1927 CONGRESSION .A.L . REOORD~SEN ATE 1635 ernment and the public from shortage of coal ; to the Committee the passage of any legislation amending the so-called J"ohuson on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Immigration Act, which were refen-ed to the Committee on 4920. By M:r. VAILE : Petition of sundry citizens of Denver, Immigration. · Colo., favoring increase of pension to Civil War veterans, their He also presented a petition numerously signed by nath·es of widows, and dependents ; to the Committee on Invalid Pen- the Virgin Islands who ha:ve migrated to the mainland of the sions. · United States since the transfer of the islands from Danish to 4930. By 1\Ir. VINSON of Kentucky: Petition signed by vari­ American sovereignty, praying. that the United States "free ous residents of his district (ninth Kentucky), urging passage us from this anomalous position of being men without a country of legislation for the relief of Civil War veterans and their and enable us to assume those reciprocal relations with the widows ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. American Commonwealth which inhere in the status of citizen­ 4931. By Mr. WARREN: Petition of mechanics of Elizabeth ship"; and also that the United States establish a permanent City, N. C., protesting the passage of Senate bill 4688, intro­ form of government for the Virgin Islands in keeping with duced by Senator Wadsworth; to the Committee on Immigra­ American democratic ideals, which was referred to the Com­ tion and Naturalization. mittee on Territories and Insular Pos::;essions. 4932. By Mr. ZIHLl\lAN: Petition of citizens of Rockville, JUr. TYSON. I desire to have inserted in the RECORD three Md., urging immediate action an<l support of the bill to in­ telegrams in the nature of petitions from the Northwest crease the pensions of Civil War veterans and their widows; Ohaml.Jer of Commm:ce of Los Angeles and the c~manders of to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. two of the posts at Los Angeles in regard to the disabled emer­ gency Army officers' bill. I ask that the telegrams may lie on the table. SENATE There being no objection, the telegrams in the nature of petitions were ordered to lie on the table and to be printed FnmAY, Jla.nua1vy 14, 19~7 in the RECORD, as follows : The Chaplain, Rev. J. J. Muir, D. D., offered the follow­ Los ANGELES, CALIF., January V,, 1927. ing prayer: To the SEXA'rE OF THE UNITED STATES, Care of Ron. LAWlUil~CE D. TYsox, Our Father, another day has been given unto us in Thy Senate Office Bu£lding, Washington, D. 0. gracious provi<lence, another day of usefulness, of responsi­ Petition bility, and of larger outlook. We therefore pray Thee for wis<lom nnd ask that we may be guided in our counsels by Northwest Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles having indorsed Thy spirit of infinite grace and wisdom. Hear us, we beseech Tyson bill 3027 for retirement of disabled emergency Army officers, of Thee, and be . near unto us constantly, that we may cling hereby petitions Senate that such llill be made special-order business of Senate immediately after disposition on maternity and infancy bill. unto ~'hee. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. By direction. The Chief Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the pro­ EDWARD Z. COLLINGS, President. ceedings of the legislative day of Tuesday, January 1.1, 1927, when, on request of Mr. CURTIS and by unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with and the Journal was Los A::-WELBS, CALIF., Ja,nuary 11,., 1921. approved. To the SF:NATE OF THE UNITED STATES, M.ATERNITY .AND INF.ANT IIYGIENE Cure of Ron. LAWRENCE D. TYSOX, The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi- Senate Office Building, lfashington, D.. 0. )cation from the Secretary of Labor, reporting, in response Petition to Henate Resolution 32G (by Mr. BINGHAM, agreed to January Quentin Roosevelt Chapter ~o. 5, Disabled American Veterans of 12 (legislative day of January 11), 1927), relatiYe to the World War, composed of over 8u per cent former enlisted men, having operations of the maternity and infancy act in connection unanimously in<lorscd Tyson bill (S. 3027) for retirement of disabied with the several States which, with the accompanying papers, emergency Army officers, hereby petitions the Senate that such bill on motion of Mr. BINGHAM, was referred to the Committee be ma<le special or<ler of business- of the Senate immediately after on Education and Labor. disposition of maternity and infancy bill. By direction. EXCH.ANOE OF TYPEWRITERS, ETC., OFFICE OF .ARCHITECJ' OF THE FRANK J. IRWIN, Oommander. C.APITOL The VICE PRESIDENT laid l.Jefore the Senate a report Los ANGELES, CALIF., Januarv 11,, 1927. from the Architect of the Capitol, submitted pursuant to To the S.ItNA.TE OF THE UNITED STATES, law, showing the exchange' of typewriters, adding machines, Care of Hon. LAWRENCE D. TYSO"!\, and other similar labor-saving devices in part payment for Setwte Office Build-ing, 1Fashitlgton, D. 0. new machines during . the fiscal year 1926, which ·was re­ Petition ferred to the Committee on Appropriations. Hollywoou Post No. 43., American Legion, composeu of over 85 PETITIONS AND MEMOUI.ALS per cent enlisted men, having unanimously indorsed Tyson bill (S_ Mr. W ARilEN presented a petition of sundry citizens of Lusk, 3027) for reiirerueut of disabled E.>mergenry Army officers, hereby Wyo., praying for the prompt passage of the so-called White petitions Senate that such bill be made special-oruer business of radio bill without amendment, which was ordered to lie on the Senate immediately after disposition of ma_ternity and infancy oill. ~w~ . By direction. He also presented a resolution adopted by a convention of the WILLIAM A. KNOST, Oommandet·. coal operators of Wyoming, at Rock Springs, Wyo., protesting M.ATER~ITY A.ND INFAJS"T HYGIENE against the passage of legislation providing for Government regulation of the bituminous-coal industry, which was referred l\Ir. SHEPPARD presented a letter in the nature of a peti­ to the Committee on Interstate Commerce: tion from Chester II. Gray, Wa ~ hington rcpresentatiYe of the Mr. CAPPER presented a petition of sundry citizens of American Farm Bureau Federation, ' :hich was ordered to be Burlingame, Kans., praying for the prompt passage of the so­ printed in the RECORD, as follows : called White radio bill without amendment, which was ordered AliiERICAX FARM B UREAU FxDERATIO:S, to lie on the table. ' Waahington, D. a., January 13, 1927. Mr. WILLIS presented a petition of sundry citizens of Geneva Ron. ~!ORRIS SHEPPARD, and vicinity, in the State of Ohio, praying for the prompt pas­ Uuitecl States Senate, Washington, D. a. sage of legislation granting increased pensions to Civil War MY DFJAR SE:SATOR : I desire to ad>ise rou of tbe interest of the veterans and their widows, which was referred to the Com­ American Farm Bureau Federation in II. n. 755u, authorizing appro­ mittee on Pensions. priations for the fiscal years en<ling June 30, Hl28, and June 30, Hl~9, He also presented a memorial of sund..ry citizens of Con­ for carrying out the provisions of the so-called maternity and infancy neaut, Ohio, remonstrating against the ratification of the act of November 23, Hl21. Lausanne treaty with Turkey, which was referred to the Com­ I have rpferrE.'d this measure to the meml>ers of the national borne mittee on Foreign Relations. and community committee of the AmE.>rican Farm Bureau Federation, He also presented memorials of sundJ.·y citizens of Cam­ and it hns their approval. I am also authorized by the legislative bridge, Senacaville, Lore City, Derwent, Buffalo, Byesville, and committee of tbe American Farm BurE.>au Federation to support this Pleasant City, ull in the State of Ohio, remonstrating against meusure. 11636 CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD-SENATE. JANUARY 14 Inasmuch as the bill has already passed the llouse and Is now I Because of the weakening, to a greater or less extent, of confidence before the Senate for consideration, I wish to convey to you at this in Florida's institutions a deflation period set in, which did not end time the hope that it may receive early and favorable action by the until July, At that time there were published the statements of the Senate. banks of the country, as called for by the Comph·oller of the Currency, Yery respectfully, and the statements of Florida banks showed them to be in sounder AMERICAN FARU BUREAU FEDERATlO!'<, and more liquid condition, having more cash as against total resources CnESTER H. GRAY, and more cash as against total deposits, than the banks of any State Washington Representati-ve. in the Union. So proud were the Florida banks of their condition that PROHmmoN ENFORCEMENT many of them had their statements published in New York. STATE'S RESOURCES RISE Mr. SHEPPARD presented a resolution adopted on tl1e 9th instant by a mass meeting of citizens of Houston, Tex., which And now,- although Florida bas gone through this deflation period was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows : plus a terrific hurricane, its banks have total deposits of $750,000,000, more than three times the amount of deposits of the entire 16 South­ Resolution to defend the Constitution of the United States against its ern States in all of their banks and trust companies in 1881 ; the enemies adopted by mass m"etin:; of citizens of Houston, Tex., on State does not owe a dollar, does not have one penny of outstanding January 9, 1927 indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, and has, as of this writing (Novem­ Whereas the,.
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