TYNWALD COURT. ST. JOHN's, TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1898. The annual Court of Tynwald, held at St. John's, took place to-day. The proceedings of the Tynwald Court were prefaced as usual by divine service in the Govern- ment chapel at St. John's. His Excellency the Lieut.-Governor arrived in his carriage about half-past eleven, and was received by a guard of honour comprising the Isle of Man division of the Royal Naval Reserve in command of their chief officer, Mr Newnham, and the 7th V.R. I.O.M. King's Liverpool Regiment, under Lieut.- Mackenzie, Surgeon-Lieut. Richardson being also present. As his Excellency drove up the band of the battalion played "God save the Queen," and the guard presented arms. The Governor, who was accompanied by two of his daughters, passed into the chapel, followed by the mem- bers of his Council in their official robes, and various officials of the Government. His Ex- cellency was in Court dress, and wore several decorations. The members of the Legislature having assembled in their appointed places, the service was proceeded with, the officiating clergymen being the Revs. John Corlett, M.A. ; and E. H. L. Locke, chaplains to the Governor ; and the Rev. R. B. Baron, chaplain to the House of Keys. At the close of the service the pro- cession proceeded to Tynwald Hill in the usual order. Four Sergeants of Police. The Coroners. Captains of Parishes. Clergy in file. The High-Bailiffs. Members of the House of Keys, preceded by their Secretary and Chaplain. The Clerk to the Council. Members of the Council. The Lord Bishop. Sword Bearer. His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor . The Surgeon to the Household. The Government Chaplains. The Chief Constable of the Island. The members of thel Tynwald Court present were :—His Excellency the Lieut.-Governor, Tynwald Court, St. John s. TYNWALD COURT, July 5, 1898. 435 Lord Henniker (President) ; the Lord Bishop, the Clerk of the Rolls, Deemster Sir James Gell, Deemster Gill, the Attorney-General (Mr G. A. Ring), the Receiver-General (Col. Anderson), the Vicar-General (Mr S. Harris), and the Ven. the Archdeacon (the Rev. H. S. Gill, M.A.). In the Keys :—The Speaker (Sir John Goldie-Taub- man), and Messrs John Joughin, J. R. Cowell, J. T. Cowell, R. Cowley, J. C. Crellin, D. Mait- land, E. T. Christian, E. H. Christian, T. Allen, J. A. Mylrea, R. Corlett, T. Corlett, F. G. Callow, W. Quayle, A. W. Moore, T. Clague, J. R. Kerruish, W. Quine, Joseph Qualtrough, J. J. Goldsmith, James Mylchreest, and J. D. Clucas. Mr Story, Clerk to the Council, and Mr R. D. Gelling, Secretary to the House of Keys, were in attendance. The route of the procession from the church to Tynwald Hill was guarded by the military and naval escort, who accorded a royal salute to his Excellency on passing. The Governor took his seat in the chair of state, surrounded by the mem- bers of his Council, the Keys arranging them- selves on the lower platform. The new Coroners were sworn in to serve for the ensuing year, as follows:— Philip Teare, Coroner of Glanfaba Sheading. William Kermode, Coroner of Michael Sheading. William Calev, Coroner of Ayre Sheading. John Kennedy, Coroner of Garff Sheading. Robert Bewley, Coroner or Sheading. D. T. Callow, Coroner el _Rumen aneading. NO PROMULGATIONS. The Governor, addressing the Court, said : I am sorry to say that we are not able to promul- gate to-day the Acts which have been passed. This contingency happened some thirty years ago. It has not been in her Majesty's power to sign these Acts in Council. When they are signed we shall have another meeting on Tynwald Hill for promulgating the Acts which are now only waiting for signature before the Privy Council. This being all the business, three hearty cheers were given for the Queen, and the procession filed back to the chapel in reversed order. PAPERS PRESENTED. The Governor laid before the Court the fol- lowing papers :— No Prcmulgation.—Papers Pi esented. 436 TYNWALD COURT, July 5, 1898. Account of revenue and expenditure in respect of the Customs duties, etc., of the Isle of Man, and of the passenger tax and harbour dues, and of the Isle of Man accumulated fund, for the year ended the 31st March, 1898, together with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor-Gen- eral thereon. Report and accounts of Harbour Board (£2,300) for year ended 30th June, 1898. Report of Board of Education for year ended 31st March. 1898. Report and Accounts of Highway Board for year ended 12th November, 1897. Report and accounts of Asylums Board for year ended 31st March, 1898. Accounts of Bishop Barrow's Charity for yeas ended 31st December, 1897. Registrar-General's report for year ended 31st December, 1897. Report and accounts of Board of Conservators under The Salmon and Fresh Water Fishery Act, 1882, for the year ended 31st December. 1897. Public Auditors' reperts on the accounts of— The Asylums Board, for year ended 31st March, 1898. Poor Relief Committees of Douglas, Ramsey. Castletown, Lezayre, Malew, German, and Lonan fbr year ended 31st March, 1898. Highway Board, for year ended 12th Novem- ber, 1897. Assessment Board, for year ended 12th May, 1898. Borough of Douglas, Ramsey Town Commissioners, Peel Town Commissioners, Castletown Town Commissioners, Port Erin Commissioners, Port St. Mary Commissioners (for the year ended 31st March, 1898.) Trustees of Common Lands, for year ended 12th November, 1897. DEATH OF THE RIGHT HON. W. E. GLADSTONE. The Governor : I now have to read to you the answer which I have received to the address of condolence of the Tynwald Court to alit family of the late lamented Mr Gladstone :— Hawarden Castle, 4th January, 1898. Dear Sir,—On behalf of my mother and the family, I beg to thank the members of the Tynwald Court for their kind message of sym- pathy--I remain, very faithfully yours, HERBERT J. GLADSTONE. QUESTIONS AND RETURNS. The following notices stood on the agenda paper:-- Mr Kerruish to ask- 1. When the report of the Commission appoin- ted to inquire into Manx Industries will be laid on the table. Death of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone.— Questions and Returns, TYNWALD COURT, July 5, 1898. 437 2. When the reprort of the Committee ap- pointed on 25th March, 1897, to consider the ex isting law as to registration of voters and elec- tion by ballot, and the advisability of extending the same, either with or without modifications, to Local Government Commissioners and other Local Bodies, will be laid on the table. 3. When the report of the Committee appointed on 25th March, 1897, to consider the question of inner harbour accommodation at Laxey, will be laid on the table. Returns—Mr J. R. Kerruish to move for the fol- lowing returns for the year ended 31st March, 1898:— 1. Offences and convictions under Lottery Act, 1839. 2. Offences and convictions under section 45 of the Licensing Act, 1876. 3. Number of persons declared habitual drunk- ards. 4. Offences and convictions under Brewers Act, 1874. 5. Offences and convictions under the Mer- chandize Marks Act, 1885. 6. Offences and convictions under the Bread. Flour, and Corn Act, 1880. 7. Offences and convictions under Weights and Measures Act, 1880, and Inspector's quarterly re- ports. 8. Offences and convictions under Adulteration Acts, 1874 and 1888. 9. Offences and convictions under Wild Birds Protection Act, 1887. 10. Offences and convictions under Sea Fisher- ies Act, 1894; and for copy of bye-laws, and re- turn of number and salaries of Fishery Officers appointed. 11. Statement of accounts, duly audited, of the Trustees of Common Lands for the years ended 12th November, 1896, and 12th November, 1897. The Governor : I understand that the hon. member for Garff, Mr Kerruish, will be glad if I put off these questions to the adjourned Court, and, of course, the returns that he asks for are necessarily put off to the adjourned Court. I have also received notice from Mr Clucas 10 ask the Receiver-General some questions, which I also understand he will be ready to allow to be post- poned to the adjourned Court. (Agreed.) ASYLUMS, ASSESSMENT BOARD, AND ADVERTISING. The Speaker, as Chairman of the Assessment Board, said : The motion in my name is to levy a rate not exceeding 34d in the £ for the Asylums and for advertising purposes. I understand there is going to be debate. Therefore, with the Ieav9 of the Court, I move that it be adjourned to-day. (Agreed!) Asylums, Assessment Board, and Advertising, 438 TYNWALD COURT, July 5, 1898. POOR RELIEF COMMITTEES. The Speaker : The next motion is " That in order to meet the estimated ex- penses of the Poor Reilef Committee of Douglas for the 12 months ending 31st March, 1899, a rate of 60 in the £ be levied upon all corporeal real estate within the poor relief district of Dou- glas." I want to say again, what I always say in moving these votes, that now there is a change in the law, we are not answerable for these estimates. They may be all right, or may not. There is ng responsibility on the Asylums Board. Still J am bound, under the Act, to move them, and J beg to do so. The motion was carried. The Speaker moved:- " That, in order to meet the estimated expenses of the Poor Relief Committee of Ramsey for the 12 months ending 31st March., 1899, a rate of 7d in the £ be levied upon all corporeal real estate within the poor relief district of Ramsey." The motion was seconded by Mr Crellin, and agreed to.
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