MEETSMITH WIGGLESWORTH . Geo Stormont . I was talking to Oral Roberts,and he said to me that He,and every other Evangelist who has been widely used in Divine Healing,owes a debt beyond calculation to Smith Wiggles- worth . He said, He is the outstanding Apostle of Faith,who has taught and inspired so many of us . I don't think God wants any of us to imitate Smith Wigglesworth, but to be ourselves in the Will of Ggd,as Smith Wigglesworth was in the Will of God for His life . HE WAS CONSIDERED ROUGH . He illustrated by saying he saw a woman at a bus stop waiting for a bus . Her little pet dog had followed her . She said-Darling go home .You can't come with me .Repeated several times .The little dog just wagged it's tail .The bus came,and as she was about to board the bus,she with a shout said 'GO HOME' .The little dog ran . 'That's the way to deal with the Devil, 'said Wigglesworth .I --once asked him about this .'I don't hit them,I .hit the devil' . I replied- 'I don't think you can hit the devil with your fist' . He said-'You're learning . Bro StormontIsays-'I don't think that was necessary, BUT-It was his particular way . And-'no one was ever hurt,and no one ever died,and many hundreds were healed . COMPASSION . Bro Wigglesworth used to weep over his mail which he had from all over the world,many letters expressing great need .He could'nt see sickness or need without being deeply .moved,and the tears would course down his cheeks• . Abfupt . Garfield Vale,home from Africa,was preaching with perspkration running down his face-on and on,his voice becoming more shrill, rising almost to the Welsh :Houeul .Suddenly Wigglesworth got up,pulled his coat and said, 'Sit down brother-your'e killing yourself and us' .Then he said-Now we will sing a hymn,and let our brother get quiet .After the hymn,he turned to Garfield Vale and said-Now,brother, go,on,and don't do it again' Brother Vale had enough Grace to accept-the correction . TRUTHFULNESS . He used to say-'I pray to God always that He will always enable me' not to exaggerate . That I will always relate only exactly what has happened . And says brother Stormont-'I have heard him relate the same incidents many times, but .it was always the same version' . GENEROUS . He had ministered for a-month in a certain Church .They had given him a Substantia cheque for his services .He learned of two missionaries who needed their fares to get back to China . He immediately endorsed his cheque to put it to their account .Luke 6 a 38 . HOLINESS . He believed in Holiness . He said- 'I can remmmber a time when I used to go white all over with rage,and shake with twmper .I could hardly hold myself together . I waited on God for ten days .In those ten days I was emptied out,and the life of the Lord Jesus was being wrought into me . My wife testified of the transformation that had been wrought in my life .She said-'I never saw such a change .I've never been able to cook anything since then that has not pleased him . Nothing is too hot,or too cold .Everything is just right' . He discovered that there is a power in God that can deal with temperament . 2 A lot of Christians excuse all kinds of misbehaviour,saying?'I can't help it .It's my temperament .Wigglesworth said-'God must come and reign supreme in your life-Will you let Him do it ? Bro Stormont mentions my having given him permission to quote from my book on Matt-5 .6 . Ma±k .11 .24,25,26 . Bro Stormont says-'This needs to be said, because 'I think there is an impression abroad that Faith is a Gimmick,and certain types of people can do it . BUT-you need to be pure in heart,and near to God,and to trust Him, in order to see the might and majesty of His Power .Also Phil .2 .5 .HE WAS-A HOLY MAN . HE HAD LIMITATIONS .But he was always very conscious that all he had of any : worth was from God .I met him on one occasion in London : He was taking the meeting .He invited me to share the platform .He had had a-remarkable recovery,from the very gates of : death . He testified,and said in his rugged wads-'God has given me a NEW body,a totally NEW body . Now-who'd like a chorus ? Come on,call one out .A lady called a chorus of her choice out quite distinctly .He said-'EH?'I thought- 'Lord when you gave him a new body,you missed his, ears' .Then he turned to . the hymn- book,and got his glasses,and put them on . I thought-'Lord,when you gave him a . new body, you missed his eyes .Of course,Wigglesworth did'nt see those slight defects and infirm- ities as being any nuisance at all . The fact was that he had been raised up from death, and he was looking at that major fact . HIS GRAMMAR. He did'nt learn to read till he was twenty-three years of age .His wife had 3 to teach him . He once wrote to Cecil Polhil, a Cambridge honours .Graduate,one of the famous Cambridge Seven,and a reputed Million- aire .Later when Polhil met him,he said-'Do you know Wiggleworth-In your letter you have spelt the title of the Holy Spirit in Seven different ways' . Could you understand it ? asked Wigglesworth . He said-'Yes' . Thank God, replied Wigglesworth,'That's all I want' . Igm using all the grammar I have for God' . SAITH .Bro Stormont says :- 'Once when-he was preaching for us in Essex,he quoted Mark11 .23 'He shall have whatsoever he SAITH .He said- 'Have you begun to SAITH yet ? When we got home I said to him,''brother Wigglesworth,you made a mistake .'He said-'What do you mean? I said-'You said we've got to SAITH' . He said, 'So you have' . 'Well I said, 'you' can't' . He j said, 'If you can't SAITH you don't know God' . ; But I said, 'Listen bro Wigglesworth'-'I say, you say 'He saith' .He said-'You've got it . Hang on to it .I said-'But Bro your Grammars wrong .' He said-'I don't know nothing about grammar,but if you can't SAITH,get down -on your knees till you can' . 'Oh,'said brother Stormont,'there was' a twinkle in his eye,and I knew he was teasing me' .But I tell you something-'I never forgot that' .And I have, been challenged again and again,to get to the place of FAITH,where I DON'T PRAY,BUT I SPEAK_, For this is where the Apostles were-They did'nt pray for the sick,they healed the sick ] God raise up a company of people who wil do, this . Wigglesworth Said'I LIVE FOR GOD .I LIVE TO PLEASE HIM.I LIVE TO BE LED BY HIM . EVERY FRESH REVELATIONCALLS FOR A FRESH DEDICATION . 4 Wigglesworth-LifeintheSpirit . Pastor Sharpe- Speaking at 1976 .Gen Conferenc 'Ten thousand Smith Wigglesworths needed to , bring this nation back to God' . HE LIVED IN VICTORY . He said to Pastor Kemp :- 'A young man like you should always be 'ON TOP' . Leslie Wigglesworth his grandson told me- 'In the 20years I knew Grandpa,I never once saw him depressed .. Never once saw him in a MOOD . R .Gordon- 'We should be capable in the Holy Spirit of giving to God in Worship, what is His due,and then giving to men in service what is their need ' . HYPINS THAT HE WAS FOND OF SINGING 'Come Jesus Lord with Holy Fire .' and the chorus 'Yes Filled with God' . HE SAID-'We should be so soaked,so crammed with the Spirit,that there will be no room for anything else . We must every day reach higher ground in God' AGAIN- 'What I can do, you can do in God'You have the same Holy Spirit . He enjoyed REAL SALVATION at 8 years of age . Although he had been a L,hristian for some years,he had a vile temper .There came a time when he spent ten whole days waiting on Gad to be delivered of this vile temper . God answered him. HE WAS NOT SATISFIED EXCEPT WITH A BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT WAS FULL AND REAL He said- 'If we knew the, blessing of being filled with the 3rd Person of the Trinity,we would set aside everything else to tarry for His Fulness .' He became the man he was becauseiof a REAL.... 1 SALVATION, a REAL HUNGER FOR GOD, .and_a . REAL BAPTISM IN THE HOLY,GHOST .I would'nt be content with a Baptism which I ha &_to- have someone else . to tell me about . HE WAS EMPHATIC ON HOLINESS,AND A CLEANSED LIFE . He was fond of the chorus :- 'Let the waves wash me, let thee waves cleanse .me' .He said :- 'You will never recieve anything from God nnless you are clean within The Fire falls on sanctified altars .Claim the PROMISE- 'SIN SHALL NOT HAVE DOMINION OVER YOU' . When a child of God ceases to hunger after purity,then Satan gets in . CONTINUAL COMMUNION . This was a great secret of his life .He said-'Earlier in my Christian life,I_was too busy .I had it out with God .
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