Supplemental Table 1: Genes that show altered expression in HepG2 cells in the presence of exogenously added let-7 Gene Title Gene Symbol RefSeq Transcriptp- IDvalue(TREAp-TMENTvalue(Let7bS) - negativLog2 Reatio control1) (Let7b - negativp-value(Let7be control1) - negativLog2 Reatio control2) (Let7b - negative control2) aldo-keto reductase family 1, member D1 (delta 4-3-ketosteroid-5-beta-reductase) AKR1D1 NM_005989 3.28E-12 2.52E-12 -3.85007 3.59E-12 -3.73727 lin-28 homolog B (C. elegans) LIN28B NM_001004317 6.13E-15 8.29E-15 -3.29879 1.55E-15 -3.79656 high mobility group AT-hook 2 /// high mobility group AT-hook 2 HMGA2 NM_001015886 /// NM_0034833.74E-14 /// NM_0034844.29E-14 -3.06085 4.56E-14 -3.04538 HECT, C2 and WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 HECW2 NM_020760 1.27E-13 6.65E-13 -2.94724 4.47E-12 -2.50907 cell division cycle 25A CDC25A NM_001789 /// NM_2015672.01E-11 7.32E-11 -2.88831 1.99E-11 -3.22735 hypothetical protein FLJ21986 FLJ21986 NM_024913 1.05E-09 5.19E-10 -2.80277 1.18E-09 -2.61084 solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 3 SLC2A3 NM_006931 1.59E-13 3.49E-13 -2.78111 1.84E-12 -2.41734 Transcribed locus --- --- 2.58E-13 1.08E-13 -2.59794 1.69E-13 -2.50248 Hypothetical protein LOC145786 LOC145786 --- 4.23E-12 1.07E-11 -2.58849 3.00E-12 -2.88135 Dicer1, Dcr-1 homolog (Drosophila) DICER1 NM_030621 /// NM_1774381.06E-08 4.37E-09 -2.5442 4.49E-09 -2.53796 mannose-binding lectin (protein C) 2, soluble (opsonic defect) MBL2 NM_000242 9.73E-10 1.48E-09 -2.53211 9.84E-10 -2.62363 cell division cycle 25A CDC25A NM_001789 /// NM_2015677.44E-14 8.65E-14 -2.49891 3.90E-14 -2.67164 hypothetical protein LOC145786 LOC145786 --- 9.68E-11 2.10E-10 -2.49462 6.21E-11 -2.7689 Dicer1, Dcr-1 homolog (Drosophila) DICER1 NM_030621 /// NM_1774382.79E-14 2.51E-14 -2.45436 3.21E-14 -2.40416 haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase domain containing 1A HDHD1A NM_012080 9.61E-15 1.00E-14 -2.44389 1.23E-14 -2.40192 Dicer1, Dcr-1 homolog (Drosophila) DICER1 NM_030621 /// NM_1774384.46E-08 2.78E-08 -2.43541 1.49E-08 -2.57479 dual specificity phosphatase 9 DUSP9 NM_001395 8.85E-13 7.63E-13 -2.42489 6.76E-13 -2.4497 solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 4C1 SLCO4C1 NM_180991 4.23E-10 4.73E-10 -2.41257 9.91E-11 -2.75897 solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 3 SLC2A3 NM_006931 6.99E-14 2.93E-13 -2.37509 1.06E-12 -2.13093 hyaluronan-mediated motility receptor (RHAMM) HMMR NM_012484 /// NM_0124851.53E-11 1.48E-11 -2.35937 8.98E-12 -2.46154 Putative neuronal cell adhesion molecule PUNC NM_004884 1.13E-08 1.31E-08 -2.33991 2.42E-08 -2.21604 aurora kinase B AURKB NM_004217 1.04E-11 9.53E-12 -2.29164 8.71E-12 -2.30913 solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 3 /// solute c SLC2A3 /// SLC2A14NM_006931 /// NM_1534492.53E-11 1.17E-10 -2.28343 3.73E-10 -2.06781 pleiomorphic adenoma gene-like 2 PLAGL2 NM_002657 2.13E-12 1.62E-12 -2.25936 1.43E-12 -2.28277 cyclin A2 CCNA2 NM_001237 5.19E-13 4.88E-13 -2.24473 6.29E-13 -2.19724 ubiquitin-like, containing PHD and RING finger domains, 1 UHRF1 NM_013282 6.16E-14 1.70E-13 -2.22165 2.84E-13 -2.12743 tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 4 TTLL4 NM_014640 1.97E-14 1.49E-14 -2.15645 7.76E-15 -2.27775 similar to RIKEN cDNA 1200014N16 gene MGC14289 NM_080660 3.62E-13 7.78E-13 -2.14115 6.29E-13 -2.17971 E2F transcription factor 5, p130-binding E2F5 NM_001951 1.92E-13 1.19E-13 -2.12946 5.24E-13 -1.8803 CDC6 cell division cycle 6 homolog (S. cerevisiae) CDC6 NM_001254 4.82E-13 8.52E-12 -2.12602 7.53E-12 -2.14828 deiodinase, iodothyronine, type I DIO1 NM_000792 /// NM_2135931.70E-09 3.42E-09 -2.123 1.02E-09 -2.35815 denticleless homolog (Drosophila) DTL NM_016448 4.35E-11 6.78E-10 -2.07975 9.03E-10 -2.02875 RAD18 homolog (S. cerevisiae) RAD18 NM_020165 6.73E-09 6.63E-09 -2.07149 5.77E-09 -2.09708 serine/threonine kinase 6 STK6 NM_003600 /// NM_1984332.06E-13 /// NM_1984344.75E-13 /// NM_198435 ///-2.06623 NM_198436 /// 6.77E-13NM_198437 -2.00555 S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 (p45) SKP2 NM_005983 /// NM_0326371.46E-11 3.79E-10 -2.0565 1.90E-10 -2.18265 dopa decarboxylase (aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase) DDC NM_000790 6.92E-14 3.77E-14 -2.05118 4.33E-14 -2.02728 APin protein APIN NM_017855 7.25E-11 5.75E-11 -2.04877 3.38E-11 -2.14365 DNA replication complex GINS protein PSF2 Pfs2 NM_016095 7.74E-14 3.73E-13 -2.02611 8.01E-13 -1.89993 activator of S phase kinase ASK NM_006716 7.22E-12 4.16E-12 -2.02005 3.28E-12 -2.061 solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 3 /// solute c SLC2A3 /// SLC2A14NM_006931 /// NM_1534492.55E-13 3.64E-13 -2.01819 2.97E-12 -1.69067 solute carrier family 35, member F5 SLC35F5 NM_025181 9.35E-11 3.24E-11 -2.01487 6.50E-11 -1.89889 ribonucleotide reductase M2 polypeptide RRM2 NM_001034 2.28E-15 4.66E-15 -2.01117 2.93E-15 -2.09111 CDNA FLJ11381 fis, clone HEMBA1000501 --- --- 3.88E-09 3.07E-09 -2.01062 2.27E-09 -2.06382 hypermethylated in cancer 2 HIC2 NM_015094 1.37E-08 8.34E-09 -2.01005 4.96E-09 -2.1038 Galactosidase, beta 1 GLB1 NM_000404 1.29E-10 1.15E-10 -2.00307 3.31E-11 -2.22704 denticleless homolog (Drosophila) DTL NM_016448 6.33E-15 1.38E-13 -1.99945 9.77E-14 -2.05806 solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 3 SLC2A3 NM_006931 2.27E-12 2.57E-12 -1.99809 1.58E-11 -1.71314 GAJ protein GAJ NM_032117 5.28E-11 5.62E-11 -1.99004 3.34E-11 -2.0803 hypothetical protein LOC253842 LOC253842 --- 5.23E-10 6.50E-10 -1.98709 1.90E-10 -2.20856 putative small membrane protein NID67 NID67 NM_032947 1.09E-08 5.41E-09 -1.9577 5.69E-09 -1.9489 hyaluronan-mediated motility receptor (RHAMM) HMMR NM_012484 /// NM_0124857.93E-10 7.69E-10 -1.9564 3.72E-10 -2.08276 hypermethylated in cancer 2 HIC2 NM_015094 5.01E-11 6.78E-11 -1.95061 9.35E-11 -1.89784 Paternally expressed 3 PEG3 NM_006210 2.40E-09 2.51E-08 -1.94183 1.45E-07 -1.65871 polymerase (DNA directed), epsilon 2 (p59 subunit) POLE2 NM_002692 6.07E-14 8.40E-14 -1.93668 7.40E-14 -1.95732 proteasome (prosome, macropain) activator subunit 4 PSME4 NM_014614 9.93E-07 4.19E-05 -1.93116 2.76E-05 -2.01839 lysyl oxidase LOX NM_002317 8.52E-11 4.31E-08 -1.9294 6.44E-08 -1.8609 zinc finger, CSL-type containing 2 ZCSL2 NM_206831 8.86E-12 1.11E-11 -1.92796 4.35E-12 -2.08693 paternally expressed 3 PEG3 NM_006210 4.00E-09 1.69E-07 -1.92223 3.93E-07 -1.77804 phosphatidylinositol glycan, class A (paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria) /// p PIGA NM_002641 /// NM_0204721.47E-09 /// NM_0204736.90E-10 -1.91851 7.63E-10 -1.90193 Supplemental Table 1: Genes that show altered expression in HepG2 cells in the presence of exogenously added let-7 chromosome 14 open reading frame 46 C14orf46 NM_001024674 5.54E-11 2.76E-11 -1.91644 6.40E-11 -1.78396 chromosome 7 open reading frame 23 C7orf23 NM_024315 3.17E-13 1.22E-13 -1.916 3.48E-13 -1.75473 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 14 SLC39A14 NM_015359 7.43E-06 0.000232616 -1.88947 0.000491779 -1.72679 family with sequence similarity 54, member A FAM54A NM_138419 2.76E-13 4.73E-13 -1.8867 5.36E-13 -1.86698 microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase-like MASTL NM_032844 6.54E-11 1.15E-10 -1.88332 5.66E-11 -2.00108 suppressor of variegation 3-9 homolog 2 (Drosophila) SUV39H2 NM_024670 3.71E-11 2.14E-11 -1.87873 1.38E-11 -1.95024 hypothetical protein MGC13204 MGC13204 NM_031465 1.93E-09 9.57E-10 -1.87292 9.86E-10 -1.8682 apolipoprotein B (including Ag(x) antigen) APOB NM_000384 5.43E-05 0.0286114 -1.86773 0.0284021 -1.87074 ribonucleotide reductase M2 polypeptide RRM2 NM_001034 1.98E-11 1.68E-10 -1.86737 2.02E-10 -1.83802 nucleoporin 98kDa NUP98 NM_005387 /// NM_0163202.33E-12 /// NM_1391312.98E-12 /// NM_139132 -1.86591 4.20E-12 -1.81269 solute carrier family 6 (amino acid transporter), member 14 SLC6A14 NM_007231 1.94E-11 3.56E-09 -1.86071 2.02E-07 -1.29761 MCM10 minichromosome maintenance deficient 10 (S. cerevisiae) MCM10 NM_018518 /// NM_1827511.82E-12 2.79E-11 -1.85807 2.49E-11 -1.87586 ring finger and WD repeat domain 3 RFWD3 NM_018124 2.04E-11 1.60E-11 -1.85037 1.26E-11 -1.8882 coproporphyrinogen oxidase CPOX NM_000097 4.48E-11 5.67E-11 -1.84531 5.30E-11 -1.85604 cell division cycle associated 7 /// cell division cycle associated 7 CDCA7 NM_031942 /// NM_1458101.16E-10 7.53E-11 -1.84512 2.41E-10 -1.67017 LSM6 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA associated (S. cerevisiae) LSM6 NM_007080 1.18E-10 6.77E-11 -1.83721 6.61E-11 -1.84092 CDC6 cell division cycle 6 homolog (S.
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