COMBAT SUPPORT AND COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORT Under the Program Executive Office for Combat Support & Combat Service Support (PEO CS&CSS), project managers, together with their reporting product managers and product directors, are responsible for Army systems and some joint service programs across all phases of their life cycle. Program phases fall into the areas of: pre-systems acquisition (concept refine- ment or technology development), gener- ally consisting of R&D programs and prior to a Milestone B; systems acquisition (be- Joint EOD rapid response vehicle (JERRV) tween Milestone B and full materiel re- lease); systems after full materiel release hicles (PM JLTV) is responsible for the at-platform automatic test systems (AP- (in production and fielding phases); and Army’s participation in the Joint Light ATS) and off-platform automatic test sets two types of sustainment (operations & Tactical Vehicle (JLTV). The Army is the (OPATS), and test equipment moderniza- support): systems that have completed lead service in the joint Army/Marine tion (TEMOD). fielding, are no longer in production and Corps program, which consists of a family The Product Director Horizontal Tech- are managed directly by the PM and sys- of vehicles (FoV) with companion trailers nology Insertion (PD HTI) is responsible tems that have completed fielding, are no capable of performing multiple mission for the Army’s Expedited Modernization longer in production and are managed by roles that will be designed to provide pro- Initiative Procedure (EMIP). As a “pro- an AMC commodity command, but for tected, sustained, networked mobility for cess” rather than a “product,” EMIP repre- which the PM is the life-cycle manager. personnel and payloads across the full sents a multiphased and continuous mar- PEO CS&CSS Project Managers include range of military operations (traditional to ket research process. EMIP is primarily Project Manager Joint Combat Support irregular). intended to suggest improvements to the Systems, Project Manager Force Projection JLTV has been approved at Milestone A current and future fleet of CS&CSS vehi- and Project Manager Tactical Vehicles. A and is currently in the technology devel- cles and other systems. The process seeks representative sampling of their programs opment phase. Industry proposals were to identify industry’s investments in follows. submitted in mid-April 2008 for evalua- proven, advanced, commercial technolo- The office of Project Manager Joint Com- tion by the Source Selection Evaluation gies at the component and subsystem lev- bat Support Systems (PM JCSS), for exam- Board. els, at a technology readiness level 7 or ple, includes both the Product Manager Product Manager Sets, Kits, Outfits and better, with the goal of EMIP to educate Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (PM JLTV) and Tools responsibilities include diving equip- government representatives about these Product Manager Sets, Kits, Outfits and ment, sets, kits and outfits (stand-alone, technologies. Information developed as Tools (PM SKOT), as well as Product Di- shelter-mounted and mobile), and shop part of this market research will be shared rector Test, Measurement and Diagnostic sets/support equipment. within the PEO CS&CSS, other program Equipment (PD TMDE) and Product Di- Product Director Test, Measurement and executive offices and other services. rector Horizontal Technology Insertion Diagnostic Equipment (PD TMDE) is re- The Project Manager Force Projection (PD HTI). sponsible for calibration sets (CALSETS), (PM FP) encompasses Product Manager Product Manager Joint Light Tactical Ve- integrated family of test equipment (IFTE) Assured Mobility Systems (PM AMS), Product Director Army Watercraft Systems (PD AWS), Product Manager Bridging, Product Manager Combat Engineer/Mate- rial Handling Equipment (PM CE/MHE), Product Manager Force Sustainment Sys- tems (PM FSS), and Product Manager Pe- troleum and Water Systems (PM PAWS). The Product Manager Assured Mobil- ity Systems (PM AMS) is responsible for mine protected route clearance vehicles like the Buffalo mine protected clearance vehicle, joint EOD rapid response vehicle (JERRV), medium mine protected vehicle (RG-31), vehicle mounted mine detector (VMMD) and medium mine protected ve- hicle (MMPV) program of record. The Buffalo Mine Protected Clearance Vehicle, for example, is a six-wheeled ve- hicle specifically designed to withstand encounters with mines/IEDs while pro- The Buffalo mine protected clearance vehicle (MPCV) October 2009 I ARMY 361 tecting up to six soldiers inside. The Buf- stallations on a limited basis. The crane provides the lift and reach falo is used by engineer units during area The Landing Craft Utility (LCU) 2000 needed to discharge the heaviest of the and route clearance operations. It is blast- provides worldwide transport of combat projected Army cargo—the M1A2 main protected up to 30 pounds TNT for each vehicles and sustainment cargo. It also battle tank—from the centerline of the large, wheel and 15 pounds TNT along the cen- supports intratheater and tactical resupply. medium speed roll-on, roll-off (LMSR) terline. Armor provides ballistic protection The Landing Craft Mechanized (LCM8) ships. against 7.62 mm ball. It has an arm that en- is used in lighter and utility work. The The Logistics Support Vessel (LSV) ables the operator to safely investigate sus- Mod 2 program enhances vessel capabili- provides worldwide transportation of picious locations. ties including command and control, per- combat vehicles and sustainment cargo. Another representative example is the sonnel transfer and light salvage. The 313-foot LSV class vessel, designed to Medium Mine Protected Vehicle (RG-31 The Theater Support Vessel (TSV)-In- carry more than 2,000 tons of deck cargo, MK3). The RG-31 MK3 APC is a four- terim is a critical step toward the definition has a beam of 60 feet and a molded depth wheel drive, armored personnel carrier in- and acquisition of the future TSV. There was of 19 feet. It provides intratheater move- tended for on- and off-road use. The vehi- a fiscal year 2001 contract award for an ment to remote underdeveloped coastlines cle is designed and constructed to protect Army/Navy joint lease of HSV-X1 (Joint and inland waterways. The LSV is the pri- occupants from small-arms fire and anti- Venture) high-speed vessel. Together with mary logistics over-the-shore (LOTS)/ tank mine detonations. Access to the vehi- TSV-1X (Spearhead), the platforms are part of JLOTS vessel. It also assists in unit deploy- cle is via a rear door. The vehicle is pow- a TSV interim program/investigations/ex- ment and relocation. ered by a turbocharged six-cylinder, in- perimentation and Office of the Secretary of The 900 Class Small Tug mission is line, water-cooled diesel engine. The en- Defense-approved advanced concepts tech- moving logistical supplies and equipment gine is directly coupled to an automatic nology demonstration. in harbor and inland waterways. The gearbox, which is coupled directly to a The Modular Causeway System pro- small tug also provides the capability to transfer gearbox, with propeller shafts to vides a means to move cargo from ship to assist larger tugs in docking and undock- the front and rear driving axles. The vehi- shore across unimproved beaches in areas ing all types of ships and watercraft and cle is equipped with conventional suspen- of the world where fixed port facilities are can be used in routine harbor utility work. sion but has sufficient ground clearance to unavailable, denied or otherwise unac- negotiate rough roads and obstacles. ceptable. Future Army Watercraft Systems The sections are made up of modular, Army future watercraft programs in- Product Director Army Watercraft ISO compatible modules. The four systems clude Theater Support Vessel (TSV)-Objec- Systems (PD AWS) are configured from basic modules in vari- tive, rapidly installed breakwater system, With an understated motto of “Sail ous configurations: roll-on/roll-off dis- Harbormaster command-and-control cen- Army,” the U.S. Army Program Manager charge facility; causeway ferry; floating ter and vessel bridge simulator. for Army Watercraft Systems (PM AWS) is causeway (FC); and warping tug. The Theater Support Vessel (TSV)- working to provide “a flexible and respon- The Command, Control, Communica- Objective will provide high-speed intra- sive fleet, projecting and sustaining Amer- tions, Computers and Intelligence (C4I) theater transport of troops and cargo and ica’s forces through the 21st century.” Re- Installation Package provides state-of-the- represents the next-generation Army water- sponsibilities include the engineering, pro- art communication (secure/nonsecure) craft to support the Army’s doctrinal intra- duction, fielding, initial logistics support equipment, navigational equipment and theater lift mission. and modernization/modification of the safety of life at sea electronics. Using commercial off-the-shelf technol- U.S. Army fleet of watercraft and associ- The Barge Derrick (BD) Crane 115 Ton ogy, it will deploy to the theater of opera- ated support equipment, which enable the is used primarily in discharging heavy tions at speeds greater than 40 knots warfighter to rapidly project the nation’s loads beyond the capacity of the ship’s through sea state 5+ (winds of 21 knots or armed forces. gear and assisting in salvage operations. greater), while being capable of transport- The Containerized Maintenance Facil- ity (CMF) is a transportable maintenance complex that is made up of a combination of five tactical rigid-wall expandable Inter- national Standards Organization (ISO) shelters and two ISO containers. The sys- tem is designed to be stand-alone and is equipped to provide intermediate support for deployment and sustainment of the full spectrum of Army watercraft in either a fixed port or joint logistics over-the- shore environment. The Large Tug (LT) 128' is used for transocean/coastal towing operations and for assisting with the docking/undocking of large ships. The LT 128' is outfitted to provide salvage, rescue and firefighting assistance to other vessels and shore in- Logistics support vessel (LSV) 362 ARMY I October 2009 Bridge Adapter Pallet (BAP) and Maybey Johnson Bridge.
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