Monday, December I, 1958 TORItANCI PUSS Seven for Sele 200 ^utem«bil«« fer Sale 200 ** ter Sele Ml Autemebllet fer Sale MO ^wfemeWlee fer tele 100 fer Sele 100 ^utomoblU. fer Sale 100 X**wnee>Hee fer Sele SOO Attention* NO MONEY USED CAR BUYERS All You Need Her* Is Your Good Credit BEN ALEXANDER Drives a Gas of Dragnet Fame Hog Up to 36 Months to Make These Small EZ Payments Cordially invites you to come in It's costing him plenty to own a long, fiord to pork' hord to » pay and INSPECT, COMPARE, and for gas-eating car. And he didn't impress one neighbor We Are either Only the service station owner was impressed! Cleaning House .1 CONVINCE yourself we are of­ fering the finest SELECTION of Pre Year End Sale Used Cars at COMPETITIVE PRICES in the South Bay. 1953 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON, e «yl, overdrive, heater, tpotKgM, w.w. An original blue color. In beautiful running condition. Ideal eer lor that e*r pool* All Cars Guaranteed THIS MAN- FULL PRICE $595 BANK FINANCING No Money Down Available 1953 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN. Standard transmission, radio, neater, original paint Owns a Hunt RAMBLER and interior both like new. Light green color. This is a sharp Ben Alexander FULL PRICE $595 Seacrest Ford 730 South Pacific Coast Hwy REDONDO BEACH Cornar *f Knob HIM I Pacific Coast Hwy. 1952 DODGE CORONET 4-DOOR SEDAN. Syromatic, radio, heater. Light gray, 'm FR 4-3433 FR 4-3433 beautiful running condition. This is a buy at FULL PRICE $395 BOB KEEPER Alfa Rom«o Plymouth Fiat I year Guaranteed Used Cars. Backed by a Million Dolla 1951 DODGE DIPLOMAT HARDTOP COUPE. Automatic transmission, radio, heater, Insurance Co. new seat covers, two tone gre*n paint. This is perfect tfansportotion for the second 755 DC Soto Sportsman H.T. $9.25 Wk. car. Automatic. R-H, WW, PS, PI on KPtP 119*9 FULL PRICE $395 '57 Ford Foirlane "500" $12.88 Wk. COUP*, Automatic, R«.H, WW on KP»* tlMt '57 Pontiac 4-Door H.T. $ 12.28 Wk. Suoor Hydr*m«tlc, HIM, P», Pi, WW. On KPPB »1tt» IS*SI FORD DELUXE 2-DOOR SEDAN. Standard transmission, r«'dio, w.w. tires, blue 755 Olds 88 Holiday $9.98 Wk. interior color, white & blue inside & out is tharp. " ' Hydr«m«»lc, ft t H, w. w., P. 8., P. B. On KPBP $14t? '55 Dodge Custom Royal $7.98 Wk. FULL PRICE $395 Convertible Automatic ft & H, P. S., On KPBP |M«t P.-8., w. w. '57 Plymouth Savoy, 2-Dr. $10.69 Wk- Automatic, ftliH, M., *., w/w On KPBP $1W 1954 FORD CUSTQMLINE 4-DOOR SEDAN. Standard transmiision, 100 MOftK TO CHOOSE PftOM radio, heater, w.w. tires, V-8. All vinyl White with blue trim mterior. Paint k whit* over blue. A NO PUftNITUftt LOAN Horn* of beautiful automobile inside & out. NO SALARY LOAN NO MONBV DOWN FULL PRICE $695 lan KFBP NO OIMMICKS NiW PLYMOUTHS-PIATS AS LOW AS I1J.SO WK. for '5? Plvmouths and U»«d can You Can Switch to RAMBLER BUY FftOM A NEW CAft DBALift 1957 FORD CUSTOM 300 4-DOOR SEDAN. V-8, Ferd-e-mttie, radio, heater, two OR 8-4956 KEEPER OS 9-2521 and Start SAVING Today! tone paint with the gold annidized stripe down the tide. Original throughout, w.w tires. Ml N. Hawthorna at 110tt» tt.. Hawtnonra Loaded with extras. Own TH M vary Ntta FULL PRICE $1695 CLASSIFIED ADS 9* rasvfts. Phooa FA. 1-234$ HUNT FOR THE BEST DEAL 1M7 BUICK Roadmastar "71". Pawar tt«*rlny and brakat; Automatic win­ dow* and Mati. Privet* Mrty. Low priced. PR 4-1)71. HUNT FOR FREE 36,000 MILE 1957 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR BEL AIR HARDTOP SEDAN. Powerglide, radio, keafcr, MERCURY 'M Mtclr COUM, radio, WARRANTY haatar, powar brakat. Cash or w.w tires, silver paint, black & silver interior. Retally a sharpie. farm*. Private owner. FA »-OS05 after 5 p.m. '» CMC, If ft, 4 N. x f ft. bad, A-l FULL PRICE $1995 condition. Dero Steal Corp. 1400 W, HUNT FOR FREE LIFE, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT POLICY 740th St. OA »-MM Evas. Pft J-»40J or Fft 5-4734 FOR SALE 1M4 Ford Ranch WatonT VI, radio, heater 4 overdrive. Prl- HUNT FOR FREE NEW CAR DELIVERY AND ANTENNA ve«e party. PR USED CAR 1956 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 2-DOOR SEDAN. « eyKnoV, overdrfv*, . 1M7 In Good Ihapa. heater, two tone blue paint, all vinyl mterior. This economy ear wiM pay for ifcelf in TB WtW IS A INSTALLATION tfve amount of gas you save. A beauty. WILLYS, WJ. Oood car t» awn. will ell or trede for what Kav* you? GOOD DA f-IMI . FULL PRICE $1095 INVESTMENT for tale 179 that will pay off in HUNT WILL HOT BE UNDERSOLD! ADMIRAL MCFMIOIMATOR, deluxe worry-free winter driving model. Ler»e family slta. Croat. in a car that has been top freeier bold* t4 pounds of 1956 PONTIAC CATALINA HARDTOP COUPE. Hydramatic, radio, heater, w.w. frozen food. Automatic defrost. checked and re-checked Many other extra*. Must *all. I only tires. Loaded with extra equipment. Ail black with « white full vinyl interior. Really owe bank HH.«1 or take over my . guaranteed mechanically bank payment* of W.W e month sharp car. Nothlna for mv eeolty. No cash perfect. Stop rn and pick needed. Delivered free. Sea at Mill one out S. Vermont, near Rosecrans, Oar- . you'ir be FULL dene. glad you did. PRICE $1395 DA 44994 AMIR (CAN FLYIR electric train. Two tracks, original coat SJ75; sell for *»S Used very little. Cell after '55Chev S1699 » * weekend*. FR »-4l«1. l-AIr station wawon ftAH. »a»«r- 1956 MERCURY MONTCLAIR CONVERTIBLE COUPE. New white nylon fop, black BIRD CAOI, cedar chest, shoes site tlM«, 1-tana Mint. AAA, Pink ballerina formal, six nd red paint, full red & white vinyl interior, tuck & roll, Merc-o-mafic, radio, heater, t4^ PR 14000 after 4 p.m. w.w. tires, tinted 9less, power steering, brakes, windows, 4-woy seat. Everything you 174 '57Chev. $2199 can put o«i e «ar. 4-Dr. Station Wa0on, Powar 91 Ma, ' WANT wood power tool*; have movie ra<Ji» 4 haatar, J-tooa MM. $«44 cemara, gun*, rel<Md aqylp., etc. naw and tarvkad by us. FULL PRICE $1595 After 4 p m DA 4-207] MitcellaneevB Wanted 171 '57 Ford $1999 Palrlana Vtctoria. ft»H, aft k*a«k FURNITURE & In color wtth whltt wall tlraa. APPLIANCES 1955 RAMBLER STATION WASON CUSTOM, a cylinder, overdrive. This one h hard to find. We have only one. Light green, two lone green leather end specked material '57Chev. $1699 inside. A beautiful running car. WANTED tlon, fti,H, w/w tlras, t-tona awtnf. UILT IN AMERICA FOR AMERICANS — iY AMERICAN FULL PRICE $1295 TOP DOLLAR '53 Dodge $499 SERVING THE HARBOR AREA V4 «N> eouM. ftliH, * «*. trana., OS 6-3766 Mlltf goto In «a4or. OPEN SUNDAY WANTED! '54 Wlllvs $1299 We ore Leaded With Trade - tm on the New Us«d Major H-ton »lctr-u» with «rlv«. Sto» la**ln« bacauaa 1959 Plymouth - They Are Dealing Like Mad Appliances yaw »»art»ma«il CALL VAN RAMBLER SEI US TODAY! * OS 6-0152* '53Chev. $799 *|"ruckB fer Sele ITS 57 FORD Rancher© V-8, SALES standard transmission. Very FRED GLEDHILL nice. Only $1795. CHEVROLET HERMAN MILLER SEACREST FORD, 730 So. HUNT 305 C. Aneheim, Wilmington Pacific Coast Hwy., Redon- "Wh«rt S«rv!et NE. 6-2465 TE. 4-3491 and Courttty An* do Beach. FR 4-3433, Cor- Plymouth" * TrbmpH ner Knob Hill & Pacific $« Ui Today, Coast Hwy. ^ 402 PHONE We'll Deal Your Way USED CAR DIPARTMBNT LOCK .MAOIC! ThM'a how N« down payment «er tfraas wfco WEST ANAHEIM TE I-I444 Torramo* C1«ji»1ff*"1 A4* work «vallfy WILMINGTON Of>|N SUNDAY* 1311 CoVHIo PAJffax 8-4014 Jt> Torranee.
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