29898 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 23, 1975 go beyond the mandate of the legislation H. Res. 730. Resolution to amend the Rules than 3 days to a day certain are excluded in which they are designed to implement; joint~ of the House of Representatives to provide the computation of the 30-day period. ly to the Committees on the Judiciary, and that the Congressional Record shall contain "(2) (A) If, after the date a standard, rule, Rules. a verbatim account of remarks actually de­ regulation, or order is transmitted pursuant By Mr. ROONEY (for himself, Mr. livered on the floor, and for other purposes; to paragraph ( 1) to the Congress and the SKUBITZ, and Mr. DEVINE): to the Committee on Rules. committees referred to in such paragraph, H.R. 9802. A bill to improve the adequacy, both Houses of Congress pass a concurrent efficiency, and financial viability of the rail resolution (described in subpar-agraph (B)) system of the United States by reforming AMENDMENTS authorizing such standard, rule, regulation, the regulatory process under which such rail or order to take effect before the expira­ system operates, by providing long-term fi· Under clause 6 of rule XXIII, pro­ tion of the 30-day period applicable to it nancial assistance for such rail system, and posed amendments were submitted as under paragraph ( 1) , such standard, rule, by amending the Regional Rail Reorganiza­ follows: regulation, or order may take effect on the tion Act of 1973 to enhance and insure the H.R. 6844 date authorized by such concurrent resolu­ private enterprise character of the Consoli~ By Mr. BUTLER: tion (unless the Commission specifies a later dated Rail Corporation; jointly to the Com­ Page 31, insert after line 25, the following effective date). mittees on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, new section: "(B) The concurrent resolution referred Public Works and Transportation, and Ways to in subparagraph (A ) is a concurrent reso­ and Means. CONGRESSIONAL REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE AC­ TIONS OF THE COMMISSION lution the matter after the resolving clause By Mr. McFALL: of which reads as follows: "The Congress H.J. Res. 666. Joint resolution to provide SEc. 15. Section 27 of the Consumer Prod­ authorizes ------ · which was transmitted to for the recognition of Filipinos as a sig­ uct Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 2076) is amended by Congress on ----· 19--, to take effect on nificant minority group in the United States; adding at the end thereof the following new --------·"; the first blank space therein be­ jointly to the Committees on Post Office and subsection: ing filled with an identification of the stand­ Civil Service, and Education and Labor. "(1) (1) (A) The Commission shall transmit ard, rule, regulation, or order which is the By Mr. BELL (for himself, Mr. ADDABBO, to the Congress and the Commerce Commit­ subject of the resolution, the second blank Mr. BRODHEAD, Mr. D'AMouRs, Mr. tee of the Senate and the Interstate and For­ space being filled with the d·ate of transmital HOWARD, Mr. KEMP, Mr. LAGOMAR­ eign Commerce Committee of the House of of the standard, rule, regulation, or order, SINO, Mr. MCCOLLISTER, Mr. McDoN­ Representatives each consumer safety stand­ and the third blank space being filled with ALD of Georgia, Mr. MITCHELL of ard promulgated under this Act after the date the effective date being authorized by the New York, Mr. 0BERSTAR, Mrs. PETTIS, of the enactment of this subsection and each resol u tlon." Mr. RIEGLE, Mr. ROYBAL, Mr. RUSSO, rule, regulation, and order promulgated by H.R. 8841 Mr. SARASIN, Mr. SOLARZ, Mr. TRAX­ the Commission after such date pursuant to By Mr. KELLY: LER, Mr. TREEN, Mr. WALSH, and Mr. a specific authorization or requirement pre­ H.R. 8841, as amended, is amended as BoB WILSON): scribed by this Act, the Federal Hazardous H. Con. Res. 403. Concurrent resolution Substances Act, the Polson Prevention Pack­ follows: expressing the sense of Congress with respect aging Act of 1970, or the Flammable Fabrics (a) by striking everything after the words to the Baltic States; to the Committee on Act. If, during the first period of 30 calendar "is amended-", section 1, page 2, line 2, International Relations. days of continuous session of Congress after through page 3, line 11, and inserting in lieu By Mr. STARK: the date of its transmittal pursuant to the thereof the following: H. Con. Res. 404. Concurrent resolution preceding sentence, neither House passes a " ( 1) by inserting after the words, 'the en­ disapproving the proposed sale of certain de­ resolution stating that that House does not vironment, the Administrator' the words fense services to Saudi Arabia; to the Com­ approve such standard, rule, regulation, or 'with the concurrence of the Secretary of mittee on International Relations. order, such standard, rule, regulation, or or­ Agriculture'; and, By Mr. HUBBARD: der shall, except as provided under paragraph (2) by inserting after the words 'or classi­ H. Res. 729. Resolution to cancel the (2), be effective upon the expiration of such fication issued' in subparagraph (2) the Columbus day and Veterans Day recesses; to period or the effective date prescribed by the words 'by the Administrator with the con­ the Committee on Rules. Commission for such standard, rule, regula­ currence of the Secretary of Agriculture.'" By Mr. STEIGER of Wisconsin (for tion, or order, whichever is later. (b) by striking everything after the words himself, Mr. ECKHARDT, Mr. CLEVE~ "(B) For purposes of subparagr-aph (A) of "as amended," page 3, line 13, through page LAND, Mr. FRASER, Mr. FRENZEL, Ms. this paragraph- 5, line 10, and inserting in lieu thereof the KEYS, Mr. ERLENBORN, Mr. SISK, Mr. " (i) continuity of session is broken only following: "is amended by inserting after the BOLLING, Mr. FREY, Mr. BURGENER, by an adjournment of Congress sine die; and words 'the Administrator' the words 'with the Mr. McKINNEY, Mrs. ScHROEDER, and "(11) the days on which either House is not concurrence of the Secretary of Agricul­ Mr. McEWEN): · in session because of an adjournment of more ture.'" EXTEN.SIONS OF REMARKS HARBOR AREA CELEBRATES CUL­ to the Harbor area, and the articles have of articles spotlighting the international TURAL HERITAGE-II done an excellent job of presenting the composition of this area. contributions, and the problems, of some The final goal of most ethnic minorities is of the many nationalities which make to join the American mainstream. The mem­ HON. GLENN M. ANDERSON our district their home. OF CALIFORNIA bers of San Pedro and Wilmington's Filipino The following article deals with the community are doing this but their success IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Filipino community in the Harbor area. is causing unforeseen problems. Tuesday, September 23, 1975 Los Angeles has one of the largest Fili­ As members of the second and third gen­ pino populations in the United States, erations have become more Americanized a. Mr. ANDERSON of California. Mr. painful generation gap has developed be­ Speaker, one of the most unique aspects and these proud people have made many tween them and their parents and grand­ of the district I am proud to represent is positive contributions to our local heri­ parents. the remarkable diversity of cultural and tage. Their cultural background is rich Older Filipinos feel their children have be­ ethnic backgrounds displayed by the resi­ and colorful, and historically their native come so assimilated into American· culture they're in danger of completely forgetting dents of the Los Angeles Harbor area. land has had close ties with the United their Filipino heritage. On September 20-21, the community States: The senior members of the community also of San Pedro held an International Jubi­ THE MELTING POT-TWO feel powerless to reverse either of these proc­ lee at Peck Park in order to give recogni­ FILIPINO DESCENDENTS FORM VIABLE PART OF esses because of deep divisions, brought with tion to the various cultures that have HARBOR LIFE them from the islands, among the members contributed so much to the area. As a By Emanuel Parker of their own generation. part of that effort, the San Pedro News­ English is the lingua franca of the Philip­ Editor's note: We have long called our land pines and the third most popular language Pilot, a local newspaper, ran a serious of "the melting pot," but few communities behind Cebuano and Tagalog. Young Fili­ articles on the various ethnic groups. within the United States have remained such pinos in America grow up speaking English People from Eastern and Central Eu­ a. patchwork of different cultures and nation­ but must make an effort to learn their native rope, the Mediterranean, Asia, and al backgrounds and races as the San Pedro tongue. Mexico have all contributed their share and Harbor Area. This is another in a series The exact number of Filipinos in the Har- September .23, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 29899 bor Area is difficult to determine. Estimates ers, domestics and gardeners and 90 per cent of this, I would like to provide my col­ by members of the community range from of these were men. leagues with some independent informa­ 4,000 to 7,000 in Wilmington and San Pedro "They married late in life and didn't have tion contained in the Chase Manhattan with an equal or slightly larger number in the time or interest in improving things for Carson. their children. They thought about them­ Bank's monthly Petroleum Situation re­ Because of their scarcity, young Filipinos selves, not their kids." port. I feel the article clarifies the fi­ in the Harbor Area find it difficult to miX Mrs. Madolora said the blame for the gen­ nancial aspect of the petroleum industrY With one another and frequently admit eration or cultural gap lay with both parents today and may assist Members in their knowing few other Filipinos or to not being and children.
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