UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS INSTITUTO DE FILOSOFIA E CIÊNCIAS HUMANAS Alina Mikhailovna Gilmanova Cavalcante Pathway development in solar energy: a comparative study between Brazil and China Desenvolvimento de energia solar: estudo comparativo entre Brasil e China CAMPINAS 2018 Alina Mikhailovna Gilmanova Cavalcante Pathway development in solar energy: a comparative study between Brazil and China Desenvolvimento de energia solar: estudo comparativo entre Brasil e China Tese apresentada ao Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas como parte dos requisitos exigidos para a obtenção do título de Doutora em Ciências Sociais. Thesis presented to the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the University of Campinas in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in the area of Social Science. Supervisor/Orientador: Valeriano Mendes Ferreira Costa ESTE EXEMPLAR CORRESPONDE À VERSÃO FINAL DA DISSERTAÇÃO DEFENDIDA PELA ALUNA ALINA MIKHAILOVNA GILMANOVA CAVALCANTE e ORIENTADA PELO PROF. VALERIANO MENDES FERREIRA COSTA. CAMPINAS 2018 UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS INSTITUTO DE FILOSOFIA E CIÊNCIAS HUMANAS A Comissão Julgadora dos trabalhos de Defesa de Dissertação de Doutorado, composta pelos Professores Doutores a seguir descritos, em sessão pública realizada em 27 de fevereiro de 2018, considerou a candidata Alina Mikhailovna Gilmanova Cavalcante aprovada. Prof. Dr. Valeriano Mendes Ferreira Costa Prof. Dr. Thomas Patrick Dwyer Profa. Dr. Leila da Costa Ferreira Prof. Dr. Luiz Enrique Vieira de Souza Prof. Dr. Rafael Amaral Shayani A Ata de Defesa, assinada pelos membros da Comissão Examinadora, consta no processo de vida acadêmica da aluna. This work is dedicated to my mum, Glfya and to my husband, João Paulo – the two most important people in my life. Acknowledgments Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Professor Valeriano Costa for his continuous support throughout my Ph.D, for his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. His advices on the research as well as on my career have been priceless. Besides my advisor, I would like to thank the rest of my thesis committee: Professor Thomas Patrick Dwyer, Professor Leila da Costa Ferreira, Professor Luiz Enrique Vieira de Souza, Professor Rafael Amaral Shayani for advising and supporting me throughout the four years of my PhD program. I am beholden to Professor Liu Dehua – Director of China Latin America Joint Laboratory for Clean Energy and Climate Change, for inviting me to China, helping me with accommodation and supporting my research in China. Moreover, Jiao Jiwen from Tsinghua Solar Company was my adviser in China and I am thankful for his time, advice and the information he has shared with me. Moreover, I would like to thank Professor Wang Zhifeng for introducing me to Chinese Concentrated power sector and helping me in China with my research. I am grateful for the scholarship provided by Santander bank which enabled me to spend three months in China in 2016, as well as for the CNPq scholarship, which I received for four years. Moreover, I’m grateful to Professor Antonio C. P. Brasil Junior for helping me with my research and hosting me at the University of Brasília. My sincere thanks also go to all my interviewees in China and Brazil, who took time from their busy schedules to meet with me and who I have listed in the interview list at the end of the thesis. However, special thanks go to my colleagues from different areas, who took the time to read and comment my thesis: Cristiano Augusto Trein, Ivonice Campos, Marcos de Paiva, Xie Xixuan, Alena Profit, Sara Lindberg and Gregory Vincke. Thank you very much for your valuable input and comments! Special thanks to my dear family in Campinas, who welcomed me so warmly to Brazil, especially to my new Brazilian mum and dad — Selma and João Cavalcante. I would also like to thank all of my friends in Beijing Lucia Anderson and Alena Profit who made my journey in Beijing unforgettable! Finally, but by no means least, my thanks go to Solène Marié for taking the time to proofread my thesis and for being my friend at the same time. Resumo A energia solar é a fonte energética mais abundante, sendo a do tipo Fotovoltaica em franco desenvolvimento frente às demais tecnologias energéticas que podem fornecer energia descentralizada em todas as partes do mundo. Embora o Brasil e a China estejam se tornando atores-chave na arena das energias renováveis, eles têm uma situação completamente diferente quanto ao desenvolvimento da energia solar. O objetivo deste projeto de pesquisa de doutorado é analisar o desenvolvimento da energia fotovoltaica no Brasil e na China, em busca de responder à seguinte pergunta: por que na China a energia solar se desenvolveu rapidamente, enquanto no Brasil não? O estudo utiliza a combinação de método comparativo e perspectiva cosmopolita que enquadram a comparação de caminhos de desenvolvimento de energia solar em ambos os países, com o objetivo de preencher as lacunas entre estudos sociais e ambientais, político-econômico internacional e energia renovável. Os setores de energia solar brasileira e chinesa, em sua interligação com o mercado global de energia renovável, portanto, são apresentados como uma contribuição para os estudos comparativos, bem como um caso empírico para a sociologia da globalização. As descobertas finais demonstraram que o desenvolvimento da energia solar no Brasil e na China está condicionado aos caminhos de desenvolvimento do setor nacional de energia, aos interesses estatais, bem como à sua inserção no comércio mundial globalizado. Além das análises de mercado e perspectivas governamentais do setor de energia solar, o estudo analisa como ambas sociedades a concebem. As ideias formam a identidade do conceito solar, que depois se traduz em política pública. A tecnologia PV propõe um enorme potencial de transformação social que os países emergentes precisam e, redefinindo a ideia por trás do conceito é possível redirecionar o caminho de desenvolvimento da tecnologia. Finalmente, foram identificados os motores e barreiras do desenvolvimento de energia solar em ambos os países e algumas propostas apresentadas para uma maior cooperação entre eles. Palavras-chave: Brasil; China; energia fotovoltaica; política de energia renovável; sociologia da globalização. Abstract The sun is the most abundant source of energy and Photovoltaics is one of the fastest developing technologies which can provide it in a decentralised way to every part of the world. Though Brazil and China are key actors in the renewable energy arena, they present completely different situations regarding the development of solar energy. The purpose of this PhD research is to analyse the development of photovoltaic energy in Brazil and China, looking to answer the question: why has solar energy rapidly developed in China and not in Brazil? This study uses a combination of the comparative method and of the cosmopolitism theory to frame the comparison of solar energy development paths in both countries. It aims to bridge the gap between social and environmental studies, economics, international politics and renewable energy studies. Brazilian and Chinese solar energy sectors in their interconnectedness with the global renewable energy market, therefore, are presented as contributions to comparative studies, as well as empirical cases within sociology of globalisation. The findings demonstrate that solar energy development in Brazil and China is conditioned by the development paths of the national energy sectors, to State interests, as well as to their insertion in world trade. Along with market analyses and government perspectives on the solar energy sector, the study analyses the ideas which the societies have about solar energy. The ideas form the identity of the concept of solar energy, which is then translated into public policy. PV technology offers huge potential for social transformation which these emerging countries need and by redefining the idea behind the concept, it’s possible to redirect the development path of the technology. Finally, the drivers and barriers of solar energy development in both countries have been identified and practical recommendations have been elaborated for further cooperation between the countries. Key words: Brazil; China; photovoltaic energy; comparative study; sociology of globalisation. Abbreviation List ADB Asian Development Bank ABSOLAR Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy BNDE Brazilian National Development Bank (1952-1982) Brazilian National Bank for Socioeconomic Development (since BNDES 1982) BRL Brazilian real CO2 Carbon dioxide CCEE Chamber of Commercialization of Electric Energy CDB China Development Bank CNERC China National Renewable Energy Centre CYN Chinese Yuan Renminbi CSO Civil Society Organisations CSP Concentrated Solar Power COP Conference of Parties CNPE Council for National Energy Policies DG Decentralized Generation ONS Electric System National Operator EPE Energy Research Enterprise FIT Feed in Tariff FYP Five Years Plan FDI Foreign Direct Investments GW Gigawatt GONGO Government Organized Non-Governmental Organization GHG Greenhouse Gas PROINFA Incentive Program for Alternative Sources of Electricity IEA International Energy Agency IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency kWp Kilowatt peak kWh Kilowatt per hour LS Large Scale LCOE Levelized Costs of Electricity MW Megawatt MWp Megawatt peak MWh Megawatt per hour MME Ministry of Mines and Energy ANEEL
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