Vol XXXI, No. 5 May, 1949 WE THE PEOPLES AND HUMAN RIGHTS Catherine chaefer SOME SOCIAL ASPECTS OF SOCIAL JUSTICE Rev. John F. ocik, O.S. AN INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE WORKSHOP FOR PRIESTS OLD AGE AND SURVIVORS INSURANCE A BISHOP TELLS THE MEN Holy Father Speaks In the Interest of the Holy Land A NATIONAL MONTHLY PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE Priee: 30e NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE "Over a manifold activitfl of the Zaitfl, carried on in varioua localitiea according TABLE OF CONTENTS lo the need• of the timea, ia placed the National OathoZic Welfare Oonference, an orpanization which aupiJ].iea a readfl and well-adapted inltrument for flour epiacopal muai1trt1."-Pope Pius XII. MAY, 1949 The National Catholic Welfare Conference was organized in Septt-mber, 1919. TheN. C. W. C. is a common agency acting under the authority of the bishops to promote the welfare of the Catholics of the country. PAGE It has for its incorporated purposes "unifying, coordinating and organizing the CathoJic people of the United States in works of education, social welfare, immigrant Our Common Catholic Interests..... 3 aid and other activities." WorkshoP for Priests-In Anticipa­ The Conference is conducted by an administrative board composed of ten arch­ tion. bishops and bishops aided by seven assistant bishops. Each department of the N. C. W. 0. is administered by an episcopal chairman. Through the general seer tary, chief executive officer of the onfet·ence, the re­ ports of the departments and information on the general work of the headquarters We the Peoples and Human Rights. 4 staff are sent regularly to the members of the administrative board. By Catherine Schaefer. The administrative bishops of the Conference report annually upon their work to the Holy See. Annually at the general meeting of the bishops, detailed reports are submitted by N.C.W.C. Speaks on Old Age and the administrative bishops of the Conference and authorization secured for the work Survivors Insurance . 6 of the coming year. No official action is taken by any N. C. W. 0. department without authorization of its episcopal chairman. Some Special Aspects of Social No official action is taken in the name of the whole Conference without authoriza- Justice . 7 tion and approval of the administrative board. It is not the policy of theN. C. W. C. to create new organizations. By Rev. Jolm F. Tocik, O.S.F.S. It helps, unifies, and leaves to their own fields those that already exist. It aims to defend and advance the welfare both of the Catholic Church and of our beloved Country. It seeks to inform the life of America of right fundamental principles of religion Month by Month with the N.C.W.C.. I 0 and morality. It is a central clearing house of information regarding activities of Catholic men and women. National Council Catholic Women . 12 N. C. W. C. is comprised of the following departments and bureaus: An lnternaiiottal Bridge-DiocesatJ EXECUTIVE--Bureaus maintained: Immigration, National Oenter Oonfraternit11 of Ohristian Doctrine, Information, Publications, BusineBI and Auditing, and OATH­ Councils Entertaitt National Presi­ OLIO ACTION, monthlv publication, N. C. W. 0. dmt-D.C.C.W. Convmtiom Fea­ YoUTH-Facilitates exchange of information regarding the philosophy, organization, and program-content of Catholic youth organizations; promotes the National ture W' omat~'s Role--On the Inter- Catholic Youth ouncil, the federating agency for all existing, approved Catholic 11ational Front-News Rozmd-up youth groups, contacts and evaluates national governmental and non-govern­ -With Our Nationals. mental youth organizations and youth servicing organizations. EDUCATION-Divisions: Statiatics and Information, Teacher Placement, Re1earoh Oatholic Education, Librartl Service, and Inter-American Oollaboration. National Council Catholic Men . .... 16 PRESs-Serves the Catholic press in the United States and abroad with regular new1, features, editorial and pictorial sertJicea. A Bishop Tells the Men-New Na­ SOOIAL ACTION--Covers the fields of Induatrial Relation~, International A6air1, Oivic tional Affiliates-From the Field­ Bducation, Social Welfare, Familt! Life, and Rural Life. Radio Schedule. LEGAL--Serves as a clearing house of information on federal, state and local legislation. LAY ORGANIZATIONS-Includes the National Council of Catholic Men and the National Council of Catholic Women, which maintain at N. 0. W. C. headquarters perma­ Holy Father Speaks in ihe Interest of nent representations in the interests of the Catholic laity. These councils function through some 8,000 affiliated societies-national, state, diocesan, district, local and the Holy Land . 18 parish ; also through units of the councils in many of the dioceses. Text of Encyclical Letter of April The N. C. 0. M. maintains at its national headquarters a Catholic Evidence 15, 1949-R.edemptoris Nostri. Bureau, sponsors three weekly nationwide radio programs-the Catholic Hour over the National BroadcastiJ!g Company's Network, and the Hour of Faith over the American Broadcasting Company's Network, and the Catholic program in the "Faith in Our Time" series on the Mutual Broadcasting System-and con­ Calendar of Scheduled Catholic ducts a Catholic Radio Bureau. The N. C. C. W. through its National Committee System maintains an adult Meetings and Events . ......... 19 education service, transmitti11g to its affiliates information and suggestions in all fields covered by the N. C. W. C., and conducting Institutes and Regional Con­ ferences for leadership training; it cooperates with War Relief Services­ N. C. W. C. in a continuing clothing project for children; from 1921 to 1947 it sponsored the National Catholic School of Social Service. CATHOLIC ACTION STUDY-Devoted to re earch and reports as to pronouncements methods, programs and achievements in the work of Catholic Action at home and abroad. The contents of CATHOLIC AcTION arc All that are helped may play their part in promoting the good work and in main­ L.ndexed in the Catholic Periodical Index. taining the common agency, the National Catholic Welfare Conference. CATHOLIC ACTION records monthly the work of the Conference and its affili­ ated organizations. It presents our common needs and opportunities. Its special article are helpful to every Catholic organization and individual. CATHOLIC ACTION published monthly by the National Catholic Welfare Conference. lbntered as second-class matter at tht> post office at Washington, D. C. under the Act of Mar('h 3, 1 79. All changes of n<ldres , renewals and snbs riv· tions should be sent direct to CATHOLIC ACTION, 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Washington ~.D. C. Publirntion, l!Jditorinl and B0ecutive Office8 8ub1cription Ratea $~.00 per year; $3.25 outside the Unitt>d 1312 M11 sachusetts Ave., N. W. St11tes. Make checks or postal money orders WASHINGTON 5, D. C. payable to CATHOLIC ACTION [ 21 CATHOLIC ACTION CATHOLIC ACTION Vol XXXI, No.5 May, 1949 ORTY-THREE priests, mostly diocesan The gathering also received greetings and con­ Fmoderators for Councils of Catholic Men and gratulations from His Eminence Giuseppe Cardi­ Women, or otherwise interested in lay organi­ nal Pizzardo, president of the Central Office of zation work, from thirty dioceses, gathered Catholic Action in Rome. in Washington, April19 to 22, for a ((Workshop" ((The initiative of organizing the workshop," for priest moderators. Most Rev. said Cardinal Pizzardo, (tis most certainly oppor­ Workshop Robert E. Lucey, episcopal chairman tune and will bring about a real advance in the for of the Department of Lay Organi­ Christian apostolate, already so flourishino- and pro­ Priests zations, N.C.W.C., sponsored the ductive of good in your noble nation. Workshop and addressed the priests ((Catholic Action," Cardinal Pizzardo contin­ at the :final session and later accompanied them ued, ubeing, according to the now historical defi­ to be received by His Excellency, the Apostolic nition, the cooperation of the laity in the hier­ Delegate to the United States. archial apostolate of the Church, while always No ((speeches" were made during the Workshop depending on the Bishops, is an activity especially proper, the sessions being conducted strictly on carried out by the Catholic laity, which works the discussion type of meeting. The program with real and genuine responsibility." (Pius XII was organized under four general heads: Tech­ in a letter to Cardinal Piazza, October, 1947) niques of Spiritual Motivation; Techniques of n ••• The (Spiritual Moderator' is rightly the soul, Assisting in Organizational Work of the Councils which gives life and vitality to the Catholic or­ of Men and Women; Techniques of Assisting in ganization with which he works; ... the forma­ Programming for the Councils; and Techniques tion indispensable for every apostolate is largely of Dealing with other Priests in regard to the his responsibility." Councils. ATHOLIC ACTION regrets that reports on The emphasis was placed entirely on problem­ several of the important meetings now tak­ solving rather than information-giving, and spe­ C ing place at N.C.W.C. headquarters, or at cific topics discussed were problems sent in or least under the sponsorship of various departments brought in by the moderators themselves. Some of the Conference, must be delayed until our June of the questions were: ((What are practical ways issue. Our readers may, therefore, to develop spiritual motivation in lay leaders?"; In expect next month accounts of the ((What has the National Council done (or intend Anticipation Spring Meeting of the N.C.W.C. to do) in furnishing material on the technique of Administrative Board and the ac­ Catholic Action?"; ((How does one find lay companying impressive ceremony of the blessing leaders?"; uwhat are the best plans for obtaining of the statue of Christ the Light of the World funds for operating the diocesan lay activities now adorning the facade of the N.C.W.C. head­ office?"; ((How can the Diocesan Councils place quarters building; the National Conference on more emphasis on civic and community action?"; Catholic Youth Work, sponsored by the N.C.W.C.
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