the exchange Newsletter of the College of Business at Oregon State University >> Spring 2003 COB Launches Entrepreneurship Program (continued from cover) Ilene Kleinsorge Named College of Business Dean “The entrepreneurship program at lene K. Kleinsorge, a College of Business resource for business education.” sity of Kansas in 1988. Before joining the OSU Weatherford Hall will be a resource for business faculty member since 1987, has been Kleinsorge most recently chaired the college’s faculty, she worked as an accountant and a fi- education,” said Ilene Kleinsorge, dean of the Inamed the new dean. Department of Accounting, Finance and Infor- nancial analyst in Kansas. “Ilene brings a reputation of high integrity College of Business. “By collaborating with other mation Management, as well as served on the OSU colleges such as Engineering, Pharmacy, and and commitment to the College of Business,” college’s executive committee, and is the winner Forestry, we’ll be providing a dynamic, diversi- said Sabah Randhawa, OSU interim provost of several OSU teaching awards. fied environment to spur innovation and entre- and executive vice president. “Her strong lead- preneurial learning among residents and will also ership and management skills will effectively She is a member of the American Institute provide professional programs for the community guide the college.” of Certified Public Accountants, the Institute at large.” As dean, Kleinsorge will serve as academic of Management Accountants, and the Ameri- Mark Green will lead the new entrepreneur- leader and CEO of the college. She will be re- can Accounting Association. Kleinsorge is also ship program. Green currently is the director of sponsible for strategic planning, management a reviewer for four professional business jour- the Austin Family Business Program and leader and development of the college, and manag- nals. on an international research project focused on ing a $6 million budget. entrepreneurship (see related story). Most of Kleinsorge’s teaching and research “Our goal is to help formalize the chaos of en- “With our strategic plan in motion, we’re has focused on cost and managerial accounting trepreneurship by providing entrepreneurs with at the beginning of an exciting time at the col- systems, with an emphasis on multinational com- lege,” said Kleinsorge. “In the coming months panies. She is researching how multinational cor- and years, you’ll see the college more visible porations are addressing the need to assure ethi- externally. From our Business and Technology cal behavior in business decision-making. Extension program starting in a few rural com- Kleinsorge graduated with honors in 1977 munities to our new entrepreneurship pro- from Emporia State University in Kansas and re- gram, we’re planning to be a cradle-to-grave ceived a doctorabe in business from the Univer- Ilene Kleinsorge, Sara Hart Kimball Dean of Business the business acumen to succeed,” said Green. million toward the $5 million goal to refurbish father was one of the original regents for whom “We’ve graduated many entrepreneurs from this Weatherford Hall and launch the Austin Entre- the wings of Weatherford Hall were named (that college and now we’ll have a focused program to preneurship Program. Once this goal is accom- later became the separate Hawley Hall). The encourage more innovativeness that we hope will plished, the College of Business will begin rais- OSU Student Foundation pledged $10,000 to have a long-term impact on Oregon’s economy.” ing $7 million to support entrepreneurship pro- name the sauna, a Weatherford original which will Although renovation of Weatherford Hall will gramming. be retained in the remodel. Several OSU legacy not be complete until the fall of 2004, the first class A total of 33 donors have pledged or paid at families have named rooms in honor of their par- of entrepreneurial students will enroll and begin least $5,000 over five years to name a room in ents and one alumna named her husband’s old coursework in fall 2003. Weatherford Hall. Bernie Newcomb, ’65, has dorm room as a birthday gift. In addition to residence hall rooms that will named the cyber café with a gift of $250,000; “In 20 years of fund raising, this is the most The Austins were honored at a public ceremony at The accommodate 285 students, the renovated Payson Cha, ’68, named the old living room in compelling project for which I’ve raised money,” Governor Hotel in Portland on Dec. 13, 2002. In Weatherford Hall will feature a cyber café, busi- honor of international students; and several do- said Lori Cloninger Sweeney, OSU Foundation addition to the Austin Entrepreneurship Program, the Austins have made major contributions toward other ness incubator spaces, a library, seminar rooms, nors have named lounges, terraces and the new COB development director. “It’s about student- OSU projects, including the College of Business Austin and apartments for visiting faculty and business dining/kitchen area. Larry Hawley Brown, ’58, centered entrepreneurship in a renovated OSU Family Business Program, the Austin Auditorium in leaders. made a $100,000 gift to name the Tower Library icon that will help propel the College of Business, the LaSells Stewart Center, the CH2M HILL Alumni st Center, the Valley Library renovation and more. To date, the College of Business has raised $4.7 for his great-grandfather’s family. Brown’s grand- OSU and the state into the 21 Century.” 1 LETTER FROM THE DEAN The College of Business is entering an exciting time. With a strategic plan in place to COB News Bytes ... COB News By broaden our external impact, as well as our student-centered focus, we are a resource for business education throughout Oregon. Through our strong undergraduate program, our growing MBA program, and our successful Austin Family Business Program, our hope is to touch our alumni and business community in ways that provide value in the context of the business issues of the day. tice and Defense, there is a steady and growing need for nearly 20 years. Most of his career has been in As you’ll see highlighted in this newsletter, we have embarked ambitiously on a variety of for computer forensics in Fortune 1000 firms, the College of Engineering, and he headed the programs that we will build and grow. We are in the early phase of the Austin Entrepre- Coakley said. Department of Industrial and Manufacturing En- neurship and Innovation Program and pilot testing Business and Information Technology “We are very excited about the potentials of this gineering from 1993-99. He became associate (BIT) Extension. While the entrepreneurship initiative will initially focus on undergradu- relationship with Oregon State University,” said dean of the college in 1999, and two years later Michael R. Anderson, NTI founder and CEO. ates, our hope is to extend those learning opportunities into the realm of professional was named vice provost for Academic Affairs. “Computer forensics has already played an impor- education throughout Oregon. With BIT Extension, we currently have faculty in Medford He is a chemical engineering graduate of the and Burns and are preparing a curriculum that will allow rural communities to take advan- tant role in the war on terror and we are currently working with others who are considering how com- University of Engineering and Technology in Pa- tage of new business and technology opportunities to develop and grow businesses. puter forensics may assist United Nations weapons kistan. Randhawa also has a master’s degree from Alumni have been instrumental in our success from volunteering time to speak in the inspectors in Iraq. However, credible training OSU and a doctorate from Arizona State Univer- classroom to donating to our many programs. Our upward trend, despite these tough sources are limited and OSU’s involvement will cer- sity—both in industrial engineering. economic times, would not be possible without you. Please join us to celebrate the contri- tainly strengthen these important homeland defense butions of our alumni and business partners at this year’s Alumni and Business Partner efforts by the United States.” Awards on April 24 in Portland. As we look ahead into 2003, we will continue to leverage partnerships with other col- leges to bring additional faculty into the college and create innovative programs such as Randhawa Named OSU’s the Master’s of Business and Engineering. In addition, college faculty will continue to partner with other colleges for joint research opportunities. Second in Command We’re on a roll and encourage you to find ways to leverage the College of Business. We Former College of Business interim dean want to partner with the community for internships, student projects, and job opportuni- Sabah Randhawa has been named Oregon State ties. Faculty are also interested in partnerships for research and consulting. We’re happy University interim provost and executive vice to speak at your organization on relevant business topics and explore ways we can help president, filling Tim White’s former position cre- your business. ated by the appointment of White as interim presi- We look forward to hearing from you and hope you’ll enjoy learning about the many dent. Randhawa War on Main Street: great things going on at the College of Business in this issue of The Exchange. had been vice pro- Spring Seminar Set vost for Academic — Ilene Kleinsorge Affairs since On the heels of its nationally acclaimed Enron January of 2001 as implosion seminar series last year, the College of well as interim Business will be hosting “War on Mainstreet: The Nancy King, COB assistant professor of manage- dean for the Col- Impact of Terrorism on Business & Society.” The OSU to Certify Computer ment. “Computer forensics is a new enough field lege of Business, seven-week evening seminar series, open to the that training sources are limited and most existing Forensics Training prior to his new training courses offer no outside certification or public, will discuss the business, economic, po- other assurances about the quality of their educa- appointment.
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