SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2016 / 2017 CONTENTS OUR COMPANY 3 Our company 14 Sustainable products 26 Employees burgbad AG is a leading manufactu- burgbad submits a declaration of rer of premium furniture and system conformity with the German Sustain- 4 For us, sustainability starts Innovation management Training and development solutions for the bathroom based in ability Code (DNK) and a progress right on our doorstep Bad Fredeburg. The company was report in compliance with the UN Concepts and designs Equal opportunity 8 Statement by the executive founded in 1946. At the time, its Global Compact. board 17 Breakdown of Health activities focused on the production raw materials of wooden construction kits and 9 Sustainability strategy Shared values shelves. burgbad quickly specialised 18 Responsibility in the in manufacturing bathroom furniture Action areas and goals supply chain 29 Code of conduct and was soon targeting the expan- 12 Action areas and goals 19 Emissions and 30 Social responsibility sion of its portfolio and expertise in consumption this direction. 24 Breakdown of waste dis The internationally operating posed of and recyclable company has three locations in waste Germany – Bad Fredeburg, Greding and Lauterbach-Allmenrod – which together make up burgbad GmbH, as well as a French subsidiary – burgbad France S.A.S – in Nogent- le-Roi. Since 2010, burgbad has been a wholly owned subsidiary of the Turkish Eczacibasi Holding. In 2017, a workforce of 722 staff was employed at burgbad’s locations, 610 of them in Germany and 112 in France. Cover photo: the River Lenne 2 www.burgbad.com www.burgbad.com 3 The HOCHSAUERLAND region For us, sustainability starts right on our doorstep Schmallenberg in the Hoch- Grafenberg forms part of Greding The Eure is one of the two rivers sauerland region, Grafen- in the district of Roth, Bavaria. The that give the French département of berg in the Franconian Jura, Anlauter runs across the plateau, Eure-et-Loir its name. burgbad has a Lauterbach-Allmenrod in the which is part of the Franconian Jura. facility in Nogent-le-Roi, where The FRANCONIAN JURA Vogelsberg Mountains and The stream starts from a small pond. we also produce bathroom furniture. Nogent-le-Roi in the Eure-et- Even though the Anlauter is just 29 The little French town is located on Loir département: the landsca- kilometres long, its water travels all the bank of the Eure, a tributary of pe around burgbad’s four the way to the Black Sea: near Kin- the Seine. Its water fl ows into the production facilities is literally ding, it fl ows into the Schwarzach, English Channel in Le Havre and streaming with good reasons which empties into the Altmühl a from there into the Atlantic. to think and act sustainably. little further on; via the Altmühltal Valley, the water of the Anlauter Join us on a little tour of the streams reaches the Danube at Kelheim, and rivers that give everyone at bur- from where it passes through half of gbad strong motives for focusing so Europe. much attention on the environment. Our mineral cast plant is located in Lauterbach-Allmenrod in the Our original factory in Schmal- German state of Hesse. It’s at this lenberg is located in the Hoch- facility that we produce burgbad’s sauerland region. Numerous rivers top-quality vanity tops. The town and streams have their source here, of Lauterbach is named after the including the Lenne, the Wenne, the River Lauter; it rises near the Sieben Henne, the Valme, the Elpe and the Ahorn in the middle of the Vogels- Leisse, to name but a few. The Lenne berg Mountains, and its valley is a runs through Schmallenberg itself; beautiful destination for hikers. In it rises in the Rothaar Mountains, Bad Salzschlirf, the Lauter joins the The EURE-et-Loir near the summit of the Kahler Asten. Altefeld to become the Schlitz, which département From there, the Lenne makes its way then fl ows into the Fulda. In Hanno- through the Sauerland. After 129.1 versch-Münden, the Fulda meets the kilometres, it fl ows into the Ruhr near Werra to become the Weser, which Hohensyburg Castle. The water from empties into the North Sea. the Lenne eventually fi nds its way into the North Sea via the Ruhr and Rhine. The river LAUTER 6 www.burgbad.com www.burgbad.com 7 STATEMENT BY THE SUSTAINABILITY EXECUTIVE BOARD STRATEGY Dear Reader, What’s more, burgbad’s furniture burgbad is a participant in the UN range has been awarded a Class A Global Compact, the world’s biggest ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE CON- DEMOGRAPHIC HEALTH ECONOMIC burgbad has been literally showered emissions rating. Customers can the- initiative for responsible corporate POLLUTION SERVATION CHANGE GLOBALISATION with awards over the last two years: refore rest assured that our products management. We are explicitly com- several prizes for design and inno- do not emit any harmful substances. mitted to implementing and promo- vation, accolades from architects ting the 10 principles of the Global and the media, customers’ favourite Parallel to this, we are also tackling Compact in the areas of human - Energy effi ciency - Materials effi ciency - Promotion of young - Product-related - Suppliers awards. I’m proud that our ideas for social issues. Together with 200 rights, labour, the environment and - CO2 emissions - Waste talent - Employees top-quality bathrooms are proving so other companies, burgbad has been anti-corruption. - Durability - HR development popular. part of the refugee support network A sincere thank you to all the staff, - Age-appropriate work “Us Together” since June 2016. partners and customers who are - Products for every I’m all the more delighted because, We took on fi ve interns who were accompanying us on this journey. age at the same time, burgbad has signi- forced to fl ee their own countries fi cantly improved its ecological and and retained three young men CLIMATE ACTION RESPONSIBLE QUALITY EDUCATION GOOD HEALTH DECENT WORK AND social standards. Since 2016, our from Guinea, Ethiopia and Syria in CONSUMPTION AND WELL-BEING ECONOMIC GROWTH AND PRODUCTION production activities have been cli- permanent positions. Our staff act as mate neutral – a major step that we mentors, providing support not just spent two years preparing for. We with regard to job-related aspects now purchase wood – our most im- but with lots of day-to-day matters portant raw material – entirely from as well. They deserve a very special sustainable sources, and our com- thank you. I am deeply convinced pany is PEFC-certifi ed. We require that internationality and diversity are Sustainability is part of burgbad’s In 2015, we defi ned customers, 1. Environmental pollution our suppliers to comply with a Code an asset – not just for our company culture. We know that we are not suppliers, employees, our parent of Conduct that makes respecting but for society as a whole. only responsible for our company, company Eczacibasi and other Climate change is a global challen- human rights, labour standards and but have the duty to harmonise our interested parties such as architects, ge – and one that burgbad wants to environmental protection a prerequi- business objectives with social con- potential employees and customers counter with active measures. We site for any business relationship. cerns as well. That’s why, for some and the general public as our most strive for climate-neutral producti- years now, we have been addres- important stakeholders. At the same on. To that end, we are working to sing the question of how we can time, we set ourselves measurable reduce energy use, cut CO2 emissi- measure the impact of our activities goals for many of our undertakings. ons and switch to renewable energy on the environment and society and sources. Unavoidable emissions are Kind regards, ensure that impact is positive. Action areas and goals offset. In order to take the right steps, it is In 2015, together with representati- General goal: KLIMAPAKT important to listen to people and ves of its key stakeholders, burgbad • Annual offsetting of unavoidable für die Möbelindustrie Climate Pact for the furniture industry Hersteller-Nr. / manufacturer-no. institutions outside our own company defi ned action areas in which our CO2 emissions based on the criteria K16-006 Prüfnummer / control number as well. That is why we sustain a company will make an active cont- of the German Quality Assurance 16-006-01 close dialogue with those who have ribution to sustainable development Association for Furniture (DGM) to an interest in our enterprise – our over the next few years. qualify for the DGM’s “Climate-Neut- Jörg Loew stakeholders. ral Furniture Manufacturer Scopes 1, Spokesman of the executive board 2, 3” label. Nach den Richtlinien für den Klimaschutz PARTNER VON der Deutschen Gütegemeinschaft Möbel • According to the guidelines for climate protection of the DGM • www.dgm-klimapakt.de 8 www.burgbad.com www.burgbad.com 9 Goals 2018: • Increase the share of PEFC-certi- Goal 2018: Goals 2018: SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive • Effi ciency and feasibility analysis fi ed wood for France to 90 percent. • Introduction of a standardised and • Development of a self-assessment and sustainable economic growth, of using scrap wood for heating at In Germany, maintain the 90 percent systematic personal development questionnaire and survey of both our full and productive employment and the location in France, similarly to already achieved. review for employees up to lower ma- 20 biggest suppliers and suppliers decent work for all. Germany. • Switch to buying PEFC/FSC-certi- nagement level across all locations. with products from Asia as the basis • Effi ciency and feasibility analysis fi ed cardboard. • Promotion of regular further for risk assessment in accordance SDG 12: Ensure sustainable of renewable energy sources for the training and continuing education for with the National Action Plan for consumption and production pat- Bad Fredeburg site: CHP and/or PV employees.
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