SE_BikeWalk_Map_2020_LAYOUT_1106n.pdf 2 11/6/20 1:44 PM 6LGHZDONVFXUEUDPSVDQGVWUHHWPDLQWHQDQFH *RYHUQPHQWDQGFRPPXQLW\DGYRFDWHV Aceras, rampas en las aceras y mantenimiento de las calles Promotores comunitarios y gubernamentales Bicycling Walking, transit and more 7RUHSRUWQHHGHGVLGHZDONPDLQWHQDQFH Throughout the Portland area you can contact many community groups and govern- Bicicletas Peatones, transporte público y más SE Para informar sobre la necesidad de mantenimiento en las aceras ment agencies for information on pedestrian-, bicyclist- and transit-related issues. For more information on walking Hay muchos grupos comunitarios y agencias gubernamentales en todo Portland que puede con- Multi-use path (paved) closed to Shared roadway with wider outside 'LɝFXOWLQWHUVHFWLRQ (use caution) Pedestrian path/trail Community garden 3RVWRɝFH 7RUHSRUWYHJHWDWLRQEORFNLQJVLJQVDQGLQWHUVHFWLRQYLVLELOLW\ tactar para obtener información sobre temas relacionados con los peatones y los ciclistas. DQGELNLQJLQ3RUWODQGFRQWDFW motor vehicles lane RQPRGHUDWHDQGKLJKHUWUDɝF Para informar sobre vegetación que obstruye las señales y la visibilidad en los cruces Cruce difícilƪÈ®vËv³ƫ Camino para peatones Jardín público Correos Camino para peatones y ciclistas prohibidos street de calles Para más información sobre caminando &LW\RI3RUWODQG%LF\FOH$GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH los vehículos de motor Calzada compartida con carril exterior más Climb points uphill Stairs Drinking fountain 3XEOLFDUW 7RUHTXHVWD&XUE5DPS SHGV#SRUWODQGRUHJRQJRY &LW\RI3RUWODQG3HGHVWULDQ$GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH y andando en bicicleta en Portland ancho ®v¨¨³®ÈÀwï³­³Àv³³ Subida ¨vðvòv¨v¨vÀ´® Escaleras (open Spring-Fall) Arte público Bike Boulevards / Neighborhood Para pedir una rampa para la acera %XV5LGHUV8QLWH RSDOSG[RUJEXVULGHUVXQLWH comuníquese con: ­vâ³ÀÈÀwï³ cuesta arriba Fuente para beber (Disponibles Greenways pavement markings and Bus route/stops ®¨v½À­vÛÀvvÃÈv¨³È³²³ƫ Restroom To report problems on city streets, such as potholes or broken glass &RPPLWWHHRQ$FFHVVLEOH7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ WULPHWRUJPHHWLQJVFDW directional signs to guide cyclists 6KDUHGURDGZD\GLɝFXOW One-way street Ruta y parada de autobús (open Spring-Fall) KRXUVWUHHWPDLQWHQDQFHOLQH 0HWUR Portland Bureau of Transportation Neighborhood Greenways: calles con bajo &RQQHFWLRQORZHUWUDɝFVWUHHWZLWK Calle de un solo sentido *URFHU\VWRUH Baños (Disponibles en la Para informar sobre problemas en las calles de la ciudad, tales como baches o trozos ®Û¨ÈÀwï³â½vÛ­®È³½®Èv³³® sight distance limitations and higher 6WUHHWFDUURXWHVWRSV Tienda de comestibles/comida ½À­vÛÀvvÃÈv¨³È³²³ƫ 0XOWQRPDK&RXQW\ %Ζ.(72:1VHUYLFHDUHD Recursos de vidrio (teléfono de mantenimiento de las calles las 24 horas) 6:WK$YHQXH6XLWH ­vÀvÃâòv¨ÃÀ³®v¨Ã½vÀvËvÀ speeds Ruta y paradas de tranvía 1RUWKZHVW7UDLO$OOLDQFH QZWUDLORUJ Área de servicio BIKETOWN* 3RUWODQG25 a los ciclistas Calzada compartida / conexión difícil calle de Heritage tree 6FKRRO 7RUHSRUWSHGHVWULDQELF\FOHVDIHW\FRQFHUQVIRU3RUWODQGURDGZD\V 6$)( 2UHJRQ:DONV RUHJRQZDONVRUJ ­®³ÀÈÀwï³³®¨­Èv³®ÃÛèv MAX route/stops Árbol de patrimonio público Escuela Para informar sobre problemas de seguridad para peatones o ciclistas en las calles Shared roadway RQORZHUWUDɝF %Ζ.(72:1VWDWLRQ 7KH6WUHHW7UXVW IRUPHUO\WKH%LF\FOH7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ$OOLDQFH ÃÈv®vâÛ¨³víwÃv¨Èvà Ruta/Estación de MAX de Portland 77' DQGRUORZHUVSHHGVWUHHW ÃÈv´®BIKETOWN* Hospital Swimming pool Calzada compartida ®v¨¨³®½³³ÈÀwï³ DiɝFXOWFRQQHFWLRQin areas with Park Alberca DFWLYHWUDQVSRUWDWLRQ#SRUWODQGRUHJRQJRY âƨ³v¦vÛ¨³v KLJKHUVSHHGVDQGRUYROXPHVFRPELQHG Parque Library BIKETOWN provides 1,000 smart bikes for use in the BIKETOWN proporciona 1.000 bicicletas inteligentes para usar en portlandoregon.gov/transportation/at with narrow lane widths or other Biblioteca Viewpoint Bike lane or wide shoulder, on higher problems for cyclists Central City and some eastside neighborhoods. el Centro y algunos barrios del lado este de Portland. Descargue *Locations may change. Check BIKETOWNpdx.com for the Bike shop Mirador WUDɝFVWUHHWV Conexión difícil en áreas de velocidades más Point of interest la aplicación para obtener información en tiempo real sobre la most current listings. Tienda de bicicletas Download the mobile app to reserve a bike and get Carril para bicicletas o arcén ancho, en v¨ÈvÃâƨ³­vâ³ÀÈÀwï³Ɯ³­®v³³®vÀÀ¨Ã *Las ubicaciones pueden cambiar. Visite BIKETOWNpdx.com Punto turístico %Ζ.(72:1SG[FRP 5HVRXUFHV real-time information on bike availability and location: ZZZ%Ζ.(72:1SG[FRPdisponibilidad e ubicación de bicicletas, o para reservar una bicicleta: v¨¨Ã­vâ³ÀÈÀwï³ estrechos u otros problemas para los ciclistas para obtener la información más actualizada. 5(9Δ6('5(9Δ6$'2 ABCDE FGH I J KLMNOPQ L 21 OREGON Oregon 20 OREGON OREGON PACIFIC 43RD 25TH 23RD 24TH PACIFIC PACIFIC Convention IRVING PACIFIC HOLLADAY RANDALL Laurelhurst 57TH Oregon 55TH 17 IRVING 53RD WILLOW PACIFIC 81ST Center 77TH 78TH 79TH LAWRENCE ROYAL CT 80TH IRVING Park FLORAL PL School 104TH VERA 108TH PEERLESS PL 15 109TH 107TH PL 111TH 110TH 112TH 47TH IRVING 65TH Benson IRVING FIR IRVING OREGON 91ST LADDINGTON IRVING 74TH Polytechnic OREGON OREGON 87TH STEEL BRIDGE IRVING OREGON OREGON IRCO Skill PACIFIC HOYT 66TH PL OREGON High School HOYT HOYT OREGON OREGON All Saints Providence IRVING Montavilla Center and Bike/ped GLISAN BUXTON HOYT 61ST IRVING Park 19 Africa House HOYT 64TH 61ST PL bridge opens School HOYT 93RD MIRIMAR PL TriTech 107TH PL Spring 2021 GLISAN HOYT IRVING OREGON 82ND ORE Puente HOYT Bikes IRVING 78TH IRVING 79TH 80TH 57TH Montavilla 16TH MLK peatonal abre FLANDERS Multnomah IRVING 92ND Buckman 19 GLISAN 90TH 26TH 17TH Laurelhurst Community GRAND en primavera FLANDERS Coe University HOYT 1 de 2021 Field 108TH 1 106TH PL 7TH 9TH Arches Circle Center IRCO HOYT 109TH CT 12TH SANDY 19 HOYT EVERETT Agia Sophia GLISAN 10TH 11TH 29TH FLANDERS 27TH Portland 30TH Academy EVERETT 101ST 6TH 24TH 8TH FLANDERS Fred 55TH Tennis 49TH 32ND Brainard DAVIS DAVIS Shogren FLANDERS GLISAN Center Pacific EVERETT FLANDERS 85TH Cemetery COUCH 31ST FLANDERS 72ND DAVIS Everett EVERETT House 73RD Vestal 75TH 76TH 14TH Crest 68TH Community 69TH 70TH 12 da Vinci DAVIS 67TH Community 18TH 2ND 19TH Garden Community Laurelhurst EVERETT COUCH MEIKLE PL DAVIS Garden FLANDERS 62ND 58TH 63RD Columbia School DAVIS 65TH Arches 66TH FLANDERS COUCH School Portland EVERETT BILLINGHER EVERETT 12 BERYL Christian 19 20 BURNSIDE Montessori DAVIS Vestal DAVIS 102ND 103RD 52ND COUCH 104TH 105TH BURNSIDE BRIDGE School School 106TH EVERETT CT 56TH ASH School 57TH 92ND BURNSIDE COUCH 94TH EVERETT Burnside DAVIS 92ND PL 97TH 59TH 99TH Skate 100TH 66TH 20 67TH 69TH 70TH DAVIS Park ANKENY COUCH COUCH Gateway Center DAVIS 109TH 89TH 110TH ASH Le Monde ANKENY ANKENY ANKENY GILHAM 85TH COUCH for Domestic ASH BURNSIDE 20 Violence Services MHCC Head Start ASH School 56TH 113TH Citybikes 66TH Cascade ASH ASH 65TH NAITO Repair Shop ASH ASH Mt ANKENY 2ND 13TH Crossing 15TH OAK 3RD H. Russell ASH Tabor 11TH 26TH Mt Tabor 12TH PINE Albee House ASH ASH ASH PL 75TH 76TH 45TH Cyclery E 102nd Ave MLK PINE Buckman Laurelhurst PINE ASH Community ASH CT MHCC 61ST GRAND MAX Station 28TH 31ST 27TH 41ST ASH OAK HOLLY CT 73RD ANKENY 30TH Park THORBURN 32ND School ASH Head Start 22ND RK School Central Catholic PL 30TH ASH 48TH 49TH OAK 50TH ANKENY 74TH ANKENY OAK High School ASH Russellville ANKENY 2 Buckman OAK PINE 2 Eastbank Esplanade STARK CESAR CHAVEZ BLVD OAK ASH 83RD Garden 84TH 21ST OAK 85TH 15 86TH Laurelhurst 81ST 87TH ASH 65TH 88TH 89TH STARK Mt Tabor 71 91ST Laurelhurst 93RD Waterfront Park Center PINE PINE CT Arches OAK CT OAK School Thomas PINE PINE PINE ASH WASHINGTON Graham PINE 97TH 57TH PINE 6 Oregon 105TH 106TH 108TH Blair Building 65TH PINE 109TH Architectural WASHINGTON 67TH Bike Shop OAK Community STARK 70TH Fil Am PINE CT 8TH 9TH 10TH WASHINGTON Stark 15 Heritage Center Garden WASHINGTON STARK Center OAK 17TH OAK ALDER 16TH 19TH Lone Fir Street MORRISON BRIDGE 33RD WASHINGTON River City Bicycles ALDER Cemetery ALDER CT WASHINGTON OAK Island ALDER 46TH 47TH STARK 34TH 35TH 111TH 36TH 37TH 62ND 48TH 38TH 41ST 27TH ALDER 52ND 26TH 49TH 15 SCOTT DR 68TH 69TH ALDER 70TH Mt Tabor 72ND ALDER 71ST MORRISON CT PL 66TH STARK Bike routes run under viaducts MORRISON ALDER ALDER 42ND ALDER Belmont 43RD Glencoe Annex 33RD PL PEACOCK WASHINGTON MORRISON Academy School ALDER ALDER 15 Floyd Light BELMONT MORRISON TaborSpace MORRISON ALDER WASHINGTON Community MORRISON MORRISON 15 58TH MORRISON 67TH ALDER Garden YAMHILL Colonel BELMONT BELMONT 15 Measure, 15 81ST 72ND River City 78TH YAMHILL 73RD 72 Mark, Inventory Summers 74TH Floyd Light Belmont Park and Belmont 90TH and Pattern Middle School 40TH MORRISON TAYLOR 112TH YAMHILL 113TH Community YAMHILL Library YAMHILL YAMHILL E. Precinct 22ND Sunnyside SE 106TH 54TH 25TH Garden 28TH 31ST 13TH 14TH Floyd 32ND Multicultural 70 30TH School YAMHILL YAMHILL Center TAYLOR Harmony Light Park Vera Katz SALMON TAYLOR MT TABOR WATER Montessori statue Portland TAYLOR 102ND YA SALMON TAYLOR CT TAYLOR CT Crater Arthur TAYLOR Berrydale 51ST TAYLOR 3 MAIN 7TH SALMON Wood 3 2 Bike Amphiteatre TAYLOR CT Community Mall 205 SALMON CT Carving of Academy Garden East Portland 6 Memorial SALMON Salmon TAYLOR CT Community 10 MAIN SALMON SE Main St HAWTHORNE BRIDGE 40TH SALMON N SALMON Berrydale Center and Pool 14 18TH MAIN MADISON 27TH 19TH SA O 20TH Recumbent LM MAX 23RD O R SALMON 24TH N 30 Hawthorne Linus TH SALMON Park 84TH 29TH 85TH PDX 42ND T 86TH Station A 87TH 38TH MADISON 36TH 46TH 47TH Hostel Pauling 48TH
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