Index Page numbers in italic denote figures. Page numbers in bold denote tables. 90E subglacial lake 13,19 Bungenstock Ice Rise 165, 202 Adélie Land Craton 106, 109 flow pathway 201, 203 ADMAP 32 grounding-line retreat 161 Adventure Trench 10 AGAP (Gamburtsev Province Project) survey 114–128, Cape Folger, meltwater 220, 221 115, 145–146, 147 Casey Station 216 anomalous reflectors 114–121, 123–125 DEM 217 englacial deformation 117–120, 122, 125–128 Central Bransfield Basin fingers 117–121, 120, 122–125, 126, 128 Gebra-Magia Complex 62–74 folds 117, 119, 120–121, 126–128 tectonic evolution 64, 72–73 inclusions 117–120, 120, 123, 125, 127 Chinese First Deep Ice-Core Drilling Project DK-1 sheets 117–121, 120, 123, 124, 149–158 125–126, 127 cirques, South Georgia 55 subglacial melting 121–122, 125, 126, climate, control on Gebra-Magia Complex 148, 149 72, 73 valley head reflectors 122 climate change method 114, 116 lakes as indicators 77, 92 North 114, 115, 116 Miocene, Wilkes Land 95, 105, 108, 109 South 114, 115, 116 comprehensive environmental evaluation 15 Allardyce Range 50, 51,58 contamination amphibole, U1359 drill site 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 109 Lake Vostok 14, 16, 188, 193–195 Amundsen Sea 175 steps to avoid, Gamburtsev Mountains drilling MISI 198 project 157 Antarctic Ice Sheet, mass balance evolution 35 contourites, Wilkes Land 98, 108 Antarctic Peninsula 62, 63 CReSIS (Center for Remote Sensing of Ice sedimentation 62, 64 Sheets) 2 Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet 62 Institute Ice Stream grounding-line data 3, 162, 163, cyclicity 64 166–169 Antarctic Treaty 7 crevasses, burial 35 ASAID (Antarctic Surface Accumulation and Cumberland Bay 50 Ice Discharge) project cyclicity, glacial 61, 64, 73 Institute Ice Stream grounding line 163–164, 165, 170 Dalton Ice Shelf 181 Totten Glacier 176, 179 Dansgaard Oeschger event 226 Astrolabe Subglacial Basin 11, 12 dichlorofluoroethane drilling fluid 188, augite, U1359 drill site 100, 101 192–193 Aurora Subglacial Basin 175 DInSAR, IIS grounding line 165, 166–169 hydrological system 184, 217 Dome A 4, 12, 114, 133 AVO data, Institute Ice Stream 204–205 englacial structures 3, 121–122 Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains 147–148 10Be/9Be measurements, South Georgia sediments ice crystal structure 132, 135–142 53, 55 dating 136–138 Bedmap elevation model 2 fabric alignment 138–140, 141 Bedmap2 2, 3, 25, 32 temperature 148 AGAP survey 115, 146 Dome C 11, 12, 18, 140 WARS 233, 234, 235, 236 Dome F 12, 140 Belgrano-2 station 24, 25, 26 drilling Bentley, Charles (19297–2017), US expedition 8 borehole fluids 14, 16, 157, 188, 192–193 Berkner Island 165 electromechanical biotite, U1359 drill site 100, 104, 105, 106 GSM 149, 151–153, 154, 155, 156, 157 Bransfield Basin 4, 62, 63 Vostok Station 188 see also Central Bransfield Basin; Eastern Bransfield environmentally clean 11–12, 14–16, 17, Basin; Western Bransfield Basin 149, 157 British Antarctic Survey hot-water 14, 15, 16, 17 gravity data 23 Dronning Maud Land 1, 77 Institute Ice Stream data 162, 163, 166–169 ICEGRAV data 25,30–32 brittle ice, Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains Schirmacher Oasis lakes 3, 77–92 148, 149 D’Urville Trough-mouth fan 63,73 250 INDEX earthquakes, as triggering mechanism, Gebra-Magia drill site 148–149 Complex 73 drilling shelter/workshop 150–151, 152 East Antarctic Ice Sheet 96 drilling technology 149–150 central 113–128 see also AGAP survey early measurement 2 EAIS nucleation point 114, 132, 145 fluctuation 95, 108, 109 elevation 147–148 ice flow reorganization 35–46 ice crystal structure 132–142 nucleation site 114, 132, 145 ice thickness 148, 149 profiling 8 ice velocity 148 see also AGAP survey; Dome A ice-rock boundary 148, 149 East Antarctic Shield 145, 146, 147 lithosphere 147 East Antarctica, ICEGRAV campaigns 23–33 origin 145, 146–147 Eastern Bransfield Basin 62, 63 protection from erosion 147, 148 Eastern Platform, Central Bransfield Basin 73 temperature 148 Ellesmere Ice Cap, saline subglacial water 43 topography 147 Ellsworth Subglacial Mountains 12, 165, 171 uplift 145, 147 englacial deformation, AGAP survey 117–120, 120, garnet, U1359 drill site 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 122, 125–128 106, 109 englacial flow 140 Gebra Valley 62, 65, 66 englacial folding 35 cumulative domain 70–71 englacial geometry 35 debris valley 71, 72, 73 South Pole 37–38, 41, 42,43–44 depletive domain 67–68, 69 englacial neutrino detection 45 headwall-half graben 65, 67–68, 69, 71, 73 englacial temperature modelling, South Pole relief 66, 67 36–37 sidewalls 68,70 Enten Valley, moraines 51, 52, 56, 57 Gebra-Magia Complex 62–74 environment bathymetry 64,65 stewardship 15, 17 climate control 73 Gamburtsev Mountains drilling project 157 cumulative domain 70–71 erratics, South Georgia 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57 depletive domain 67–70 European Remote Sensing satellite (ERS-1) 2, 9 morphosedimentary characterization 66–72 Institute Ice Stream grounding line 162 physiography 65 subglacial lake outbursts 10 recent sedimentary processes 72 Totten Glacier 177 stratigraphy and seismic facies 65, 66 Evans, Stanley (b.1929), VHF radio waves 8 triggering mechanisms 72–73 exploration George V Land 4, 12, 96, 100, 109 geophysical (1950–2013) 1–2 geothermal flux, South Pole 38, 40–41, 45, 46 international 7, 10, 19, 23 glacier retreat, South Georgia 53, 55–57 glaciology, 1950–2013 1–2 faults GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Bransfield Basin 62 Explorer) data 28,29–30, 32 subglacial 32 Gondwana, assembly 145 Ferrar Large Igneous Province (FLIP) 96, 97, 101–102, gravimetry, airborne, ICEGRAV 26–30 105, 106, 108, 109 comparison with GOCE data 28,29–30 Filchner Ice Shelf 11, 30, 165, 170 gravity data firn absolute reference gravity stations 27,28 Dome A 148, 149 ICEGRAV campaigns 23–33 seismic wave attenuation 8 grounding-line migration 35 flow convergence 44 Institute Ice Stream 161–171 flow stripe variability 35 groundwater 3, 197–210 freeze-on ice 121–122, 125, 126, 148, 149 detection, delineation, and quantification 206–208 freezing, basal 3, 140 and hydrology ice stream flow 198–201 Gairdner Province 102, 105, 109 unified concept 199–201 Gamburtsev Province Project see AGAP survey geophysical measurement 201–210 Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains 32, 114, 132, potential location 201, 202 146, 147 ‘accretion ice’ 140 Halley Base 24, 25, 26 drilling project 145–158 heat flux see geothermal flux borehole construction 149–150 heavy minerals, as indicator of provenance auxiliaries 153–157 95–97 drilling fluids 157 IODP drill site U1359 98–99, 100–109 environmental measures 157 Hercules Dome 11, 12 IBED drill 151–153, 154, 155, 156, 157–158 Hercules Inlet 165 INDEX 251 hotspots IceCube neutrino detector 36 basal heat flux 39, 42 ICEGRAV airborne geophysics campaigns 23–33 WARS 244 2010–2013 24–26 hydrology, subglacial 2, 3, 10, 197–210 ICESat altimetry and groundwater Institute Ice Stream grounding-line 162, 163–164, unified concept 199–201 165, 170 geophysical measurements 201–210 Totten Glacier mass loss 176 groundwater location 201, 202 instability interfacial 198, 199, 200 marine ice sheet (MISI) 161, 171 Totten Glacier 176 IBED electromechanical drill 151–153, 154, 155, 156, sedimentary 61–62, 68–70, 72 157–158 Institute E1 subglacial lake 201, 202 ice, accreted Institute Ice Stream 4, 165 Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains 140 basal hydrology 165, 204 Lake Vostok 13–14 basal reflection 168–170 ice caps, South Georgia, Last Glacial Maximum 49, bed topography 162, 201, 203 50, 53, 56–58 connection with sea water 165, 168, 170–171 ice crystals 131 grounding-line retreat 161–171 alignment 131, 138–140 data sets 162, 163–164, 166–169 electrical properties 132, 134 ocean-driven melting 170–171 elongated single pole 131, 132, 134 ice surface elevation 162, 166, 204 perfect single pole 131, 132, 138, 140 ice thickness DEMs 162, 164, 204 random 131, 132, 138 ice velocity 162, 163, 165–167 response to stress 131, 138–140 potential groundwater site 201, 202 vertical girdle 131, 132, 134, 138 subglacial embayment 3, 162, 164, 165–171, 165 ice dynamics ocean-driven melting 170–171 basal melting from sliding 197 subglacial lake Institute E1 201 South Pole 37–46 subglacial till 204 ice rafting, Wilkes Land 95, 105 subglacial water pressure 162 ice rumples International Polar Year 1957–1958 1, 7, 8, 18 Institute Ice Stream 169 International Polar Year 2007–2009 145 Totten Glacier 175, 179, 180–181, 182, 183 IODP drill site U1359 95, 96 ice sheets geology 97–99 crystallography 131–132 heavy minerals 98–99, 100–109 deformation of basal till 197–198 methods 99–100 fabric 131, 132–134 Miocene climate change 95, 105, 108, 109 Dome A 132 provenance 100, 101–102, 104, 106, 108–109 anisotropy 140 Q mode factor analysis 100, 101–106, crystal alignment 138–140 108–109 dating 136–138 Rb-Sr isotope analysis 99–100, 107 electric permittivity 132, 134 Sm-Nd isotope analysis 99–100, 107, 109 radar survey, Dome A 135–136 lithofacies 97,98 flow-modelling 2, 131 mass loss 30, 170–171, 175–184 Jason Lake B 51,52 profiling 8 glacial sediments 52, 55 thickness measurement 2, 8 radiocarbon dating 52–53 Institute Ice Stream 162, 164 jökulhlaup events see SGLOF (subglacial lake outburst Totten Glacier 180, 181 flood) events ice sliding, and basal melting 40, 41, 43, 46, 197 Justa Peak 52,55 ice streams flow 35, 198 Kamb Ice Stream 35 role of groundwater 198–199 Kapitsa, Andrei (1931–2011) Gebra-Magia Complex 73 Lake Vostok 10 hydrological balance 198 Russian expedition 8 and mass loss 30 kerosene, drilling fluids 14, 16, 157, 188, South Georgia 57 192–193 ice-flow reorganization, South Pole 35–46 King George Basin
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