V. HERALD SCHOOLO STATE AVWBACm OAILV OmOCLATIOM f«r the Meath of f^ehraery, 1M4 5 , 4 0 2 Btanber of the Aodtt Ihtr toolfht aad IhandB^, Biifoea of < YOL. U n ., NO. 189. (daeeUled Advertletiix on Fece IS.), BIANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, 14, 1934. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE GENTS 'M ILDIICE SEEKS An Actor Plays Role of Real Exwutiye ANOTHER BIG CROWD In Ct^raUon MoUier, 82 PEACETHROUGH A- AT COOKING SCHOOL TRIPOARLEY IS REJECTED BY SENATE Attendance Records Are 13 MEN RESCUED HoUiag Conferaices Todsy Vote For Ratificatini Of Broken As Hondreds FROM JAP WARSHIP WiA Anstrian And Him- Paper Money*s Danger Flock To State Theater; Ririan Leaders To Sdre Is Seen by Roosevelt Treaty With' Canada W af Good Recipes, New Ideas, Surrirors Tell- Gmesone Tke DannbiaB Problems. 46 To 42 Far Short 06 New Eqininieiit Featnres Stoiy Of Hoart Spent Washington, March 14.—(AP) —^ioo at his press conference as -the Two ■ Thirda RoqnBred; Without mentioning directly the House sought to send to conference Rome. March 14.—(AP) — Two House action in voting for cash with the Senate the independent Of Herald’s Classes. Trapped In Craft little men with big Ideas—4be payment of the bonus, President offices appropriation bill increasing First Major Sottack For square Jawed Benito Mussolini, Roosevelt said today there was dan­ by 1350,000,000 allowances for master of Italy, and the dapper ger in paying off government obli­ veterans and government employes, RoDsereh Administratkn. All attendance record! for a Sasebo, Japan, March 14,—(A P I- gations in paper money in that it and others—will demand with some “Napoleon of Austria,'* Engelbert might lead to meeting running ex­ Jtutioe similar payments. Cooking School In Mancbeater were Thirteen sailors, snatched from slow DoUfuss—sat down at a polished penses of the government by such a Therefore, it was made plain that broken today when hundreds of ad­ death, described today the hours of desk In the Venesla palace today fur mstbed. if tbe bonus bill should pass the Washington, March 14.—(AP)— ditional homemakers from Man­ ghastly suffering they withstood the first of a seriss of oonferenoes The Presldettt sKpreseed this opln- Senate It will be vetoed. The Senate today rejeoted the 8 t chester and surrounding towns after the Japanese torpedo boat that may write history. Lawrence waterway treaty with A third government leader, Pre­ Canada. turned out for the second session of Jomosuru capsised, with 118 men mier Julius Ooemboes, of Hungary, the Manchester Herald Cooking aboard. was not at the council table as the 1%# vote w u for ratifioatiOB 46 School. The School got under way Imprisoned In walls of steel, with meetings plainnsd to last through to 42 against, which w u far abort promptly, as scheduled, and from scores of dead ship mates around Thursday began. Previously, it had U. S. GUNBOAT ABLAZE; of tbe required two-thlrda. its very beginning to the last min­ them inside the storm tossed, up- been understood ths three would ute of the program. It provided en­ sldedown craft, the men ware near The vote admlniatered the first tertainment, Suable information, death when saved. seek in three-cornered parleys a major legialative setback for thq solution of Austria’s and Hungary’s Roosevelt administration. fascinatiag new Ideas. Hope of finding any more of the economic and political ills. At tb CREW TAKES TO BOATS New Red pee 118 aUve tbe water filled tn< last minute today. It >**«*»«• known President Roosevelt had urged The questions were plentiful and terlor of ellttls fighting vessel Z1 Duos would receive the visltori ratification In two eommunloattona Interesong at this second session, waned (odayg as dawn broke over( a sepm tely. to the Senate u a atap. toward and Mrs. Edna R. Crabtree gave macabre scene. At the dry-dock, Regardless of ths mannsr of tbsir Warship Abandoned In Chi- SEN. WAGNER SEES opening v u t Interior a re u of helpful and interesting replies. where the craft wa» tewed.' blue- meeting, tbe three hope before United dtates to ocean oomxnaroa Many of them were about reetpes, jackets were still workingking frantlo-fi Tbursdiy night to i eaoh an agree­ and providing cheap eleotrlotty for and In addition the lecturer gaMr- ally at the tragic task ofoftak: taking out ment which, while proving mutually neie Waters; 108 Hen bis own state of New York, but tka oualy distributed free recipes, and bodies. Long before Frank Morgan became a loreen lavorite, It w u the wlab opposition of a large group of Iranw advantageous immediately, ot m r mother, Mre. ECONOMIC CRASH ive others from the stage kitchen. tS Bodies Removed tually may serve the i idi of peace . oeeDblne W, Wupperroan, that he ehould one day Picked Up; Search Contin- ocrata aad Repubucaaa proved toe Eussell Purnell again entertained at By morning 23 bodies bad been and better times in Europe as a beoonM an oStoer in the liquor product corporation of which ihe Is strong. the organ as the women were gath­ removed and carried to morgpes, whole. p w ld e n t' The 88-year-okl mother eaw her wleb fulfilled when, aa Only a while before the treaty ering. through lines of weeping relatives. th her New York offtoee, ehe presented her eon offlclnl Tbe three men will be together notification of hla eleotloa aa vlee prealdpot of the company. ned For Others. Unless Labor Is Given Fnr* vote he told reporters he would The stage kitchen was orderly Women with babies strapped to only at tbe brilliant aodal functlwu the treaty baox for rtcoaakfa but busy m m the time the session tbejr backs waited as olose to the plaimed—lnoludisg a dinner tonight when there Is time, the ^ a a t ' __ opened until it closed. Miraculously scene as authorltlss permitted. and the opera tomorrow night Hongkong, March 14.—(AP)— dier Part In Recovery It way la going to be built anyway hid' Mrs. Crabtree mixed and beat, stir­ Three men escaped through a D Pragraoi he feared that failure of ratlfloatioa red and garnished, opened the re­ batch before the craft was towed In well-informed olraes, it was The crew of tbe burning United would place the seaway e a tirw ua» frigerator to put salads and des­ hers. The oQier ten were taken out States gunboat Fulton abandoned Will Come, He Says. der Canadian control. through Ajlnle cut ty rescuers. said MuaeoUnl bqllevea that to^talk NATION’S HEAD ORDERS serts to chill, and attended her oven with Obanoallor nollfhaa and Pre­ To reach the vote, treat and the other cookery on the range, Most of tBem trssa unoopaclous. ship at 10 p. m„ tonight In Bias oppo- m ia (Soembqea aapnrately oCers the Bay, 50 miles northeast of here. One .nenta withdrew all resarvatiOM to without once losing the thread of A naval onjN r .oiibted one of the Washington, March 14—(AP) ^ men as saying: ben H>proaob to an agreement be* hundred and elgni lurvivora were the reaoluUon of ratlfloatioa, paving her discussion. tween Austria and Hnagary^ them- A MW aeonomlc ooUapae ualaia the way for a clear-out vota on tM DMns Applaaded "When w ^ e R ttte Tsspel , tarn. eelveq, as well ae among Auatrta, picked up and rvseue vessels ccotin- pact without strings. p $ r audleaoe waKedwItb inter­ ued § saaroh for/oOkara. laJior'is given a further partidpa- e s twhile ^ these epem tlena went enyj 0 tioa la the recovery progn^ wae .Hfitish dfffreyer, H. K. n x k t B E a m btanj> ons hotisekeeper asking how she k « ■atlon With DoUfuae today, ll Ptiee Y i i f i ETerj . ,toiQk MOHird 80 9t today BanatralfrafMr her'smron ee eleaa urough It |E la> beUnred 'tb^hn -mouMlng dteMib) NCE. I’p craw.gnAa the and Many otben keenly ttm lnr tks picked up 48. * lioDi pfetty geoamtly around his Btr lioahranod' iratOTn^ w u t t ' tea msdring and the oven, ooone'ry, JORIESlVDECIDt Danubun plan, proinpilgated last FhiM HI Inbject Stpdie^ All of tiie Fulton's Sfoboats, how­ Open heartnge'Hfera the Sexiate Just <m the chance that the buiv to be ballt ragardiass-of tha autumn. It outliness a eourae whore- FOrjOffllKAilllNSII ever, bad not bean aOoountad for. Labor oemmlttM on hia bill to come of tha Sanate vota on rai speaker would forget. But she by Musaolinl hopes the difficult eco­ The Wlsbart csurled on a search for strengthen thli board and to guar­ didn’t forget, and ^ finished dlabes It Not SatuGed With The .tion of tha traaty with Canada; ON TAX DODGINC nomic situation of countries in the the other boats, considerably ham antee the right colleotive bar> he feara defeat of tha poet brought applause from her en­ Danublan basin may be remedied. pared by a pea-soup fog. galnlng by labor without company thusiastic, big audience, and little place the seaway entire^ in Byt^ forming an xmdercurrent ot Prasent Set-Up. On patrol duty sigsdnst pirates, interference, the New Yorkar warn­ nands of Canada. burets of clapping throughout the general M>eculation today, la the Brother Of Alexander Gets the Fulton sent out a meas^e at ed that “wages are again lagging discussion when Mrs. Crabtree so general belief that Musaolinl hopes 8:21 p. m., ssiylng she was on fire behind production and profita,” he This view w u made known u t^a quickly and w ia ^ answered the President Hakes Known His as a prime but little-commented and the crew w u preparing to added: Senate began its final day’s debate questions handed in on the elipe.
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