.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .• .• I I • ......•••• 0 . .. ... ~... L ...L·-·-·.·.·.·.·.•. o ·~·-·-·-·.·.· .. / New Beginnings•••••• start with old traditions. 1 REBEL PRIDE IS STILL ALIVE! 2 READY•SH DESTINATIOl\T Ready to EDUCATION 3 Walker Nail Kimberlynn Hebert Kelvin Shelton Logan Badon Alexander Boudreaux 4 Of 2004-- 2005 Amy Theriot Brady Dearbonne Natalie Martinez Gabe Hebert Stc..diOtAS Wolbet-Noll K;,.,..berlynn H e bet-"t Most-School S,.Cn"t K e lvin. SJ..efton K;,.,..berl~ Hebet-"t "De,.endoble lllex- Bot.odreOCA.K K;,.,..berlynn Hebet-"t M.ost"fiierodlq Logon. Boden No"tolie Cos"ton.eclo FlAnnies"t Finger lickin' good! Go be H e bet-"t on.cl Bt-ody D e Ot"bon.ne 5 l~a First Grade Class Blake Hebert Haleigh .links .lalen Cramer Shae Cramer Kahli .lo Hunter Noah Trahan Katie McNeil Peloauin Trahan Gabrvelle .lerehmv cameron Tregle Strickland Viator What was that answer? 6 of 2004•2005 Studious Do you get Blake Hebert & Shae Cramer the feeling Most School Spirit Noah Trahan & Haleigh Jinks that coke Dependable break is our Hunter Trahan & Kahli Jo Peloquin favorite Most Friendly part of the Cameron Viator & Gabrielle Tregle Funniest day! Jalen Cramer & Katie McNeil 7 Second Grade Class Neal Miguez Cade Badon Derek Storm Payton Dodge Tristan Trahan I know I know it... You know what I mean? It's party time! It's time to make tracks ... 8 of 2004-2005 Daria Jinks Keylee Young Catarina Hebert Hunter McGee Kevin Harrington Elizabeth Kile Sgt. Corey Badon pays a visit. Studious Derek Storm & Keylee Young Most School Spirit Cade Badon & Daria Jmks Dependable Kaine Badon & Beth Kile Friendliest Tristan Trahan & Catarina Hebert Funniest Cade Badon & Catarina Hebert Ready for some 3-on-3? 9 Ellzlllalh wins lrtlloU 10 cheer on their favorite volleyball team the final week of school. SAY CHEEEESE Being good is so boring. ll Tlllrcl Gracie Clau Rlcllarcl Klffe lan Gltffltll Brwce Badon 1'VIer Sonnier Bltana RoMero Ball-. Badon Kinten Webb Alexis Call Breanna Strickland Look at those cuties! 12 Of 2004•2005 I must warn you, I know karate. Let's hurry up and take this picture so we can unwrap our presents. Oh the games people play! Studious Richard Kiffe & Kirsten Webb Dependable Bryce Badon & Briana Romero Most School Spirit Tyler Sonnier & Kirsten Webb Fun pi est Richard Kiffe & Kirsten Webb Most FrienJ)JJr Ian Griffith & Kirsten Webb 13 Fourth Grade Class Allison Romero Joseph Constance Zachary Hebert A ustin Badon Sarah Conner Byron Romero Kristopher Trahan Blake Badon Marcus Fontenot Cade Cramer Kaitlin Billiot Dustin Romero Morgan Leger Wyatt Garrard Dylan Morrison Chase Schwarznau Spencer Conner Bailey Bourriague Jesse Oswalt Skylar Jinks Colton Jinks BryanLaria William Cramer 14 Of 2004-2005 Studious: Blake Badon & Allison Romero Most Friendly: Kristopher Trahan & Skylar Jinks Dependable: Cade Cramer, Kaitlin Billiot, & Morgan Leger Funniest: Spencer Conner, Sarah Conner, & Allison Romero Most School Spirit: Dylan Morrison & Morgan Leger 15 fifth 6redrz Cle$$ t1armony Trahan K.areidy &don 'Vietoria erb~lding Jami bzbo~uf &thany 0$Walt 16 2004-2005 ~tudioU$: t1ermony Trehen Mo$t ~hool ~pirit: &theny 0$Welt CV{Z~ndebl{Z: Britn{Zy l3Qurriequ{Z Mo~t fri{Zndly: }{e$Cidy :Badon funni{Z~t: jemi b{Zl3Q{Zuf 17 18 19 Sixth Grade Class Laiken Leckband Adam Romero Arnold Romero Katerina Conner Gaylin Trahan Kasey Leboeuf Dakota Baccigalopi Chelsey Leger Tanner Depwe Cu' in troD.' af me, will you! 20 Of 2004-2005 What was I thinld.n'? Studious: Adam Romero & Laiken Leckband Most School Spirit: Dakota Baccigalopi & Gaylin Trahan Dependable: Dakota Baccigalopi, Adam Romero, Laiken Leckband Friendliest Dakota Baccigalopi, Arnold Romero, Chelsey Leger, IJc Kasey Leboeuf Funniest: Dakota Baccigalopi, Gaylin Trahan, Katie Conner We're ready to pin the tail on the snowman? 21 Seventh Grade Class Christiann Rarick Jacob Constance Devin Badon Colton Stanley Scotty Stanley Miranda Trahan Brandon Jinks Michael Trahan STUDIOUS Michael & Whitney SCHOOL SPIRIT Christiann & Colton DEPENDABLE Brandon & Whitney FRIENDLY Brandon & Whitney Funny Tyler & Miranda 22 Of 2004-2005 William Fincher Whitney Roberts Joshua Smith Caleb Dodge Chad Peloquin Owen Trahan Tyler Venable Damian Jinks School is Funtastic! 23 eighth 6rad{l Qa~ bzXi!Z ~imon Brittany ~mith W!Z~l!Zy ~imon Petrick P!Z~hoff Jonathan Trahan Jo~h Trahan T!Znikke ~tenl!Zy Tebethe tlerrington K.ri~tine tletfi!Zld Ne then Griffith <Vustin &don 24 Of 2004-2005 Taylor Rom!Zro ed!Zn :Bro~rd KJ'i$tan Gonn!Zr bauran Gonn!Zr Ch!Zl~a 6r!Z!Zr Colby ~g!Zr '(1lli!Z f!ZVr!Zj!Z80 Rob!Zrt ~triekland T!Zrr!Zne~ ~e!Z Chri$tian Viator Matth!ZW Gonn!Zr Studious: Taylor Romero & Christian Viator :Most School Spirit: Dustin Badon, Eden Broussard, & Tabatha Harrington Dependable: Jonathan Trahan & Christian Viator :Most Friendly: Wesley Simon & Christian Viator Funniest: Colby Leger & Kristan Conner 25 26 27 I reshf'nen Closs C~Ro.nero Leslie Fin.cJ..e.. ""Poige Jinks ~ Fon"teno"t 81hon E.rbelcling M.orisso Jinks Ch~ Be»en1in.e Des~U'\!1 Sonne_. N001ni Conner ' At your service. 28 Kc:.w.dooe 4oung Kc,..,berly T rohon a.oron Jinks "Ro nd!:f S croggin s TiffOift!J Coc..dc-a "Brondon a.Jie.,..,on "Revo JOtAbert Jordon Jessen Christmas Cuties Studious: Aaron Jinks, Randy Scroggins, & Tiffany Claudill Most School Spirit: Aaron Jinks & Kimberly Trahan Dependable: Aaron Jinks & Kimberly Trahan Friendliest Randy Scroggins & Kimberly Trahan Funniest: Ethan Erbelding & Reva Joubert 29 Sophomore C ass Michael Fewell Patrick McKenney Justine Trahan Blaine Trahan Travis Romero Shalyn Broussard Ashton Boudreaux Holly Simon Wade Conner ' What in the world do we have here? The boys are back in town. 30 Of 2004-2005 Cody Meaux Keith Badon D.J. Conner Shai Greer Andrew Bant Kia Meaux Bailey Oswalt Joel Morris Lacey Landry Lacey Lu and Travis, too. Studious: Ashton Boudreaux & Holly Simon Most School Spirit: Ashton Boudreaux Bailey Oswalt Dependable: Michael Fewell, Travis Romero, Holly Simon Do you really want to know Most Friendly: what I think about testing? Travis Romero & Bailey Oswalt Funniest: Wade Conner & Shai Greer 31 JuniorQa~ .--.------. CRY~T'(it:{ S'l100Ii <t>Rew S'(100Ii K'l1Yb'l1 B'l1ReN11Iie Cb'(1Rie C'!1RbcroN K'l1TR1Ii'l1 beJetllie Mebl~ MCCRORY }{'(1TR1Ii'(1 MCGee b'(1CC1 MCiileb }{'({11blli Pe'(1\?l)~TORM ~R1Ii'(1 ~'t>lf'eR Ii'(1T'(1~t1'(1 ~MITt1 ~R'(1t111Ii6beR b'(1GR'(11R'(1t1'(it:{ Wlilil) 1R'(1t1'(1Ii '(1CV'(1M 1R'(1t1'(it:{ K'!111e l}(XlliG _., ____ , ___ .._, 32 ---·.. - Studious: Adam Trahan & Katie Young Most School Spirit: Adam Trahan & Sabrina Sandifer Friendliest Drew Badon & Dani Storm Funniest: Katrina McGee & Drew Badon Dependable: Adam Trahan, Sabrina Sandifer, Dani Storm, & Laura Trahan 33 I 'I \ ,(1 ' . 1-i I o J I ' ... " 34 35 M 'f{ R c Ii a ~ 13 R J I 0 I{ N ~ ~ ~ e N c 0 I 0 37 38 39 40 feeulty end ~teff Pnneipel -G~tm ~goo!& '(ldmin. ~ant -~r~tnda ~nd~tr~ Coun$!tlor- GhNiim P~tloqum Kind~trgart~tn -Marilyn Trahan 1!1-GhmGarber 2nd -furim &ard~tn 3rd -&nj <t>uhon 4th -Raeha~tl Collin~ 5th -CV!tn~ Trahan 6th -Jaim~t Wllliamron 7th/8th -Courtnkl King Math -~radl!tg ~rown ooel61 ~tudi(t~ -~n ~It etlgbM -~taei ~rown t1om~t ~- -~ftM ~udr~taux 'i'lS. -~rant ~mith ~-Juanita ~ndif~tr ~peniM I -'!'llonro Cr~td~t~ ~paniM 2 -Raul ko()ftz ~l~tne~t -~borah t1oHpeu~tr kibrarian-Tanya Trahan ~t ll Cl!Hlll ~()fte~al ect. -~r~tnda Mouton Coaeh- Jo~tg Williamron 0ececccc Coaeh- ®arrgl ~It Gift~td- Marg~~t Th~tnot ~()ft~teh -'!'lngi~t 6tton ~rr;rrrr '(irt-Jolftm '(ltkin$ ~r~ttarg:]un &Uiot '(iid~t- Patty &r~tntim 0eerrrcc Child ~()fteif~e 'l'lid~t- J~t&liea &don kllb T~tehnielan:- ~hannon Jink$ Caf~tt~tria Mgr.- Margar~tl ~ltzman Cook -23randg Jink$ Cook- ~n Rom~tro Cook -kori ~imon ~ <t>nv~tr- judy t1arrington ~$tmV~tr- Conni~t Trahan Cu!todian -kllrrg Jink$ ~\Yftft()ftr- juanita Trahan ~Wftft()ftr -'!'lnm Trahan 42 2nd In Command Commander and Chief i .j 43 f AVORI'TE TEACHER FAVORI'TE JUBJEC'T------------------- 'AVORI'TE BOOK ------------------- FAVORI'TE JCHOOL--------------------- -E~ORV JPECIAL AVARD I RECEIVED -------------------- HARDEJ'T ()(A~ -------------------- FAVORI'TE J AVING------------------------------- FAVORI'TE HOLIDAV---------------------------- FAVORI'TE THING 'TO--------------------------- VEAR FAVORI'TE COLOR ---------------------- fAVORI'TE .OVIE ----------------------------- fAVORI'TE fRIENDJ ----------------------------- 'AVORI'TE PLACE 'TO Go ------------- •v JIGNA'TURE 44 Hl&h SChool Team Prolec\a lit· X:la Meaux/ Shalyn Brouaaard· Small Pox ln4· Caaey Romero/ Jor4an J......,.. G- 3r4· Deetiny Sonnl.erl Ximberly Trahan· Back Brealdng Newl Hllll· Paige Jinkl/ Naomi COnnu- OuiJa Biocham!.Ary 1St· Bthan Brbo14ing- Got liiiUI< ln4· Batley O.Walt· Spotle4 Rotten Barth 4< Space ln4· Ban4y Scroggina· Armage44on 3r4· Aaron Jinka- Barthquai<M Bnvironmental Science Hll· C04y J'ontenot· Water Pollution lle41cine 4< Health lat· Holly Simon- It 1 a Boy/ It 1 a Girl Hllll· Lexie Simon· Tongue Twieting Newl Phyaica lat· Xel.th Ba4on· Hovercraft ln4· JUatine Trahan· Lightning ZOology ln4· llllarieaa Jinkl· Blackw14ow 3r4· Travie Romero· Take lim Hllll· TUrany Ca4u4111· Guinea Plga Team Pro]ec\1 lDI· Jacob COnatance/ W1111em J'incher- Beef llllaater~ Behavior 4< Sociel SciencM ln4· Whitney Roberta· ADD 4< ADKl> llarth 4< Space lat· Cholley Leger- The Water Cycle ln4· Gaylin Trahan· Taunam1 llngineerinll lat· llllichaol Trahan· How a 11.- Motor Worka lllle41cine 4< Health ln4· lllliran4a Trahan· llllal<in& Way for Baby Phylic& ln4· Ali J'~ean · Doea COlor A1rect Molting l!.ate? ZOolOI!Y lat· Chriety l!.ar1ck· J'reahwater Swimmera an4· Kasey LeBoeuf· Great WbJ.te Shark 311.4· Dakota Baccigalop1· C.tahoula Hll· COlton Stanley· SnakM 3-8th Gra4e ZOology 3r4· Jamie LeBoeuf· A Spanieh Lynx 45 Little M,._ and Miss Johnson RoyotA Representing our community at the annual Fur and Wildlife Festival were Bailey Badon & Kevin Harrington Meet The Rebels WAY TO With new coaches and new sports, this year's Meet The Rebels Night was especially exciting.
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