INTRODUCING CHILDREN’S FILM IN CHINA HOSTED BY THE NETHERLANDS FILM FUND IN COOPERATION WITH THE CHINA CHILDREN FILM ASSOCIATION (CCFA) MODERATOR MARLEEN SLOT (VIKING FILM) DIRECTOR OF CINEKID SANNETTE NAEYE FILM CONSULTANT AT THE NETHERLANDS FILM FUND MONIQUE RUINEN Monique Ruinen 莫妮卡﹒瑞宁 Consultant Feature Film 故事片顾问 荷 兰电影基金会 Netherlands Film Fund 阿姆斯特丹 儿童电影节 Amsterdam - Cinekid 2016 2016 Cinekid KEY FACTS OF THE NETHERLANDS荷兰的电影数据 256 cinema’s - 256家电影院 893 screens - 893张银幕 369 films released: 61 Dutch - 369部电影上映,61 部荷兰主流电影 majority films - 每年3300万观众,人均1.9次观影 - 总票房 2.757亿欧元 20.17亿人民币 33 million visitors / 1.9 cinema - 占荷兰电影市场18.7%份额 visits per year - 1840次电影节入围 € 275.7 million total box office ---44部荷兰故事片入围国际A类电影节 18.7 % Dutch film market share (2014) 1840 festival selections of which 44 Dutch feature films in int. A- film festivals (2014) SUCCESS DUTCH CHILDREN’S FILMS IN 10 YEARS 近十年荷兰电影的成功之处 - 98 NL children’s and family films made - 98部荷兰儿童/家庭电影 - 24% of all Dutch films made were - 24%荷兰电影是儿童电影 children’s films - 25%荷兰放映的电影是儿童电影 - 25% of all Dutch releases were children’s - 44% 放映人次为儿童电影观影 films - 20部荷兰电影中9部为儿童电影 - 44% of all cinema admissions for Dutch (2015年) children’s film - 9 children’s films in top 20 Dutch films (2015) PRIORITY FOR DUTCH CHILDREN AND FAMILY FILMS/ 荷兰儿童/家庭电影的优势 - strong industry since 1998, great box-- 从1998年以来形成强大产业,巨 office results, int. success 大的票房,国际性的成功 - specialists in the field (writers, - 专门领域的职业人(编剧、导演、 directors, producers, casting agents, 制片人、选角经纪人、教练) coaches etc) - 和电影工业所有方面都有联系 - dealing with all kind of subjects - 以电影基金规则为基准 - remain priority within the Film Fund’s- 特别关注艺术儿童电影、动画长 policy 片和国际合拍片完全 - special attention for artistic children’s films & feature length animated films & international coproductions COPRODUCTION BETWEEN CHINA & THE NETHERLANDS 中国和荷兰之间的合拍 -2015: Film treaty signed for the co- -2015:双方签订电影合拍协议 production of films -推进两国之间的合拍,加强文化经 -to enhance & facilitate co-productions 济交流 between both countries and develop -合拍片被两国都视为国产片 cultural and economic exchanges - 合拍片可以在两国融资 - co-produced films considered by both - 每位合拍制片人投资(演员、技术、 countries as national films - 道具)在10%至90%之间 - co-productions can access financing possibilities in both countries - performing, technical and craft contribution of each co-producer between > 10% and <90% of production costs COPRODUCTION TREATY CHINA & THE NETHERLANDS/中荷合拍协议 Rules (among others): - Applications handled by the China Film 除此之外的规则: Co-production Corporation and the -中国合拍电影公司和荷兰电影基金接 Netherlands Film Fund 受申请 - Applications in Chinese and/or Dutch -申请语言:中文和/或荷兰语和英文 and English 至少在开拍前30天申请 - At least 30 days before shooting begins -至少两位制片人签署合拍合同 Co-production contract signed by 2 co- -国际发行预计 producers -目标:在摄影棚的使用,后期工作的 - International distribution estimates 雇佣,摄制组人员,技术支持,编剧、 - Aim: balance in mutual contributions, 导演、领衔主演寻求双方共同合作 usage of studio’s and labs employment performing craft and tech personnel, particpation writer, director, lead cast THE NETHERLANDS FILM FUND 荷兰电影基金 National film agency offering development, production & distribution support to film productions and to activities such as training and festivals Relevant schemes for coproduction: - Selective production and distribution funding - Netherlands Film Production Incentive 30% cash rebate - Netherlands Film Commission 国家电影协会提供项目开发制作发行资助, 包括培训和电影节活动 和合拍相关的主题内容 - 选择性的制作和发行基金 - 荷兰电影制作机制30%现金返还 - 荷兰电影委员会 • English speaking professionals • A wide variety of astounding location • All locations within 2 hours from Amsterdam airport • Famous Dutch light • Strong and stable internet • No union limits FAQ 常见问题 • How do I find a Dutch coproducer? • 如何找到一位荷兰的 合拍制片人? • How to handle permits? • 如何获得许可证? • 合拍最大的支持是什么? • Maximum coproduction support? • 有多少现金返还? • Maximum cash rebate? [email protected] Thank you 荷兰电影基金 filmfund.nl filmcommission.nl HEAD OF EDUCATION EYE FLORINE WIEBENGA Film education in the Netherlands 电影教育在荷兰 Cinekid, 18 October 2016 Florine Wiebenga - Head of education at EYE 芙罗琳﹒ 维本嘉---荷兰视觉眼睛电影博物馆教育部主任 EYE • EYE manages the national film heritage. One of 荷兰眼睛电影博物馆主要负责电影遗产的保护。 the main tasks is to restore films from the 主要任务之一是修复电影,从早期到现在的电 pioneering days of cinema up until the present, 影,让人们能够看到修复的数码版本。EYE在国 and make them (digitally) available. Abroad, 外的机构称为眼睛电影国际,和荷兰电影基金会 一起,呈现荷兰电影。眼睛电影博物馆意在最广 EYE International is, together with the Film fund, 泛的观众中激发大家对电影的兴趣。 the face of Dutch film. EYE endeavors to stimulate a passion for film among the widest 眼睛电影博物馆在教育领域相当活跃。 possible audience. • EYE is very active in the field of education. film education aim 电影教育的目标 1. 联结过去、现在和未来; 2. 给每个人机会来发现电影的丰 富性(电影教育) 3. 鼓励人们发展自己:可以更好 的从批判、意识和创造性角度 1. connects past, present and future; 来认识视觉文化 2. gives everyone the opportunity to discover the richness of film (and film education); 3. encourage people to develop themselves so they can enjoy the visual culture on a critical, conscious and creative way. challenges 挑战 - film is not part of the official curriculum in the Netherlands • 电影不是荷兰官方教育课程的一部分 - teachers have not much time for extra curricular projects • 教师没有很多额外课程项目的时间 - teachers have little knowledge of the subject • 教师很少有相关专业知识 - schools don’t have (a huge) budget for culture, art and media • 学校在文化、艺术和媒介上没有(很大)预 - pupils are very divers in how they learn, their level in 算 knowledge about film, and social and cultural background • 学生们在电影、社会和文化背景上的学习 - privacy, piracy and copyright 能力差别很大 • 隐私、盗版和版权 opportunities Film is 电影是 艺术 技术 …art 娱乐 文化记录 …technique 宣传 …entertainment 历史 现实 …cultural document 未来 …propaganda …history …present …future Film is everything. Film is everywhere. learning strategies 学习的策略 Formal and informal learning activities 正式和非正式的学习活动 Interactive: combine watch, talk, do 交互式:观看、谈论、操作结合的学习过程学习 Circulation in learning: gradually & peer to peer 的循序渐进:逐渐&对等 Starting point: their experience, perception 起始点:基于他们的经验和认知 Who: talents / very motivated people Deepen, development 谁:人才/非常感兴趣的人 深入并且发展 专家 Who: interested people fun & deepen 谁:感兴趣的人 有趣并且深入 上路者 Who: everybody Low key, entertainment 谁:每个人 初识者 低感,娱乐 activities • Workshops 工作坊 • Interactive film 交互式电影放映 screenings 实验室 • Labs 社交平台和活动 • Blogs and events 旅行参观 小贴士和物料 • Tours • Tips and materials future wishes 展望 • 课程中的电影 - Film in the curriculum (how to give everyone the (从教育基础结构上给每个人相 same opportunities through education, on a 同的机会) structural basis) • 可持续性 - Sustainability (how to learn from successful (让每个自发者持续感兴趣) single initiatives, and how to keep them) • 对话主导的活动 - Dialogue driven activities (how to work dialogue (如何与学校、教师、专业人员和 driven with schools, teachers, professionals and 决策者合作) policymakers) • 包容性 - Inclusion (how to integrate everyone: young - (如何面对所有人:年轻-老年, old, male - female, people different 男-女,不同文化/ 社会/宗教背 cultural/social/religious backgrounds, disabled) 景的人,残疾人) 合作 co-act Consor 合作伙伴的共同体:电影节、 tium of partners: 基金会、电影院、老师、电影人 film festivals, foundations, theaters, teachers, • 分享知识和好的实践 • 发起活动和项目 film makers • 游说,扩大认知度,给予建议 - exchange knowledge and good practices • 积累协同效应和合作 - Initiate pilots and projects - lobby, enlarge awareness and give advice - stimulate synergy and collaboration questions? 欢迎提问 Florine Wiebenga [email protected] +31 6 1453 5757 CHINA CHILDREN’S FILM ASSOCIATION (CCFA) MR. LUO HUI 中国儿童 An Overview of the History of Children’s 电影简史 Film in China 罗辉 LUO Hui, 中国儿童少年电影学会 外事 Director of International Affairs, China 北京 博士生 Children’s Film Association 电影学院 PhD Candidate, Beijing Film Academy 英国索尔福德大学 访问学者 Visiting Scholar, University of Salford 中国儿童电影发展的 Some Features: The Historical Development of 历史特点: China’s Children’s Films (1)现实主义题材为主, (1) The importance of social 高度重视影片教育性。 issue-theme and educational ( )国家 propose is well-placed. 2 电影政策长期 (2) An important part of China’s 扶植,一直是国内电影 film production. Supported by 创作的重点。 national film policies. ( ) (3) Various genres, but few 3 类型多样,但儿童 adaptations of children’s 文学改编作品较少。 literature. (4)市场化程度不高, (4) Not market-oriented yet. Be 未形成“家庭片”市场。 short of family films. 早期中国儿童电影 Early Age of Children’s Films (1922-1949) 1922-1949 In total: 39 Children’s Films 共计23部儿童故事片 (Shorts Included) (含短片) 中国第一部影片 《定军山》(1905) 中国第一部儿童故事短片 《顽童》(1922) 中国第一部故事长片 《孤儿救祖记》(1923) 中国第一部儿童故事长片 First Chinese Film The Battle of Dingjunshan (1905) First Chinese Children’s Short Film A Naughty Child (Live-Action) (1922) First Chinese Feature The Story of an Orphan First Chinese Children’s (1923) Feature 孤儿主题影片 Orphan-Theme Films 《孤儿救祖记》 《迷途的羔羊》 《三毛流浪记》 (张石川,1923) (蔡楚生,1936) (赵明、严恭,1949) The Story of an Orphan Lost Lamb An Orphan in the Street (ZHANG Shichuan 1923) (CAI Chusheng, 1936) (ZHAO Ming & YAN Gong, 1949) 重要事件 Some Important Facts (1) In 1932, China Educational Film Association (1)1932年,中国教育电影协会 was founded. The importance of films for 成立。电影对儿童教育的重要性 children’s education was fully realized by the 成为社会共识。 public. (2) In 1933, Educational Film Production and (2)1933年,教育影片摄制推广 Promotion Committee was founded. Some 委员会成立。电影开始进入中小 primary and middle school students could watch 学。同年,荷兰对于儿童观众的 films in schools. In the same year, Dutch film policy on children’s audience were introduced to 电影政策被介绍到中国。 China. (3)1935年,在徐公美《谈儿童 (3) In 1935, the concept of “films for children” 电影》一文中,“儿童电影”概 was put forward in XU Guangmei’s article. 念首次提出。 国营电影制片厂时期(1949-1999) The Period of State-Run Film Studios (1949-1999) 时期 Period 故事片产量 Quantity of Feature Film Production 1949-1965 39 1966-1976 14 1977-1979 9 1980-1989 104 1990-1999 119 总计 Total 285 “十七年”的中国 New Age of Children’s Films 儿童电影(1949- 1949-1965 1965) In total: 39 Children’s Features 共计39部儿童故事片 校园题材:“好孩子”
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