf y targeting Hawaii consumers that's making a comeback r------- -~ r-------- Young boy with brain cancer gets his wish to travel to f!a!y, thanks to make-a- 3/8!12 SPM y wish organization Humane society reminds pet owners how to keep their pe1s safe in a natural 3/9/12 lOPM y disaster - 3/9/12 5PlVI Expert tax advice how to simplify tax records before filing deadline y _,.,,.., Japanese radio station dedicates programming to victims of Japan earthquake 3/10/!2 6PM y and tsunami on one year anniversary ,_. -~~~-..----·------.._ .... .,.......,"' ~· ~-'----- ___ - ___ <- ,----- Local News (Evening Newscasts continued) Dato 1 Tfmo Alrod Tltlo Locnlly l Producod N I 3/1 J/I2 lOPM Recall of Gerber powdered infant formula ~ 3/12/12 5PM ACTION LJNE CONSU1vJER ALERT-Warning about tax shelter fraud v I 3/13/12 5PM Solar consultants help homeowners cut electric bills y l ...,.,..,,., 1---· . M . 3/15/12 5PM Hospital concierge that helps when seniors come home trom the hospital y 3/151!2 5PM Advice on keeping personal information sate on your computer y ACTION LINE CONSUMER ALERT-Advice on how not to be a victim of a i 3!19/12 SPM y lottery scheme KHON partners with Hawaii Job Engine website, that helps residents to .find 3122112 5PM y work and prepare for employment 3/22112 6PM 36 high schools take part in robotics competition y __,o ~-.---~-- . ..• . .... ~---~·-···- Yage 1 ot 1 Satellite stations These stations rebroadcast KHON-TV's signal throughout Hawaii; Call City of First air Facility Transmitter Station Channel letters' R.t\AT license date ERP ID Coordinates meaning KHAW Hilo 11 November HA\Vaii 3.35 kW 30.5 Ill 4146 l9°42'51 1'N -TV (VHF) 27, 1961 155°8'3"W ,KAH- Wailuku 7 (VHF) November HawAII 3.69 kW 753m 4145 20°39 127 11 N TV 1958 1 l56°21'39 11 W Notes: 11 1. 'Ibe Broadcasting and Cable Yearbook says KAII-TV signed on November 17, while the Television and Cable Factbook says it signed on November 19.
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