See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321159125 Veronica Gambara. Complete Poems. Book · November 2014 CITATIONS READS 0 277 1 author: Paola Ugolini University at Buffalo, The State University of New York 8 PUBLICATIONS 0 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy View project All content following this page was uploaded by Paola Ugolini on 06 August 2019. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. COMPLETE POEMS !e Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: !e Toronto Series, xx The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series SERIES EDITORS Margaret L. King and Albert Rabil, Jr. SERIES EDITOR, ENGLISH TEXTS Elizabeth H. Hageman Previous Publications in the Series M!"#$ M!#í! R%&! P$#)$**$ "2 G2'11$* Journey of Five Capuchin Nuns Complete Poems: A Bilingual Edition Edited and translated by Sarah E. Edited by Karen Simroth James Owens Translated by Marta Rijn Finch Volume 1, 2009 Volume 6, 2010 G'%(!) B!**'&*! A)"#$')' A)*%)'! P21.' Love in the Mirror: A Bilingual Edition Saints’ Lives and Bible Stories for the Edited and translated by Jon R. Snyder Stage: A Bilingual Edition Volume 2, 2009 Edited by Elissa B. Weaver Translated by James Wyatt Cook R!+,%)" "$ S!-!)!. !)" Volume 7, 2010 S',%)$ Z!)!../' Two Women of the Great Schism: 0e V!1$#'! M'!)' Revelations of Constance de Rabastens Celinda, A Tragedy: A Bilingual by Raymond de Sabanac and Life of Edition the Blessed Ursulina of Parma by Edited by Valeria Finucci Simone Zanacchi Translated by Julia Kisacky Edited and translated by Renate Annotated by Valeria Finucci and Blumenfeld-Kosinski and Bruce L. Julia Kisacky Venarde Volume 8, 2010 Volume 3, 2010 Enchanted Eloquence: Fairy Tales by O1'(! S!-2.% "$ N!)*$& Seventeenth-Century French Women B!##$#! Writers !e True Medicine Edited and translated by Lewis C. Edited and translated by Gianna Seifert and Domna C. Stanton Pomata Volume 9, 2010 Volume 4, 2010 G%**5#'$" W'1/$1, L$'-)'6, L%2'&$-G$)$('3($ G'11%* "$ S%7/'$, E1$.*#$&& %5 H!)%($# S!').*%)4$ !)" Q2$$) S%7/'$ C/!#1%**$ Dramatizing Dido, Circe, and Griselda %5 P#2&&'! Edited and translated by Janet Levarie Leibniz and the Two Sophies: !e Smarr Philosophical Correspondence Volume 5, 2010 Edited and translated by Lloyd Strickland Volume 10, 2011 The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series SERIES EDITORS Margaret L. King and Albert Rabil, Jr. SERIES EDITOR, ENGLISH TEXTS Elizabeth H. Hageman Previous Publications in the Series In Dialogue with the Other Voice in M!#4/$#'*! D!*')' Sixteenth-Century Italy: Literary and Letters to Francesco Datini Social Contexts for Women’s Writing Translated by Carolyn James and Edited by Julie D. Campbell and Maria Antonio Pagliaro Galli Stampino Volume 16, 2012 Volume 11, 2011 D$1!#'('$# M!)1$+ !)" M!#+ S'&*$# G'2&*')! N'..%1')' P'9 !e Chronicle of Le Murate English Women Staging Islam, 1696– Edited and translated by Saundra 1707 Weddle Edited and introduced by Bernadette Volume 12, 2011 Andrea Volume 17, 2012 L'2-%( K#'./$(&8!+! No Good without Reward: Selected C$.'1'! D$1 N!.','$)*% Writings: A Bilingual Edition Journeys of a Mystic Soul in Poetry and Edited and translated by Brian James Prose Baer Introduction and prose translations by Volume 13, 2011 Kevin Donnelly Poetry translations by Sandra Sider E1'6!-$*/ C%%8$ H%-+ R2&&$11 Volume 18, 2012 !e Writings of an English Sappho Edited by Patricia Phillippy L!"+ M!#4!#$* D%241!& !)" With translations by Jaime Goodrich O*/$#& Volume 14, 2011 !e Devonshire Manuscript: A Women’s Book of Courtly Poetry L2.#$6'! M!#')$11! Edited and introduced by Elizabeth Exhortations to Women and to Others Heale if !ey Please Volume 19, 2012 Edited and translated by Laura Benedetti A#.!)4$1! T!#!-%**' Volume 15, 2012 Letters Familiar and Formal Edited and translated by Meredith K. Ray and Lynn Lara Westwater Volume 20, 2012 The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series SERIES EDITORS Margaret L. King and Albert Rabil, Jr. SERIES EDITOR, ENGLISH TEXTS Elizabeth H. Hageman Previous Publications in the Series P$#$ T%##$11!& !)" J2!) "$ S%7/'! %5 H!)%($# F1%#$& Memoirs (1630–1680) !ree Spanish Querelle Texts: Grisel Edited and translated by Sean Ward and Mirabella, 0e Slander against Volume 25, 2013 Women, and 0e Defense of Ladies against Slanderers: A Bilingual Edition K!*/$#')$ A2&*$) and Study Book M: A London Widow’s Life Edited and translated by Emily C. Writings Francomano Edited by Pamela S. Hammons Volume 21, 2013 Volume 26, 2013 B!#-!#! T%#$11' B$)$"$**' A))$ K'11'4#$< Partenia, a Pastoral Play: A Bilingual “My Rare Wit Killing Sin”: Poems of a Edition Restoration Courtier Edited and translated by Lisa Sampson Edited by Margaret J. M. Ezell and Barbara Burgess-Van Aken Volume 27, 2013 Volume 22, 2013 T211'! "’A#!4%)! F#!):%'& R%2&&$*, J$!) !e Poems and Letters of Tullia L'$-!21*, J!.;2$& G2'11$,$!2, d’Aragona and Others: A Biligual J!.;2$& D2(!1 !)" L%2'& D$ Edition S$##$& Edited and translated by Julia L. Pregnancy and Birth in Early Modern Hairston France: Treatises by Caring Physicians Volume 28, 2014 and Surgeons (1581–1625) L2'&! "$ C!#(!=!1 + M$)"%6! Edited and translated by Valerie !e Life and Writings of Luisa de Worth-Stylianou Carvajal y Mendoza Volume 23, 2013 Edited and translated by Anne J. Cruz M!#+ A&*$11 Volume 29, 2014 !e Christian Religion, as Professed by Russian Women Poets of the Eighteenth a Daughter of the Church of England and Early Nineteenth Centuries: A Edited by Jacqueline Broad Bilingual Edition Volume 24, 2013 Edited and translated by Amanda Ewington Volume 30, 2014 The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series SERIES EDITORS Margaret L. King and Albert Rabil, Jr. SERIES EDITOR, ENGLISH TEXTS Elizabeth H. Hageman Previous Publications in the Series J!.;2$& "2 B%&. Challenges to Tradition Authority: L’Honnête Femme: 0e Respectable Plays by French Women Authors Woman in Society and 0e New 1650–1700 Collection of Letters and Responses Edited and translated by Perry by Contemporary Women Gethner Edited and translated by Sharon 2014 Nell and Aurora Wolfgang Volume 31, 2014 J$!))$ F1%#$ Tales and Trials of Love, Concerning Venus’s Punishment of !ose Who Scorn True Love and Denounce Cupid’s Sovereignity: A Bilingual Edition Edited and translated with introduction and notes by Kelly Digby Peebles Poems translated by Martin Rijn Finch 2013 Complete Poems: A Bilingual Edition VERONICA GAMBARA > Critical introduction by MOLLY M. MARTIN Edited and translated by MOLLY M. MARTIN AND PAOLA UGOLINI Iter Inc. Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies Toronto 2014 Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance Tel: 416/978–7074 Email: [email protected] Fax: 416/978–1668 Web: www.itergateway.org Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies Victoria University in the University of Toronto Tel: 416/585–4465 Email: [email protected] Fax: 416/585–4430 Web: www.crrs.ca © 2013 Iter Inc. & Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies All rights reserved. Printed in Canada. Iter and the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies gratefully acknowledge the generous support of James E. Rabil, in memory of Scottie W. Rabil, toward the publication of this book. Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Cover illustration: Cover design: Maureen Morin, Information Technology Services, University of Toronto Libraries. Typesetting and production: Iter Inc. For our parents Contents Acknowledgments xiii Introduction 1 Poems of Love 37 Poems of Place 71 Poems of Correspondence and Encomia 77 Political Poems 99 Spiritual Poems 117 Stanze 123 Bibliography 137 xi Acknowledgments Many people have helped bring this book into being through their guidance and generosity. 0is book would not have been possible were it not for the steadfast support of our editor, Al Rabil Jr., who ?rst recommended that Veronica Gambara join the chorus of women’s voices represented in the Other Voice series. We especially appreciate his unwavering patience throughout the years of the manuscript’s development as he masterfully guided our work to its completion. Our most heartfelt thanks go to Virginia Cox, who not only introduced us to the poetry of Veronica Gambara, but also introduced us to each other in suggesting that we collaborate on this translation. She gave invaluable feedback on countless dra@s of poems, and she was exceedingly generous with her expertise in sharing her own origi- nal scholarship and translations. She was a constant source of guid- ance and inspiration, which she remains today. We are grateful to Jane Tylus, who also supported the project by reading multiple dra@s of poems and oAering insights that always helped us improve the quality of our work. 0e anonymous readers on the board of the Centre for Ref- ormation and Renaissance Studies at Victoria University in the Uni- versity of Toronto oAered helpful comments on the manuscript, and Maura High and Lindsay Eufusia gave acute attention to detail in the crucial stages of editing and proo?ng the manuscript; we thank them all. To our colleagues at Columbia University, New York Univer- sity, and the University of BuAalo, we thank you for your continued support and friendship. xiii Introduction !e Other Voice “!e voice […] that honors Brescia” —Pietro Bembo Veronica Gambara (1485–1550) was one of the earliest women writers of lyric poetry known throughout Italy in the "rst half of the sixteenth century. !rough her ancestors in the Nogarola family of Verona and the Pio of Carpi, Gambara shared a unique connection to the learned women of the humanistic milieu in the "#eenth century.1 !is lineage 1.
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