Gauteng State of Environment Report - 2011 © Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, 2011 ISBN 978-0-620-54565-5 Suggested Citation: Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (2011). Gauteng State of the Environment Report 2011. Gauteng Provincial Government Report was compiled and edited by Gillian Maree, Janet Loubser and Gerard van Weele Project Steering Committee: Independent review team Department of Environmental Affairs; Department of Water Affairs: Gauteng; Social: Aubrey Kekana (Gauteng Department of Economic Development), Felicity Kitchin Gauteng Department of Economic Development; South African Local Government (Gauteng City Region Observatory) and Anna Mampye (Department of Environmental Association; City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality; Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Affairs) Municipality; West Rand District Municipality; Merafong City Municipality; Mogale Land and agriculture: Garry Patterson (Agriculture Research Council) and Motlatjo Makaepea City Local Municipality; Chamber of Mines of South Africa; University of Pretoria; (Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development) University of the Witwatersrand; Endangered Wildlife Trust; Wildlife and Environ- Atmosphere: Rina Taviv (Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development) ment Society of South Africa. Water: Anet Muir (Department of Water Affairs) and Mogale Matseba (Department of Water Affairs) Biodiversity: Budu Manaka (SANBI) GDARD Project Manager Waste: Suzan Oelofse (CSIR), Zingisa Smale (Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Teboho Leku Development) Assisted by Shafick Hoossein Vulnerability: Anna Mampye (Department of Environmental Affairs) and Mercia Komen (Federation for a Sustainable Environment) SSI Project Team Governance: Mercia Komen (Federation for a Sustainable Environment) Project Manager: Gillian Maree Drivers of change: Gillian Maree For more information on this document please contact: Social: Janet Loubser, Phyllis Kalele and Gerard van Weele Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Land and agriculture: Gerard van Weele and Tasneem Collins Directorate: Environmental Planning and Impact Assessment Atmosphere: Lerato Khumalo and Stuart Thompson P.O. Box 8769, Johannesburg, 2000 Water: Charlotte Grobbelaar, Earl Herdien and Gillian Maree Tel: 011 355 1285 Biodiversity: Catherine Meyer, Luke Moore and Gillian Maree Website: http://www.gdard.gpg.gov.za Waste: Ntseketsi Lerotholi and Gerard van Weele Governance: Janet Loubser and Tasneem Collins GIS: Luke Moore Review: Raylene Watson, Toni Redman and Margot Ladouce Photo Credits: Gillian Maree, Stuart Thompson, Eben van Schalkwyk, Gerard van Weele, Charlotte Grobbelaar, City of Tshwane and Live4Design With contributions from Mercia Koman (Federation for a Sustainable Environ- ment) and Melinda Swift (GDARD) Graphic design and layout: Live4Design ([email protected]) Foreword by the MEC As the economic hub of the country and the continent In short, the SoER is an environmental census, documenting and home to 21,5 % of the country’s total population1, the the status quo of our environment. It measures our accomplishments Gauteng Province’s natural resources are under threat. They are and identifies challenges requiring priority attention. vulnerable to a variety of pressures as the province attempts to The Executive Council has adopted the Green Strategic Pro- provide needed development and socio-economic infrastruc- gramme that consolidates the province’s activities in response to ture to meet the demands of society. This has been exacerbated challenges posed by climate change, that is the need to transform by the previous unsustainable development practices and their the economy into a low-carbon economy and facilitate environmen- impacts including spatial organisation, mining and agricultural tally responsible development. The report helps us understand where activities. we are so that we tailor our programmes and responses to address The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa is widely immediate and long-term environmental challenges. acclaimed for making provision for environmental rights. It This report provides an updated account of the state of our has been argued that this makes South Africa one of only two environment, highlighting progress from the 2004 State of Environ- countries to give the environment such priority. Embedded in ment Report (SoER), and the accomplishments and challenges facing the Constitution is the need to protect the environment for government in pursuing the Sustainable Development agenda. the benefit of present and future generations by preventing Generally it appears that we still have work to do in order to meet pollution and ecological degradation, promoting conserva- the ideals expoused above. tion and securing ecologically sustainable development while I would like to thank the Gauteng stakeholders who have allowing for economic and social development. In addition, the assisted the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in South African government has adopted an outcomes approach compiling this detailed analysis of our unique environment. Most of to measure government’s performance on identified key areas. all, I hope that this report provides you with useful information about Amongst these outcome areas is the need to protect and environmental issues of importance in Gauteng and encourages enhance environmental assets and natural resources. Thus, the awareness and information sharing on environmental management State of the Environment Report (SoER) is a key instrument for and sustainable development for a more equitable future. tracking our efforts to protect the province’s environmental assets. MEC Nandi Mayathula-Khoza 1Statistics above from the South Africa Survey 2008/2009 published by the South African Institute of Race Relations. Foreword i List of Acronyms ABET Adult Basic Education Training GDACE Gauteng Department of Agriculture Conservation and OWMA Olifants Water Management Area AEL Atmospheric Emission License Environment O3 Ozone AGIS Agricultural Geographic Information System GDACEL Gauteng Department of Agriculture Conservation p.a. per annum AMD Acid Mine Drainage Environment and Land Affairs PAHs Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons AQMP Air Quality Management Plan GDARD Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Develop- Pb Lead AQO Air Quality Objective ment PLAAS Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies ARC Agricultural Research Council GDP Gross Domestic Product PM Particulate matter ARV Anti Retroviral GEDA Gauteng Economic Development Agency PMTC Prevention of Mother to Child ASGISA Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa GGP Gross Geographic Product PO₄ Phosphate BnM Basa njengo Magogo GIS Geographic Information System ppb Parts per billion C6H6 Benzene GOSP Gauteng Open Space Project QLFS Quarterly Labour Force Survey CBD Central Business District GPAES Gauteng protected area expansion strategy RDP Reconstruction and Development Programme CDE Centre for Development Enterprise GPG Gauteng Provincial Government RHP River Health Programme CH4 Methane GSDP Gauteng Spatial Development Perspective RQS Resource Quality Services CO Carbon monoxide GVA Gross Value Added RWQO Resource Water Quality Objectives CO2 Carbon dioxide GWIS Gauteng Waste Information System SA South Africa CoJ City of Johannesburg HCRW Health Care Risk Waste SAAQIS South African Air Quality Information System CoT City of Tshwane HSRC Human Sciences Research Council SADC Southern African Development Community CS Community Survey ICT Information and Communication Technology SADI South African Development Index CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research IDP Integrated Development Plan SAPIA South Africa Petroleum Industry Association CWM WMA Crocodile (West) Marico Water Management Area ILO International Labour Organization SD Sustainable Development DAFF Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, ISCW Institute for Soil, Climate and Water SDF Spatial Development Framework formally DoA IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature SDI Spatial Development Initiative DBE Department of Basic Education IWMP Integrated Waste Management Plan SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment DBSA Development Bank of Southern Africa JIPSA Joint Initiative for Priority Skills Acquisition SEED Sustainable Energy for Environment and Development DEA Department of Environmental Affairs, formally DEAT LTMS Long Term Mitigation Scenarios SERO Socio-Economic Review and Outlook DEAT Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism MDG Millennium Development Goal SO2 Sulphur dioxide DLARD Department of Land Affairs and Rural Development MLL Minimum Living Level SO₄ Sulphate DMR Department of Mineral Resources MR Mining Residue SoE State of Environment DMS Dissolved Major Salts MRAs Mine Residue Areas SoER State of Environment Report DOA Department of Agriculture MRF Material Recovery Facility StatsSA Statistics South Africa DOH Department of Health NCCRS National Climate Change Response Strategy TDS Total dissolved solids DPSIR Drivers-Pressures-State-Impact-Responses NEM:AQ National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 TSP Total Suspended Particulates DPW Department of Public Works of 2004 UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and DWA Department of Water Affairs, formally DWAF NEM:BA National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act Development DWAF Department of Water Affairs and Forestry 10 of 2004 UNDP United Nations Development Programme EC Electrical
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