TECHNICAL2007 AND SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES © 2008, Ministerio de Fomento. CEDEX. DISEÑO GRÁFICO Y PRODUCCIÓN: Calamar Edición & Diseño FOTOGRAFÍA DE CUBIERTA: © Johnny García NIPO: 163-08-008-4 ISSN: 1697-3555 DEPÓSITO LEGAL: M-31.518-2004 IMPRESIÓN: Graficas Monterreina, S.A. IMPRESO EN ESPAÑA - PRINTED IN SPAIN CONTENTS Presentation . 4 El Organismo . 6 Gabinete Técnico . 8 Subdirección General de Programación Técnica y Científica . 10 Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos . 16 Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas . 26 Centro de Estudios del Transporte . 34 Centro de Estudios de Técnicas Aplicadas . 44 Laboratorio Central de Estructuras y Materiales . 54 Laboratorio de Geotecnia . 62 Centro de Estudios Históricos de Obras Públicas y Urbanismo . 70 Annex: courses, congress, publications, technical reports and committees . 78 PRESENTATION he Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de new List of Civil Servant Posts at CEDEX was approved Obras Públicas (CEDEX) aims to further consol- with the creation of 34 new jobs and the reclassifi- Tidate itself as the benchmark public centre cation of 141 posts that already existed. The Centro where public works and environmental R&D&I is con- continued to accept young graduates either through cerned, in applying it through specialist technical as- research contracts or competitive examination which sistance and transferring it to society in general. This means that university graduates now account for 45% is the ambition that is established in its Statute and of the total number of persons employed. The intro- to achieve this, in an area that is as dynamic as pub- duction of new tools to aid management has enabled lic works and the environment, it is essential to peri- CEDEX to manage an income of 55.7 million Euros plus odically reflect, together with the different Entities an expenditure of 51.8 million Euros, and the R&D&I for whom we work, and develop new initiatives that management unit, established in 2006, was strength- enable us to make the best of the creativity and the ened and consolidated, not only with the manage- efforts of those of us who work at CEDEX. ment of the 2007 announcement of research subsi- dies, with economic assistance of more than 6 million With this aim in mind, during the course of 2007 CEDEX euros being granted, but also through the implemen- updated its Strategic Plan, going one step further in its tation of a new procedure for monitoring the proj- concretion by defining a series of “strategic initiatives” ects from a technical perspective, in order to make which will help to enhance the Body’s activities and it easier for the different joint research ventures to give them a boost in three directions: applied research, achieve the goals set for each project. opening up to society and an effective and efficient managing of the internal resources. The intention is Once again, most of the CEDEX’s activities revolved that these initiatives will enable CEDEX, for example, around providing the Ministry of Transport (Minis- to develop and put to better use the abilities of those terio de Fomento) and Ministry of Environment (Min- professionals whose careers evolve at the Centro: in- isterio de Medio Ambiente) with specialist technical crease the emphasis placed on applied research at support. During 2007, CEDEX played a major role in CEDEX, creating an administrative framework that the activities that both Ministries were involved in. lends greater support to the initiatives of the different Some of the most outstanding tasks performed for technical teams and concentrate the resources avail- the Ministerio de Fomento were: endorsing the Euro- able for new technical and scientific activities into a pean Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) sig- limited number of “future lines”, which will permit nalling for the new high-speed rail links and the trains CEDEX to suitably position itself in those areas where that operate on those lines, developing the first sys- support is expected to be required in the coming years. tem of indicators for the transport sector and its en- vironmental impact, studying the deformability of During the course of 2007 major milestones were sur- quarrystone foundations used for maritime structures, passed in the trail blazed by the Strategic Plan. The and the protocol for an inspection system for the trav- 4 PRESENTATION elling formwork that is used to construct bridges on These and many other specialist technical assistance the State Highway Network. CEDEX also collaborated and research activities are a consequence of profes- closely with the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente on sional specialisation and the efforts made by those some of its environmental policies, such as the New who work for the Centro. During 2007, CEDEX cele- Hydrological Planning Regulations, the new legal sys- brated its 50th Anniversary, and the acts that took tem affecting the reuse of treated water, assessment place to commemorate these first 50 years of tech- of the potential effects of climate change on water nical and scientific activities mainly revolved around demand, the Technical Instructions for calculating giving recognition and praise to all those whose work ecological flows in natural riverbeds, the Coast Sus- and commitment have enabled the CEDEX to carry on tainability Strategy and the preparation of certain being a benchmark in the field of civil engineering guidelines concerning actions to be taken on beaches and the environment. and the treatment of the coastal strip, or the study on the disposal and diffusion into the sea of brine from desalination plants. There was a considerable upsurge in the activities Madrid, 14 April 2008 of the Centro de Estudios Históricos de Obras Públi- Ángel C. Aparicio Mourelo cas y Urbanismo (CEHOPU) (CEDEX) in 2007, and among its most outstanding actions was mount- ing and showing the “Carlos Fernández Casado, En- gineer” Exhibition, which perpetuated a long tradi- tion of making the great figures from the civil engineering world more familiar to the general pub- lic. For the second year running, public works re- search subsidies were granted, a dozen projects be- ing selected, and the positive results yielded by both announcements, made it advisable to create a new collection of publications, entitled the “Cuadernos de Investigación CEHOPU” (CEHOPU Research Note- books), which publish the results of the most out- standing research work undertaken as part of the aforementioned aid programme. A second collection, “Documentos para la Historia de la Ingeniería” (Doc- uments for the History of Engineering) was also started in 2007. PRESENTATION 5 EL ORGANISMO status directorate and functions and organization The CEDEX is a Public Agency dependent upon the Ministry DIRECCIÓN GENERAL of Transport (Ministerio de Fomento), and from a func- tional perspective it is an- swerable either to the Min- SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL istry of Transport (Ministerio GABINETE TÉCNICO DE PROGRAMACIÓN TÉCNICA Y CIENTÍFICA de Fomento) or to the Min- istry of Environment (Minis- terio de Medio Ambiente); (Royal Decree 1136/2002, CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS HIDROGRÁFICOS dated 31st October and Royal Decree 591/2005, dated 20th May). CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DE PUERTOS Y COSTAS Its activities include provid- ing specialist technical assis- tance to the Ministries of Transport and Environment, CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DEL TRANSPORTE and being a public R&D&i ref- erence centre in the fields of the public works and the en- vironment, it makes available to society the technological CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DE TÉCNICAS APLICADAS breakthroughs achieved by dedicating part of its activity to the diffusion and transfer of knowledge. LABORATORIO CENTRAL DE ESTRUCTURAS Y MATERIALES The Agency likewise carries out other activities de- manded of it from the rest of LABORATORIO DE GEOTECNIA the public administrations or from the private sector, and collaborates closely with simi- lar institutions in other coun- tries, taking part in joint ap- CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS HISTÓRICOS DE OBRAS PÚBLICAS Y URBANISMO plied research projects. Also is present on the international scene within the framework of Spanish Cooperation for Development Assistance. 6 EL ORGANISMO governing bodies Consejo Presidente: Secretario de Estado de Infraestructuras y Planificación Vicepresidente: Secretario General para el Territorio y la Biodiversidad Vocales: Subsecretaria de Fomento Secretaria General de Infraestructuras Secretario General de Transportes Subsecretaria de Medio Ambiente Secretario General para la Prevención de la Contaminación y del Cambio Climático Director General de Carreteras Director General de Ferrocarriles Director General de la Marina Mercante Director General del CEDEX Director General del Agua Director General de Costas Director General para la Biodiversidad Director General de Calidad y Evaluación Ambiental Director General del Instituto Nacional de Meteorología Director General de Arquitectura y Política de Vivienda Presidente del Ente Público Puertos del Estado Presidente de una Confederación Hidrográfica (designado por la Ministra de Medio Ambiente) Representante del Comité de coordinación funcional de OO.AA. de Investigación y Experimentación Secretario: Subdirector General de Programación Técnica y Científica del CEDEX Comité de Dirección Presidente: Director General del CEDEX Vocales: Subdirector General de Programación Técnica y Científica del CEDEX Director del Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas Director del Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos Director del Centro de Estudios del Transporte Director
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