The North/South Language Body Annual Report and Accounts For the year ended 31 December 2016 An Foras Teanga Tuarascáil Bhliantúil agus Cuntais An bhliain dar chríoch 31 Nollaig 2016 Tha Boord o Leid An Accoont o the Darg For the year hinmaist 31 Decemmer 2016 Foras na Gaeilge The Ulster-Scots Agency 63-66 Sráid Amiens The Corn Exchange Baile Átha Cliath 1 31 Gordon Street +353 (0)1 6398400 Belfast BT1 2LG +44 (0)28 9023 1113 www.forasnagaeilge.ie www.ulsterscotsagency.com [email protected] [email protected] Foras na Gaeilge The Ulster-Scots Agency Teach an Gheata Thiar William Street 2-4 Sráid na Banríona Raphoe Béal Feirste Co. Donegal BT1 6ED +353 (0)74 9173876 +44 (0)28 9089 0970 The North / South Language Body Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2016 An Foras Teanga Tuarascáil Bhliantúil agus Cuntais don bhliain dar chríoch 31 Nollaig 2016 Tha Boord o Leid An Accoont o tha Darg for the year hinmaist 2016 The Language Body is a North/South Implementation Body sponsored by the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (DCHG) and the Department for Communities (DfC). It was established on the 2nd of December 1999 under the British-Irish Agreement which set up the implementation bodies and was underpinned by the British-Irish Agreement Act 1999 and the North/South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) (Northern Ireland) Order 1999. It reports to the North/South Ministerial Council (NSMC). The Language Body comprises Foras na Gaeilge and the Ulster-Scots Agency. Foras na Gaeilge has the principal function of the promotion of the Irish language on an all-island basis. The principal function of the Ulster- Scots Agency is the promotion of greater awareness and use of Ullans and of Ulster-Scots cultural issues, both within Northern Ireland and throughout the island. Further information and Board Minutes available on the agencies’ websites: www.forasnagaeilge.ie www.ulsterscotsagency.com Is Comhlacht Forfheidhmithe Thuaidh/Theas é an Foras Teanga agus tá sé urraithe ag an Roinn Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta (RCOG) agus an Roinn Pobail (RP). Bunaíodh é an 2 Nollaig 1999 faoi Chomhaontú na Breataine-na hÉireann lenar bunaíodh na comhlachtaí forfheidhmithe, comhaontú a bhfuil an tAcht um Chomhaontú na Breataine-na hÉireann agus an North/South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) (Northern Ireland) Order 1999 mar bhonn faoi. Tuairiscíonn sé don Chomhairle Aireachta Thuaidh/Theas (CATT). Tá an Foras Teanga comhdhéanta d’Fhoras na Gaeilge agus de Ghníomhaireachta na hUltaise. Is é príomhfheidhm Fhoras na Gaeilge an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn ar bhonn uile-oileáin. Is é príomhfheidhm Ghníomhaireachta na hUltaise eolas níos fearr faoin Ultais agus úsáid na hUltaise agus saincheisteanna cultúir Ultach-Albanacha a chur chun cinn, laistigh de Thuaisceart Éireann agus ar fud an oileáin. Tá breis eolais agus Miontuairiscí Boird ar fáil ar shuíomh gréasáin na ngníomhaireachtaí: www.forasnagaeilge.ie www.ulsterscotsagency.com Contents Board Members of The Language Body 4 Joint Introduction 5 Report of Foras na Gaeilge 6 Report of The Ulster-Scots Agency 32 Financial Statements 51 Clár Comhaltaí Boird an Fhorais Teanga 4 Comhréamhrá 5 Tuairisc Fhoras na Gaeilge 6 Tuairisc Tha Boord o Ulstèr-Scotch 32 Ráitis Airgeadais 51 Board Members of The Language Body Up to 12 December 2016 Joint-Chairpersons Seosamh Mac Donncha (deceased, Joint-Chairperson to 20 May 2016) Mr Tom Scott (Joint-Chairperson)* Marcas Mac Ruairí (board member to 23 June 2016, Deputy Joint-Chairperson 24 June 2016 to 12 December 2016) Allen McAdam* Seán Ó hArgáin Pól Callaghan Colm Cavanagh (resigned 22 January 2016) Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh Seán Ó Coisdealbha Seán Mícheál Ó Domhnaill Gráinne McElwain Ida Fisher* Éamonn Ó Gribín Conor McGuinness (appointed 24 June 2016) Val O’Kelly* Frederick Kettyle* Deirdre Kirwan (resigned 11 March 2016) Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire (resigned 4 March 2016) Rosie Ní Laoghaire (appointed 24 June 2016) William Leathem* Barra Ó Muirí Lee Reynolds* Therese Ruane (resigned 14 January 2016) Hilary Singleton* From 13 December 2016 to 31 December 2016 Joint-Chairpersons Pól Ó Gallchóir (Joint-Chairperson) Keith Gamble* (Joint-Chairperson) Allen McAdam* Julie Andrews* Seán Ó hArgain Iain Carlisle* Sorcha Ní Chéidigh Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh Seán Ó Coisdealbha Máighréad Ní Chonghaile Seán Mícheál Ó Domhnaill Gráinne McElwain Mairéad Farrell Ida Fisher* Niall Ó Gallochobhair Val O’Kelly* Frederick Kettyle* Conor McGuinness Barra Ó Muirí David McNarry* Máire Ní Neachtain *Denotes Board membership of The Ulster-Scots Agency; unmarked denotes Board membership of Foras na Gaeilge. Comhaltaí Boird an Fhorais Teanga Go dtí 12 Nollaig 2016 Comh-Chathaoirligh Seosamh Mac Donncha (nach maireann, Comh-Chathaoirleach go 20 Bealtaine 2016) Mr Tom Scott (Comh-Chathaoirleach)* Marcas Mac Ruairí (comhalta boird go 23 Meitheamh 2016, Leas-Chomh- Chathaoirleach 24 Meitheamh 2016 go 12 Nollaig 2016) Allen McAdam* Seán Ó hArgáin Pól Callaghan Colm Cavanagh (d’éirigh as 22 Eanáir 2016) Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh Seán Ó Coisdealbha Seán Mícheál Ó Domhnaill Gráinne McElwain Ida Fisher* Éamonn Ó Gribín Conor McGuinness (ceapadh 24 Meitheamh 2016) Val O’Kelly* Frederick Kettyle* Deirdre Kirwan (d’éirigh as 11 Márta 2016) Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire (d’éirigh as 4 Márta 2016) Rosie Ní Laoghaire (ceapadh 24 Meitheamh 2016) William Leathem* Barra Ó Muirí Lee Reynolds* Therese Ruane (d’éirigh as 14 Eanáir 2016) Hilary Singleton* Ó 13 Nollaig 2016 go 31 Nollaig 2016 Comh-Chathaoirligh Pól Ó Gallchóir (Comh-Chathaoirleach) Keith Gamble* (Comh-Chathaoirleach) Allen McAdam* Julie Andrews* Seán Ó hArgain Iain Carlisle* Sorcha Ní Chéidigh Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh Seán Ó Coisdealbha Máighréad Ní Chonghaile Seán Mícheál Ó Domhnaill Gráinne McElwain Mairéad Farrell Ida Fisher* Niall Ó Gallochobhair Val O’Kelly* Frederick Kettyle* Conor McGuinness Barra Ó Muirí David McNarry* Máire Ní Neachtain *Léiríonn ballraíocht de The Boord O Ulstèr-Scotch; léiríonn easpa réiltín ballraíocht d’Fhoras na Gaeilge. Thegither Forethocht Joint Introduction Comhréamhrá 2016 was a busy year for both the Ulster Scots Agency and Foras na Gaeilge. The Ulster Scots Agency was pleased to see that over the course of the year, the Discover Ulster-Scots Centre, which is managed by the Ulster-Scots Community Network, experienced an increase in the number of community groups visiting along with an increase in footfall from passing trade. The Agency delivered a wide ranging programme of activities promoting Ulster-Scots by organising and supporting a range of large scale public events. Highlights again included our Burns Night Concert in conjunction with the Ulster Orchestra. The Ulster-Scots Agency expanded its promotional agenda with attendance at Great Game Fairs of Ireland at Shane’s Castle and Montalto Estate and officially launched the new C.S. Lewis Exhibition at the Linen Hall Library. The Agency continued to cater to the high demand for Ulster-Scots in schools and developmental work and capacity building continued through the funding of the Ulster-Scots Community Network. Member groups were facilitated in accessing more than £500,000 of grant funding from a range of sources. For Foras na Gaeilge the year’s highlights included the publication online of all of the material from the New English-Irish Dictionary; the second year implementing the new arrangements relating to the Partnership Approach with the Lead Organisations and other stakeholders; and the awarding of grants worth €4,701,111 to the 6 Lead Organisations: Conradh na Gaeilge; Cumann na bhFiann; Gael Linn; Gaeloideachas; Glór na nGael; and Oireachtas na Gaeilge. The sad passing of Foras na Gaeilge’s Chairperson and first Chief Executive Seosamh Mac Donncha was a great loss and the completion of the term of Foras na Gaeilge’s former Chief Executive, Ferdie Mac an Fhailigh and the appointment of Seán Ó Coinn as his successor mixed gratitude and congratulations. Details of these projects and more can be found in the individual reports from the two agencies. Keith Gamble Pól Ó Gallchóir CHAIRMAN CATHAOIRLEACH THE ULSTER-SCOTS AGENCY FORAS NA GAEILGE Thegither Forethocht Joint Introduction Comhréamhrá Bliain an-ghnóthach a bhí in 2016 do Ghníomhaireacht na hUltaise agus d’Fhoras na Gaeilge araon. Bhí áthas ar Ghníomhaireacht na hUltaise gur tháinig méadú le linn na bliana ar líon na ngrúpaí pobail a thug cuairt ar an Discover Ulster- Scots Centre atá á bhainistiú ag an Líonra Pobail Ultaise agus méadú ar líon na gcuairteoirí isteach ón tsráid. Chuir an Ghníomhaireacht clár an-leathan gníomhaíochtaí ar fáil leis an Ultais a chur chun cinn trí raon leathan gníomhaíochtaí ar scála mór a eagrú nó trí thacú leo. I measc na mbuaicphointí arís bhí an Cheolchoirm Oíche Burns le Ceolfhoireann Uladh. Chuir Gníomhaireacht na hUltaise dlús lena tiomantas don bholscaireacht trí fhreastal ar Mór-Aontaí Géime na hÉireann ag Caisleán Sheáin agus in Eastát Montalto. Lainseáil an Ghníomhaireacht go hoifigiúil an taispeántas nua ar C.S. Lewis i Leabharlann an Líonhalla. Lean an Ghníomhaireacht de bheith ag freastal ar an éileamh ard ar an Ultais sna scoileanna agus leanadh den obair fhorbartha agus cumasaithe tríd an Líonra Pobail Ultaise. D’éirigh le ballghrúpaí rochtain a fháil ar bhreis is £500,000 de mhaoiniú deontas ó raon foinsí. I gcás Fhoras na Gaeilge. i measc na mbuaicphointí bhí: iomlán an ábhair as an bhFoclóir Nua Béarla-Gaeilge a bheith foilsithe ar líne; an dara bliain d’fheidhmiú na socruithe nua faoin gCur Chuige Comhpháirtíochta leis na Ceanneagraíochtaí agus páirtithe leasmhara eile; agus na deontais ar luach €4,701,111 a bheith curtha ar fáil do na 6 Cheanneagraíocht: Conradh na Gaeilge; Cumann na bhFiann; Gael Linn; Gaeloideachas; Glór na nGael; agus Oireachtas na Gaeilge. Buille trom d’Fhoras na Gaeilge a bhí a bhí ann nuair a cailleadh Seosamh Mac Donncha, Cathaorileach Fhoras na Gaeilge agus an chéad Phríomhfheidhmeannach ar an eagraíocht.
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