BULLETIN of the INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL for TRADITIONAL MUSIC No. 128, April 2015 ISSN (Online): 2304-4039 CONTENTS From the Secretariat nia ICTM National Committee. News: Calendar of Events Joint Conference of France and UK ICTM Message from the Secretary General. Page 30 National Committees. News: 14th Sympo- Pages 2-3 sium of the ICTM Study Group on Music Featured Publications by ICTM Archaeology. Preliminary Programme: Joint Interviews Members SEM/ICTM Forum. News: 1st Symposium Interview with Dieter Christensen. of the ICTM Study Group on African Mu- A Different Voice, A Different Song: Re- Pages 4-6 sics. Call for Proposals: 21st Symposium of claiming Community through the Natural the ICTM Study Group on Historical Voice and World Song; Encyclopedia of In Memoriam Sources of Traditional Music. Call for Pro- Azerbaijani Mugham; Fiesta de Diez Pesos: Wolf Dietrich (1938–2014). Wolfgang Pilz posals: 4th Symposium of the ICTM Study Music and Gay Identity in Special Period (?–2014). Robert Günther (1929–2015); Ilse Group on Multipart Music. News: 29th Cuba; Flower World: Music Archaeology of Reuter (1941–2014). Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on the Americas, vol. 3; In the Wake of Page 7 Ethnochoreology. Notice: One-day Confer- Classical-Antiquity Metric Feet: A Com- ence of the British Forum for Ethnomusi- parative Ethnomusicological Study; Kosovo ICTM Elections 2015 cology. Notice: 4th Symposium of the Through the Eyes of Local Romani ICTM Study Group for Performing Arts of (Gypsy) Musicians; Music and Traditions of Message from the Nomination Committee. Southeast Asia. the Arabian Peninsula: Saudi Arabia, Ku- Candidates’ statements. Pages 15-17 wait, Bahrain, Qatar; Qanbus, Tarab: Le Pages 8-12 luth monoxyle et la musique du yémen; The Reports 43rd ICTM World Conference in Russian Turkestan Music Culture in the Musical-Ethnographical Collection of Astana, Kazakhstan Reports from ICTM National and Regional Representatives: Côte d’Ivoire; Germany; August Eichhorn; Women as Bearers of Preliminary Programme. Message from the Iran; Ireland; Japan; Kenya; Macedonia; Folk Music Practices in Bosnia and Herze- Programme Committee. Message from the Ukraine; Yemen. govina. Local Arrangements Committee Pages 18-26 Pages 31-33 Pages 13-14 Reports from ICTM Study Groups: Audio- General Information Announcements visual Ethnomusicology; Maqām; Music in the ArabWorld; Musics of the Slavic World ICTM World Network; Study Groups; Ex- Preliminary Programme: 23rd ICTM Col- ecutive Board, Secretariat, Membership Pages 27-29 loquium. Call for Proposals: Symposium Information; Publications by ICTM. and Concerts “Music and Ecology”, Slove- Pages 34-41 Bulletin of the ICTM Vol. 128 — April 2015 — Page 1 FROM THE SECRETARIAT Message from the Secretary This issue of the Bulletin features an sentation throughout the globe. Here, I interview with Dieter Christensen focus on two aspects only: the ICTM General (see pages 4-6), a scholar and Honorary World Network and ICTM Study by Svanibor Pettan Member of ICTM who served as Secre- Groups. tary General of the Council for two We are in the midst of First, in addition to the change of Liai- decades. Such a long-standing service is the odd year 2015, one son Officers (in Bangladesh, Mobarak comparable only to that of Maud Kar- of those usually called, Hossain Khan was succeeded by peles, the founding figure of the Coun- from an ICTM perspec- Sayeem Rana) and of Chairs of Na- cil. Our President, Salwa El-Shawan tive, “a conference year”, pointing to tional Committees (in Ireland, Daithí Castelo-Branco, spoke with Christensen the World Conference as the central Kearny was succeeded by Aoife Gran- at his Berlin home in January 2015, event which brings together the largest ville, and in Japan, Komoda Haruko and addressed questions related to his number of members. As you will real- was succeeded by Tsukahara Yasuko), long involvement with the Council. ize, however, the number and diversity Egypt has a new representative—Kris- of ICTM activities in 2015 will go way Elections are the signifier of demo- tina Nelson—after an absence of several beyond the World Conference in As- cratic standards of any society, so years, bringing the official representa- tana, where most of us will meet in a please notice that the Nomination tion of the Council to the record num- few months. The current rich set of Committee, composed of Samuel ber of 101 countries and regions. activities is a consequence of the enthu- Araújo (convener), Krister Malm, and Second, it gives me a great pleasure to siasm and hard work of our predeces- Waseda Minako, has prepared a ballot present two newly-approved ICTM sors, several of which sadly passed with two candidates for one vacant po- Study Groups: one with a focus on away recently. Dorit Klebe, Chair of sition of Vice President of ICTM, and Audiovisual Ethnomusicology, and an- the ICTM National Committee for five candidates for two vacant positions other on Musics of the Slavic World. Germany, reminds us about four of of Ordinary Members of the Executive Following a successful conference in them (Wolf Dietrich, Robert Günther, Board. Please make sure to participate Valladolid, Spain, in November 2014 Wolfgang Pilz, and Ilse Reuter), while in the online elections and support the (see pages 27-28), Enrique Cámara de the most recent loss of Anca best among the candidates. Landa (Spain), Leonardo D’Amico (It- Giurchescu, whose contribution to A trustworthy sign of the vitality of a aly), Yves Defrance (France), Matías ICTM has been enormous, will be ad- given international scholarly organiza- Isolabella (Spain), Sandrine Locke dressed by several members in the next tion is certainly the growth of its repre- Bulletin. (France) and Terada Yoshitaka (Japan) submitted a request for official recogni- tion to the Executive Board. The same was done by Elena Shishkina (Russia) and Rimantas Sliužinskas (Lithuania) following a successful symposium in Astrakhan, Russia, in September 2014 (see pages 28-29). The Executive Board considered both requests and after pro- longed discussion approved both Study Groups, which will receive final en- dorsement and hold their first business meetings at the World Conference in Astana. There is much to be said about news related to the forthcoming ICTM World Conference in the capital of Ka- zakhstan. Let me organize them in the following four points: Anca Giurchescu (1930–2015). Photo by Speranţa Rădulescu. Bulletin of the ICTM Vol. 128 — April 2015 — Page 2 FROM THE SECRETARIAT First, this is the first Bulletin immedi- will take place in Nanterre, France, in Française d'Ethnomusicologie and the ately preceding a World Conference May 2015 (see here for latest updates), British Forum for Ethnomusicology, which does not include the text of a and by many Study Group Symposia: which operate the ICTM National Preliminary Programme. Instead, on Folk Musical Instruments (Luang Pra- Committees for France and the UK page 13 you will find a direct link to bang, Laos), Music Archaeology respectively, will have a joint confer- the Online Preliminary Programme, (Biskupin, Poland), African Musics ence in Paris, France. Please see pages which is available at the conference’s (Durban, South Africa), and Ethnocho- 15-16 for more information. website. In this way, not only will the reology’s Sub-Study Group on Move- The most extraordinary event will cer- Bulletin be easier to read, but ongoing ment Analysis (Athens, Greece). Very tainly be the Joint ICTM/SEM Forum, changes to the Programme will be im- best wishes are directed to the Study (Limerick, Ireland, 13-16 September mediately visible online. Group on African Musics and its Chair 2015), where the Council and the Soci- Patricia Opondo for bringing its 1st Second, the Astana World Conference ety for Ethnomusicology will join forces Symposium to fruition. Learn more will feature the first Assembly of around the shared theme of “Trans- about these events in the Calendar sec- Study Group Representatives. This forming Ethnomusicological Praxis tion of this Bulletin, and online at the meeting, comparable to the existing through Activism and Community En- ICTM website. Assembly of National/Regional Repre- gagement”. The event is being led by sentatives, is expected to bring closer It is good to join forces to reach new the two Presidents—Beverley Diamond together our twenty Study Groups, en- heights, as proved by two special up- and Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco— able their representatives to share their coming events. While joint meetings of and thematically focused by Samuel positive and negative experiences, pro- National/Regional Committees are not Araújo. A shared day with the Euro- pose changes, and plan joint activities. one of the official formats of ICTM pean Seminar in Ethnomusicology will scholarly gatherings (i.e., World Con- nicely add to the complexity of the Third, during the World Conference ferences, Colloquia, Study Group Sym- event. Study Groups will have its own booth posia), they continue to take place in the Exhibit Room, which will give Enjoy the Bulletin, enjoy the rich eth- more and more frequently, since the each Study Group a chance to display nomusicological year 2015! first of such meetings organized by its activities and publications to a wide Regine Allgayer-Kaufmann, then-Chair conference audience. of the ICTM Austria National Com- Fourth, the Council has made strong mittee. In early July 2015, two senior efforts to overcome the increasingly and well-respected national associations negative consequences of the political of ethnomusicologists, the Société and economic instability around the world, by financially supporting mem- bers who would otherwise not be able to attend the conference. Therefore, the Council established in 2014 the Maud Karpeles Fund and the Young Scholars Fund, which in addition to the Barbara Barnard Smith Travel Award and our successful application to the 2014/2015 UNESCO Participation Programme, has made it possible to subsidize the travelling expenses of as many as 39 delegates.
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