------- YUCUMlLN I 29.2: CHECKED MT C 85/8x CANBE CRATER LAKE V ?E G c; 3 N A T IOn . W It z t7 Historic Events UNITED STATES i __ DEPARTMENT OF THE 1853 John Wesley Hillman and a group of Crater Lake prospectors discovered the lake and i d INTERIOR named it Deep Blue Lake. NATIONAL PARK Harold L. Ickes, Secretary 1862 Chauncey Nye and party of prospec- tors, unaware of the previous dis- |I ACCESSIBLE OREGON cover), accidentally visited the lake, ALL naming it Blue Lake. YEAR '9 40 1865 Soldiers from Fort Klamath, without knowledge of previous discoveries, vis- ited the lake and named it Lake Majesty. U. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE 1869 A party from Jacksonville visited the lake and named it Crater Lake. PHANTOM SHIP Arno B. Cammerer, Director 1873 First photograph, a daguerreotype, taken of Crater Lake by Peter Brtt, southern Oregon pioneer. CONYTENYS OCATED in southern Oregon, The ever changing color of lava cliffs 1883 J. S. Diller, geologist, and Everett Hayden, of the United States Geolog- W) on the crest of the Cascade and blue water are beautiful beyond ical Survey, visited the lake. Sinnott Memorial Observation _ Range, Crater Lake National description. Station and Mount Hill- 1885 William Gladstone Steel, with F o Park has a high place among the Na- Crater Lake National Park, estab- Joseph Le Conte, Capt. Clarence I wonderlands. At man .... Cove Dutton, J. M. Breck, Jr., and othei tion's most scenic lished May 22, 1902, embraces an area visited Crater Lake. Mr. Steel suggest Crater Lake visitors observe beauty in of 250.52 square miles. Discovery and History . 3 ed that a national park be establishe truest sense and experience a pro- The Geologic Story of and a petition was sent to Presider its DISCOVERY AND HISTORY 4 Cleveland. found inspirational appeal. Tranquil- History says that the Klamath In- Crater Lake . unfathom- Places of Interest to Visit 7 1886 The President issued a proclamatin lity now prevails where once dians knew of, but seldom visited, withdrawing 10 townships, includir able volcanic power was displayed. Wildlife . 8 - Crater Lake. Lake surveyed and soun, Crater Lake before its discovery by 9 ed by the United States Geologica The lake rests in the heart of a white men. The Indians knew the Forests and Wild Flowers 9 Survey. Fishing. mighty mountain whose destruction re- lake and the mountain as the battle- to 1888 First fish planted in Crater Lake by Camping William Gladstone Steel. i'k sulted in the formation of a vast crater ground of the gods. >' in which the waters accumulated. It Winter Sports . 1896 Mazamas visited Crater Lake and Crater Lake was discovered on June Administration and Park christened the ancestral mountain, of is 6 miles wide, 2,000 feet deep, covers 12, 1853, by John Wesley Hillman, a Headquarters . 11 which only the caldera and lower an area of 20 square miles, and has a young prospector leading a party in 11 slopes remain, Mount Mazama. Rim Village shore line of 26 miles, with multi- search of the "Lost Cabin Mine." Hav- 1902 Crater Lake National Park created by Accommodations and Ex- colored cliffs rising 500 to 2,000 feet ing failed in their efforts to find the 11 Congressional action above the lake. on re- penses. 1907 First automobile driven to the rim of mine, Hillman and his party How to Reach the Park 13 Crater Lake by Charles True, from Trails lead to high points on the turning to Jacksonville, Oreg., a min- Medford, Oreg. The Wocus, the first Valley, Oregon Caves National boat used in rendering a launch service 0 rim and to the shore of the lake. ing camp in the Rogue River Monument. 14 to visitors, placed on the lake. Launches and rowboats are available reported the discovery of a lake which Lava Beds National 1912 Crater Lake Lodge, the oldest struc- for scenic trips and trout fishing. Daily they had named Deep Blue Lake, lo- Monument. 14 >- ture now existing in the rim area, was launch trips are scheduled around the cated high in the Cascade Mountains. built. *.ijc-fdsti3gh;Briefsof Crater lake shore line and to Wizard Island. Hillman's discovery was apparently ' Laike-INitional Park 15 1931 Sinnott Memorial dedicated. A paved road extends around the crater forgotten in the excitement of gold rim, a distance of 35 miles, presenting discoveries and Indian wars. On Octo- .-: ::- scores of enthralling views of the lake. ber 21, 1862, Chauncey Nye, leading Crater Lake National Pa'rk . Oregon i Crater Lake Natior,nal Park . Oregon 3 3OUTHERNOR51O38UNIVERSITY LIBRARY SOUlHERN OREGIN UNiVERSITY LIBRARY 513 00394 -ASH LAN d, OREGON 97520 z a party of prospectors from eastern plateau covering portions of Oregon, Oregon to Jacksonville, happened upon Washington, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, the lake. Thinking that they had made and California. The peaks bordering a discovery, they named it Blue Lake. this plateau form the Cascade Range. A third "discovery" was made on Mount Mazama at Crater Lake was August 1, 1865, by two soldiers sta- one of the commanding peaks of the tioned at Fort Klamath, who called it range. Lake Majesty. In 1869 this name was The mountain remnant cupping changed to Crater Lake by visitors from Crater Lake was built by the pouring Jacksonville. out of lava flows and to some extent Before 1885 Crater Lake had few by the accumulation of volcanic ash. visitors and was not widely known. The volcanic cone thus formed was On August 15 of that year William modified by streams and glaciers which Gladstone Steel, after 15 years of effort carved valleys in its sides and deposited to get to the lake, stood for the first rock debris on its flanks. The layered time on its rim. Inspired by the beauty character and different formations of of the lake and its surroundings, Judge the mountain are clearly exposed in Steel conceived the idea of preserving numerous places in the crater wall. Crater Lake as a national park. For LAVA OUtPOURINGS THROUGH SPLITTING Aldrid, ph1to OF THE MOUNTAIN.-In addition to the 17 years more Steel, with much per- CRATER LAKE REFLECTS THE WATCHMAN AND HILLMAN PEAK sonal sacrifice, devoted time and energy extrusion of broad lava flows, it is com- C. to the establishment of Crater Lake Na- mon for great quantities of molten lava by Howel Wil- tional Park. Success was realized when to penetrate and fill cracks or fissures polish and thick beds of glacial debris Recent investigations liams have led him to conclude that the park was established May 22, 1902. that develop in a volcano. Such filling are common around the mountain. owes its origin principally Steel devoted the remainder of his life results in dikes or walls of rock fre- They occur on the surface rock and the crater or engulfment of the moun- to development of the park, serving quently harder than the enclosing rock. between earlier layers, showing that to collapse tain peak. as its second superintendent and later At Crater Lake the destruction of the glaciers existed at various stages in the as park commissioner, which office he mountain and subsequent erosion have history of the mountain. Formation of the crater by collapse held until his death in 1934. exposed numerous dikes in the wall, U-shaped valleys such as Kerr Notch, was first proposed by J. S. Diller of of which the Devil's Backbone on the Sun Notch and Munson Valley on the the Geological Survey. Diller's expla- THE GEOLOGIC STORY OF west side of the crater is the outstand- southeast slope of Mount Mazama are nation differs from that of Williams CRATER LAKE ing example. evidence of glaciation. The lava flow principally in the method by which the ORIGIN OF THE MOUNTAIN.-Geol- ACTION OF STREAMS AND GLACIERS ON forming Llao Rock filled an ancient void beneath Mount Mazama was ogists tell us that the slope which visi- THE MOUNTAIN IN THE COURSE OF ITS glacial notch. formed. Diller thought that quantities tors ascend to view the lake, and the BUILDINc.-In the layers forming the FORMING OF THE CRATER.-The brok- of molten rock drained away through crater wall rising 500 to 2,000 feet above crater wall there is evidence of the en edges of rock layers clearly exposed subterranean passages, thus weakening the water, form the remnant of a moun- action of water. In some places this in the crater wall indicate widening of the support of the mountain peak and tain which stood more than 12,000 feet is shown by the cutting of valleys; at the crater in all directions. Increase in causing ultimate collapse. high. This ancient peak which is now others, by the accumulation of water- the size of the summit crater of the In a report to be published by Wil- destroyed is known as Mount Mazama. carried gravel, and boulders. mountain, which eventually formed the liams, he describes great quantities of In comparatively recent geologic time Glacier ice carrying sand, pebbles, present crater, is probably due to ex- pumice extending more than 80 miles numerous volcanic peaks were formed and boulders scratches and polishes rock plosive activity followed by the col- northeast of Mount Mazama. This near the western edge of a vast lava surfaces over which it moves. Glacial lapse of the peak. pumice is equivalent to more than 20 4 Crater Lake National Park . Oregon Crater Lake National Park . Oregon 5s cubic miles of material and is thought crater produced Wizard Island and per- The deep blue of the lake is be- observation points.
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