Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49110-5 — The Making of Empire in Bronze Age Anatolia Claudia Glatz Index More Information INDEX number in italics refers to table or figure; number in bold refers to footnote acculturation 16, 22, 129, 261 Anti-Taurus Acemhöyük 37, 60, 62, 90, 96 highlands 182 Adad-nirari I 180, 191 mountains 61, 85, 281 agricultural estate 76, 79, 93, 98, 117, 138, Aparru, governor of Kalasma 168 184 Apology of Hattusili 65–66, 131–32 AGRIG system 84–86, 93, 95, 106, 114, Arameans See Ahlamu 116 Arawanna 168–69 Ahlamu (Arameans) 181, 192 archive ‘Ain Dara relief-orthostats 279, 286 Alalakh 214 Akpınar (Sipylos) 160, 160, 167 Amarna 35 Alacahöyük central Anatolian 36 cult centre 78, 82, 203 Dur-Katlimmu 191 destruction 266 Emar 187, 220 funerary displays 57 Hattusa 35–36, 76, 166, 216, 241, 266 gate systems 183 Hema family, Emar 187, 221 Iron Age 276 Kültepe 60 Mesopotamian cylinder seal 292 Sapinuwa 87 Middle Hittite tablets 36 Sarissa 88 pre-firing potmarks 244 Tapikka 86, 132 relief 106, 108, 111, 111 Ugarit 215, 217–18, 226, 291 Alaksandu of Wilusa 40, 162 Westbau, Niş antepe 76, 159, 203–4, 209, 216, 218 Alalakh See Tell Atchana-Alalakh Zu-Ba‘la’s, Emar 187, 221, 224–26 Alasiya 40, 264, 290 Arinna Aleppo See Halab-Aleppo cult city 110–11, 113–14 Aliş ar Höyük 60, 93, 93, 106, See also Amkuwa; -Hebat 166 Ankuwa Mursili’s Prayer to 134 Altınova plain 179, 183–84, 259 sungod 110, 130 Amasya 137, 140, 145, 276 Ari-Sarruma, king of Isuwa 212 Amkuwa 93, See also Aliş ar Höyük; Ankuwa Armananis 280, 281 Amuq plain 257, 277–78 Arma-ziti, prince 197–99, 216 Amurru Arnuwanti’s stelae 281–83 polity of 191, 213, 218 Arslantepe See Melid/Malatya; Melizi/Melid Sausgamuwa of 182, 218 Arzawa 39, 40, 168, 172, 295 scribal traditions 218 Assyria tribute payment 39 Adad-nirari I 180, 191 AN.TAH.̮ ŠUM festival 109, 110, 111–12 allegiance with Mitanni 179–80 Anitta 61, 93 Ashurbanipal II 5 Anitta Text 61–62, 64–65, 67, 129 imperialist aspirations 175 Ankuwa 93, 111, 113, See also Aliş ar Höyük Middle 40, 186, 188–93, 231, 234, 281 Annals of Hattusili I 50, 64, 130 Neo- 16–17, 51, 153, 231, 298 Annals of Mursili II 39, 65, 134, 158, 168 Old 37, 61, 69, 93, 130, 177 Annals of Tudhaliya I/II 130–31 propaganda 5–6 363 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49110-5 — The Making of Empire in Bronze Age Anatolia Claudia Glatz Index More Information 364 INDEX Assyria (cont.) definition 203 raid 181–82 Gordion 208 relief carvings 5 Hattusa 202 Samsi-Adad I 60 Kaman-Kalehöyük 94 Shalmaneser I 181–82, 190 Kayalıpınar 90 Tukulti-Ninurta I 85, 181–82, 291 Korucutepe 211 Astata, Land of 180, 186, 191, 214, 221, See also Kültepe 57 Meskene-Emar Kurucutepe 212 Azzi people 140, 150 Kuş aklı-Sarissa 89 landgrant documents 206 Babylon 10, 37, 39, 63, 178 Maş at-Tapikka 86 beak-spouted jug 108, 108, 165, 252 Niş antepe 159 beer 25, 105, 115, 250 Norş untepe 212 BĒL MADGALTI 84–86, 132, 221 Ortakaraviran Höyük 208 Beycesultan 169, 208, 256 practice of sealing with 200 Bitik 82, 106 Şarhöyük-Dorylaion 208 Bogazköy-Hattusă See also Hattus; Niş antepe Soli Höyük 211 Anitta Text 61, 64, 67 Tarsus 209 archives 35–36, 76, 166, 240, 266 Tell Fray 188 Bronze Tablet 35, 170 Burunkaya relief 170, 294 bull vessels 107 bullae 202 Çadır Höyük 93, 274–76 Büyükkale 70, 72, 74, 115, 203, 254 calendar Büyükkale-Upper City viaduct 66 Emar’s new cultic 224–25 Büyükkaya 67, 74, 104, 146, 148, 268–72, 270, reproductive 109 272, 273–75 royal travel and performance 103, 302 clay labels 218 Canaanite jar 258–59, 292 feasting 252–54 Carchemish fortification 66, 71, 74, 76, 234 archival evidence 190 hall-type house 88 Assyrian merchants 191 KI.LAM festival 114–15 campaign of Hattusili I 177 landgrant document 76–78 Emar 221–22, 225, 227, 287 Late Helladic pottery 292 excavations 35, 213, 285–86 Lower City 69, 71, 74, 203, 252 Ini-Tesub I 191, 216, 294 miniature pottery 115, 248, 252, 254 Iron Age 277, 279, 285–86 monumental gates 72, 157, 170 Kuzi-Tesub 185, 192, 279, 281, 285 monumentalisation 32, 70–76 relationship with Ugarit 213, 215, 289 pottery workshop 72, 237, 266 Sarri-Kusuh 294 pre-firing potmarks 244 scribal and sealing traditions 216, 219, relief vase 106 226 signet rings 204 Suhis-Katuwas dynasty 285 silo 99, 104, 116, 138, 268 Suppiluliuma I 39, 213, 294 southern ponds 112 tablets issued by chancellery 206, 289 spoliation 266 Taki-Sarruma 200, 217 Südburg inscription 40, 64, 73, 157, 264, 281, 294 Talmi-Tesub 216, 224, 279 temples 74, 114, 150, 203, 249, 252 treaty with Mursili II 294 Upper City 70–72, 146, 156, 239 viceroy 179–80, 186, 221, 226, 279, 294 Yazılıkaya 76, 157, 163, 168, 252 cemetery borderlands definition 33 Gordıon 208, 255 bowls with inverted rims 250–52, 256–58, 260 Osmankayası 76 Boyabat-Kovuklukaya 141, 145–46 Royal Cemetery at Ur 200 Boyalı Höyük 82 Chief of the Borderguards See BĒL MADGALTI brewery 88, 250 Cide Archaeological Project 148 Bronze Tablet 35, 96, 120, 170, 206, 294–95 clay labels 217, 222 bull vessel 107–8 colonisation, agricultural 52, 81, 92, 98, 117, 130, bulla 190 Acemhöyük 60 copper mine 141, 182, 184 Carchemish 213, 279 Çorum Province 78 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49110-5 — The Making of Empire in Bronze Age Anatolia Claudia Glatz Index More Information INDEX 365 corvée services 81, 181, 221, 299 depicted on relief vases 79, 105–7 cult inventories 62, 113, 115 Great Festival for Telipinu 111–12 cult inventory text 115 KI.LAM 109, 112, 114–15, 286 cuneiform tablets LÚAGRIG, responsible for cult 84 Anatolian 200–5, 218 New Year 252 free-format 207, 222, 225 nuntarriyašhaš 109 Hittite at Ugarit 215 of Istar 89 hybridising 218 parties 99 issued by Carchemish chancellery 206, 216 purulli- 132 issued by Hattusa chancellery 215 royal 113 Syrian (Emar) 207 royal residance during 85 Syro-Anatolian (Syro-Hittite) 207 spring 89, 112–13, 295 Ugaritic 206, 216 texts 104, 112, 114, 247, 249–51 Cyprus 40, 254, 263–64, 290 travel 99, 109, 114 zukru- 225 Daesh See Islamic State (ISIS) Fıraktın höyük 165 Darende stele 282–83 Fıraktın relief 108, 164–66, 166, 284 Deeds of Suppiluliuma 49, 63, 131, 143 frontier governor (BĒL MADGALTI) 84–86, 132, deportation 63, 277, 290, 295, 297–98 221 Devrez river (valley) 83, 130, 134–35, 140 Devrez-Kızılırmak line 137–38, 144 GAL MEŠEDI 85, 91, 254 divine stone house of the dead’ See NA4hekur Gavur Kalesi 112, 154 monument Gordion See Yassıhöyük-Gordion Dumanlı Kale 135, 146, 149 Gözlu Kule-Tarsus 36, 209–11, 244, 245, 256–58 dunnu (lordly manors) 190, 192 Late Helladic pottery 258 Durmitta 113, 131 granary 47, 84–85 Gürün inscription 281 Ebla 177, 214, 285 Eflatun Pınar 112, 154 Halab-Aleppo Emar See Meskene-Emar Hittite prince 179, 213, 294 Emirgazi altars 170, 281 kingdom of Yamhad 177 Eskiyapar 78, 106, 203, 276 Mursili I 178 province 179 farmsteads 75–76, 79, 93 relationship with Carchemish 214 Fasıllar 154 relief-orthostats 279, 286 Fatmaören Höyügü˘ 81 vassal treaty 213 feasting See also festival viceregal seat 39 association with gate structures 286 Hamite relief 154, 164 Beycesultan 256 hamlet 58, 75, 79, 93, 184 commensal 19, 104, 109 Hanhana 79, 112–13, 130 communal 19, 114, 225 Hanigalbat 180–81, 190, 192 elite 19, 254 Hanyeri relief 162–64, 164 funerary 57 Hartapu 157, 170–73, 280, 294 iconography 262 Hatip relief 154, 170, 172, 294 Karahöyük 279–81 Hatti, Land of Kayalıpınar 253 border with Tarhuntassa 294 kit 253 Deeds of Suppiluliuma 63 Kuş aklı-Sarissa 88, 115, 251–53 eastern 83, 92, 132, 140 of the GAL MEŠEDI 254 gods of 225 pottery 20, 105, 247–55, 248, 255 Hittite hegemony 118 public 254 inscription of Suppiluliuma II 264 state-sponsored 19, 247 Lower Land 49, 96 tributary 114 man of the 49 festival Proclamation of Telipinu 50 AN.TAH.̮ ŠUM 109, 110, 111 Upper Land 49 autumn 113, 122, 295 Hattus See also Bogazköy-Hattusa˘ circuit 113 city of 64, 67, 70, 93 depicted on Alacahöyük relief 111 king 61, 67 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49110-5 — The Making of Empire in Bronze Age Anatolia Claudia Glatz Index More Information 366 INDEX Hattusa See Bogazköy-Hattusa˘ human skeletal remains 62 Hattusili I 38, 79, 93, 95, 176 Iron Age pottery 276 Hattusili III Late Bronze Age-Iron Age transition 276 Adad-nirari letter 191 provincial centre 203 and Puduhepa seal 188, 222 relief vase 106 cult inventories 113 Kanes kingdom 58–62, See also Kültepe-Kanes deportations 297 Karabel relief 154, 172, 172 Kadasman-Enlil of Babylon letter 181 Karadag˘ relief 170, 173, 294 king of northern borderlands 40, 294 Karahöyük stele 279–81, 281, 280 Kurunta of Tarhuntassa 294 Karahöyük-Elbistan 106, 276, 279 landscape monuments 162–68, 284 Karahöyük-Konya 37, 60, 62 peace treaty with Ramses II 37, 40 Karkamiš See Carchemish Tiliura Decree 133, 297 ka¯rum 59, 59, 60 Tukulti-Ninurta letter 291 Kasha 112 Hayasa people 140, 150 Kaska homogeneity See also standardisation border settlements 63–64 cultural 128, 196 conflict 83, 129, 133, 138, 143, 152 ideologically driven 239–41 -Hittite borderlands 42, 125, 128, 132, 134, 138 measure of 235 migration 130 of north-central Anatolian pottery 115, 247, 254 people 125–29, 133–50, 270–71 striving for 22, 228–30, 232, 304 prisoners of war 142 Hulaya River Land 95, 120, 170 socio-political organisation 134 Hurri and Seri (bulls of the Stormgod) 79, 107 Tiliura Decree 133 Hüseyindede See Yörüklü-Hüseyindede Tepesi treaty with Hittite state 133, 141, 143 huwaši-sanctuary
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