MICROFIIJl Z.S.142N Pu:BLIC REC ORD OFFICE Land on, Eng Land TREASURY. :ACCOuntSl Depp..rtmental. Coloni~s I Iiorth Carolina. Aooounts of Quit Rents, Albemarle Co., 1729 - 1735. Reel no. Z.S.142~ 1. 1735 Jun 12. Uorth Carolina. "Accompt of the R,.,ce1ptof one half of t~e arrears of His ~:ajeBt,y's Quit Renta fer Albemarle Coun~.{ (Vizt.) from the 29th of Sept. 1729 '0 J.Arch 1732 compu~ed at the difference of Seven for one pound Sterling in the Cll!'renoyof this Province." NStIlesgiven approximo.tely a1pbabetioal~ in each preCinct, with oolumns indicating number of years paid, number of acres, Quit Rent reeerved, Amount in Sterling ana amount L'l currency a.t 7 for 1, and total at currenoy. Pags 1 Pages 1-5. Bertie ?reeinct. Pages 5b - 6. Edgeoombe Preoinot. Pages 6b - 7. ~'rTe1 Precinct • Paces To - 8. Cllrrituck Precin~t. • Pages 8b - lIb. Pasquetank Preoinct. Pages 12 - 15. Psquimmons Preoinct. Pages 151>- lab. Chowan Preoinot. Pages 19b - 20. Debits against & Credits to the !l.C. Quit Rent l.ooount. Signed 1735~ Sept. 29. North Carolina. Elea.zr. Allen. Pages 20 - 20b. List of quit r~nts reo'd after aoct. was made up. Names, acres [7] aometimeo, and amountS • • • • • MICRl~J1,M Z. 5. rl3~. PURLIC RSCOR.DOF'FICE London, England T.L?/'; TREASURY. Registers, Various. ~eekly Emigration Returns, 1?73-177h. Repl no. Z.S.173N 31 l77L Jan 1~-23. A lift of nine emir-rants from Lannon to "Carolina", r nc'l, He nry Chapman, jP":eller, sailing aboard the Caro'Lma, ,To.,nBesnard, master, from port of London, 07 l77L l'",b20 - 27. .~list of six emigrants from Scotland to l;crth Carolina sailinr ::lboard the r:.argarpt&. r.K.ary , Samuel 1zat t, mastpr, from port of London. 68-69 1774 Feb 20 - 27. A list of thirteen emigrants from London, Oxford, and r'.aryland,to "Carolina" sailing aboard the Union, i/illiam Combs, master, from port of London. 131 1774 Apr 19-26. A list of emi~rants incl. Janet Belton and Tobiah Blackett, spinsters of London, aged 20 and 25, sailing from port of London aboard the Barna Charta, Richard '~itland, master, bound for "Carolina" to meet their friends . 138 l77L. Nay 10 - 14. .6. list of emigrants incl. Londoners John Gr-af tori, • drawing master, and Nathaniel Worker, gentleman, both ~fed 25, sailing for 11Carolina 11 from port of London aboard the Briton, Alexander Urquhart, master, one bound on bUSiness, the other an pleasure. lL3 1774 May 17 - 24. ft list of nine indented servants from various places in Fngland, incl. John Forster, a 24 year old London printer, bound for North Carolina aboard the fripndship, John Smith, master, sailing from port of London. 148 1774 May 24 - 31. A list of three efTigrants to "Car'o Ltna" sailing aboard the Pallas, J. Turner, master, leaving from port of London. 186 1774 July 10 - 17. List of three emigrants from London to "Car-o- lina" sailing aboard the Carolina, John Be snard , master, from port of London. 206 1774 July 31 - Aug 7. List of five emigrants from London f,oing aboard C:lrolina Packet, John \\'hite,master, from port of London, to settle j n "Carolina". Incl. John Butler, gen:"~e- • man, and wife Ann; Thomas Andr'ews , potter; William Tprpl03man, jew~ller; and John Smith, cabinetmaker. 218 l17LI AUf 1h - 21. List of pight i ndent.ured servants from various parts of ~npland, jncl. James ~ichols, silver caster of lon- don, bound from port of London for "Carolina" aboard the '·'illiam,Philip lescott, master. 252 1774 Oct 3 - 10. List o~ ten emifrants from London to "Carolinall sailing ~rom port of London aboard the London, Curlirg, master. 258 1774 Oct. 3 - 10. Rpoort of one emigrant, Thomas Stead, a 17 year old butcher fr~m Hull going to join his fatr.pr who liv~s at Cape Fear, aboard the Rockingham, Rich~rd Hopper, raster, sailing from Newcas t.Le, 264 177h Oct 27 - 24. list of E'~igrants e~barking from port of London. Incl. two for rr::;:<rolina"aboard the Np....:onarket,Gilbert '..:Uson mast.er; three for "S;rolina" (incl. rJilson Dalzall, je~eller)' aboard the Jares, Isaac Thompson, master; and five inoentpd servants for S.C. aboard the Lowther, Thomas Cowman, rr.aster. 27e. 1774 Nov? - lL. List of two inoented servants bound for "Caro- lina" aboard the f.ary & Hannah, Henry Dixon, master, saiLinr from port of London. t1I2ROFJLM Reel no. Z.~.173N T.~7/9 Concluded 295 177L Nov 28 - Dec 6. Iist of six en.i.gr-ant.s to "Carol ina" aboard th~ Briton, ~lexander Urquhart, master, sailjng frorr.port of London • • • r~ICHr;;'IL~ ....5 .17W~ PUBLIC REC)RD O;;'FICE London, England T.b7/12 TREASURY. Re~isters, Various. Emigration Returns, Scotland to America, l77L to 1775. Reel no. Z.S.17uN 27-28 1774 r~ay30. Commi ssi oner-sof Customs in Scotland, :dinburgh, to John nobinson [Trpasury], forwardin~ copies of examin~tion of emirrants from Scotland to America who put into thp port of Shetland by distress of weather. lPresum~bly the exa~inations of 15 Apr 177u] 29-40 1774 Apr 15. "Report of the ':;.xarr.inationof the Emigrants f'r-om the Counties of Caithness an'!Sutherland to North Carolina". COPlPS of summaries of tf"st.i.nlonyby 31 emigrants who put into Shetland to she Iter :'rorr.barf vea+hcr ; incl. pe rsonaI information, economic situation, reasons for emigrating to It C., et,c , t.S-L!6 1774 ~ug 22. Commission~rs of Customs, Scotland, ~dinburgh, to John Robinson, transmitting ~ list of emigrants sailing from port of Gr=enock to t~'ilmington,N.C . L!7-4B l77L Aug 12 - lB. "List of P-3.ssengersaboard the srip Ulysses, James Chalmers, master, for vlilmington in N .rth Car01ina II • lsailing from port of Greenock.] 53-5h 177L Sept B - 15. "Port Greenock. List of Passengers from this Port from the Bth September 1774 inclusive, to the 15th September 177u exclusive". Incl. 3b passengers for Wil- mington, N.C., aboard the Diana, Dugp.ld Ruthven, mastpr. 71-72 1775 Jan 3. Commissioners of Customs in Scotland, Edinburgh, to Robinson, forwarding a letter from the commissioners at Campbelton concerning a vpssel from Greenock putting in there with emigrants from Is1ay. 73-74 l77u Dec 12. Commissioners of Customs, Campbeltowo, to [Commiss- ioners of Customs in Scotland] rpporting that the brigantine Carolina Packet, Malcolrr.McNeil, master, bound for Cape Fear, N.C., put in at Campbeltown on account of a storm during Dec 2 - 7 with a cargo of goods and 62 passengers from Islay and Mull • 81-82 1775 Hay B. R.E. Philips, Custom House, Edinburgh, to Robinson, transmitting a list of ewigrants to America sailing from • Port Greenock. Incl. reference to the Ulysses, James Wilson, master, bound for N.C. 83-8L 1775 tpr 28 - May 5. "Port Greenock List of Passenrers from the 2Pth April 1775 Inclusive, to thp 5 1'.2.y 1775 Fxc'lus tve", Incl. 12 emigrants to N.C. ~board the Ulysses, James ~ilson, mastar . 91-92 1775 ?'~y31. "Por t, Stranraer. An a.ccountof .'Jrr.igrantssh ip; ed at Stranraer the 31st of l~y 1775 on board the Jackie of Glasgow Jame s t10rrisE=-sVor for t.,:,,- York •••II Inel. 29 bound to N.C. 73-9u 1775 June 8. R.~. Philips, C~stom Youse, ~dinburgh, to John Robinson, transmittin~ A list of prrigrants from Fort Green- ock to America. Incl. reference to the Aja.x,Robert Cunni~g_ ham, master, ~ound for N.C. 95 1775 ;1ay26 - June 2. [Port Greenock]. "L'ist,of Pas senr=r-sfro:n the 26th of M.~y1775 Inclusive to the 2d June 1775 ExcIus i va'", • InCl. two emicrants to N.C. Se-99 1775 June 20. R.E. Philips, Custom House, Edinburgh, to John Robinson lTreasuryJ, transmitting lists of passengers frc~ Glasgow and Kirkaldy aboard the vessels Commerce and Jam~ica Packet. (ccncluded next shppt MICROFILM T.47/12 Concluded Reel no. Z.S.174N 100-101 177S June 5 - 11. "Port Kirgaldy. An Account of Emigration from this Port and precinct to America or other Foreign ports from the 5th of June 1775 to the 11th do. both inclusive". Incl. passengers for Brunswick, N.C., aboard the Jamaica Packet of Burnt Island, Thomas Smith, master. 119-120 1775 Sept L. "A List of Passeneers or Emigrants on Board the ship Jupiter or Larne Samuel dro~m master for Wilmington in North Carolina, their Names, Ages, Occupations or Employments and former Residencert. • HICROFILM z.5.113N PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE London, England T. 50/5 TR&~SURY. Miscellanea: Documpnts relating to Refugees Carolina Militia: receipt books, pay lists, etc., 1781-1782. Reel no. Z.5.1h3N 1 Cover page: "Treasury Records. North and South Carolina Militia. Abstracts of pay &c &c 1782". 2, 3b 1782 July 25. Headauarters. Edward Scott, secretary, to Col. Rob. Gray, Paymaster of Militia. Sums advanced "as a gratuitous con- sideration for their Services" to Col. Fanning, Col. Bryan, Lt. Col. Hampton, and Capt. White. Endorsed "Voucher for North Caro- l1 lina • 4-(4bj 17B2 Oct 17. Headquarters. Robert Anderson, assistant secretary, to Col. Gray. '1'0 pay Kenneth Stewart three months' salary. 5-5b [c. 1782 OctJ. Petition to Alexander Leslie, commandant of Charleston, from Charles Molloy, captain in Loyal North C~rolina l1ilitia; his services and present distress. Incl. endorsement by Col. David Fanning, 6 Oct 1782, and order for payment of same date.
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