INDEX PAGE Abbe t S Bathansy , Berwickshiree se : Alexandria, Coin of, foun Trapraiin do i5 Law20 , Shamiabaiik Hill. Alford, Aberdeenshire, Balfluig Monument Abercorn, Linlithgowshire, Hog-backed in churc , .....hat 5 14 . and Coped Stones at, .... 13. 5 3.. —14 —. Baron . y of. , Abercromby, Lord, elected a Vice-President, 1 —— Battle of, ...... f.n. 146 Aberdeen :— Steatitf o —p —Cu e foun , (purchasedat 4 2 . ) Birth-Brief give , ....nat 5 10 . Allan, James Watson, M.B., C.M., elected, 108 Groat of Robert III. minted at, (purchase) 230 Allanshaws, Melrose, Roxburghshire, Half-groat minted at, found in hoard at Whorl of Slate from, (donation) . 19 Perth, ......2 28 . Alyth, Perthshire, Iron Mountin Peaa f go t Trade Token of, (purchase) ... 24 Spade from, (donation) .... 273 Aberdeenshire e Abergeldise : e Castle; Amber, Objects of:— Alford; Auchlossan; Balbithan Beads, from Glen Trool, Stewartry of Castle; Balflnig Castle; Ballogie; Kirkcudbright, . 33, 36 Balnacraig; Bridgend : Cairnbrogie, Disc, Fragment, from do., ...3 3 . Tarves; Carlogi eClova; ; Culquhonny Setting for Ring, foun Traprain do n 6 Law19 , Castle; Culsalmon d; Dyc e; Endovie ; Amphora, Miniature Bronze, fount a d Hallforest Castle; Harthill Castle, Legerwood, Berwickshire, (donation7 1 ) Oyne ; Inverurie ; Little Linturk; Discovere Andersonth n o , yG. , . RevS . .R Mid-Beltie ; New Deer; Oyne ; Pit- of a Cist at Stairhaven, Wigtown- fichie Castle; Skeii e; Slain s; Tarve s; shire, ........ 53 Tillyeairn Castle. —— —— presents Token of Kinross-shire Abergeldie Castle, Aberdeenshire . 1362 , ,14 Benevolent Society, .... 12 Aberlour, Banffshire, Mortsafe at, . 224 Annan, Dumfriesshire, Collection of Bronze Acrasthland, Berwickshire, .... 77 Axe Spear-headd san s from, (donation1 1 ) Adams, William, Discover f Beadyo s from Anniversary Meeting, ..... 1 7 3 , 29 . Gle . n Troo . l . Hoar , dby Anvil-Stone, from Coldingham, Berwick- —— —1 —15 present . Museumo t . do s . , shire, (donation) ..... 23 Addinston, Lauder, Berwickshire, Fort Appin, Argyll Castle se : e Stalker. on, .... 232, 235, 237, 2396 ,24 Arbroath, Forfarshire, Bronze Sword found —— Earthenware Jar found near, (dona- near, (purchase) ....4 2 . tion) .......2 2 . Arbuckle, Alexander G. W., elected, . 150 Adze, Stone, from Spottiswoode, West- Arcadius (?), Coi , fronof m Traprai2 n 20 Law , , ruther, Berwickshire, (donation) . 16 Architecture, Scottish, Photograph, of s Agnew, Sir Andrew N., elected to Council, 2 (donation)......0 23 . Aittounes Aytone se : . Argyll: see Castle Stalker, Appin; St Akieside, Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Columba's Cave, Ellarie, Loch Caolis- SitFor f , o e at t.... 1 25 . port; Tiree. Albany, Duke of, . 68 Armlets:— Alexander III., Coin of, found in hoard at Bronze, penannular, found on Traprain Perth, ...... 1 280,28 Law, ........ 167 290 INDEX. 291 Armlets (contd.) :— Arrow-heads, Flint (contd.):— Glass, Segmen Beagn , founDu of t t , a d Six, from Pala Knowe, Coldingham, Skye, ...... 125, 127, 128 Berwickshire, (donation) ..5 1 . —— from Traprain Law, 172, 179, 190, 198, 205 foun Traprain do n Law, ...7 16 . Jet or Lignite, from do. 173, 180, 191, 198 Cinerarn i ,, y Urn4 Scotland4 n si . , Arms : see Dirk ; Gun. Arthur's Seat: see Edinburgh. Arnott, James, owner of Past Castle, . 58 Aslouu Castle, Aberdeenshire . 1446 . 14 , , Arrow-heads, Flint:— Auchincraw, Berwickshire, 76,77 Barbe— d: Auchincraw, Patrick, ..... 76 foun t a Bassendeand , "Westruther, —— William, ....... 76 Berwickshire, (donation) ..4 1 . Auchlossan, Aberdeenshire, Iron Mortsafes two, probably from Berwickshire, at, .......5 22 . (donation) ...... 15 Auldhamstocks: see Oldhamstocks. from Boon Hill, Lauder, (donation4 1 . ) Aumbr n Tillycairi y n Castle, Aberdeen- ,, Cambridge, Lauder, (donation4 1 . ) shire, .......0 14 . ,, Cammerlaws'Moss, Westruther, Axe-hammers: - (donation) . 14 Stone:— ,, Coldingham Moor, Berwick- from Barochan, Kilallan, Renfrew- shire, (donation) ...4 1 . shire, (donation) . 14 ,, Crookburn, Lauder, (donation) . 15 found in a field near Lauder called ,, Crookburn Well, Lauder, (dona- Hous f Muirfleldo e , (dona- tion) ...... 14 tion) .....6 1 . ,, Hallyburton, Greenlaw, Ber- a kitche n i ,,n middet a n wickshire, (donation) . 14 Smoogro, Orkney, (dona- ,, Hartlaw House, AVestruther tion) .....6 1 . Mains, (donation) ... 14 (massive) found near Kirkmuir Castle, ,, Hindsidehill, Westruther, (dona- (donation) ...6 1 . tion) .....4 1 . ,, found near Lauder, (dona- 0 calcined, found in urn at Kingskettle, tion) ....6 1 . Fife, ......0 4 . ,, found at Longmuir, Stow, (donation of do.), ..... 55 Midlothian, (donation6 1 . ) found near Shuttle Ha', Houndslow, Axe— s: Westruther, (donation) ..4 1 . Bronze, flange— d: from Spottiswoode, Westruther, from Annan, Dumfriesshire, (dona- (donation) ..... 14 tion) ......1 1 . ,, Traprain Ljiw (1 barb), . 173 probably foun n i Berwickshired , ,, Westside, near Peebles, (dona- (donation) . 16/. 5 1 . tion ). .. foun t a Gled n Trool, Stewartrf o y ,, Whiteburn, Westruther, (dona- Kirkcudbright, ....1 3 . tion) ...... 14 from Ireland, (donation) ..0 2 . Hollow-based, from Traprai0 18 n . Law . , Bronze, flat:— Leaf-shaped :—- found at Greenlees, Westruther, Ber- probably from Berwickshire, (donation5 1 ) wickshire, (donation) ... 16 from Corsbie Moss, Legerwood, from Ireland, (donation) ... 20 Berwickshire, (donation4 1 . ) Bronze, socketed :— ,, Crookburn, Lauder, (donation5 1 . ) from Annan, Dumfriesshire, (dona- ,, Hallyburton, Greenlaw, (dona- tion) ...... 11 tion) .....4 1 . ,, Bonar-Bridge, Sutherland, (dona- ,, Harelaw Moor, Westruther, tion) ...... 275 (donation) ....4 1 . foun t Corsbia d e Tower, Legerwood, „ Traprain Law, . 180, 192 Berwickshire, (donation)..7 1 . ,, Uiginish, Skye, (donation). 11 cutting edg foun, eof t Greenknoweda , Lop-sided, probably from Berwickshire, Gordon, Berwickshire, (donation7 1 ). (donation) ....... 15 from Ireland, (donation . 0 ..) 2 . 292 INDEX PACtE Axes (contd.):— Ball, Stone, foun t Spottiswoodea d , West- Bronze, socketed:— ruther, Berwickshire, (donation) . 23 from Stobshiel, Humble, East Lothian, Ballaconley, Jurby, Isl f Maneo , Cross-slab (donation) . 17 at, ........ 258 segments of, from Traprain Law 167, 190 Ballacurry, Jurby, Isle oJ Man, Cross-slab Copper, flat, found atMuircleuch, Lauder, from, .......6 25 . (donation)......6 1 . Ballogie, Aberdeenshire, Lands of, 100, 102, 106 Iron:— See also Innes. foun Berwickshiren i d , (donation2 2 . ) Ballyclare . AntrimCo , , Bronze Knife 4 from3 , socketed, from Traprai0 20 . n . Law . , Balmerino, Lord, ...... 79 Stone:— Balnacraig, Aberdeenshire, Relics of the probably from Berwickshire, (dona- Family of Innes of, . ' . 100 tion) .......6 1 . —— Hous , ......eof 0 10 . foun t Byrecleucha d , Longformacus, —— Lands of, ..... 100, 102, 106 Berwickshire, (donation)..6 1 . Balone Castle, Ross-shire, .... 144 from Cammerlaws, Westruther, Balvarran, Kirkmichael, Perthshire, Cupped (donation) . 15/. Stone at, ....... found at Crawley, Greenlaw, (donation6 1 ) Banerjea Rasbiharir D , , elected. , from Fallside Hill, Hume, (donation6 1 ) Banffshir Aberloure se e: ; Chapelton, near ,, Gordon, Berwickshire, (dona- Drumin; Dalrachi eEas; t Lyne, Kirk- tion) .....5 1 . michael ; Foulford, Cullen; Glen- found at Gowanhead, Farnell, Forfar- flddic h; Kirkmichael ; Marnoch. shire, (donation) . 151 Barochan, Kilallan, Renfrewshire, Stone „ neae Haerfauldsth r , Lauder, Axe-Hamme Bronzd ran e Patera from, (donation) ...6 1 . (donation), . 14 from Hindsidehill, Westruther, (dona- Barrock, Wick, Caithness, Clothing found tion) ...... 16 on a Skeleton discovered at Quintfall ,, Lough Gur, near Limerick, Ire- Hill, ....... 213 land, (donation) ... 20 Barren, Louisa Farquharson Inne , 101sor , 1036 ?10 „ Lumsdaine, Berwickshire, —— Staff-Surgeon Luke Netterville, 101, 103, 106 6 1 (donation) Bars, Bronze, foun t a Gled n Trool, ,, New Graden, Roxburghshire Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, . 31 /. (donation) ..... 16 —— Iron, foun Traprain do n Law . 1920 , 20 , foun Traprain do . n0 167 Law . 18 , , Barton, William, Mandatory of the Pope, . 65 Ayrshire: see Kilmarnock. Basin, Brass, found on Woodheads Hill, Ayton, Berwickshire:— Lauder, (donation. • . ) 10 (Aittounes), ....... 77 Bassendean, Westruther, Berwickshire, See also Cairn-chester; Castle Dikes; Arrow-head, barbed? found at, (dona- - Chester Bank ; Chesterdal e; Cheste r tion) ........ Hill; Fairnieside; Hindchester ; —— Flint Knife foun , (donationdat . ) Littledean; Nether Ayton. Bathgate, Linlithgowshire, Outinr o g Aytoun Aytone se : . Curling-Stone from and Beaker Urn found.near, (donation) .... 12 7 26 Baikie, James Burnesf o , . , Bawbees of Charles II. and William and Bailies, The Orkney, and their Wattel . 265 Mary, found with Clothing ori Balance, Iron, for weighing Bawbees, Skeleto Barrockt na , Wick, Caithness, 213 (donation). ...... 23 Beacons between Berwick and Linlithgow, f.n. 71 —— or Malt Pundlar, wooden, from Beads:— Orkney, (donation)..... 24 Amber, from Glen Trool, Stewartry of Balbithan Castle, Aberdeenshire,5 14 . Kirkcudbright, .... 33, 36 Balfluig Castle, Aberdeenshire, . 136, 142 Coprolite, from Traprain Law, . 200 —— Monument at Alford, ..... 145 G-las r Vitreouo s s Paste, probably from Balfour, Charle , presentB. s a Bronzs e Berwickshire, (donation) ... 20 Dagger-blade from Newton Don, . 150 —— from Downhill, Ireland, (donation) . 20 INDEX. 293 Beads (contcl.):— Berwickshire (contd.):— Glass or Vitreous Paste, found in the Chesterbank, Burnmouth; Chester- Beagn BrocDu
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