Alberta's Industrial Heartland - Sturgeon County Land Ownership UV777 5 2 3 Æ 4 Ä 5 21 20 13 12 24 20 UV829 22 22 2 21 2 2 44 2 22 2 Æ Ä UV831 Rd Rd Rd Rd Rd Rd Rd Rd 651 651 28 644 Rd Rd Rd UV UV UV Æ e e Ä e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Æ 0 2 Ä Rg UV803 Rg Rg Rg Rg Rg Rg Rg 21 Rg Rg 38 Rg Æ 45 Ä r ve UV643 UV830 Ri Æ UV642 Ä Æ n Ä Æ l Ä wa 15 UV831 ai he 28 28A Tr ec UV777 UV825 Æ at Ä ia sk or Sa 37 ct h Twp Rd 570 Vi rt No Ä Æ Æ 38 Ä 779 830 1 ú UV UV 44 21 21 Æ Vinca Ä 16 TOTAL E&P Rd Bridge e e CANADA LTD. Rg Sturgeon County Heartland Highlights CP RAIL Alberta’s Industrial Heartland is Canada’s largest hydrocarbon 643 rail processing region and one of the world’s most attractive a T Twp Rd 564A ri locations for petrochemical, chemical, rail, oil refining and to ic V upgrading investment. With over $40 billion in investment to-date, the region’s 40+ world-class companies produce Twp Rd 564 essential high-value products and services. Sturgeon County is NUTRIEN LTD. a proud and founding member of Alberta’s Industrial Heartland ALTALINK Association (AIHA), a non-profit association of municipalities dedicated to sustainable eco-industrial development of this vital ATCO NORTH WEST Legend industry cluster. FORT HILLS Transportation Infrastructure ENERGY REDWATER CORP. HOLDINGS Heartland Boundary Situated northeast of the capital city of Alberta, Edmonton, the CORP. Local Road region’s geographic footprint is 582 square kilometres (225 square miles). Sturgeon County’s portion of the Heartland is Heavy Industrial Overlay Provincial Road roughly 100 square kilometres. Lands within our portion of the Heartland zoned I5 - Heavy Industrial District in the county’s Land EVONIK Use Bylaw (see page 131 of 195) allow for major industrial uses Rail as identified in the Sturgeon County Municipal Development 643 CN Right Of Way WOLF Plan and the Alberta’s Industrial Heartland Area Structure Plan. MIDSTREAM In July 2020, the Government of Alberta announced the SUNCOR Alberta Petrochemicals Incentive Program (APIP), a 10- PEMBINA year, multi-billion-dollar grant program to attract investment to ENERGY INC. PIPELINE Twp Rd 561 825 ALTALINK EVONIK PEMBINA PIPELINE CORP. petrochemical projects. This program, coupled with our area’s CORP access to petrochemical feedstock, world-leading carbon capture and storage infrastructure, robust transportation rail T INTER ia ATCO FORT HILLS ENERGY SUNCOR ENERGY INC. networks, and natural gas pipelines, is expected to attract $30 or ct PIPELINE billion in new petrochemical investments by 2030. Vi OFFGAS LTD CN RAIL INTER PIPELINE OFFGAS LTD. TOTAL E&P CANADA LTD. The Alberta Carbon Trunk Line (ACTL) is the world’s largest Twp Rd 560 integrated Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) CANDO RAIL system. The ACTL system captures industrial emissions and CP RAIL NUTRIEN LTD. WOLF MIDSTREAM Twp Rd delivers the CO2 to mature oil and gas reservoirs for use in 555A CN RAIL enhanced oil recovery and permanent storage. The ACTL can 55 transport up to 14.6 million tonnes of CO per year, representing p Rd 5 2 Tw CANDO RAIL NORTH WEST REDWATER ~20% of all current oil sands emissions, equalling the capture of Twp Rd 555 CO2 from more than 2.6 million cars. The ACTL system is owned To Sturgeon and operated by a consortium of companies with a commitment Industrial Park to shifting carbon management in Alberta. These companies (SIP) 021 include: Enhance Energy Inc, Wolf Midstream, North West Redwater Partnership (NWR) and Nutrien. Kilometres F The Provincial Title Mapping Digital Base 10TM Projecon,115 Degree Central Meridian, NAD 83 Datum Land Ownership derived from Land Titles. Spaal Data Warehouse Ltd. Sturgeon County 20120 All Rights Re served. Not to be copied in whole or in part. Disclaimer: Twp Rd 554 The inform ation on these maps is based on the most current information available to Sturgeon County Geographic Inform aon Systems. Sturgeon County does not warrant its accuracy or suitability for any particular purpose. The informaon on this map is not intended to replace engineering, financial or primary records re search. Document Path: G:\GIS_Files\Maps and MXDs\Business and Economic Acvity\Heartland\Heartland_Land_Ownership_2020.mxd Date: 2020-07-09 AlbeAlbertrta'a'ss InIndustdustririalal HeaHeartrtlalandnd -- SturgeonSturgeon CounCountyty InfrInfrasastructutructurere UV777777 5 5 1 4 3 2 0 5 1 3 4 Æ 5 0 Ä 4 3 Æ 0 Ä 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 22 1 13 12 2 829 20 2 829 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 UV 22 UV 2 21 22 2 4 22 4 22 22 2 44 2 d Ä Æ Æ d Ä d d d d d d d 831 d d UV83UV1 R Rd R R R R R R R R Rd R Rd Rd Rd R 6 2 6 Rd Rd Rd 8 Rd 51 651 44 Rd 651 651 28 644 Rd UV UV UV Æ UV Ä UV UV Æ e Ä e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e g 0 Ä Æ Æ g Ä 0 g g g g g g g g 2 g 1 2 R 803 Rg 803 R R R R R UV R Rg UV R R R 2 Rg Rg Rg R Rg Rg Rg Rg Rg 21 Rg 3838 Ä Æ Æ 4545Ä r ve UV646433 UV83UV8300 Rier Æ v 642 Ä Æ 642 Ä Æ i UV Ä Æ n Ä Æ R Ä Æ l Ä li wan UV838311 aia a 2828AA 1515 r ehew 777 2828 825 Tr T ecch UV777 UV82UV5 Ä Æ Æ a atte Ä riai ka oro ssk 3737 t SSaa ctic th TwTwpp RdRd 575700 ViV !!34 ortr 3 NoN 3838 Ä Æ Ä Æ Ä Æ Æ 779 Ä 830 1 779 83UV0 1 úú UV UV 1 44 44 2121 2 21 Ä Æ Æ Vinca Ä d Vinca R 1616 Rd BrBriidgedge e e e g R Rg StStururgegeonon CoCoununtyty HeHearartltlanandd InInfrfrasastrtrucuctuturere 1. Cando Rail & Terminals offers Industrial Switching and Material 646433 aill TTrrai Handling, Logistics, Terminal and Transload, Engineering, Track Twp Rd 564A iaa Twp Rd 564A rri oto and Railcar Storage services. Cando recently opened Phase 1 ct ici VV of the Cando Sturgeon Terminal. Phase 1 provides additional TwTwpp RdRd 565644 rail capacity to Alberta’s Industrial Heartland and utilizes a loop- track system to enable storage of up to 1900 railcars. Planning for Phase 2 is already underway. AlAltatalilinknk LLeeggenendd 2. Evonik Canada, a subsidiary of Evonik Industries AG of Essen SuSubsbstatatitionon Germany, operates a 90,000 tonnes/year Hydrogen Peroxide facility near Gibbons, AB. !!56 HHeeaarrttllaanndd BBounounddaarryy TrTransanspoportartatitionon InInfrfrastruastructctururee 3. Alberta Transport has completed a functional study and initial ATATCOCO Highway 38 (Vinca) SuSubsbstatatitionon design and engineering work on the !!45 HHeeaavvyy I Inndduussttrriiaall OOvveerrllaayy LoLocacall RoRoadad Bridge. The proposed replacement and upgrade of the existing bridge could support up to 200 tonnes, becoming a vital link in Alberta’s High-Load Corridor. !!23 CCNN RRiigghhtt OOff WWaayy PrProvovincialincial RoRoadad 664433 4. The North West Redwater (NWR) Sturgeon Refinery processes bitumen feedstock into high value, low carbon end products !!87 !1 SSuuncncoorr R Riigghhtt OOff W Wayay EExxtteennsiosionn RaRailil including 80,000 barrels per day of Ultra-Low-Sulphur-Diesel !!67 (ULSD), Low-Sulphur Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO) and Diluent. 5. The Nutrien Redwater Fertilizer Facility is one of the largest TwTwpp RdRd 556161 fertilizer complexes in North America, occupying 372 hectares 882255 PoPowewerlinrlinee ProjProjecectsts Water, Sanitary & Gas along the North Saskatchewan River. Nutrien Redwater directly lil employs over 500 people while producing 1.9 million tonnes of raia TrT a nitrogen-based nutrients annually. riai Water, Sanitary & Gas AlAltatalink:link: 50500k0kVV ACAC toro Existing Water Line ctic ViV 6. The Redwater Fractionation Site (RFS), operated by Pembina Existing Water Line Pipeline, is the largest natural gas fractionation complex in Existing Sanitary Line ATATCOCO:: 5500k00kVV ACAC Canada, and fourth largest in North America. RFS has 18 TwTwpp RdRd 565600 Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) salt storage caverns and an aggregate !!12 Existing Sanitary Line capacity of ~210,000 bpd. TwTwpp RdRd High Pressure Natural Gas Line ATATCOCO:: 5500k00kVV DCDC 55555A5A 7. Wolf Midstream owns and operates the Access Pipeline System 555 and Sturgeon Terminal facility. Diluent is stored at the Sturgeon ppRRdd555 High Pressure Natural Gas Line TTww Terminal where it is distributed by pipeline to connected facilities TwTwpp RdRd 555555 in northeastern Alberta or used in the blending process to meet ToTo StStururgegeonn downstream pipeline and crude oil specifications. InInduduststririalal PaParrkk (S(SIPIP)) 020 11 2 KiKilolomemetrtreses FF ThThee Pr Provovinincicalia lTi Ttlitele Ma Mappippnging Di Dgiigtaital lBa Basese 10 10TMTM Pr Projoecjecotion,n,115115 De Degrgreeee Ce Centntraral lMe Merirdiidanian, ,NA NADD 83 83 Da Datutumm La Landnd Ow Ownenersrshihpip de derirveivedd fr fromom La Landnd Ti Ttlitesles. Sp Spaatalia lDa Datata WaWarerehohoususee Lt Ltd.d. St Stururgegeonon Co Coununtyty 20 20121200 AlAll l RiRighghtsts Re Reseservrveded. NoNott toto be be co copipieded inin whwhololee or or in in papartrt.. Di Dsciscllaiameimer:r: TwTwpp RdRd 555544 ThThee ininfoformrmatatioionn onon th theseese mamapsps is is babasesedd on on th thee mo mostst cu currrrenentt ininfoformrmatatioionn av avaiailalablbele to to StStururgegeonon Co Coununtyty GeGeogograraphphicic In Infoformrmaatonion SySyststeemsms.
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