הועתק והוכנס לאינטרנט www.hebrewbooks.org ע"י חיים תשע"א ( The Pictorial Avodah Series ) Rabbi Menachem Moshe Oppen N C.I.S. PUBLISHERS 9\(ezu • London • Jerusalem Copyright © 1997 All rights reserved. This book, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the express written permission of the copyright holder. Published and distributed in the U.S. and overseas by C.I.S. Publishers and Distributors 180 Park Avenue, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 (908) 905-3000 Fax: (908) 367-6666 Book and cover design: Deenee Cohen Illustrations and Artwork: Shepsil Scheinberg ISBN 1-56062-269-5 The C.I.S. Publisher's Judaica Catalogue is available upon request. Inquiries about membership in the C.I.S. Publisher's Privileged Readers Membership Club should be directed to: 180 Park Avenue, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 or call 908-905-3000, fax 908-367-6666 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 94-72545 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA .jc! uouic-ui ׳ Xjuiuiun "־_\J\CWJUl' משה היינעמאן rabbi moshe heinemann אב״ד ק״ק אגודת ישראל Yeshiva Lane 401 באלטימאו־ Baltimore, MD. 21208 טל. Tel. (301 )484-9079 (301) 764-7778 0>וי3• 3שיי-ויב >דב^ו %רמ\יץ 3׳<די הי-ב לגזײ\ יליזשיב יל*ןוד מויייד די יממס יגשל yytf שי׳ כ^יע^ המוכר ^י מכבר הי־ביל שניס שלי>ו ידיד היושב Vy מידה ולינכורה יומס rVb כ^ו ישבייגו. כבר יל*ן <\ו מוגי עין ב^ס ה/ורה ומקרין ייןוז־מיס :זכני־־ יצ*ו ה^יױר־ שלס ייר^ין '<גיןב׳> (זרשי5 וישב, *מיי יי ביז ^ הכ^כוי; ^של״ד־ יגמגיז י5די-יב ״ y\ דיני מ5ור<< ו5ר<<י5,'קרנן y^״ V ?ניני ץי^ יקי־הן מטזה, ימיני מגתו^״ו^בודיג ױס לכעוריס״ וסןןר TVI5T OF THE TOMGUE הת עע1 ׳גניט ל^שהד. ועכשיו הומיף מרג^יין. טיובה משר בשס/ירי; טהרה. ימעל ^"׳<נילי ט־ומ>זה הנזכריס ^ורל, ש*ילור ?געױ הו>ו <<בורל גרוכ^ה מ*װד.ג0 הי־־־־בה מן ה^ימדיס *וילס בקייזיס בײר.5ו?זה ש>ו־מ נכ^מד ביןבי^ ב;(ו\ס הישיבות,ומל^״שק בי^ריס הכ^ומז־יס ^רשית הח\לה המדבריינ בטש>1׳זה. ל*כן דבר טיב Tpy הרב המידבר Vjr שסידר vyoy יו\ו ב<\שון 5יד 7יןכ{ב>זו9ן*ז3׳ ירי -ש*ןץ ידי^וינ מקודס כיגטט מומ*ה יכו\ להביכו. הק^ר 'י1ורי5 צוהרה, לי*ו דבר השרה כ^כי^ נןיש בץ כ^י^דיס ה^ומדיס יזיינש ?o ערש״י ובין לזקנים ?זנע^ס יגלס שביכ^י ט־ ו מ יזה ועהרה, ורבר גריכ^?של היי?V5 שלס כיזי5יס \צוהרץ ש\ישריזמ. כשזכות: >זי5 הי־כיס בהבניג עניגיס r^n ב*ױױ ׳גה״יד ב>ןקר בשבי5 כ^סזיר ו יק י־ יו ינשה של^שה ימיס \יזדש >1רי־ השני שבע; ילױינ ויזמ^זיס יילמש T»jp ממש* מ?זה כהיוי־־־י בר—וך ג?—כ־^יל כ־־^מש^יוינ היימיי^ן היזינ^ יג־ױו JCI UJUlt-m ׳י jyt'W MjUIUlUIL TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 11 Acknowledgments 15 PART I—LAWS OF TZORAAS IN PARSHAS MITZORA Chapter One—The Mitzora Becomes Tahor 19 Examination by the Kohein 22 Obtaining the Articles 24 Shechitah of the Bird 26 Dipping 27 Sprinkling 28 Sending the Bird Away 29 Tevlllah of the Mitzora's Clothes 30 First Shaving 31 After First Tevillah of the Mitzora 32 Second Shaving and Tevillah 34 The Korbanos of a Mitzora 36 Placing the Mitzora and his Korbanos 37 Tenufah 38 Shechitah of the Asham 39 Applying the Blood to the Mitzora 40 Sprinkling the Oil 42 Applying Oil to the Mitzorah 44 Applying Oil to the Mitzora's Head 45 The Remaining Korbanos 46 The Korban of a Poor Mitzora 48 Chapter Two—Tzoraas of Houses 51 Informing the Kohein 54 Clearing the House 56 First Hesger 58 Removing the AlTectcd Stones 60 Cutting Away the Mortar 62 Mortaring 64 Demolishing the House 66 Tumah of a House that is Musgar 68 Nega Does Not Return 70 Making a House Tahor 72 The Three Week Process by Which a I louse Becomes Muchlat 74 PART II—TUMOS OTHER THAN TZORAAS Chapter Three—Transmitting Tumah 93 Chapter Four—Zav 103 Mlshkav Umoshav 104 Touching a Mlshkav 106 Sitting on a Moshav 108 Touching a Zav 110 Fluids of a Zav 111 Merkcw 112 Carrying an A v Hatumah 114 Being Carried by a Zav 116 Making Objects Tahor 118 Tevillah of a Zav 120 Korban Hazav 122 Chapter Five—Neveilah and Sheretz 123 Nevetlah 124 Sheretz 127 Objects 129 An Earthenware Vessel 131 Tumah and Hechsher 133 An Oven and a Stove 135 A Mikveh Remaining Tahor 137 Edible Seeds 139 The Body of a Kosher Animal 141 Chapter Six—Meis 143 Tumah of a Covering 144 A Closed Earthenware Vessel 146 Over a Body 148 Tumah of a Body and a Sword 150 A Closed Structure over a Grave 153 Chapter Seven—Other Types of Tumah 155 The Neveilah of a Kosher Bird 157 Zavah and Nlddah 158 Yoledes 162 Shlchvas Zera 163 Chattas 163 Mel Chattas 164 Appendix 165 Glossary 169 Footnotes 174 INTRODUCTION The initiative to write the volumes in this series stemmed from a desire to help young talmidim learn Chumash. Learning and teaching the parts of Chumash that relate to kadashim and taharos suffer because we have limited experience with the mitzuos in these areas in our daily life. As the series developed, however, we recognized that its audience also included adults. Even people who have been learning for many years frequently have difficulty with these parts of Chumash if they did not at some time focus their learning on kadashimand taharos. The plan and format of these volumes attempt to accomodate an adult audience to an extent that does not compromise the simplicity of the presentation to younger talmidim In pursuit of these various goals we were generally guided by the following principles. 1. The presentation is separated into three divisions: • Brief descriptions, with pictures, of the concepts in selected pesukim specifically for younger talm- idim • More detailed explanations set off in boxes for a more general audience. • About three hundred notes with quotations to support the explanatory material. 2.When the commentaries disagree on an explana- tion or on the halachah only one opinion is presented. Priority is given to the opinion of Rashi on Chumash if any, since the main objective of this volume is to help learning Chumash and Rashi. When Rashi on Chumash does not state a position theRambam is followed. Other commentaries, includ- ing Rashi on the Gemara, comprise the third priority. (There are occasional exceptions to these guidelines.) 3.Discussion is confined to halachos that are mid'Oraisa Since this sefer is meant as an aid to 11 learning ChumasK halachos of the Rabanan are omit- ted. (There are occasional exceptions to this rule.) 4. Most Hebrew words are transliterated. A glossary of Hebrew terms Is provided at the back of the book. The explanations In the boxes are meant to be learned together with Chumash and Rashi. Rashi's comments are not repeated here, and a reader who uses this sefer without Rashi will miss fundamental con- cepts. The explanations include numerous derashos chazal on the words of the pesukim Many other derashos chazal however are not mentioned. The derashos that were included were selected for one of the following reasons: • they explain the meaning of a word or phrase • they explain the function of a word or phrase where the word or phrase might appear redun- dant or out of place • they connect well known dinim to the pasuk or • they highlight less well-known facts that have wide application. However, these criteria are not comprehensive and unambiguous, and we remain uneasy about choosing among the words of Chazal. Many of the choices remain largely arbitrary. The illustrations in this volume do not follow the practice employed in The Laws of Tzoraas. In that volume the koheiri was wearing contemporary clothing to stress the facts that bigdei kehimah are not worn during an examination for tzoraas1, and that the laws of tzora'as are applicable even in our day. The present volume, however, includes illustrations of bringing the mitzora's korbarios, for which the koheiri must wear bigdei kehunah. In order to avoid contrast, the kohein in the other pictures is illustrated with dress that could have been worn at the time of the Beis Hamikdash. 12 The notes referenced by numbers in the text quote sources that substantiate the text's explanations. The language beginning after the citation of a source and ending with the period is a quote from that source. Comments on the quoted passage, if any, appear after the period or in a few cases in parentheses within the quota- tion. The presentation in this volume is not meant as a comprehensive description of the respective topics. For that purpose the reader is referred to the Mishnayos with Rambam and other commentaries. The Gemara lists seven sins and bad character traits which can result in one's getting tzoraas.2 The sin primarily associated with tzoraas is that of Lashon hara If one sincerely does teshuvah for the sin which brought on the tzoraas, the tzoraas disappears.3 The sinner must then undergo the involved process by which a mitzora becomes tahor. Various restrictions continue to apply to him until he is completely tahor. This serves as a lesson that it is not an easy task to rectify the sin of lashon hara Teshuvah alone may not suffice. The commentaries pose the obvious question: Why is it that in our day people who speak lashon hara are apparently not afflicted with tzoraas? Many explana- tions are given.
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