University of Mississippi eGrove American Institute of Certified Public Guides, Handbooks and Manuals Accountants (AICPA) Historical Collection 1950 Accounting Firms and Practitioners 1950 American Institute of Accountants Follow this and additional works at: https://egrove.olemiss.edu/aicpa_guides Part of the Accounting Commons, and the Taxation Commons ACCOUNTING FIRMS AND PRACTITIONERS 1950 A REFERENCE BOOKLET FOR BANKERS, LAWYERS, AND BUSINESSMEN LISTING ACCOUNTING FIRMS REPRESENTED IN THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS ACCOUNTING FIRMS AND PRACTITIONERS 1950 A REFERENCE BOOKLET FOR BANKERS, LAWYERS, AND BUSINESSMEN, LISTING ACCOUNTING PRACTITIONERS AND FIRMS HAVING PRINCIPALS OR PARTNERS WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS 270 MADISON AVENUE • NEW YORK 16, N. Y. Copyright 1949 .by the American Institute of Accountants NOTE This is a list of firms in the United States, its Territories and Possessions, which are represented in the membership of the American Institute of Accountants. The Institute, national professional society of certified pub­ lic accountants, was founded in 1887 as the American Association of Public Accountants. Its name was changed inl916 to the American Institute of Accountants. Through amalgamation with other accounting societies, it is now the only national organization of certified public accountants. The maintenance of high professional standards and pro­ fessional ethics is one of the major functions of the Institute. This list of firms represented by principals or partners in the organization is conveniently arranged by geographical location. You will find here in this handy reference booklet the names and addresses of accounting firms in your own area as well as in other sections of the country. GEOGRAPHICAL LIST OF FIRMS AND INDIVIDUAL PRACTITIONERS Alabama Anniston Klein , Harwood & Co. (Ferd C. Harwood) Brooke , Winston , 20 W. 11th St. (Winston Wallace , Roy L. & Associates , Hagedorn Brooke) Bldg. (Roy L. Wallace) King , George D. & Co., Radio Bldg. (Stuart M. King) Geneva Birmingham Strickland , M. L. & Company , P. O.B ox 206 (M. L. Strickland) Borland , William Howard , 1617 Comer Bldg. (William Howard Borland) Mobile Christian , William J., 2212 Comer Bldg. (William J. Christian) Cooper , Edward J., 812 First National Bank Cobb , Howell C., WBRC Bldg. (Howell C. Bldg. (Edward J. Cooper) Cobb) Dill, Norman T„ First National Bank Bldg. Ernst & Ernst , 1314 First National Bldg. (Norman T. Dill) (Henry J. Pratt) Duffee & Duffee , 307 Merchants National Franklin , W. M., 1227 Comer Bldg. (W. M. Bank Bldg. (Julian Duffee, Julian Duffee, Franklin) Jr.) Lehman and Ullman , 1702 Comer Bldg. (Joseph Godwin , Robert L. Sr., 328 First National L. Ullman) Bank Bldg. (Robert L. Godwin, Sr.) Lelievre , & Lelievre , 1217 Empire Bldg., Hart , Kermit T., 602 First National Bank (Clara C. Lelievre) Bldg. (Kermit T. Hart) Money & Herzberg , 517 N. 22nd St. (Heyman Holliman , Childree and Ramsey , 504 First Herzberg, Jr., James E. Money) National Bank Annex (Lewie F. Childree) Neville , Brown & Regan , 517 Empire Bldg. Mayton , James , 811 First National Annex (James Regan, Jr.) (James Mayton) Nichols , F. W., 502 Frank Nelson Bldg. (F. W. Pritchard , V. R., P. O. Box 1444 (V. R. Nichols) Pritchard) Orth , Edward J., Powell Ave. (Edward J. Richard , L. J. & Co., 211 Merchants National Orth) Bank Bldg. (Ralph A. Harold, Leslie J. Scarborough , Thomas & Company , 501 Jack- Richard) son Bldg. (James Jackson Scarborough, H. O. Smith , Dukes & Bu ckalew , 311 First National Thomas, Jr., John R. Thomas) Bank Bldg. (Sylvester W. Brock, Vardaman Screven , Turner & Company , 309 Massey M. Buckalew, Gilbert F. Dukes) Bldg. (James O. Screven, James Patsie Turner) Montgomery Smith , F. Hopkinson & Company , 1015 First National Bank Bldg. (J. Dozier P. Arnold) Aldridge , Borden and Jones , 307 Moore Bldg. Solomon , J. M., 811 American Life Bldg. (Mayer Westbrook Aldridge, John R. (Jacob M. Solomon) Borden) Crane , Jackson & Wilson , 333 First National Demopolis, Ala. Bank Bldg. (H. C. Crane, Douglass G. Jack- Richard , Fred A., Jr., P. O. Box 324 (Fred A. son, James W. Thornton, James Winfrey Wil­ Richard, Jr.) son) Grantham , Hal G., 110 Professional Center Dothan Bldg. (Hal G. Grantham) McDaniel & Company , 201 Penney Bldg. (E. Troy and Troy , 807 First National Bank Bldg. B. McDaniel, Jr.) (Robert E. Troy) Gadsden Tuscaloosa King , George D. & Co., P. O. Drawer 759 Senna , Charles A., Jr., 2319 8th St. (Charles (George Dodgen King) A. Senna, Jr.) Arizona Cottonwood Dooley , Lloyd K., 223 Industrial Bldg. (Lloyd Commiskey , F. E., P. O. Box 101 (Frank E. K. Dooley) Commiskey) Fagerberg , Dixon , Jr., 225 Luhrs Bldg. (Dixon Fagerberg, Jr.) Phoenix Gallant , Sam , 707 W. Thomas Rd. (Sam Gal­ Bobbitt , U. C., 520 Luhrs Bldg. (Uel Clay lant) Bobbitt) Garrett , E. T., Luhrs Tower (E. T. Garrett) Carson , Walmsley & Henry , Luhrs Bldg. Haddox , R. Freer, 636 Security Bldg. (R. (Marvin Henry, Lewis G. Walmsley) Freer Haddox) Councilor , James A. & Company , Luhrs Tower Hazelett , John M., 221 S. 19th Ave. (John M. (James W. Coombs) Hazelett) Crane , A. W., 321 Heard Bldg. (Alex W. Crane) Horwath & Horwath , 2970 E. Van Buren St. Cuthbert , Johnson & Tisor , 626 Heard Bldg. (Julius Altschul, Manager) (Hugh T. Cuthbert, G. Wesley Johnson, Carl Hudson , William H., 1106 Luhrs Tower (Wil­ D. Tisor) liam H. Hudson) Dale & Eikner , 514 Title & Trust Bldg. (W. Keuper , Charles H., 67½ E. Thomas Rd. Carl Dale, James C. Eikner) (Charles H. Keuper) David and Rubinstein , 315 Arizona Title Kiviat , Samuel , 140 S. Central Ave. (Samuel Bldg. (Martin David, Julius Rubenstein) Kiviat) Dennis , H. Marvin , 514 Heard Bldg. (H. Lee, Jerrie W., 201 First National Bank Bldg. Marvin Dennis) (Jerrie W. Lee) 439 440 American Institute of Accountants ARIZONA (Continued) Mackey , K. E., 520 Luhrs Bldg. (Karren E. Prescott Mackey) Foster , Arthur A., P. O. Box 1987 (Arthur A. Merrill, Bruce , Adams Hotel Bldg. (Bruce Foster) Merrill) Jone B, R. L., 1 Bashford Block (R. L. Jones) Millett, Max A., 803 Security Bldg. (Max A. Gray and Williams , Ross-Favour Bldg. (Wil­ Millett) frid L. Gray, R. M. Williams) Morgan & Stallings , 304 Arizona Title Bldg., (Robert L. Morgan, Oliver C. Stallings) Safford Murray & Murray , 19 E. Coronado Rd. Bailey , Stuart M., 513 Fifth Ave. (Stuart M. (Leslie Murray, Jr.) Bailey) Newbould , J. Douglas , 434 Security Bldg. (J. Douglas Newbould) Tempe Racey , Laird A., 305 Arizona Title Bldg. Crance , T. T., 711 Lemon St. (T. T. Crance) (Laird A. Racey) Rogers and Hilkert , 434 Security Bldg. (E. J. Tuscon Hilkert) Bates , C. T. R., 109 S. Scott St. (C. T. R. Sheppard , George L„ P. O. Box 4211 (George Bates) L.Sheppard) Elliott & Company , 615 Valley National Bldg. Smith , James A., 860 Security Bldg. (James A. (Thomas J. Elliott) Smith) Lawton , James M., Valley Bank Bldg. (James The Harmon Audit Company , 834 Security M. Lawton) Bldg. (Claud F. Harmon, Allan G. Monroe, Moore , Merle W., 11 E. Pennington St. (Merle George R. Pool) Wayland Moore) Treadway , L. N. and Associates , 507 Luhrs Sarrels , Oran , 1002 Valley National Bldg. Bldg. (J. D. Sayre, Gordon H. Thomas) (Oran Sarrels) Webster, H. M. Company , 702 N. 1st St. (A. R. Walsh , P. J., 703 Valley National Bldg. (P. J Burton, Manager) Walsh) Woodward , Fred H., 520 Luhrs Bldg. (Fred­ erick H. Woodward) Winslow Zaebst , Ivan R., 4553 N. Seventh Ave. (Ivan R. Connolly , J. P. Co., Hotel Chief (James P. Zaebst) Connolly) Arkansas Blytheville Hennegin , Croft & Cotham , 804 Pyramid Evans , Joe B., 202 Lynch Bldg. (Joe B. Evans) Bldg. (Edward Ralph Cotham, Lyle B. Croft) Jackson , B. T., Commercial Warehouse Bldg. El Dorado (B. T. Jackson) Breimo , Mark , 409 First National Bank Bldg. Lange , Harry A. & Co., 501 Rector Bldg. (Mark Breimo) (Harry A. Lange) Golder , William W., Box 1283 (William W. Lile, R. A. and Company , 627 Pyramid Bldg. Golder) (R. Alfred Lile, Peter E. Stanley) Greene , Chester L., First National Bank Madigan , James E., 303 Rector Bldg. (James E. Bldg., (Chester L. Greene) Madigan) Hartje & Hartje , P. O. Box 507 (Ingram G. McCright , L. R., 1417 Donahgey Bldg. (L. R. Hartje) McCright) Kinard , Caddie H., 303 Armstrong Bldg. McDuffie -Curry & Co., 417 Boyle Bldg. (Louis (Caddie H. Kinard) R. Curry, John W. Dornblaser) Rebsamen , Raymond H., Rector Bldg. (Ray­ Fort Smith mond H. Rebsamen) Rogers , Fred , & Company , 409 Union National Bell and Magruder , Professional Bldg. Bank Bldg. (William C. Clement, Fred W. (Marion H. Bell, Millard F. Magruder) Rogers) Daniel , Daniel and Ennis , 318 Merchants Russell Brown & Company , Boyle Bldg. (G. Bank Bldg. (Willard Ray Carlisle) Russell Brown, Avon B. Goodrum, Raymond Scivally , Louis F., 403 Professional Bldg. R. Morris) (Louis F. Scivally) Wyatt , Cullum & Co., 604 Boyle Bldg. (Ed­ Swafford , J. L., & Co., 810 First National Bank Bldg. (John L. Swafford) ward LeMoyne Cullum) Douglas Walker and Company , Merchants National Bank Bldg. (E. B. Sparks, Jr., James Magnolia D. Walker, Jr.) Eddy , H. D., P. O. Box 314 (H. D. Eddy) Hot Springs N. Little Rock Hudlow , Walter L., 406 Medical Arts Bldg. Brown , Irby & Company , Matthews Bldg. (Walter L. Hudlow) (Russell M. Brown) Little Rock Bond , Joe & Company , 411 Wallace Bldg. Osceola (Harold Balch, Howard F. Pratt) Bradshaw , Erus , P. O. Box 205 (Erus Brad­ Chase & Gaunt , 503 Rector Bldg. (Edward shaw) L. Gaunt, Lawrence R. Moffett) Findley , W. W., P. O. Box 808 (W. W. Find­ Pine Bluff ley) Hollis and McClain , 203 Simmons National Fletcher , Charles H., 406 Wallace Bldg. Bldg. (Cal P. Hollis, Harold D. McClain) (Charles H. Fletcher) Railsbach , Glenn A., 407 National Bldg. Frazee , Fox & Dodge , 921 Pyramid Bldg. (Glenn A. Railsbach, Glenn Albert Railsbach, (Harry F. Dodge, Jr., Asa Standley Fox) Jr,) Firm List of Members 441 ARKANSAS (Continued) Reinberger , E. S. & Company , 212 National Texarkana Bldg. (Truman Newton, Mannie J. Rein­ Gleason , Jerry J., 1807 Garland Ave. (Jerry J. berger) Gleason) Theis , Walter F., 508 Simmons Bldg. (Walter Markham , A. L., 531 State National Bank Bldg. F. Theis) (A.
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